Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Psalm 28 - Psalm of Steel

Psalm 28 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The Lord dwells and abides with His people,
His word He has hidden in each of their hearts.
It is awaken and anointed by he Holy Spirit,
This word declares we are His and He is ours.

The bonds of sin and iniquity have been broken,
Affliction and disease have fled away.
Fear, frustration and deception have been
Replaced by faith, hope and love.

The love and truth of God has become our standard and banner.
As we remain in Him we will stand for Him.
No enemy, adversary or foe can defeat us.
Tarry, wait and see the salvation and goodness of God.

The reward of the Lord comes to those who persevere.
It is those who stand to the end who see His full salvation.
Trust the Lord, be of courage and endure bravely.
Love the Lord and stand for Him in the day of temptation.

His love will bring you through and bring you victory.
The prize is given at the end, not at the beginning.
When you stand and overcome in the Lord.
You shall receive your full inheritance and blessing.

Right Thinking, Right Life

Today is Halloween a day where mankind in the western world pays homage to the things of the devil.  People today think of ghosts, goblins, witches an wizards as funny and o.k.  My exhortation for you today is to apply the principles of Phil 4:8-9, to your life and family.  Paul says whatsoever is true.  Teach the members of your family to be honest and fair.  Never tell a lie.  Whatever is noble and of good report.  Excellent character is shown and lived in our families.  Whatever is right.  We are living in a world of half truth and wrong thinking.  You are to re-inforce the right things and expose the wrong things.  Whatever is pure.  The pure things are found in the life of the Christian and in the word of God.  Whatever is lovely.  The world is full of little beauty.  It is full of ugliness and strife.  You as a Christian are to be an example of right living and shine forth in this world of darkness.  If it is excellent or praise worthy, you are to think on these things.  Paul wants the mind of the Christian to be the mind of Christ.  Paul then says that whatever they have received or learned and even seen in his life to put into practice.  When you put the things of God into practice you will be at peace with God.  Your promises today are:  Rom 12:1-2, James 4:7 1 John 3:8 and 4:4.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Sometimes it is harder to decide who is more dangerous, a crocodile after its prey or an evil man planning the destruction of another.  God will not removed a mountain from your path that you have been called to move.  So get out your shovel and get to work. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Psalm 27 - Psalms of Steel

Psalm 27 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The warmth of summer shows the glory of God.
Fall with its many colors is God`s canvas of majesty.
The winter snows and wind show His glorious power.
Spring demonstrates the creative love of the Lord.

Creation is the silent witness of His existence.
The Sun, moon and stars declare He is Lord.
The majestic mountains, raging rivers and powerful storms show His might.
Man, His greatest creation declare His praise and worthiness.

With out hands uplifted, we praise and worship Him.
With our mouths, we declare His wonderful love.
With our hands we do His works.
With our feet we run to touch others for Him.

We were created to do His work and live His destiny.
A life time is not enough time to love Him.
Eternity is the inheritance of the righteous,
Live in His righteous will and you will inherit all that is His.

Lay Your Burdens Down

Chuck Girard back in the 1970's sang a song called, "Lay your burden's down."  Our theme on the program today is that.  Jesus called all the people to lay their burdens on Him in Matt 11:28.  He s became known because of that statement as the great burden bearer.  Peter in 1 Pet 5:7 stated, "we were cast all our burden's on Him."  Burdens are something we all carry from time to time.  They are weights that we have allow ourselves to carry.  Burdens such as fear, discouragement, hurt, bitterness or unforgiveness just to name a few.  These burdens over time can overwelm and even destroy us.  Jesus does not want us to carry these burdens, He came to set us free.  So today whatever your burden is, give it over to Jesus.  Jesus said, His burden is light.  So turn all your cares and discouragements over to Jesus and let Him carry them.  We were designed to have abundant life so the first step to to come to Jesus, release your burdens to Him and then walk free. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Psalm 26 - Psalms of Steel

Psalm 26 of Psalms of Steel

The Lord has been so good to His people.
He has clothed them with righteousness;
His mercy and love are extended to all who believe.
His fervent compassion has reconcile His people.

