Friday, November 30, 2012

Psalm 53 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 53 - Psalms of Steel

Oh the wonder of this thought.
How could you have made such a great creation?
Your glory and majesty are everywhere displayed.
All this you have made is marvelous and beyond wonder.
All creatures great and small are wonders of anatomy and biology.
From the Ameba to man, all glories of your creative power.

The greatest gift you have given is salvation through your Son.
You knew we could not save ourselves. 
Any acts of righteousness that we do are as filthy rags in your sight.
It is by grace and grace alone that you are saved.
Oh God, breakdown my immoral heart.
Let me see the full salvation your offer.

You forgive all our sins.
You heal all our diseases.
Lord you deliver us from all problems and trials.
You strengthen us when we are weak.
You lead us into all truth through your Holy Spirit.
You restore, reconcile and repair all things in our lives.
Lord you are the great burden bearer.

Oh God, Help me to never forget what you have done.
Let the song of salvation be on my lips.
Let the story of redemption be written in my heart.
Let my feet be swift to relay to others your great love.
May my hands be your hands of mercy and kindness.
May my life be acceptable in your sight, Oh God.

Being truly Thankful

In Philemon 3-4, Paul is a man who is not slack in giving compliments.  Today we are looking at the compliment that he gave to Philemon.  I wonder if he could give us the same compliment.  Paul is thankful and he makes mention about Philemon everyday in prayer.  He is thankful that Philemon is a man of faith and love.  He has both faith in God and his fellow believers.  Philemon can count on God.  Philemon knows he can also count on his fellow belieivers as well.  This is very important because when we get into trouble it is wonderful to have a support network of friends.  We need to support each other.  Philemon also has a great love for God and the saints.  He was a leader in the church and he was obedient to the cause of Christ.  This love for God and the cause of Christ was shown in many different ways.  Philemon was a man that could be counted on.  He was  man that showed his love and faith in many tangible ways.  I hope that it will be you wish to be like Philemon today.  A person of faith.  Your promises today are:  Psalm 5:12, 34:7, 46:1, Prov 2:8, John 8:36, Rom 8:37, 1 Thess 33:3 and Rev 12:11.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Peace comes to the heart who is ready to turn from war and pain and embraces love and forgiveness.  When you fight for what is right that which is wrong will be defeated.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Psalm 5 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 5 - Psalms of Steel

There is nothing compares to the place of prayer.
A time set aside for quiet reflection and rest.
It is here the Lord speaks and shows His ways.
In prayer we can express the inner thoughts of our heart.
In the closet of prayer, God`s will gains clarity.
In solitude the voice of God is clearly heard.

Come away and meet with your Lord.
In quietness and in serenity the Lord will restore you.
He will give you strength, healing and restoration.
You will see His glory and majesty.
No part of His will shall be hidden from you.
The Lord will guide you into His truth.

As you wait for the Lord, you will see His grace.
He will fill your heart with joy.
His peace will free your soul from worry.
The great love of the Lord will complete you.
His mercy will heal your shattered life.
The Lord will mend and restore all that has been broken.

Live Right and Die Right.

In Titus 3:1-2, Paul spends a large amount of time in his wiritings exhorting the saints to live right,  He does this  because we need to know what kind of life God wants us to live.  Here are some more of his exhortations this morning.  Beleivers are subject to rulers and authorities.  Paul talks about this subject in many of his letters.  This is important for the Christian to be a model citizen.  To be obedient.  Not only to the cause of Christ but also to the government.  The Christian should always be ready to do good for the cause of Christ.  This is Christianity in action.  A Christian is not to slander anyone.  It is our task to look for the good in people and to lift and build them up in the Lord.  We are not to be contentious.  It is the mission of the church to promote all that is good and that means we are not to be stubborn and cause trouble.  The Christian is to gentle.  This is extending a loving and kind hand to all who need it.  This means having a controlled disposition.  We are lastly to show consideration to all people.  This means that we are to realize that every person is created in the image of God.  That God loves that person and that we must show the same love and respect that He does for them.  Your promises today are:  Deut 31:6, Psalm 16:11, 25:9, 32:8, Prov 2:8, 3:5-6, 11:3, Isaiah 30:21 45:2, John 16:13 & Rev 3:8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Some of the greatest ugliness in history has been hidden in the guise of beauty.  Jesus said, He was the way, the problem is that most have not even started the trip.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Presenting the Virgin Birth

