Thursday, June 27, 2013
The Good Shepherd
In John 10:1-10, Jesus says that He is the good shepherd and all who are His sheep will listen to His voice. Jesus today is calling people to Himself. He wants to become their good shepherd. Jesus tells His audience that the thief comes to rob, kill and destroy but He has come to give life abundantly. There is an old hymn that tells that in the Lord we have life more abundantly. To have abundant life means that you have the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the spirit, is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, patience, gentleness and self control. Wonderful qualities to display in life. Jesus as the good shepherd gave us the opportunity to live this abundant life. So whatever you need today you will find in Jesus Christ. He came to give you the life that God wishes for you today. In Christ you have all of heaven at your disposal. In Christ you have connection with divine life and the victory that it brings. Through this divine life you can impact your world for the Lord so today ask the Lord to impact your world and see how He can use you to bring all the fruit of the spirit which you have culitivated through prayer, Bible Study and corporate worship. Be His hand extended today for His praise and glory.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Jesus of Nazareth
In John 19:19, there is such a powerful statement. "Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews." Now we know that Pilate had that sign put up for the agitation of the Jews but it was such a powerful statement. Hanging on that cross between heaven and earth was Jesus of Nazareth, who was and is, the King of the Jews. Jesus had come for one purpose and that was to be the eternal sacrifice for mankind. He died that man might be free from their sins and be forgiven. Pilate may not have known that He was doing what God wanted him to do but no truer statement was made. Jesus of Nazareth is the King of of the Jews but also of all mankind. Paul said, that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. What a day that will be. When the sign put above Jesus' head will have a more universal application. Today many people believe so many lies but when a person knows the Son and they know that He came to set them free no greater reality becomes apparent. When Jesus Christ sets your free from your sin. When you have been forgiven and are given eternal and abundant life you want to share this truth with everyone who will hear. Paul did and He said in 1 Cor 11:23, "That which I have receive I pass unto you." There is no greater message and reality then salvation. Things are so abundantly clear to you. Jesus is the reason you live and the message of His redemption becomes your focus. So today live and promote the message of Jesus Christ. The apostles did and they reshaped their world. Tell this wonderful message to your family and friends and reshape yours for the glory of God.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The Problem with Riches
In Mark 10:23-27, Jesus addresses a problem many have today. Money has always been an ammoral thing. That means it has both a good and negative effect. For those who know how to use it and are not subject to it, money is a good thing. To those who love it and it is part of who they are it is a bad thing. Paul said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Jesus addresses a problem with those who are rich. They have a hard time entering in the Kingdom of God. The reason is clear. They love their riches. They love what it can do for them and who they can buy with it. When you have the finest things the last thing you want to think about is the fact that one day it will end. Another problem with riches is that they become your security. I have heard many people say over the years. "If I could win the lottery I would be set for life. I would have no more worries." This statement and the meaning behind it tells us that this person is trusting in riches rather than God. Riches and treasures on earth keep us from God. They stand between us and God. To truly be free of riches or money you must first realize that God is your source. Paul says, "My God shall supply all your riches in glory." Paul knew that God was his source. He knew that everything belongs to God and that we are just managers of it. When you place your trust in God to supply your needs you are opening an avenue of blessing. You trust God and He supplies. So today let go of your love for riches and trust God to supply. Do not be like the rich young ruler who walk away from Jesus because he did not want to give up His riches. Remember where your treasure is that is where your heart is. Your promises for today are: Josh 1:8, Psalm 1:2-3, 35:7, 84:11, 92:12, 122:6, Prov 8:21, 28:13, Isaiah 48:17, 55:11, 3 Jn 2.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Demon possessed man healed
June 22 – A Demon possessed by healed - Mark 9:14-29
we see Jesus coming off the mountain and having to deal immediately with a
demon possessed boy. His father had
brought the boy to Jesus’ disciples but they could not cast the demon out
because of the unbelief of the crowd.
Today we will look at four other lessons we can learn from this passage.
during this account reveals that He is going to die and be raised to life. This caused His disciples to be filled with
grief. This is because He had commented
that He would not be with them much longer.
The lessons they would learn would have to learn quickly.
had helped the father of the child when he cried out, “Lord help me in my
unbelief.” Doubt and unbelief can hinder
the work of God but if we are honest with the Lord He will help us overcome
reveals here as well that some demonic forces cannot be driven out except
through fasting and prayer. These are
keys to spiritual victory.
Jesus told His disciple that He was going to die and rise again it was hard for
them to grasp this truth. Even in
Galilee Jesus was paving the way for His disciples to know the extent and end
of His mission. God is so faithful in
preparing us for each step of our journey of life. Let us not allow unbelief or lack of faith
stop it. If necessary let us have
extended times of fasting and prayer to help us clearly discern God’s will for
our lives.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Eternal life
In John 17:3, Jesus stated, "And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent." Jesus put what eternal life was in a nutshell. Eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent. Life is broken down into one statement. To know God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There are many voices in this world that try and tell you what life is all about. The person who does finances will tell you it is all about accumulating wealth. The fitness guru will tell you it is about being healthy. The environmentalist will tell you it is about saving the planet and the social activist will tell you it is about saving the world. Jesus said it was about knowing who God is and what He is about. The will of God and eternal life are about knowing God. Jesus Christ is the avenue through which we come. The exciting thing about the Christian life is that you can spend this lifetime and eternity getting to know God. Jesus said, in John 10:10 that He came to give us life abundant. This wonderful eternal life has so many benefits. You learn how to love, walk in peace and truly get connected with God. So today make it you aim to get to know the Lord better. Spend some time in prayer, read the Bible and have an open heart. God wants you to know Him. He has plans, dreams and a destiny for you. He wants to show you how to love, accept and forgive others and the beautiful thing is, He is only a prayer away.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Sis things a godly father does
Six Things a Godly Father Does
1. To teach - Deut 6:7
2. To train - Pr 22:6
3. To provide for - 2 Cor 12:14
4. To nurture - Eph 6:4
5. To control - 1 Tim 3:4
6. To love - Titus 2:4
1. To teach - Deut 6:7
2. To train - Pr 22:6
3. To provide for - 2 Cor 12:14
4. To nurture - Eph 6:4
5. To control - 1 Tim 3:4
6. To love - Titus 2:4
Marriage. Women are more likely to get depressed about marriage because of unrealistic expectations, desired to be loved and most women think their man will change. Men are less depressed about marriage. When surveyed most men said they were glad someone was willing.