The foolish, wicked and ignorant reject Him.
They choose knowledge, tradition and teachings
Of the world and this age over the King Invisible.
To their peril and eternal destruction they reject the Lord.

The wise see the forgiving hand of the Lord.
In His right hand He brings strength and might;
In His left hand are grace, mercy and love.
Lock hands with Him and receive His full salvation.

The Theology of Suffering

In Phil 3:10, Paul relates the cry of his day.  I want to know Christ and the power of His suffering.  Suffering was common during his day but for us who live in North America this is not the case for our present generation.  Many people today want Christ but not the price.  There are many who claim to be Christians but have no idea who the Savior is.  Over the centuries there have been millions who have given their lives for the cause of Christ.  There have been many as well who are Christian in name only.  A true Christian must be prepared to suffer for the sake of the gospel.  The Bible points out persecution is something that all Christians will face sometime in their lives.  There are many forms of pesecution.  It could be physical, emotional, social, political or economic.  Jesus went to the cross suffering for the sins of mankind.  He suffered much at the hands of unbelievers.  If a person is not willing to suffer for the Lord, they are not a disciple of Jesus Christ.  In Canada we have a great freedom yet at anytime this freedom could be lost.  Let us pray that God will continue to be merciful to our country and let us be free.  Let us also not forget that if persecution comes only a true disciple with the attitude of Paul will last through it.  Your promises today are:  1 Cor 10:13, Matt 28:20, Isaiah 41:10 and James 4:7.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  It is harder to distinquish which goes faster a hummingbird's wings or a boaster speaking of themselves.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Psalm 25 - Psalms of Steel

Psalm 25 of Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

With strong and firm conviction the Lord speaks to His people,
His voice is heard  above all the noise and confusion.
The Lord wants His people to hear what He has to say.
His words are life, liberty and love.
To ignore Him is to invite disaster.

The Lord`s word is firm, persuasive and brings conviction.
Those who trust in His word will be found firm and unmoveable.
When the storms of life come nothing will overcome you.
Your ground of faith will bring assurance and trust.
You know that what God has done before, He will do again.

The invisible, immortal, immutable God is with you.
He is not like man who changes His mood and mind in a moments notice.
His word has been placed above His name.
He will plant you and produce in you confidence in His word.
Surrender your heart and give your life to Him completely.

Then you shall see His full salvation.
You will see every word He has promise come to pass.
Your confidence will rest on God and His promises.
The faithfulness, assurance and fidelity of God never changes.
Put you complete trust in Him and you will never be forsaken.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Psalm 14 of Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 14 of Psalms of Steel

Lord, I sit hear asking myself, "Why am I anxious, fearful and worried?"
Have you not been faithful in the past?
Did you not meet all my needs in the past?  Never once did you fail
Man's resources , knowledge, skills and experience fail.
Those who trust in them will be disappointed.
Friends, you thought you could trust, fail.
Their answers, counsel and knowledge are futile.
God, only you can save, help and deliver.

The Lord is not only heaven but He lives in me.
The precious Holy Spirit takes that which is of heaven,
And He brings it to me and reminds me of God's provision.
He quiets my fear and reassures me and then my anxiety disappears.
He speaks and the mountain of discouragement disappears.
Arise from your throne and deliver all who trust in you.
You are the great and awesome God and there is none like you.
All who love and trust in you will never be disappointed.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Psalm 13 of Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 13 of Psalms of Steel

I have ponder why I pray so much and yet so little happens.
Have I sinned against you?
Has my iniquities separated me from you?
Are my thoughts mine only and not yours?
Have my words hurt others and you?
Is my actions and attitudes keeping us apart?
These are the thoughts running through my mine day and night.

So I examined my heart, I look deep within,
Even after all of this, I still am not certain.
I have pondered, examined and thoroughly investigated,
my ways and still have no relief.
Then I remembered, it is grace and faith alone, I stand.