In Titus 2:11 Paul relates that Jesus Christ is the grace of God who has appered to all people.  Recently I finished a study and preaching assignment on the virgin birth.  The marvelous thing about the virgin birth and the humanity of Jesus Christ is the molding together of the human and the divine.  Dr. Gordon Franklin says, "Jesus was God with a face."  In the incarnation was the perfect molding of the two natures.  The nature of man and the nature of God in perfect unity and harmony.  It is a mystery.  Jesus appeared on the eerth to die for the sins of mankind because of the grace of God.  The word grace means underserved favor.  We did not get what we deserved.  We should have died but the love of God through Jesus Christ gave us another chance at eternal life.  Out of His grace God through Jesus Christ has brought salvation to all men.  This is something we should be thankful for today.  Your promises are:  Psalm 33:1, 50:23, 149:1, Isaiah 43:21, Phil 4:6, 1 Thess 5:18 and 1 Pet 2:9.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  When love and encouragement are shared, it returns in peace and prosperity.  Temptation is often clothed in beauty and sin is drapped in success.  The reality is both are ugly and deadly.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Psalm 3 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 3 - Psalms of Steel

Lord, help your people to realize this earth,
Is not their home, they are just passing through.
Each day is an opportunity to show others eternity.
Let you people see salvation as two things.
Life ever lasting and life abundantly.

Help us Oh God to open our eyes.
All mankind is living in the light of eternity.
Each life has significance and purpose.
Not to be wasted away in the pursuit of worldly things.
Riches, fame, power, popularity and beauty.  They pass away.

The wise know that those things unseen,
Are the things that are truly real and priceless.
Love, peace, joy, faith and salvation last for all time.
Foolish men think that this is the best. 
When there is so much more to life.

Help us to be wise and redeem our time.
To see each day as a time for you to love others through us.
Let us not waste our lives in the pursuit of the temporary.
Help us to see that what you offer will last for eternity.
To use our time, talents and resources for your glory.

Pure Before the Lord

In Titus 1:15-16, Paul is writing to his good friend and worker in the Lord about the difference bwteen the pure and the undefiled.  To the pure all things are pure.  They don't have the problems with things that those outside of God's unbrella of love have.  Those who are defiled have both their consciences and minds defiled.  They are living in unbelief and to them nothing is pure.  Some have even have the adacity to say they know Him but their lifetsyle shows the opposite.  When a person claims to be a Christian the lifestyle must go with it.  With God there is no such thing as a Sunday Christian.  When people claim one thing and live another it is destable to God.  These people are living in disobedience and they of no value to themselves or to God.  Let us make every effort to serve the Lord with our whole heart.  Let us have a liestyle that displays the work of Christ in our lives.  Let your walk line up with your talk.  Your promises today are:  James 4:7, 1 Pet 2:24, 1 John 4:4, Rev 12:11.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Saying the right thing. at the right time, for the right reason is like giving a starving child a piece of warm bread or a thirsty woman a cold drink.  When love and encouragement is shared, it returns in peace and tranquility.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Psalm 2 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 2 - Psalms of Steel

The Lord is a great and wonderful Savior.
He is the great Messiah, the Lord of all salvation.
As the Bread of Life, He will feed our soul and satisfy its needs.
The Lord is above all, everyone and everything is subject to Him.
He has authority over all creation.  All must bow down to Him.
Every thing is His creation and all will eventually submit to His will.

The Lord is eternal, He has always been and always will be.
He is the past, the present and the future.
He sees all things from the eternal future.
He sees us not as we are but what we shall become.
He is the door and through Him comes all the benefits,
Of this great salvation and abundant life.

The Lord is the Light of the World, in Him there is no darkness.
We no longer have to live in darkness.
The Light of Life gives light in the dark places of life.
The Lord is the Resurrection and the Life.
Through Him, the power of death, hell, the grave are broken.
He gives us resurrection power to destroy the works of the devil.