Your role as a dad
Role as a Dad
Your role as a Dad is t love, accept and forgive your family period. To be a Godly role model and mentor. To be a High Priest and Godly leader in your home. You lead by example. Your Role as a Father is to love and provide for your children the best that you can (period). Your role as a Father is to put the lives and happiness of your children above your own. When big decisions are to be made, you have to think about what is best for them. This can even come between accepting a promotion or not too. Will it take time away from what is important to them? It is a decision we made, before they were born. No matter how they were conceived, they are here because you initiated them to be, children are the true to life definition of responsibility for a man.
Your Role is to be around, to call when you are not, to play after work, to listen-then talk, and to just hold them and tell them you love them now and forever.Your Role as a Father has to be taken seriously, because someone’s life is at stake!
Your role as a Dad is t love, accept and forgive your family period. To be a Godly role model and mentor. To be a High Priest and Godly leader in your home. You lead by example. Your Role as a Father is to love and provide for your children the best that you can (period). Your role as a Father is to put the lives and happiness of your children above your own. When big decisions are to be made, you have to think about what is best for them. This can even come between accepting a promotion or not too. Will it take time away from what is important to them? It is a decision we made, before they were born. No matter how they were conceived, they are here because you initiated them to be, children are the true to life definition of responsibility for a man.
Your Role is to be around, to call when you are not, to play after work, to listen-then talk, and to just hold them and tell them you love them now and forever.Your Role as a Father has to be taken seriously, because someone’s life is at stake!
Why Jesus Came
In Matt 18:11, we have the statement that the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Here in lies the purpose for Jesus Christ coming. Jesus came to save the lost. Mankind could not save ourselves so we needed someone to save us. Sin is both a man made problem and an eternal problem so we needed someone who was both man and eternal. Jesus Christ as we talked about yesterday was the perfect union of God and man. He was God incarnate. God with a face. Jesus solved the problem of sin. He was both God and man. He was both man and eternal. When Jesus came His mission according this verse was to seek and save the lost. Jesus came so that mankind could have a relationship with God. Jesus was God's idea. Since the fall we have been trying to recapture our relationship with God. The means and method that we have been trying to do this is through good works. The thinking of all major religions is that if you follow their religious rules and regulations you will get to heaven. All major religions are about behavioral truth. Follow this behavior and you will get to heaven. Christianity is different because Jesus is God's answer to the separation problem caused by sin. Jesus knew we could not save ourselves so He came to die on the cross and become our sacrifice and substitute for sin. Jesus died in our place. He took upon Himself on the cross our sins. He came to seek and save those who were lost. That was each one of us. Jesus came to give you and I eternal and abundant life. Today I encourage you to be thankful and embrace the wonderful life you have been given through Jesus Christ. Live for Him and be part of what He is doing. He came to seek and save the lost. Do your part by telling someone today about Jesus Christ
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
God with Us
In John 1:14, John writes that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus Christ is an incredible person. He was the perfect union of God and man. He was 100% God and yet 100% man. He was God with a face. He was virgin born and this enabled Him to be the perfect sacrifice for sin. The writer of Hebrews puts it this way. Jesus in all ways was tempted like us but without sin. Jesus faced all the same problems and difficulties that we faced but He did not sin. Jesus faced His temptation in the wilderness with the devil with no thought of losing but only victory. He knew who He was and what He had come to do and this enabled Him to defeat the devil. The temptation is a model for us to follow when facing the devil. Use the word and refuse to give into the lies he uses. Jesus is the perfect role model for us to follow. If we live our lives like He did we will become the disciples God wishes us to be. Jesus' only goal was to do the will of the Father that should be ours as well. He walked in love, acceptance and forgiveness and that should be our desire. Jesus had extended prayer times to know the will of the Father we should as well. Jesus knew His purpose in life was to glorify the Father. Is this your aim in life? Today begin reading the gospels and examine the life of Christ very closely and there you will find the will of God for your life. Your promises today are: Matt 6:33, John 9:31, Rom 8:27, 12;1-2, Phil 2:13 and 1 Thess 5:16-18. Your Insightful Thought for today is: You can be aware of time and places and not be aware of where you are in life.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Paradox of Faith