This immediately freed me and I have assurance again.
Examination is good, but grace and truth are my firm foundation.
The Lord is to be praised for His goodness.
He gives strength to the weak, wisdom to the faithful,
knowledge to the uneducated and life to those who are passing away.
Praise the Lord, and again I say praise the Lord for all His benefits.

Preach Christ with your Life

In Phil 1:15-18, Paul is talking about preaching Christ.  This passage has become a real blessing to me.  A long time ago I wondered why God would bless the ministry of liberal thinking ministers.  This passage helped explain this.  Some ministers preach Chirts out of jealousy and envy.  Some preach Him out of selfish ambition.  Some preach to get money from people.  The most important thing to remember is that Christ is being preached.  There are ministers that are in the church for power, prestige and yes, as I said before for money.  Yet we also know the majority are real men of God who only wish to do the will of God.   They want everyone around them to know Christ,  These men preach Christ out of love.  We have to remember that the word of God will not return void.  We also know that God honors the preaching of His word.  Isaiah reminds us that the Lord honors His word about His name.  So when someone preaches Christ for whatever reason God honors His word.  I am baffled why people get changed through some of the minister's preaching but they do and God can use anyone or anything.  If you have any doubt, check out the story of Balaam and his donkey.  Balaam was stopped short when God used his donkey to talk to him.  God can still use donkeys today.  Your promises today are John 3:16, 1 John 4:4, James 4:7, Is 40:31, 41:10 anf 2 Tim 1:7.  Your Insightful Saying are:  At a funeral, the man in the casket rarely resembles the man described in the eulogy.  The man who boasts of himself, to lift himself up must tear down others to do it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Psalm 12 of the Psalms of Steel

Psalm 12 of Psalms of Steel

My soul cries out to God.
How did I get to this place?
Where did I get off track?
How did I get this far from you?

Was it neglect or complacency?
Did I forget your statues or promises?
Why did I let go of my first love?
Be merciful to me and restore me.

I called out to the Lord and He heard me.
He enveloped me with His great love.
I wait for His full restoration.
The day of His total deliverance.

Set your face oh man and do not look rght or left.
Keep your eyes on the Lord.  Only He can save.
There is no other voice but His.
Then you will see His great compassion and love.

True Freedom

When I read the book of Philippians I marvel at the fact that this book does not sound like it was written by a man who was in prison.  Paul speaks to the people as though he was free.  In a sense Paul was free.  Yes, his body was confined to one place yet his spirit was free.  Every once in a while we allow ourselves to become burdened down with the cares of life, yet we can be uplifted if we read the book of Philippians.  Paul looked at prison as a stepping stone for the gospel.  Paul because of his chains spoke more fearlessly about Christ.  He knew his time was limited so he wanted all who were around to know that even in death he could speak for His Lord.  There is tremendous freedom knowing this could be your last day on the planet.  This puts everything into focus pretty fast.  You no longer live for yourself but for the Lord.  You know your time is short and so you live every moment for the Lord and make eternal things your priority.  Your Promises for Today are:  Deut 7:9, Prov 20:6, Lam 3:22-23, Matt 24:45, 25:21, Luke 16:10, Gal 5:22, 2 Tim 2:13 and Heb 2:17.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Before you can build a house of love, you begin with a foundation of faith.  The child of the world cries out, "Give me passion, popularity and possessions.  The child of God cries out, "Give me faith, hope and love." 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Psalm11 of the Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 11 of Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

I will bless the name of the Lord,
He is a sure foundation,
He gives life and also takes it away,
The wise understand this and fear Him.

The fool does not know the ways of God,
They are foreign and unknown to them.
They think they are wise and learned,
Yet they are blind, deaf and lame.

To the wise, I say, come and anchor your life in His love.
See His goodness, grace, mercy and love.
Build your life, present and future,
On His sure, precious, and priceless promises.

To the fool, the call is being made,
Give up your foolish thoughts, talk and ways.
Come to the Lord, He will make you wise,
He will help you find love, liberty and life.

The Lord is powerful and all who seek Him will live.
His love lasts for eternity.
His mercy is given to all, grace flows from His lips.
Come and experience all there is in Him and live.