Through His death, burial and resurrection we have been raised to life,
We have life and it is abundant and full.
Let His children recognize their victory and life.
He has given us all these wonders and blessings.
We will lack nothing and have every need supplied
He is the Lord our provider and our victory.  Praise the Lord.

Psalm 52 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 52 - Psalm of Steel

There is none like you Lord.
Your power, presence, eternality and immutability,
Are beyond all comprehension.
You know all things and nothing is hidden from your sight.
You created all things and nothing was created without you.
Your greatness, majesty and glory is displayed for all.
No human words or phrase can adequately describe you.

The sun, moon and stars declare your glory.
 The seas, oceans, rivers and lakes contain the life you give.
The air we breathe is because of you.
You breathed into the dust and man became a living soul.
Our inner and outer man demonstrates the life you give.
We do not exist apart from you. 
Lord you are worthy of all praise and glory because of this,

The biggest fool is the one who says there is no God.
He has blinded himself from all evidence.
You have shown your existence and glory everywhere.
The person that does not believe in you is the blindest of all.
They believe in the lies of men who say we evolved.
They worship the creature or creation instead of the Creator
Foolish men, promote foolish ideas, to foolish people.

Lord, open their eyes before it is too late.
Make mankind see before you judge the earth.
Be merciful and gracious do not judge us according to our deeds.
Open the heavens and pour out your promised Holy Spirit.
Answer the pleas of the righteous.
Heal all the folly of men and help us to be wise.
The wise know the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Preach the Word

In 2 Tim 4:2, Paul gives the young Timothy a strong exhortation.  We can also take this exhortation to heart.  We are to preach the word.  When Jesus was facing the devil in the wilderness, what was it that He used to rebuke and defeat the devil?  It was the Word of God.  It was the Word that changed the lives of the people of the Book of Acts.  It is the word that is the final authority of faith and practice.  It is the word that we must preach, for it has the power to change and reform society.  It is the word that will set the world, the flesh and the devil to flight.  Paul says, as men and women of God we are to be ready in season and at all times to give the word.  We should be ready to rebuke and reprove if necessary.  We should be ready to exhort which means to build up with all patience.  We are giving instructions to the believers.  This instruction must be with the patience of God for sometimes the application of the word in someone's life takes longer than we would like to see happen.  Your promises today are:  Heb 4:12, Matt 11:28, Matt 16:18-20, 28:19-10, Mark 16:15-17 and 1 John 4:7-8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  True communication is first learning to listen, then learning to think and lastly learning to talk at the right time.  A fool loves to hear the sound of their own voice when every else does not. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Psalm 1 of the Psalms f Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 1 - Psalms of Steel

Once I was young and now I am older.
How the years have flown by.
When I was young, the dreams I had.
The hopes, plans, goals and achievements.
I was going places, doing things and becoming someone.
No one was going to be like me.
The world was my platform and oyster.

Now that I am older, I reflect on what I have done.
Did I change my world and touch all I could.
Were all my dreams, ambitions, goals and plans done.
Did I accomplish all I thought I would.
The answer is "no."  Somehow things got lost in life.
The urgent and crisis became more important,
Than the intangibles such as love, peace and joy.

I compromised, sold out, got derailed and got sidetracked.
The things of real importance became secondary to making a living.
Life is more than possessions, paychecks and pleasure.
It is about touching others for God and making a difference in them.
It is about loving God and loving others made in His image.
Fulfilling the great commission and giving eternity to others.
Becoming like Jesus Christ and conforming to His image.

Is this the end or the beginning?
The one thing a person must remember,
The Lord's will must be done first.
It is His plans, purpose, goals and dreams that must come first.
Then spouses, children, family and friends.
These are the real values and treasures.
Love your spouse, care an love your children.
Invest in your family, loved ones and friends.

This is the conclusion of a preacher.
Money, fame, popularity and material possessions.
They have limited value.  Keep them at arms length.
Real value is found in the people you love.
True treasure is found in the will of God.
Never lose focus on love, acceptance and forgiveness.
This is the conclusion of an older man now.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Psalm 51 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 51 - Psalms of Steel

O God, today guide me on your mission.
Do not let me look to the right or the left.
Never let my vision be to small.
Help me not let some one else’s vision drive me.
Let your commandments, statutes and love guide my heart.
Let me show others your ways so all can know you.
Lord your word must be on my heart.
Let me not lose my way in the confusion and noise of life.