In Matt 9:29, Jesus says, "According to your faith be it unto you." Faith is such a paradox, on one hand you can believe and all things are done unto you. Yet on the other hand lack of faith keeps you from the promises of God. Faith is more than closing your eyes and repeating I believe. It is a deep seated knowledge and belief that God will do everything He says He will do. Faith is a substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith in its simplest terms is trust. You trust God. You know that what He says He will do. Paul put it this way, "Every man may be a liar but the word of God is true." Faith says, "I believe you God and I put my complete and total trust in you." Faith is an act of the will and then it acts upon what it hears and knows. People of faith step out and do get things for God. Moses lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt by faith. Joshua lead Israel into Canaan by faith. David battled Goliath by faith. Peter walked out on the water by faith. Paul went around the world by faith. What needs to be conquered in your world. Today take a step of faith and win the battles you face by faith. Your promises today are: Matt 21:21, Rom 1:17, 10:8, 12:3, 1 Cor 2:5, Eph 2:8 Hen 10:23 and 11:1.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Watch and Pray
In Matt 26:41, Jesus gives a powerful statement about watching and praying or we could fall into temptation. The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We all have the desire to pray but so often the desire never translates into a habit or discipline to pray. I have yet to meet a Christian who says they pray to much. In most cases the opposite is true, they want to pray more. Recently in my own prayer life and times I want to pray more. There is something beautiful about heart felt and deep abiding prayer. Prayer is that communication time with God. It is a time of one on one communion with God. We speak to Him and He speaks to us. It is that time where we get to know and understand Him a little better. Recently in one of my prayer times I asked God to teach me to how to really pray. Up to this point I have wanted to get to know Him better but something inside which I know of course is the Hoy Spirit said, "You must go deeper." Jesus said, we need to watch and pray. This is the one thing that will keep us in the hour of temptation. When both hell and ourselves want to do our own will instead of God's. Prayer is the answer. Jesus has concluded here that our spirit is willing to go after God but our flesh is weak. It is our flesh that creates our biggest problem. We want to follow God, do His will, displays His thoughts, motives and actions but our own desires, will and plans get in the way. Jesus says watch and pray. In those times where our own desires run contrary to what God wants. Pray it through until God priorities are yours. Do not leave that place of prayer until you know what God wants. Pray with your bible open, read and pray until you know God's will for your life and this will protect you from temptation and your own will verses God. Jesus tells us how to do it, so let us do it for His praise and glory.
Friday, June 14, 2013
So you will not stumble
In John 16:1, Jesus said all the things He had taught were so that His disciples would not stumble. To stumble of course means to almost fall or be in a place where you aren't really upright and solid. To stumble means that you are not in a stable position. When you stumble often you need someone or something to help you up. In the Christian walk we often stumble. We may say, do and or think the wrong thing that causes us to stumble or even fall in our Christian walk. The words and teachings of Jesus Christ will help us to not stumble or fall. When one stumbles or fall it is a time of embarassment. You know that you are not walking as you should and you feel off balance. The teachings of Jesus help us from being that way. The commandments and teachings of Jesus Christ enables us to walk victoriously. They make us over comers instead of being overcome. Through Jesus Christ we are more than conquerors. In Christ we are victors not victims. Jesus during His lifetime showed His disciples how to remain close to the Father. His prayer life for example was an example of how to commune with God. Larry Lea, says that Jesus went from one place of prayer to another place of prayer and in between He did miracles. Would that not be a great way to live. Through the life of Christ we see absolute, love acceptance and forgiveness. All this combine with His words give us the material to not stumble or fall. So today apply Jesus' teachings, words and example in your life and walk in victory for His praise and glory. Your promises today are: Psalm 30:2, 34:10, 55:18, 103:3, 119:23, Isaiah 53:5, John 8:36, Rom 8:2, 32, 1 John 3:8 and 3 John 3. Your Insightful Saying is: A life is like a building with proper maintenance it will be kept sound and strong.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Binding and Loosening
In Matt 16:19, Jesus talks about the power of prayer. He tells His disciples that whatever they bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever they loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. What amazes me is the fact that many of us do not exercise that authority. Prayer is that time period of our lives where we talk to God and He talks to us. It is also that time where we exercise our spiritual authority. For example in Acts 16:31, it says not only shall we be saved but our household as well. In prayer we can claim our loved ones and bind the forces that are keeping them from salvation and we can ask the Holy Spirit to convict and convince our family members to be saved. We can also ask the angels to protect and minister on behalf of the Lord to our loved ones. Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we have in this area. We can ask the Lord for impact our world. In prayer we can quote the Word of God and do what Isaiah encourages those of His day to do. Remind God day and night of His promises. I have discovered that God acts upon His promises when we pray. So today claim your promises in prayer. Loose victory and freedom and bind darkness and slavery from your loved ones. Asked the Lord to help you make an impact in your world and He will. Your promises today are: Matt 16:18-19, Matt 18:18-20, Luke 10:9
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
In Him we trust.