Partners with God.

In Phil 1:3-6, Paul brings out that we are partners with God.  Many times we forget about the unity that we have in Christ and we fight among ourselves.  There was a church in a town that I pastored that had just opened up.  The pastors of the established churches sent a delegation over to the pastor of the new work.  They told him in no uncertain terms that he and his church were not welcomed.  I asked them a simple question when I found out, "What were they afraid of?"  Only ten percent of the town had been reached by the gospel.  The new church was not going after their members.  The pastor of this new church was going after the sinners not the saints.  I worked very hard on his behalf for acceptance into the ministerial.  He was and over time they saw that I was right.  Paul brings out that we are workers together in Christ.  This work of Christ will not be completed until He comes.  We are doing the same work just under different branches.  Don't let anything hinder the unity of the faith.  Your promises are:  Matt 16:18-20, 1 Cor 10:13, Phil 1:6, Ps 34:6, Prov 3:5-6, James 4:7 and 1 John 4:7-8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Being a good father is always about who you are than what you give.  Training a child to love and serve the Lord begins with you showing the way,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A need for prayer

Today my theme is again about prayer.  In Psalm 34:6, David says, that this poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all His troubles.  Prayer is such a powerful tool in the tool belt of the Christian.  It is the one thing that can change any situation.  When you pray, heaven is at your disposal.  God loves to hear us pray, it shows that we are not in control and we need His help.  To many people today are to self sufficient and self reliant for their own good.  But there comes a time when our resources and wisdom fail and that is when God can break through.  When we come to the end of our rope God is there is put things back in order.  Prayer is the place where God comes and changes our situation.  David viewed himself as a poor man, yet he was a great king.  David knew that position, power and wealth would not keep him.  He knew that God was His source.  He knew that he needed divine help and resources.  David said, I am a poor man, I need God, so I prayed with all I had and God heard me and He saved me out of all my toubles.  We all have trouble from time to time and one prayer can turn those trouble into opportunities for God.  My exhortation for you today is call out to God in the good times and the bad.  Have a modest estimation of your own self worth.  Call out to God and see Him save you and bring you into victory this day.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Act of Restoration

In Galatians 6:1, Paul exhorts his readers to help someone when they are overcome by a problem.  This was to be done in a spirit of gentleness but also remembering that you could be tempted as well.  Paul is literally saying to walk in life with the desire to help and restore others.  Everyday people are falling, making mistakes and hurting their walk with God.  Paul says, when you see someone failing and falling, go and offer your help.  Do this ministry with a spirit of gentleness.  Make sure you park your ego at the door.  Walk in love, mercy and grace.  Your intention is help and restore.  The Christian church is a place where the sick get well and then go out of help other sick people.  Paul also includes  in this exhortation this morning a note of caution.  He says remember be careful that you do not become tempted.  What he is saying here, is don't you take up the sin, the offense or hurt this person you are helping has done.  It is easy to champion a cause, or become symptathic to the point where you excuse or even anable the sin.  The same temptation they have been overcomed by can overcome you.  Paul says when you get involved in the ministry of restoration keep you eyes and focus on Jesus.  Let the Holy Spirit help you and keep in prayer and the word always.  Good advice from the Apostle Paul.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Apply to yourself

The application of prayer in any life is essential. You can pray about many things but until you apply what has been prayed it is nothing more than noise and ceaseless words. When you pray, first of all apply to your own life what you have prayed for others. You are the key for revival and any move of God. It is when you are revived that change happens. Draw a circle around yourself and do not leave that place until you are revived. Then revival has started. (Robert Dean Steel)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

