Sunday, June 2, 2013

Psalm 108 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 108 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

One day I was sitting reflecting on the goodness of God.
He has supplied every need according to His riches in glory.
His salvation is rich, full and free.  Nothing can compare to it.
No trinket, bobble, stone gem, gold bar or paintings of man.

As I reflected on the provision of God. and the salvation He brings.
I ask the question.  What was it that kept our precious Savior on the cross?
What what it as the writer states, "What were the cord's or Shackles?"
What bonds of love. what chains kept our Savior on the cross?

It certainly was not because He was friendless.
He has been with the Father and Holy Spirit eternally.
He was surround by the angels, they were ready to do His bidding.
There were disciples who were ready and did defend Him.

It certainly was not human weakness.
He was perfect in every way.  He was the perfect Son of God.
He was 100% God and 100% man, the perfect union of the human and divine.
He truly was God with a face.  You saw Him and the Father together.

No, the cords of cross, were cords of love, forgiveness and redemption.
It was our sins that kept \Him on the cross.  We could not save ourselves.
No deed, personal heroic act, sacrifice, amount of wealth or accomplishment
Could keep us from death, hell and the grave.  Only His death, burial and resurrection.

It was the cord of love that kept Him on that cross.
For God so love the world that He gave His best.
The eternal, unconditional, unrelenting, patient, powerful love of God.
Love that gives everything with no expectation of it being returned.

In the garden Jesus choose to resign Himself to the divine will.
The will of God was that mankind needed a redeemer.
A redeemer who was both man and God.  The God man.
Jesus was this person and to see God's will done.  He hung on that cross.

From the beginning of our Savior's ministry
His loyalty to the divine purpose was clear.
Nothing would keep Him from completing His purpose.
His destiny was clear from conception to death.

He would save mankind from our sins.
It was us who put Him on the cross.
But His was His love and resignation to God's will.
His loyalty to the divine purpose that kept Him there.

Rejoice, Give thanks, Praise His name forever.
With a voice of thanksgiving and a song of praise.
The author of our salvation, the finisher of our faith.
Has redeemed us and given us a great a marvelous salvation.


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