In Matt 12:21, there is a statement made from Isaiah about Jesus. It says, "And in His name Gentiles will trust." Jesus has an amazing name. The name Jesus means, "He is salvation." The name of Jesus has always spark controversy. For those who are perishing it is the name in which they can be saved. For the religious it is a name that causes them to mock, malign and get confused. It is the name by which men get saved. It is in some circles a name that has been turned into a swear word, an I don't care word. Have you ever heard someone drop their books in a mud puddle by mistake and say, "Ah Budda or Krishna." Have you ever heard the name of Confucius used a cuss word at a construction site. When was the last time you saw a violent movie or T.V. show where they cursed someone in the name of Mohammed. Jesus Christ is a man who stands at the cross roads of human history and He has change the course of it. Matthew points out here that the gentiles will put their trust in His name. Thousands of people everyday are putting their trust in Jesus. The name that is above all names. Right now I am giving you the opportunity to put your trust in His name. You can in this moment have both eternal and abundant life. Don't reject Jesus, He is Savior and Lord. Make Him yours and live life everlasting. You can trust Him.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Love one another
In John 15:12, Jesus is in the upper room with His disciples and He is giving them last minute instructions before He goes to the cross and dies. He wants to make sure that they know exactly what He wants. The upper room is His final speech and appeal to not only His disciples but all disciples of all generations. Jesus says here that He is giving them a new commandment. This commandment will be the basis and foundation for all they do. He tells them and us that we are to love one another as He has loved us. This commandment is not a pie in the sky, moral acknowledgement. It is a practical application of God's truth in our lives. Jesus also said that this commandment will show that we are His disciples. Paul writes in 1 Cor 13:1-2 that love that is not lived out produces, receives and is of no real value. When you do not love with action every word you speak is hallow and lifeless. Love is the basis for faith and hope. Love is the foundation for true life. No person can truly live and function without love. God who is love wishes to live and flow through us. We are God's instruments of love in this world. We demonstrate what true love is. Jesus in the next verse says this is how you should love. Be willing to lay down your life if necessary for your friends. You need to view everyone in your world as a friend or as a potential friend. Jesus did and He impacted the world like no other person. Everywhere Jesus went people were aware that He loved them. It was love that motivated Jesus to heal, forgive and restore people. It was love that made Jesus die on the cross for the salvation of all mankind. Let love be your motivator and foundation of everything you do today. This commandment will change your life and those you come into contact with.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Hunger for Roighteousness
In Matt 5:6, Jesus said that whoever hungers and thirsts for righteousness shall be filled. Over the years I have found that this scripture is now become the exception and not the norm. Yes, there are many people who are thirsty and hungry but for the wrong things. Today is seems that many who call themselves Christians are hungry for money, things, fame, popularity and success. Their desire for righteousness is not as it should be. Yet something is also happening in the Spirit. There is a small remnant of Christians who are not satisfied with where they are or the present condition of the church of Jesus Christ. This small group is now calling out to God for a revival and for a move of the Spirit. They see the present condition of the church and this world and are saying something has got to change. One thing is true, the church is going through change. Liberal voices are beginning to carry the day in certain denominations but there is a counter revolution as well. There is a remnant who are saying, "We need God to move in our midst." Their voice is becoming stronger. Like the prophets of old they are saying, "God move in me, let me carry your message." Like Moses of old they are saying, "Lord if your presence does not go with me, I will not take one more step." The question I am asking you, "Is where are you." Have you become cold and indifferent or are you hungry, desperate for righteousness." If you hungry and thirsty then you will be filled. Today refuse to stay in a state of normality but hunger and thirst for righteousness. Desperately call out to God and say, "God I will not let you go until you will bless me," and He will.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Jesus is the Bread of Life
June 8 - Jesus
is the Bread of Life – John 6:22-7:1
had been giving some hard and difficult teaching to people. Up to this point He has been popular but His
audience cannot accept His teaching and they begin to leave Him.
If we
are not willing to die with Christ and partake of His suffering we will not
last to the end,
Spirit gives life and the flesh amounts to nothing. Jesus gives words that are spirit and life.
knows from the very beginning who will believe in Him and those who will betray
Him. No one can come to the Son unless
the Father brings them.
is no other place to go to get the words of eternal life except Jesus. Jesus is the Holy One of God.
even knew which one of the twelve would betray Him
Friday, June 7, 2013
Dad's advice
Dad, as you approach the time of the year where your family honors you as a Father remember the influence you have on them. Here are four things you want them to remember.
1. They are to be people of integrity. Honest, purity, and character are essential to life.
2. Teach them to love God and themmselves. This will help them to really impact their world for Christ later.
3. Show them faith by your role model. Show them how to read the bible, pray, the importance of church and sharing their faith by your example. Christianity is better caught then taught.
4. Love them unconditionally and never show favortism. Did you know that 85% of their self esteem comes how you treat the, So take these things to heart and have a great Father's Day.
1. They are to be people of integrity. Honest, purity, and character are essential to life.
2. Teach them to love God and themmselves. This will help them to really impact their world for Christ later.
3. Show them faith by your role model. Show them how to read the bible, pray, the importance of church and sharing their faith by your example. Christianity is better caught then taught.
4. Love them unconditionally and never show favortism. Did you know that 85% of their self esteem comes how you treat the, So take these things to heart and have a great Father's Day.
Old Testament points to Christ
I love the Old Testament because it points to Jesus Christ. For example Isaiah 53:5, states that He was wounded for our trangressions and He was bruised for our iniquities and that by His stripes we are healed. This same scripture is again quoted in 1 Pet 2:24. There are over 300 Old Testament scriptures that point to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the focal point of the Old Testament. Jesus is the theme of the Bible. He was there in the beginning and He is the last one who speaks at the end. Jesus is part of the Trinity and in Genesis 2 when the Lord said, "Let us make man in our image." Jesus was there. I love the Bible because Jesus is there through its pages and from cover to cover. The Old Tesatment saints were anticipating His coming and we are looking forward to His return. Each day that we live we are one day closer to the coming of the Lord. Each breath we take brings us one moment closer to His return. As with the Bible our lives should have Jesus as the theme of our life. He should be the central focus of all we think, say and do. Our priorities, plans and desires should be His. The will of God should be the top priority and focus of our day. Jesus should be what people should see when they look at us. Back in the 1970's, there was a song we used to sing that encouraged us to let the Lord be glorified in our lives. Jesus even said in John 17, that we should glorify God and in return He will glorify Himself through us. Today make Jesus the focus point of your life and let His character and essence be shown in your life today.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
What is in it for me?