What Saturdays Should Be

Saturday for me is not just another day.  It is my day to reconnect in a practical way with God.  I spend all week doing the Radio programs and pastoring.  Satuday and Sundays are my days of prayer.  This is my time to really gt alone with God.  For several years I have been praying every Saturday for revival.  Revival is really about individuals getting revived in the Lord and reviving their world.  One time a person asked Gypsy Smith a revivalist of the 19th century, how revival starts?  His response was this, "Draw a circle around yourself and do not leave until you are revived."  So today draw a circle around yourself and do not leave that circle until you have met with God and He has changed your life.  We are the secret of revival.  What amazes me is how much time we spend serving ourselves and forget that our lives as Christians are about serving God and then serving others.  Today stay in that place of prayr until God changes your heart.  Then you in turn will change your world. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

In the School of Obedience

The name of my title this morning is not unique to me, it actually is from a book which was written by Andrew Murray.  Andrew Murray was a South African writer who encouraged people to a deeper walk with the Lord.  In the Schoo lof Obedience we learn that when we pray God expects us to obey what we are told by Him.  For example we are told to love the Lord with every fibre of our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  We are told as well to go and tell everyone about Him.  These two things are known as the great commandment and the great commission.  These two principles must be obeyed.  One time Youngi Cho the pastor of the largest church in the world was asked how his church became so large.  Without hesitation he said, "I pray, then I obey."  From 1 Sam 15:22, we learn that obedience is better than sacrifice.  If you want to see things happen in your life, obedience is key.  In fact it will be one of the things that we will be judged on.  One time I was asked what a Christian will be judged on.  I came up with a list and here it is.  We will be judged on motives, why we do what we do.  We will be judged on love, faithfulness, obedience, truth, our fulfilling the great commandment and the great commission.  Did we forgive?  How did we treat our family, friends and world in general.  All of these are very important in the School of Obedience.  Did we pray, read the word and attend God's house.  Obedience is a choice.  We choose to obey.  When we stand before the Lord and give an account, the Lord will ask us, "Did you obey?"  Saul learned that day so long ago that obedience is better than any sacrifice.  I trust you have learned that today.  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Being Thankful

In Eph 1:16, Paul tells his audience or prays for his readers that praying with thankfulness is key.  There are many who pray but somehow being thankkful is not part of their prayer time.  Being thankful means that you truly appreciate what God has done in your life.  It is a wonderful way to live.  Being thankful allows you to appreciate those around you.  You learn that everything that happens to you has a purpose even though at the time you do not see it.  Being thankful makes you aware that all things work together for good even though at the time it does not seem good.  Thankfulness is a quality that creates a positive outllook on life.  People want to be around a person who is thankful.  This quality creates an atmosphere of hope.  You know that God has been faithful in the past and He will be faithful in the present and in the future.  Thankful people are individuals who see the silver liniing in the dark clouds of life.  They are able to see the end and not just the present.  Thankful Christians know that the end is just as important as the beginning.  They have a longer view of life.  So today my encourage for you is to become a thankful person.  Thank God you are His and have a hope and future as Jeremiah says in his writings.  Be thankful and those around you will begin to be thankful.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Be an Intercessor

Paul exhorts the Christians who live in Rome in Rom 15:1 to lift up the burdens of those who are weaker than them in prayer.  Intercession is an incredible privilege.  To be an intercessor, you are standing on behalf of someone else.  Jesus Himself is doing that right now in heaven.  We have an example of His ability in John 17, when He prays for His disciples.  He brings them to the Father asking Him to help keep and protect them during the time period between His death and resurrection.  When God allows us to be an intercessor He is giving us the privilege of being able to pray for others.  Praying for others carries with it a tremendous responsibility.  You are standing in the gap for them.  You are fighting for someone else.  You are an advocate, a representative for someone else who either does not, cannot or will not exercise their own responsibility to represent themselves.  For the backslider or the unsaved you are standing in the gap because they are discnonnected with God.  The are currently separated from God and need someone to pray for them,  For example you have a loved one who is not serving the Lord.  As an intercessor you bring them before God's throne and you pray that God will intervene in their life before it is to late.  You are asking God to bring His reality into their lives.  Another example is when you pray for your local politician that the Lord will help them make right and godly decisions so you and your neighbors can live a quiet and peaceful life.  My encouragement today is that each of us realize we have a role to play in bringing our communities back to God.  We are the key.  Let us not falter in this task.  Our family, friends, neighbors and community are relying us right now.  Don't fail. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bible Verse for Today

Bible Verse For Today: The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cry.