Do not let me perish but give me your vision.
Let me see the invisible and do the impossible.
Saturate me with your love so it will overflow to others.
Holy Spirit, anoint, empower and envelope your love around me.
Let your word guide me into the path of righteousness.
May each time of prayer set my direction for that day.
Show me your ways and lead me to a place of rest.
Where your plans and destiny can be fully developed.

Lord it is your vision, I need in all things.
Let me see what you see and know what you know.
It is through purity and separation from sin
I will discern your will and plans for my life.
Through your Spirit I will have your thoughts and more.
Lord, keep me from the accuser and his deceit.
Lord, help me when temptation comes to be strong.
I do not want to lose your vision or view of life.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A sound Mind

In 2 Tim 1:7, Paul explains how to overcome fear.  This verse is by far one of my favorite verses.  When I am afraid I like to turn to this portion of scripture.  It is so comforting to know that when things are tough we can overcome and have nothing to be afraid about.  One time George Mueller was praying and one of his workers came in to tell him that there was no food for the evening meal.  George did not panic, he simply asked God to supply the need and went to the main hall for dinner.  When he arrived he sat down to eat.  There was a knock on the back door and a man came in and supplied the evening meal for all who were in the hall.  We need not fear but just love God.  God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.  These are qualities from the spirit led and spirit controlled life.  We have love for people who we would not ordinarily have.  There is power that comes from the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said that we are to tarry until we are endured with power from on high.  Let us tarry today until we have been endued with that power.  The Holy Spirit comes with a life of self control.  We should not be led by the things we use to be led by.  We must allow the Holy Spirit to be the guiding person in our lives for the glory of God.  Your promises are: Zech 4:6, Acts 1:8, Rom 12:1-2, 1 Cor 6:19-20, Heb 11:1 & 6 and 1 John 4:7-8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Prayer is like a photograph.  Things become real clear as the picture develops.  Asking a fool to bridle their tongue is like trying to stop a flood with a screen door.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Call of Matthew

Matthew is Called: (Matt 9:9-13, Mark 2:13-17, Luke 5:27-32

             As Jesus walking down by the Sea of Galilee, He saw a man named Matthew or Levi sitting in his office or tax booth.  He saw Matthew and asked Him to follow Him.  Matthew did right away and that night he had a meal prepared for Jesus and His disciples.
Some Pharisees saw this and they criticized Jesus for eating with publicans and sinners.  Jesus replied that He had come to heal the sick and not the healthy.

  1. Jesus was willing to call the lowest of people.  In Matthew’s case He saw not what Matthew was but what he would become.  God does the same with us.
  2. God looks at the heart when He does His calling.  He is not concerned about the exterior but the interior.
  3. Jesus is the helper of the ordinary man.  He comes to heal the brokenhearted and those that need His touch.  It is the sick that need a doctor not the healthy.
  4. Man will always find something to complain and criticize about.
  5. Jesus brought out here that mercy is more important than sacrifice.  This is the greatest factor that let God to send His Son Jesus Christ to death on the cross.
  6. Jesus came to die for the sins of the world.  He came to deal with the sinner and not the religious people of the world.


Psalm 50 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 50  - Psalms of Steel

The Lord is my guide, my instructor and my help.
When I am confused, fearful or indecisive,
You are there to help and guide.
You have given me the Holy Spirit to lead me into truth.
He is my source, strength and guide.
If He was not there I know I would be lost.
Teach me Oh God your truth.
Lead me on the path of righteousness.

The man who does not know God has no hope.
They walk in darkness and stumble in lies.
The truth is before them but they prefer darkness.
Their hearts and minds have been blinded.
By their own sin and the accuser of the brethen.
They live in the lies of tradition and good works.
Not knowing their acts of kindness without the Lord,
Is keeping them from finding eternal life.

Search each heart Oh God, open the eyes of the uninformed.
Reach out to all who want your salvation.
In your mercy and love save the helpless.
To the wicked show them compassion.
Do not let them go to a lost eternity.
Being back those who have strayed.
Extend a hand to the fallen away
Be merciful to all people and extend eternal salvation.