In Matt 20:27-30, Peter asked Jesus some would say a really selfish question but one that is in the back of the mind of every believer. He said, "Jesus we have left everything to follow you, what is in this for me?' Jesus did not rebuke Peter He told him that when He came on His throne that Peter would be one of the men who would rule the nation of Israel and sit on a throne. A pretty sweet deal for a man who devoted three years of his life to Jesus. Jesus then goes on to say that anyone who leaves everything to follow Him including family and friends will receive a hundred fold in this life and the next. This blessing will be both eternal and abundant life. That means we have God's blessing on our lives and we will receive a hundred fold blessing now. Now I do want to make clear that this does mean these blessings are all material. Most in fact are spiritual. We have peace, joy, righteousness, forgiveness, mercy, grace and love. These intangible blessings are in themselves incredible gifts. The material blessings are just things that we use for His praise and glory. Jesus closes this passage by reminding people and us that in the Kingdom, the first will be last and the last will be first. Everything that we receive in this life and the next is for benefit of others and not ourselves. Greatness in the Kingdom is being the servant of all. Promotion in the Kingdom is becoming like a child and walking by faith. Peter said, "What is in for me?" Eternal and Abundant life. A great reward for a few years of service.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
The Trap of Riches
In Mark 10:17-31, This is the account of the rich young ruler. Here is a young man who as far as the world can see is one who has all his ducks in a row. He is rich, handsome and moral. He comes to Jesus and asks what he can do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him to follow the law to which he replies and tells Jesus he has done since he was a child. Then Jesus tells him to do one thing and that is to sell all he has and give it to the poor and follow Him. The young man goes away sad because He cannot give up His money. Such a sad story but one that is being repeating everyday. The gospel is being preached to wealthy people and they are rejecting it because of their wealth. Jesus said you cannot serve God and mammon. Paul said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Note I said the love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself. Money is ammoral, which means in itself it is neither good or bad. It is a thing but the motive behind it is evil. When you place anything before God that thing or person is an idol. It is where you go when you are in trouble. As a Christian I go to the Lord. He is my source, my life and future. He is master not wealth. Now not all wealthy people are controlled by wealth. There are many fine Christian people who are wealthy but the money does not control them. They control it and use it for the glory of God. Their wealth is a by product of God's blessing. They use it for His praise and glory. Peter told Jesus in this passage that they had given up everything to follow Him to which Jesus replied, "Yes and when you do that you will receive a hundredfold blessing in this life and the next." God's blessing is both spiritual and material. The beautiful thing it is God who gives for His glory.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
A servants attitude!
In Mark 9:35, Jesus explains that a child of God is to have a servant attitude. Paul stated that we are not our own we have been bought with a price. Jesus here had just found out that His disciples were disputing among themselves who was the greatest. Jesus brought a child before them and told them that if they wanted to be great in God's kingdom they had to become like a child. He also told them they had to become like a servant. A servant is one who works for another. In our case we are working for the Lord. A servant is one who does what they are told. They also do it with a joyous and humble attitude. A servant keeps their heart right so that when their master asks them to do something they work for the advancement of their master's cause. Again in our case we are promoting the Kingdom of God with righteousness, peace and joy. These concepts which I have explained today are very foreign to most people today. The other day I saw a Time magazine cover that showed a young woman playing on her phone with the caption, The "Me", generation. Today everyone seems to be more concerned about what they can get from life and who should serve them than how they can serve others. That is why the Kingdom of God is so different. we are serving the Lord. It is His will, plans and purposes that dominate our view of life. Today let Jesus be Lord and let His Kingdom be your top priority. This will lead to eternal and abundant life.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Jesus sends out the twelve
In Matt 10, we have the account of Jesus sending out the twelve with His authority. They were able to cast out demons in Jesus' name. He sent them out two by two that they would always have each other's back. They were told to take no provisions with them for their needs would be met by those who housed them. They went from town to town proclaiming the good news. They were to preach in the town and if the people of the town rejected them they were to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next town. This act of shaking the dust off their feet was a sign of God's judgment. They went and preached the gospel and many people believed. Demons were cast out. This was of course an assault on the Kingdom of satan. The laying on our hands was part of the ceremony of healing even when Jesus was alive. Jesus gives authority to His disciples over demonic spirits. Jesus healed the sick as a sign of victory for the gospel message. The disciples were sent to the lost sheep of Israel and their message was the Kingdom of God is near. They healed, cast out demons and as they received so they were to give. The worker is worthy of his hire. We are to bring peace when we come into a house. To the person who rejects a Christian they shall be judged because of this rejection. We must be wise as serpents and yet harmless as doves. We will be persecuted for Jesus but the Holy Spirit will help us to know what to say. People and families are fighting among themselves right until Jesus comes. All mankind will hate us because of Jesus. Never think the world will be your friend because they will not. All who stand firm to the end will be saved.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Psalm 110 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 110 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Lord why have I not seen your goodness to this point?
How did I miss the simplest of truths? Why did I miss your will?
My blindness and my pride have taken me away from you.
I allowed un-forgiveness in my heart to rob me of your sight.
I was aware that this could happen but instead I chose to hold on to my hurt.
Lord I aware that everyone gets hurt but I thought my pain was greater than others.
I forgot how the path of offense leads to hurt.
Hurt leads to un-forgiveness and then in time to bitterness.
Bitterness is fruit that no person should eat of.
It poisons the view of love and restoration,
It causes us to see from the vantage point of mistrust.
We see all those who be friend as possible betrayers.
We keep our love and trust guarded in a wall of pain.
We cannot let down our walls because we are not healed.
We cannot let those who could heal us in because of un-forgiveness.
Lord we cannot believe those who are created in your image to restore us.
Lord give me the courage to forgive.
To forgive as you have forgiven me.
Show me the path back to trusting you and others.
This un-forgiveness has kept me from you.
I say I trust you but I do not because in a way I blame you.
In my pain I said, "God how could you let this happen."
I did not see the path of immediate forgiveness.
When wrong, I need to forgive immediately and not allow hurt to remain.
From this day forward before I leave my time of prayer.