Poweer of Prayer

  Today I wish to talk to you about the Power of Prayer.  Prayer is such an essential element in the Christian walk.  It is the conveyor belt that brings the ammunition needed in the warfare called the Christian life.  Prayer is as essential to the Christian walk as air is to the body.  Yet for so many it is a non reality.  Many are either to busy to pray or do not how to pray.  Years ago I was in the same boat.  If I prayed more than ten minutes a day.  I would wear God out and myself.  Then I came across a teaching by Larry Lea, called, "Could you not Tarry."  It was a prayer series based on the Lord's prayer.  It changed my whole prayer world.  I learn how to pace out my prayer time and through this series learned how to pray one hour.  Now three hours is no problem.  You plan out your prayer time and follow through until it is finished.  When in the place of prayer you always must remember that you are in communication with the creator of the universe.  He is listening to every word you say.  He is excited to be with you.  You are His son and He is proud of you and the time you are spending with Him.  The longer you spend in prayer the stronger your relationship with God becomes.  You are getting to know Him better and His will for your life.  In my prayer times I hear what God wants me to do that day and in the following days.  Martin Luther said, "I have so much to do I have to spend serveral hours in prayer to get it done."  Martin had learn that the secret to a well organized life was to have a well organized time of prayer.  Prayer makes everything in life run smoother because you have tapped into the one who organized life to the fullest.  So today.  Spend some time in prayer and get God's game plan for your life and you will see things run smoother and you will get more done.  All for the glory of God. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Need for Revival

Today when I do the Morning Show I will be starting a week on the theme Revival.  I will be talking about the different aspects and needs for revival.  Revival is simply the reviving of a people for the purposes of God.  God made a promise in Joel 2:28 that in the last days He would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh.  More than anytime in history we need this reality.  I sense the Holy Spirit has decided that in Alberta we need it.  I am going to let you have a glimpse into my personal world.  I was saved during a revival in my home town of Claresholm in 1974.  I was born in revival and all my Christian life, I have wanted it wherever I have gone.  I desparately want to see it now.  The secret of seeing revival, is 2 Chron 7:14.  If God's people, those called by His name will humble themselves, oh how we need to humble ourselves and let go of our pride and materialism.  We then must pray.  Prayer is the key to revival or any move of God.  Pray, like there is no tomorrow because there may not be.  God may decide to move his coming sooner and then where will our family and friends be.  Next we need to seek His face.  It is God and God alone who brings revival and He does when He sees how serious His people really are.  Lastly we need to turn from our wicked ways.  Let us not kid ourselves, many of us are not as perfect or righteous as we should be.  Many of God's people really don't think, talk or act much different from their neighbors.  Holiness and righteousness are key.  So it is now time to get right with God and stop playing.  The promise of this passage is that God will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land.  This blog today is an appeal to the church to make a decision.  I know I have.  I cannot stand idly by any longer and let the enemy win in my world.  I trust you feel the same. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Christ the head of the church.

In Eph 1:20-23, Paul brings out that Christ is the head of the church.  In some denominations, Christ has been replaced by man and what the head man says becomes more important than what Christ says.  Let us never forget that Christ is the head of the church.  He is the commander and chief of the army of God.  He is the head and we are His body.  Christ won this right as the head of the church by rising from the dead.  He now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven.  Christ has dominion over all and this title in this present age  and in the next.  God, because of Christ's act of obediience has placed everything under His feet and appointed Him head over the church.  We are His body, His hands, feet and mouths.  So today be more aware of Christ says, than what man says.  Read the word and hide it in your heart,  Allow Christ to be the head of your temple.  Your promises are today.  Matt 22:37-40, 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-17 and Acts 1:8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Always temper your discipline with love or you will raise a child of fear.  Being a good father is always about who you are, than what you give. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

God's Blessing.