Be Content

In 1 Tim 6:6-10, Paul gives a stern warning to be content with what we are earning.  Paul then brings out some truths that we need to think about.  Godliness is actually a means of great gain when accomplished in contentment.  We came into this world with nothing and that is how we are going to leave it.  If we have food, clothing, shelter and transportation, that should be enough.  If we have a place to stay and enough to live on we should be satisfied.  Those who want to get rich fall into many foolish snares.  They also fall into temptation.  They become driven by harmful desires that lead to ruin and destruction.  It is good to remember that the love of money is the root of all evil and causes some peope to actually leave the faith and get badly hurt by the world.  Your Promises today are:  3 John 2, Matt 6:33, Rom 14:17, Phil 4:13 and 1 Tim 1:7.  Your Insightful Saying Are:  Fun is when you are having a good time with family anf friends without putting someone else down.  Prayer is an interesting thing.  When you are about to give up the answers comes.  Just shows you who is in the way. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Psalm 49 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 49 - Psalms of Steel

Let us praise the Lord from the depths of our souls,
Sing praises with every fibre of your being.
He has adorned your life with salvation.
He has given you righteousness, you could not earn.
His holiness is the garment that covers your sin.
He has draped you with victory and freedom.

The Lord has communicated to you His love.
With His love you have become brand new,
In His love you can be a healing source for others.
In His grace you can influence others for Him.
Through His mercy, you learn to forgive others.
For all of this and so much more the Lord is to be praised.

Give thanks to the Lord for His abundant life.
You will never be poor in that which matters.
As your soul prospers so shall you, prosper.
He will answer your petitions and prayers.
He will teach you His plans, purposes and destiny.
All because of the salvation brought to you by His Son.

Practical Advice

In 1 Tim 5:1-2, Paul gives Timothy some very practical advice in this passage.  Ben Sieppert said one time, "The Bible is a very practical book and if we can't get something out of it we should not read it."  Paul told Timothy he should not rebuke an older person in the Lord.  It is much better to appeal to them as a mother or father in the Lord.  The ultimate responsibility for the direction of the church was Timothy's but he should always seek the advice of older Christians.  Others help us see what is really happening.  Timothy was to treat younger men as brothers in the Lord.  Sometimes when people are the same age we can have a tendency to treat them differently.  We are brothers in the Lord and should treat them as we would want to be treated.  We are to treat older women and young women as sisters in the Lord.  They must be treated with all purity.  What Paul is giving is practical advice on human relationships.  If a man or woman of God follow this advice it will help keep them above accusation.  People get hurt mostly in the area of human relationships.  Follow this advice and it will go better for you.  You Promises today are:  Prov 3:5-6, Matt 11:28, 22:37-40, John 3:16, 10:10 14:6 and Acts 1:8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Why is it that when we have so much to choose in life we choose the foolish and the inane instead of the fruitful and productive.  Wise men choose life and know why, the foolish man chooses death and have no idea why they did it.  Humor is found in the childish things.  A baby will laugh when a loved one bumps their head. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Psalm 48 - Psalms of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 48 -  Psalms of Steel

Your word is food for my soul.
I will starve without it.
When I meditate on your word, I have your thoughts.
I know your plan and destiny for my life.
Your purposes are longer a mystery to me.
Your statutes, commandments, laws and principles,
Are the boundaries and walls of my life.

Without your word, I would be lost.
Like someone in the desert without water,
I will perish without your word to satisfy my soul.
May I be thirsty and drink from your word.
Men act like animals without your word to guide them.
May I always seek after your word and its truth.

There is one thing I know, I was lost.
Now because of your word, I am found.
The hunger and thirst in my soul has been quenched and met.
Draw me close to you O God, teach me your truth.
Holy Spirit, guide me into all truth.
Illuminate your word, so I will never be lost again.