I choose that no matter what any does to me.
I will not do the same. I will forgive and not allow the hurt to dictate my course.
I will forgive as you have forgiven me. I will release this to you.
I will not nurse my hurt, or curse those who hurt me.
I will disburse this to you in prayer and reverse this.
Lord in this way I will be free and see that the path of forgiveness
Is the path that lead to health, wholeness and freedom in you.
Lord why have I not seen your goodness to this point?
How did I miss the simplest of truths? Why did I miss your will?
My blindness and my pride have taken me away from you.
I allowed un-forgiveness in my heart to rob me of your sight.
I was aware that this could happen but instead I chose to hold on to my hurt.
Lord I aware that everyone gets hurt but I thought my pain was greater than others.
I forgot how the path of offense leads to hurt.
Hurt leads to un-forgiveness and then in time to bitterness.
Bitterness is fruit that no person should eat of.
It poisons the view of love and restoration,
It causes us to see from the vantage point of mistrust.
We see all those who be friend as possible betrayers.
We keep our love and trust guarded in a wall of pain.
We cannot let down our walls because we are not healed.
We cannot let those who could heal us in because of un-forgiveness.
Lord we cannot believe those who are created in your image to restore us.
Lord give me the courage to forgive.
To forgive as you have forgiven me.
Show me the path back to trusting you and others.
This un-forgiveness has kept me from you.
I say I trust you but I do not because in a way I blame you.
In my pain I said, "God how could you let this happen."
I did not see the path of immediate forgiveness.
When wrong, I need to forgive immediately and not allow hurt to remain.
From this day forward before I leave my time of prayer.
I choose that no matter what any does to me.
I will not do the same. I will forgive and not allow the hurt to dictate my course.
I will forgive as you have forgiven me. I will release this to you.
I will not nurse my hurt, or curse those who hurt me.
I will disburse this to you in prayer and reverse this.
Lord in this way I will be free and see that the path of forgiveness
Is the path that lead to health, wholeness and freedom in you.
Psalm 109 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
Let us rejoice in His divine and holy purpose
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is wise beyond measure and His knowledge beyond comprehension.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is just for He sees all and knows all.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is faithful, He will never leave or forsake you.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He reaches out to all with love and tender mercy.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
In quiet and stillness you will hear His voice.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is patient and perseveres in His mercy.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
The Lord is gentle and deal with all with compassion.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He sets the captive free and liberates the broken hearted.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He saves all who call on Him and brings satisfaction to the soul.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is compassionate, gracious and merciful.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
His gentleness and humbleness liberates.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
With great long suffering God will deal with us.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He bears our burdens and carries all our sicknesses.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
His loves is forever and knows no bounds.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
Let us rejoice in His divine and holy purpose
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is wise beyond measure and His knowledge beyond comprehension.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is just for He sees all and knows all.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is faithful, He will never leave or forsake you.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He reaches out to all with love and tender mercy.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
In quiet and stillness you will hear His voice.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is patient and perseveres in His mercy.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
The Lord is gentle and deal with all with compassion.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He sets the captive free and liberates the broken hearted.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He saves all who call on Him and brings satisfaction to the soul.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He is compassionate, gracious and merciful.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
His gentleness and humbleness liberates.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
With great long suffering God will deal with us.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
He bears our burdens and carries all our sicknesses.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
His loves is forever and knows no bounds.
The Lord is good and His grace is forever.
Psalm 108 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 108 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
One day I was sitting reflecting on the goodness of God.
He has supplied every need according to His riches in glory.
His salvation is rich, full and free. Nothing can compare to it.
No trinket, bobble, stone gem, gold bar or paintings of man.
As I reflected on the provision of God. and the salvation He brings.
I ask the question. What was it that kept our precious Savior on the cross?
What what it as the writer states, "What were the cord's or Shackles?"
What bonds of love. what chains kept our Savior on the cross?
It certainly was not because He was friendless.
He has been with the Father and Holy Spirit eternally.
He was surround by the angels, they were ready to do His bidding.
There were disciples who were ready and did defend Him.
It certainly was not human weakness.
He was perfect in every way. He was the perfect Son of God.
He was 100% God and 100% man, the perfect union of the human and divine.
He truly was God with a face. You saw Him and the Father together.
No, the cords of cross, were cords of love, forgiveness and redemption.
It was our sins that kept \Him on the cross. We could not save ourselves.
No deed, personal heroic act, sacrifice, amount of wealth or accomplishment
Could keep us from death, hell and the grave. Only His death, burial and resurrection.
It was the cord of love that kept Him on that cross.
For God so love the world that He gave His best.
The eternal, unconditional, unrelenting, patient, powerful love of God.
Love that gives everything with no expectation of it being returned.
In the garden Jesus choose to resign Himself to the divine will.
The will of God was that mankind needed a redeemer.
A redeemer who was both man and God. The God man.
Jesus was this person and to see God's will done. He hung on that cross.
From the beginning of our Savior's ministry
His loyalty to the divine purpose was clear.
Nothing would keep Him from completing His purpose.
His destiny was clear from conception to death.
He would save mankind from our sins.
It was us who put Him on the cross.
But His was His love and resignation to God's will.
His loyalty to the divine purpose that kept Him there.
Rejoice, Give thanks, Praise His name forever.
With a voice of thanksgiving and a song of praise.
The author of our salvation, the finisher of our faith.
Has redeemed us and given us a great a marvelous salvation.
One day I was sitting reflecting on the goodness of God.
He has supplied every need according to His riches in glory.
His salvation is rich, full and free. Nothing can compare to it.
No trinket, bobble, stone gem, gold bar or paintings of man.
As I reflected on the provision of God. and the salvation He brings.
