Today is my Birthday. For the sake of confusion. I am 39 again. I am like Jack Benny, I will always be 39.
On birthdays you cab rethink and refocus to what life is all about. For me it has been about what I wish to do in my world. My first priority must be my walk with God. I want the Lord to be Lord of every area of my life. My thoughts, words, deeds and actions. David wrote, "To those that are pure, you show yourself pure." There was a song in the 1970's which it right to the point of what I am thinking today. "Clean before my Lord, I stand and in me not one blemish does He."
My next priority is to my wife Lois and my children and grandchildren. Today we will all be meeting Lord willing at the Moose and Deer. (Montana's). I want to be a better husband, father and grandfather to each of you. At the end of the day. God will look and say to me, "Well done thy good and faithful servant." This must include the way I role model and mentor the life of Christ for my family.
The third priority must be touching my world for Christ. In my time of meditation and reflection today I came to a powerful conclusion. I am a strong believer in free will. I see it through out the Bible from when Adam and Eve choose to eat the forbidden fruit to the last exhortation of the book of Revelation where John says, to all who read this book, "Come." God has given us a choice and with that choice comes eternal consequences. I believe very strongly in the exhortation of Ezekiel where God charges Ezekiel to tell everyone. Ezekiel was told that if he did not tell them he was held responsible. God then said, "If you tell them, the hearer was then responsible for their own fate. If you do not tell them Ezekiel, you are responsible." I believe that I am suppose to tell every one in my world about Christ. I am not responsible for any one else but those in my world. With thought in mind, that is what I am going to do. First, I am going to bring the matter to God and pray for those in my world and once I have ask the Lord for divine intervention I will then go forth in His anointing and power to touch my world. Being a pastor has prepared me for the greatest opportunity yet. To speak to Edmonton, Northern Alberta and the world on AM 930 the Light. I will do this and believe for the best yet.
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