Be An Example

In 1 Tim 4:12, Paul gives Timothy some very practical advice.  First of all, Paul says that Timothy should not be under pressure from people just because of his age.  Ability is not determined by age but availability to the Lord.  Paul then tells Timothy to conduct himself in three ways, in love, in faith and in purity.  Paul says Timothy, show people that you love them.  Show them your faith by the example of walking out and trusting God.  Lastly, show them a life of purity.  Be an example of Christ.  It is better to lead people than to drive them.  Christianity is better caught than taught.  We can take these three exhortations and apply them to our lives and what a difference they will make.  Your promises today are:  Psalm 28:7, 34:18, 147:3, Prov 4:23, 15:13 and Isaiah 30:15.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  When you are the temple of God you will never have a housing crisis.  Many leave their travelling arrangements for trips and vacations to the last minute but the one thing you should not leave to the last minute is your travelling arrangements for eternity. 

Monday, November 19, 2012


In 1 Tim 3:1-7, Paul gives the qualifications of a leader.  These are worthy of consideration, especially if you have any inclinations towards this.  They must be above reproach and the spouse of one person if married.  Temperant, prudent and respectable.  A person that opens their home to strangers and is willing and able to teach.  Not a person given to riotous and drunken living.  A person who is gentle and pleasant in manner.  A person who is free from the love of money and materialism.  They must rule their house well and keep their children under control with dignity.  Not a new convert or they will fall into a power mode where they will try to rule instead of serving.  They will also fall into criticism.  Have a good reputation with those in the church and with those outside the church as well.  Your promises today are:  John 10:11, Acts 3:15, Rom 4:25, 5:6-8, 1 Cor 1:18, Gal 2:20 and 6:14.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Never be in a hurry and learn how to slow down because usually just around the corner is a man with a photo radar machine.  Never take your days for granted, each day is a gift to be enjoyed and used for the glory of God.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Psalm 47 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 47 - Psalms of Steel

I cried out to the Lord to change my heart.
He came and put His searchlight on my heart.
His word brought me face to face with my sin.
I did not like what I saw in my heart.
It is evil and deceitfully wicked.  It was hard.
Oh God soften my heart make it pliable.

Do not allow sin and iniquity to destroy me.
Let your blood Jesus, cleanse me and make me whole.
Let your salvation have its full effect.
My mind, heart, body and attitudes are yours.
I know I have sinned against you and myself.
I have turned my heart away from you.

Cleanse my thoughts, words, actions and attitudes.
Let each one line up with your perfect will.
I know you love me to much to stay the same.
This process of change will help me to be more like you.
I have been called to be your ambassador.
Let me do it completely unfettered and free.

Many are the sins of mankind and most are blind to them.
Open ours eyes before it is too late.
Make us see ours before you judge us.
Time is short and each day draws us one day closer to your coming.
 You are looking for a spokesman, let me be that.
When you cleanse me, I will be completely whole.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Psalm 46 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 46 - Psalms of Steel

Lord keep my heart on the right path.
To not change for the sake of change.
Your principles and statutes do not change.
They lead me through the maze and futility of life.
Let the following principles help me to overcome,
Every giant and mountain that I face.
No weapon will prosper when I follow your Word.

Lord help me to be faithful and be responsible,
In every assignment and work I do for you.
Keep me Lord with your discipline and truth,
So I will not let all the unimportant things misguide me.
Consume me O God and show me your glory.
May your love help me stay on your path,
Inspite of the criticism and scorn of others.  

Lord help me to be content,
In the place you have placed me.
Because of your faithfulness in my weak place,
I will tell others of your greatness.
Make me more like you so I can be content.
Teach me O God be be thankful for how you made me.
How marvelous and wonderfully is your creation.

Lord with your right hand and strength.
I will be confident in the battles I face everyday,
You make me a warrior and soldier.
May I be agressive and decisive when you ask me to be.
Lord no weapon or adversary will defeat me.
I will have victory in you name.
Like David of old, I will defeat every giant.

Your word and statutes never fail, they are new every morning.
Your principles and statutes lead to a path of victory.
They are fresh water to a thirsty soul.
They are bread to the hungry heart.
They are the foundation of all praise and worship.
The saints grow in faith and knowledge because of your word.
May the Lord be praised forever more.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Psalm 45 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm  45 - Psalms of Steel

O Lord my greatest enemy is my own lips.
I know I live with a people of unclean lips.
Take the coals off your holy altar and clean my lips.
Purify my speech so it is pleasing to you.
Keep that watchman on my mouth so I do not sin against you.
Let no bitter or perverse speech from from my mouth.