I ask the question. What was it that kept our precious Savior on the cross?
What what it as the writer states, "What were the cord's or Shackles?"
What bonds of love. what chains kept our Savior on the cross?
It certainly was not because He was friendless.
He has been with the Father and Holy Spirit eternally.
He was surround by the angels, they were ready to do His bidding.
There were disciples who were ready and did defend Him.
It certainly was not human weakness.
He was perfect in every way. He was the perfect Son of God.
He was 100% God and 100% man, the perfect union of the human and divine.
He truly was God with a face. You saw Him and the Father together.
No, the cords of cross, were cords of love, forgiveness and redemption.
It was our sins that kept \Him on the cross. We could not save ourselves.
No deed, personal heroic act, sacrifice, amount of wealth or accomplishment
Could keep us from death, hell and the grave. Only His death, burial and resurrection.
It was the cord of love that kept Him on that cross.
For God so love the world that He gave His best.
The eternal, unconditional, unrelenting, patient, powerful love of God.
Love that gives everything with no expectation of it being returned.
In the garden Jesus choose to resign Himself to the divine will.
The will of God was that mankind needed a redeemer.
A redeemer who was both man and God. The God man.
Jesus was this person and to see God's will done. He hung on that cross.
From the beginning of our Savior's ministry
His loyalty to the divine purpose was clear.
Nothing would keep Him from completing His purpose.
His destiny was clear from conception to death.
He would save mankind from our sins.
It was us who put Him on the cross.
But His was His love and resignation to God's will.
His loyalty to the divine purpose that kept Him there.
Rejoice, Give thanks, Praise His name forever.
With a voice of thanksgiving and a song of praise.
The author of our salvation, the finisher of our faith.
Has redeemed us and given us a great a marvelous salvation.
Psalm 107 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 107 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
There is nothing that compares to the Lord and His people.
Those that know Him can and will do exploits.
The people of God are His workmanship and a building of love.
Christ is the foundation and Cornerstone of the church.
We are His living body, each one essential to the growth of this body.
Christ is our head and we take our orders from Him.
We are His people and the flock of His pasture.
The Lord is our great shepherd we shall never be in need or want.
As His bride we are the beloved and blessed.
The Christ is our bridegroom and we are invited a special dinner.
The church is the Lord's treasured possession.
Nothing is as valuable, rare or beautiful as those who shine for the Lord.
As the branches of the vine each one will be supplied
With the riches and beauty of His grace and mercy.
Remember we are the temple of God, His personal habitation.
The Lord is our High Priest and through us He reveals salvation.
Gives thanks and rejoice in the Lord your maker.
Rejoice in God`s goodness for He shown you His salvation.
The Lord is gracious, merciful and loving to those who love Him.
So give thanks and celebrate that you have chosen Him as He has chosen you.
There is nothing that compares to the Lord and His people.
Those that know Him can and will do exploits.
The people of God are His workmanship and a building of love.
Christ is the foundation and Cornerstone of the church.
We are His living body, each one essential to the growth of this body.
Christ is our head and we take our orders from Him.
We are His people and the flock of His pasture.
The Lord is our great shepherd we shall never be in need or want.
As His bride we are the beloved and blessed.
The Christ is our bridegroom and we are invited a special dinner.
The church is the Lord's treasured possession.
Nothing is as valuable, rare or beautiful as those who shine for the Lord.
As the branches of the vine each one will be supplied
With the riches and beauty of His grace and mercy.
Remember we are the temple of God, His personal habitation.
The Lord is our High Priest and through us He reveals salvation.
Gives thanks and rejoice in the Lord your maker.
Rejoice in God`s goodness for He shown you His salvation.
The Lord is gracious, merciful and loving to those who love Him.
So give thanks and celebrate that you have chosen Him as He has chosen you.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Psalm 105 - Psalms of Steel
Psalm 105 - Psalms of Steel - Robert Dean Steel
This is a song of salvation.
It rises softly then it grows louder.
It comes from the heart who has been restored.
It is a sweet hymn of restoration and wholeness.
The Lord has brought His full salvation.
The heart, mind, soul body and spirit are free.
Once we were broken, wreck and ruin.
Life was vain, meaningless and without purpose.
Life a dog chasing his tail or a song bird without a voice.
We were chasing the folly of pride, pleasure and possessions.
Like a man who fails to see he is perishing.
We were heading to a lost eternity without God.
The Lord reached out His hand of mercy.
He lifted high His horn of salvation.
The clarion call of salvation was announced.
The Son has come with healing in His wings.
Kiss the son and live. Touch His hand of mercy and be healed.
See the salvation and victory of your God.
This is a song of salvation.
It rises softly then it grows louder.
It comes from the heart who has been restored.
It is a sweet hymn of restoration and wholeness.
The Lord has brought His full salvation.
The heart, mind, soul body and spirit are free.
Once we were broken, wreck and ruin.
Life was vain, meaningless and without purpose.
Life a dog chasing his tail or a song bird without a voice.
We were chasing the folly of pride, pleasure and possessions.
Like a man who fails to see he is perishing.
We were heading to a lost eternity without God.
The Lord reached out His hand of mercy.
He lifted high His horn of salvation.
The clarion call of salvation was announced.
The Son has come with healing in His wings.
Kiss the son and live. Touch His hand of mercy and be healed.
See the salvation and victory of your God.
Psalm 104 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalms of Steel - Psalm 104 - By Robert Dean Steel
Give thanks to the Lord and Praise His name.
The Lord is gracious and kind.
His mercy has been extended to all.
None have to perish, all can come.
The Lord is long in mercy and abundant in love.
There is a place of blessing waiting for all.
