Paul gives us a wonderful exhortation when he says that we are not to let the sun go down on our wrath. Carrying anger, hurts and unforgiveness to the next day just makes the the wall between you and others bigger.
Night time is meant for sleeping but when you go to bed with an issue of anger or hurt, you mind works over time and you go over the issue again and again and it can become justification for a negative response or long term hurt. Dealing with things right away or as soon as you can is the best method. It is o.k. to take a time out for think things through but as soon as you can deal with the issue so that forgiveness can flow, healing can start and relationships can be built again. Phyliss Diller said, "don't let the sun go down on your wrath, stay up and fight." Not recommended either. Paul's advice was to stay up until it is resolve if possible. It will help sleep better at night as well.
Well it is Monday Night and I just got back from doing my work out at the Servus Centre, here in St. Albert. Paul says that bodily exercise has some profit. It if course never compares to spiritual exercise. Spiritual exercise is the study, thinking through and applying God`s word. Spiritual exercise is praying and seeking God`s face and will. It is fellowship and growing with other believers. Spiritual exercise is when you share you faith and personal experiences with God. I have realized the value of both physical and spiritual exercise. They both are designed to complete the whole man. You take care of your body and it will take care of you. You feed your soul and you inner man will prosper as well. Simple but effective advice.