Let my mouth praise you.  Let my speech be season with salt.
Let the words of my mouth be perfect in your sight.
O give thanks to the Lord for His loving Kindness.
Let praise flow and my worship pass through my tongue.
Don't let me bless God and curse men who are created in your image.
Help me not to serve bitter and sweet words in the same breath.

May all that I proclaim bring honor to your name.
May all my words reflect your goodness.
Let only that which proceeds from my lips praise the Lord.
Let my conversation reflect my heart which you have changed.
Let men rejoice and may all that  comes from your people's mouth.
Be words of encouragement, love and forgiveness.

Praying for others

In 1 Thess 3:1, Paul wishes the brethen at Thessalonica would pray for him and his party of evangelists and that they would spread the gospel quickly.  Paul saw the need of the world and how so many people need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.  Evangelism is the number one priority of the church.  A church that doesn't go out and win souls is a church that should be pitied.  I remember one time talking to leaders of a particular denomination.  They told me they did not believe in the born again experience and that they did not want it in their church.  That church is doomed to never becoming more than a social club for worldly peole who are religious.  A church must have evangelism on its mind all the time.  The church will die without new converts to be raised up to carry on the work when the older ones pass on.  Another thing that a person must remember is that the church has the answers to all the problems of life.  We must not be selfish and keep it to ourselves.  Pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ will spread quickly to a  lost and dying world.  Your Promises Today are:  Matt 28:19, Mark 16:15-17, John 3:a6, Eph 6:10-18 and John 1:1 & 14.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Worship has been said, to be an attitude of the heart expressed.  The problem today is that many a Christian seems to be struggling with heart failure. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jesus is coming ready or not.

In 2 Thess 2:1-12, Paul reveals some truths about the man of lawlessness.  This is a portion you should look at very closely for it reveals some powerful truths.  The Lord for His part does not want you to be ignorant of what is going to happen in the last days.  We are living in the last days and Jesus could come at any time.  We must be ready for His coming.  It is true we do not know the day or the hour but there is an exhortation in the word to be ready at all times.  Jesus gave an exhortation in Matthew 25 about being watchful and ready.  It is the story of the ten virgins.  It would be good if you read it today as a compasion study to this one.  Read it, meditate on it and then apply it.  Jesys is coming ready or not.  Your promises today are:  Isaiah 41:10, Matt 6:33, Matt 22:37-40, 1 Cor 10:13 and 1 John 4:7-8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  There is one reality for the person who does not Christ.  Their future is bleak.  The man who possesses everything and yet does not have Christ has in truth nothing.

Psalm 44 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 44 - Psalms of Steel

From the deepest parts of my heart, I will praise you.
My soul recites the principles of your word.
They are the strength and victory of my inner world.
Each day as I meditate on them, they direct my path.
Your words are like honey and taste sweet in my heart.
Help me to never let go of your word.

Your word is a light in my dark places.
It guides me and brings me to a safe place.
Help me never to find myself not obeying your word.
Not one of your promises will ever fail.
They will be my stronghold & fortress in difficult places.
Not one of your principles will fail or not come to pass.

How I love your word, its truth is my victory.
Each moment I spend in it, cleanses my soul.
Your word washes my heart and cleanses it of its iniquity and sin,
It removes the barbs of sins pain.
Your word reveals salvation and the precious blood of Jesus.
I recite your truth and my world comes alive.

O Lord Most High, your word is sure and true.
Not once will you fail to keep your promise.
Man may lie and not his promises or oaths.
But you O God will stand behind your word.
You will fulfill every promise with your mighty power.
I will praise you with my mouth and my life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Psalm 43 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 43 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

My enemies have overcome me.
I am to weak to defend myself.
Their work has wounded my innermost parts.
Even those who I called friend have betrayed me.
The half truth and lies they spread,
Have ruined my reputation and influence.

I searched my heart, I examined my motives.
To see if what was said had any truth.
Even though I have no comfort or rest for my soul.
In desperation I cried out to the Lord.
I know I am a sinner and I have no purity before you.
Help me and release me from this trap and snare.

