Monday, November 26, 2012

Psalm 52 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 52 - Psalm of Steel

There is none like you Lord.
Your power, presence, eternality and immutability,
Are beyond all comprehension.
You know all things and nothing is hidden from your sight.
You created all things and nothing was created without you.
Your greatness, majesty and glory is displayed for all.
No human words or phrase can adequately describe you.

The sun, moon and stars declare your glory.
 The seas, oceans, rivers and lakes contain the life you give.
The air we breathe is because of you.
You breathed into the dust and man became a living soul.
Our inner and outer man demonstrates the life you give.
We do not exist apart from you. 
Lord you are worthy of all praise and glory because of this,

The biggest fool is the one who says there is no God.
He has blinded himself from all evidence.
You have shown your existence and glory everywhere.
The person that does not believe in you is the blindest of all.
They believe in the lies of men who say we evolved.
They worship the creature or creation instead of the Creator
Foolish men, promote foolish ideas, to foolish people.

Lord, open their eyes before it is too late.
Make mankind see before you judge the earth.
Be merciful and gracious do not judge us according to our deeds.
Open the heavens and pour out your promised Holy Spirit.
Answer the pleas of the righteous.
Heal all the folly of men and help us to be wise.
The wise know the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

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