In Eph 1:3, Paul says that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessing.  In this country of Canada we have many freedoms which other countries do not have.  We can worship the Lord in any manner we choose.  We can say anything we wish.  In Canada we can vote, read. play or do anything we wish within the law.  The Lord has really blessed the continent of North America.  The main reason for is the fact that our country started out with Christian values.  Yesterday we talked about the grace of God and it is this grace that keeps our country at this time.  We should always be thanksful for any blessings that God has given us, all courtesy of Jesus Christ.  We have many other blesseings, healing for the body, eternal life, victory over sin, death, hell and the grave.  Most of all He has given us power over the devil.  It is time we spend just a little time thinking and thanking God for all His wonderful blessings.  Your promises today are:  Prov 8:1, Deut 31:6, Rom 12:6-8, Phil 3:14 and Heb 12:1.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  A heart may be as wide as a canyon of as narrow as a crack it just depends on the love in it.  The world says you are beautiful because of yur hair, skin and clothes.  God says you are beautiful because of your soul, heart and conscience.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pastor's Survey

A questionaire was sent our during a Pastor's Conference, one of the questions on the survey was, "If you could change your present situation what would you change?" Here is the five things they would change.

1. More family time.
2. A more receptive laity.
3. Better time management.
4. A regular program of physical exercise.
5. A trustworthy person in whom to confide.

This is Pastor's Appreciation Month. Do all you can to help them.

God's Grace

In Gal 6:18, Paul says, "May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit."  That is Paul's prayer for us today.  Grace is a marvellous word.  It means undeserved mercy.  We did not get what we deserve.  Mankind deserves the pit of hell.  We are the ones who deserted God.  We are the ones who turned our backs on God.  Yet God through His wonderful grace sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross.  Grace means, "God's, riches, at Christ's expense."  Our Lord is so good.  It was love and grace that made the way possible for mankind.  Today let us do our part and bring the message that the Lord wishes to extend His grace to our spirit and to others.  Your promises  today are:  Psalm 30:2, 34:19, 103:3, John 8:36, Rom 8:2, 32, James 5:16, 1 John 3:8.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  The Bible can be burned, outlawed from society and spoken against but it cannot be burned from the heart, outlawed from the mind and silenced by the conscience.  Wisdom knows that idols are not made only of stone and wood but in the heart and mind. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Humility and Meekness

In Gal 6:14, Paul had a desire that is contrary to most ways of thinking.  Paul stated he did not boast about anything except the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Pride and conceit are two things that God cannot stand.  It was pride that caused the fall of satan.  It was pride that brought the fall of Adam and Eve.  Men by nature are boastful and proud.  We are legends in our own minds.  Nebuchadnezzer was brought low by God because of his pride.  I have known many men who will not do two things.  One is that they will not admit when they are wrong and the other is to say that they are sorry.  They look at these two as a sign of weakness.  The godly opposites of pride and conceit are humility and meekness.  Jesus said whoever humbles themselves will be exalted and whoever exalts themselves will be humbled.  The Lord wants us to only boast of what Christ has done.  Paul states that because of the death of Christ the world has been crucified to him and he to the world.  That simply means that the world does not hold the same attraction.  In the 1982 PAOC Biennial conference, the late David Wilkerson said that the world no longer had any hold on him because he has seen Jesus Christ.  When we see Jesus we only want to serve and love Him.  Your promises today are:  James 4:7, 1 John 4:4, 1 Cor 10:13, Psalm 1, Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Cor 11:23.  You Insightful Saying are:  The reason most of us do not like the Bible is because it exposes the real condition of our hearts.  The Bible is a book of reformation but it starts with the individual who becomes God's instrument to reform society.

Friday, October 5, 2012

fruit of the Spirit.

