Today when I do the Morning Show I will be starting a week on the theme Revival. I will be talking about the different aspects and needs for revival. Revival is simply the reviving of a people for the purposes of God. God made a promise in Joel 2:28 that in the last days He would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh. More than anytime in history we need this reality. I sense the Holy Spirit has decided that in Alberta we need it. I am going to let you have a glimpse into my personal world. I was saved during a revival in my home town of Claresholm in 1974. I was born in revival and all my Christian life, I have wanted it wherever I have gone. I desparately want to see it now. The secret of seeing revival, is 2 Chron 7:14. If God's people, those called by His name will humble themselves, oh how we need to humble ourselves and let go of our pride and materialism. We then must pray. Prayer is the key to revival or any move of God. Pray, like there is no tomorrow because there may not be. God may decide to move his coming sooner and then where will our family and friends be. Next we need to seek His face. It is God and God alone who brings revival and He does when He sees how serious His people really are. Lastly we need to turn from our wicked ways. Let us not kid ourselves, many of us are not as perfect or righteous as we should be. Many of God's people really don't think, talk or act much different from their neighbors. Holiness and righteousness are key. So it is now time to get right with God and stop playing. The promise of this passage is that God will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. This blog today is an appeal to the church to make a decision. I know I have. I cannot stand idly by any longer and let the enemy win in my world. I trust you feel the same.
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