I waited before the Lord and stilled my heart.
With expectation and anticipation I sought His face.
I knew the Lord would answer, He is faithful.
Then He answered, He came to my defense.
The Lord shut the mouths of my accusers,
They were put to shame and put to flight.

The Lord is our help.  He is our strength.
Never be discouraged, the Lord is your encourager.
The Lord is our confidence and aid in times of weakness.
He will help us triumph and overcome.
Do not be the victim but the victor.
You can conquer and overcome.
In the Lord all things are possible.

Matthew Survey

As Part of my outgoing desire to bring the Word of God to Each One.
Here is a Survey of the Book of Matthew.

Matthew – King of the Jews

Theme:  To show that Jesus of Nazareth was the kingly Messiah of Jewish prophecy.

Survey:  Matthew was written to show that Jesus was the Messiah and His purpose was to bring the Kingdom of God to men.  Jesus was a new disclosure of the divine and the redemptive and they are linked together.  This shows that before Jesus will come in glory He first came to die on the cross for men.  His mission is shown in Isaiah.  The Jew expected a saviour to establish a kingdom such as David’s, they did not expect Him to die for sin.  These two concepts were not fully understood until Jesus came and made them clear.  There are many scriptures in the Old Testament that show Christ coming to do away with sin, but also coming in glory to destroy the wicked and this is why the book was written, to show the difference.  Sixty references to Old Testament prophecies are found in this book as well as 40 quotations.  The word, Kingdom appears 50 times and the Kingdom of Heaven is mentioned 30 times.

Matthew Emphasizes:
1.  Jesus is not only the Messiah but the Saviour of the world.
2.  His Kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that is in our hearts.  It is a spiritual power that
     Envelopes the believer.
3.  Jesus is offering in this dispensation peace within and in the next dispensation it will
     Peace outward.
4.  Jesus cares about all men and He wants to heal, set free and bring peace within, but we
     Must let Him.
5.  This message of the Messiah is not just for the Jews but for all men.

Author:  This book was written by Matthew or Levi as he is also known.  He was a Roman tax collector, who was called by Jesus at his collection table.  He left all to follow Jesus.  He held a great feast for Christ and his guests were despised tax collector.  He was one of the twelve apostles and he wrote this letter to the Jews from a Jewish perspective.
It was not the first gospel written.

Birth and infancy of the Messiah                                                                        1:1-2:23
Prelude to ministry                                                                                            3:1-4:25
Discourse 1:  Righteousness of the Kingdom                                                      5:1-7:29
Narrative 1:  Mighty deeds of the Kingdom                                                       8:1-9:38
Discourse 2:  Proclamation of the Kingdom                                                       Ch 10
Narrative 2:  The presence of the Kingdom                                                       Ch 11 &12
Discourse 3:  Mystery of the Kingdom                                                              14:1-17:27
Narrative 4:  Crisis of the Kingdom                                                                   Ch 18
Discourse 4:  Fellowship of the Kingdom                                                           19:1-23:39
Narrative 4:  Conflict caused by the Kingdom                                                     24 & 25
Passion of the King                                                                                           Ch 26-27
The Resurrection                                                                                               Ch 28                                                                                      
 Miracles only Found in Matthew

1.  Two blind man healed.                                                                                 9:28-30
2.  The Tax Money.                                                                                          17:24-27

Parables found on in Matthew                                 

Ch 13 - The weeds,  24, hidden treasure, vs. 44, the pearl, vs. 45, the net, vs. 47
Ch 18 -  The unmerciful servant.  vs. 23.
Ch 20 -  The workers in the vineyard.  Vs 1-16
Ch 21 -  The two sons.  Vs 28-32
Ch 22 -  The marriage of the King’s son.  Vs 1-14
Ch 25 -   Then ten virgins.  Vs 1-13, the talents, vs. 14-30, the sheep and the goats. 
               Vs 31-46

Statistics:  40th book of the Bible, 28 chapters, 1071 verses, 23684 words, 177 questions, 25 Old Testament prophecies, 47 new prophecies, 815 verses of history, 256 verses of prophecy, 164 unfulfilled, 92 fulfilled and 109 promises.