In Gal 5:22-23, is where Paul teaches us about the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  When we live in the Spirit we begin to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit.  Paul brings out what the fruit of the Spirit is.  It is love, joy and peace.  You notice the last two fruit mentioned in this group are dependent on the first being love.  Without love these cannot come.  God loved us so much that He is willing to give us these things.  Love then develops patience in all situations.  It develops kindnessa and goodness.  The last two fruit in this group are something that man is not born with and they only come through the Spirit.  The Spirit led life then develops faithfulness.  Man is very fickle and won't usually do something without being told.  Life in the Spirit will help faithfulness to obey without being told.  Life in the Spirit develops gentleness.  A person has a gentle disposition.  God wants us to be gentle with each other.  Maybe we should use the word tolerant.  Life in the Spirit does something no other thing can.  It develops self control.  Self control is something that no man can do outside of the Spirit.  Your promises are:  Psalm 30:2, 34:19, 55:18, 103:3, Isaiah 53:5, John 8:36, Rom 8:2, 8:32, 1 John 3:8 and 3 Jn 2.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Knowledge is only truly helpful when applied to life and used for the good of others.  Some of the greatest minds of the age have proposed some of the most foolish ideas ever thought.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stay Free

In Gal 5:1, Paul desires that we should never be burdened or allow ourselves to be yoked again to some form of salvaery.  Christ says we have been set free.  Yokes of slavery come in many forms.  You could be yoked to some habit that could harm your body.  You could be yoked to gossip, booze or sexual habits.  You could be yoked to another person.  Paul says throw off the shackles that bind you.  Christ has come to set you free.  There is freedom in Christ.  We can be free from any vice or problem if we abide in Christ.  The world has all kinds of philosophies and sef help programs to try to break the yokes of bondage.  None of these will ever work.  Jesus Christ is the only one who can truly set you free.  Christ came to give man a new nature so that our old nature could be overcome.  Remember it is the old nature that causes us to stumble and fall.  Life through the new nature and the Spirit can give you the freedom that you are searching for.  Let Christ and the Spirit do the work in you today.  You also have your part to play in this.  You can keep yourself free.  You can say no, to the old nature with its bondage and you can say yes, to Christ and the new nature and truly be free.  The choice is yours. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Zealous for Good.

In Gal 4:18, Paul says that it is good to be zealous provided the purpose is good.  When Jesus had driven out the moneychangers and merchants from the temple, the scripture stated that is was the zeal of the Lord that made Him do it.  Zeal means fervent eagerness.  It is also used when describing diligence to a task.  God had given a job to Jesus and He was diligent to see it done.  When God gives us a work or ministry to do He wants us to be enthusiastic about it.  After all it was God who gave it to us.  He wants us to do it eagerly.  We must do it quickly and to the best of our ability.  Remember you must walk in wisdom.  Some eagerness can overcome common sense.  Let us be persistent in the work and see it through until it is compeleted.  God is not pleased with a job half done.  It is not how we start that it is important, it is how we finish.  Paul says that we should be eager and zealous for a good work.  God loves to see His people happily doing the work that He gives them.  That does not mean that the work will always go smoothly.  There is a sense of accomplishment when the work is completed.  Your promises today are:  Ps 107:09, Isaiah 41:13, Matt 6:33, 11:28, 1 Cor 2:9, Phil 1:6 and Heb 13:5.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Obedience is the decision to do that which is right when everything and everyone around you says you do not have too.  Knowledge is only helpful when applied to life and used for the good of others.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Purpose of the Law

In Gal 3:18-24, We are spending quite a bit of time in the Book of Galatians because it is rich in Bible truth.  Paul brings up the question, "What is the purpose of the law."  The law was given so that man would know what sin wss.  It is because of man's sin that the way was pointed to the Savior.  The law pointed to the promise of the Savior.  It was the taskmaster that pointed to Christ.  Paul brings out that the purpose of the law was to lead men to Christ and that we might be justified by faith.  I am so glad that Christ came.  We are no longer under the jurisdiction of the law.  We are now under the umbrella of grace.  Today's thought will give you answers as to why God sent the law.  Your promises today are:  Deut 33:25, 1 Sam 22:40, Ps 27:14, 29:11, 46:1, Isaiah 30:15, Phil 4:13 and Eph 6:11.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Faith sees the impossible but obedience makes it happen.  Never let discouragement keep you doing what faith has made known.