His message of salvation and redemption is universal.
All who hear and receive will see His goodness.
Sorrow is but for a moment but joy can last for eternity.
Never lose heart, God is your courage.
In Him you find, strength, assurance and stability.
When you come to the Lord your God.
Healing and love will flow into your innermost being.
You shall see every fear, worry and sorrow disappear.
The goodness of God shall be your heat.
The love of Christ shall be your crown of glory.
rejoice in the goodness of God. He is your salvation.
Give thanks to the Lord and Praise His name.
The Lord is gracious and kind.
His mercy has been extended to all.
None have to perish, all can come.
The Lord is long in mercy and abundant in love.
There is a place of blessing waiting for all.
His message of salvation and redemption is universal.
All who hear and receive will see His goodness.
Sorrow is but for a moment but joy can last for eternity.
Never lose heart, God is your courage.
In Him you find, strength, assurance and stability.
When you come to the Lord your God.
Healing and love will flow into your innermost being.
You shall see every fear, worry and sorrow disappear.
The goodness of God shall be your heat.
The love of Christ shall be your crown of glory.
rejoice in the goodness of God. He is your salvation.
Psalm 103 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
There are seven truths to reflect on today.
Seven words of spiritual success and life.
They are garlands adorning the neck of the wise.
Jewels to display in a life dedicated to God.
Learn them and life abundant is yours.
Forsake them to your peril and folly.
1. Love the Lord with all your heart soul, mind and strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
2. Do not neglect the Word of God, for it is food for the soul
and water for the heart.
3. Pray and communicate with God. Through it you will know your God and His will.
4. Go to God's house. It is here you and others discover and know your God.
5. Be obedient to the Lord. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Through you God's will and destiny is fulfilled.
6. Share you faith and testimony. It is your commission, destiny and purpose.
God's will is fulfill in and through you.
7. Walk in love acceptance and forgiveness. The love of God flows in and through you.
Let these principles be your testimony.
Let them be the sign post of your life.
Through them you will touch others for the Lord.
Teach them, model them and live them.
Other will see and glorify God because of you.
Psalm 102 _ Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
What is the purpose of man?
Is it the accumulation of wealth and the procreation of children?
Does it only mean security, significance and self worth?
Are these things the production of life or its by product?
Vanity, fame, popularity are empty promises
Seeking after pleasure, possessions and pride are empty vessels.
They lead to barrenness, sterility and famine.
To tell the wicked this is as useless as chasing the wind.
Their ears are closed and their eyes are shut.
They see but do not see, hear but do not hear.
They only believe what their five senses tell them to their peril.
They will miss the simplest of truths.
They will perish in their folly.
The will go to a lost eternity because of vanity.
My child incline your ear to the word of God.
Listen to its precepts, statutes and commandments.
In the Word is truth, liberty and life.
It is food for the soul and cleansing for the mind.
In its pages are the words of life.
You will never thirst or go hungry again.
You will live eternally and abundantly in them.
Is it the accumulation of wealth and the procreation of children?
Does it only mean security, significance and self worth?
Are these things the production of life or its by product?
Vanity, fame, popularity are empty promises
Seeking after pleasure, possessions and pride are empty vessels.
They lead to barrenness, sterility and famine.
To tell the wicked this is as useless as chasing the wind.
Their ears are closed and their eyes are shut.
They see but do not see, hear but do not hear.
They only believe what their five senses tell them to their peril.
They will miss the simplest of truths.
They will perish in their folly.
The will go to a lost eternity because of vanity.
My child incline your ear to the word of God.
Listen to its precepts, statutes and commandments.
In the Word is truth, liberty and life.
It is food for the soul and cleansing for the mind.
In its pages are the words of life.
You will never thirst or go hungry again.
You will live eternally and abundantly in them.
Psalm 101 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Early in the morning will I seek you Oh God.
I will meditate on your, mercy, grace and love.
It is during this time of day,
I set the course of my life.
How I need your priorities, plans and purposes.
To fully fulfill your dreams, destiny and will for my life.
My life is shallow, hollow and empty without you God.
A life is without purpose, boring and no direction.
Such is the testimony of the wicked.
They have no idea that they are walking in circles.
Endless boredom, selfish ambition and meaningless direction.
The wicked say, "I am bored." All is meaningless, vain, empty and foolish.
Lord I am so glad for your salvation and redemption.
I have eternal and abundant life.
I know where I am going and why.
Each day has purpose, direction and meaning.
There are people to love, accept and forgive.
To tell of you, to disciple and heal in your name.
Lord give me your power, strength and courage.
Let me never shrink or hold back for you.
Let each moment be a moment of eternity.
Let me live as the writer so succinctly put it.
"Living in the light of eternity."
Glorifying and giving you praise, each moment of this day.
I will meditate on your, mercy, grace and love.
It is during this time of day,
I set the course of my life.
How I need your priorities, plans and purposes.
To fully fulfill your dreams, destiny and will for my life.
My life is shallow, hollow and empty without you God.
A life is without purpose, boring and no direction.
Such is the testimony of the wicked.
They have no idea that they are walking in circles.
Endless boredom, selfish ambition and meaningless direction.
The wicked say, "I am bored." All is meaningless, vain, empty and foolish.
Lord I am so glad for your salvation and redemption.
I have eternal and abundant life.
I know where I am going and why.
Each day has purpose, direction and meaning.
There are people to love, accept and forgive.
To tell of you, to disciple and heal in your name.
Lord give me your power, strength and courage.
Let me never shrink or hold back for you.
Let each moment be a moment of eternity.
Let me live as the writer so succinctly put it.
"Living in the light of eternity."
Glorifying and giving you praise, each moment of this day.
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