Friday, January 31, 2025
Jan 31 – Psalm 15:1-2 - Godly Qualities
Jan 31 – Psalm 15:1-2 - Godly Qualities
This is one of my favorite psalms. We will spend the next four days in this Psalm because it is so rich in truth. David asks the question, “Who can dwell in your sanctuary who can live on your holy Hill?” Then he proceeds to answer it. Many psalms are structured this way.
David then reveals three qualities of a righteous person. First, their walk is blameless. No one can attach blame to them. They are like Joseph and Daniel living righteously in a wicked world. Their lifestyle shows their regard, honor and respect for God. Next, they do what is right. Actions speak louder than words. They walk the walk. James says, “I will show you my faith by what I do.” True faith is demonstrated through lifestyle. Lastly, they speak the truth from their heart. Truth is in their heart and that what is what they speak. They know the truth and it has set them from. David says godly qualities start from the heart and are shown in lifestyle. Are yours?
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Jan 30 – Coming out of Zion
Jan 30 – Coming out of Zion
David spends this psalms speaking of the plight and state of the wicked. They are fools because they say there is no God. Atheism is a hopeless state. It was written once on an atheist tombstone. “Here lies a man all dress up and no place to go.” What a said state to live and be in. No hope just death before you. One day to stand and give an account to a righteous and holy God and being a sinner. Sad state of affairs.
Yet David closes off the psalm in vs 7 saying, salvation comes for Israel out of Zion. Salvation comes from place where God dwells. Jesus came out of heaven to earth to give mankind salvation. The Lord will restore the fortunes of His people. All that has been lost will be restored. What a great promise. One day everything the thief has stolen from us will be restored 7 fold. Pr 6:31. As a psalm of praise David closes and says rejoice and be glad. The state of the wicked is sad but the people of God have favor, salvation and restoration. You feel like you lost so much. Don’t worry all will be well. What you have lost will be restored and the thief will have to pay it back. What a great promise.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Jan 29 – Psalm 13:7 - My heart Rejoices.
Jan 29 – Psalm 13:7 - My heart Rejoices.
David was in a questioning and meditative state. His question through the Psalm is, “How long Oh God.” Many times we feel the same way. God has not heard our prayers in our time frame. We think He is taking too long. We have forgotten that God will renew, strengthen and restore those who wait on Him. David has voiced His thoughts and then at the end of the Psalm as often happens David brings a happy ending. Today he releases three truths. First, David and we can trust in God’s unfailing love. God’s love will never fail and we will be never separated from it. Secondly, his heart rejoiced in God’s salvation. Salvation is such a wonderful gift and thought. To be saved from our sins. To be forgiven. To be right with God. To have peace with God and others. It is something to truly rejoice in. There is joy when you know you are righteous and blameless. Lastly, David was going to sing because the Lord was good to Him. Johnny Appleseed was asked why he was so happy in doing his work. “He stated the Lord has been good to me.”
Do you know the Lord has been good to you? Do you trust in His unfailing love? Do you rejoice in His salvation? David did and you can as well as you think and reflect on these wonderful truths today.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Jan 28 - Psalm 12:5-7
Jan 28 - Psalm 12:5-7
David in this Psalm has been lamenting about the human condition. The godly are no more. People lie, flatter, slander and oppress the weak. David says the oppression of the week and needy are wrong to the Lord. The Lord in vs 5, says He will arise. Nothing is going to stop Him. He is about to move in the affairs of man. First, He promises to protect than that are being aligned and slandered. No weapon forms against the child of God will prosper. No wagging tongue ill succeed.
David then states the words from the law are perfect or flawless. They are like silver than has refined 7 times. God when He speaks delivers flawless, perfect and truth words. You can trust the promises of God. 1 Cor 1, states that the promises of God are yes and amen. Then David states the Lord will keep us safe and will protect us from such people forever. The angels of the Lord camp around them fear Him. He will build a hedge of protection around you today. You are never alone. You have god’s promise of help and protection today. No tongue, slander or attack will succeed. The enemy may try to rob, kill you destroy you, but Jesus destroy his works. God promises today to give you life and with abundance. What a great thought to carry with you today.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Jan 24 – Psalm 9:4 – Judging righteously
Jan 24 – Psalm 9:4 – Judging righteously
This is a Psalm of David. David starts off by praising the Lord and then thanking the Lord for who He is and what He has done. Now in our verse today, David is grateful to the Lord because the Lord upheld His right and His cause. David felt that His rights had been violated. He had been wrong and brought His case before the Lord. When we are hurt the first place we must bring it to is the Lord. He will show how to love and forgive. Then we must commit it to the Lord for Him to work things out. Time and time again I have done this and seen God`s resolution. Asking the Lord to help immediately brings divine help and justice. Jesus told us that we to let the Lord be the avenger and judge.
David saw the Lord in this instant sit on His throne. The sovereignty and authority of God was brought into the situation and God made a righteous judgment on the part of David. David though had his part o play. He had to be willing to love and forgive. He had to make sure his attitudes, motives and heart was right. Forgiveness is keep to any victory over hurt and pain. When you forgive you release yourself from the person or situation. Youa slo cancelled the legal ground the devil may try to exercise. David saw God`s justice and you will as well. Just keep your heart right.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Jan 23 – Psalm 8:9 = How Majestic is your name
Jan 23 – Psalm 8:9 = How Majestic is your name
Psalm eight begins and end with this phrase. How majesty is your name in all the earth. The Psalmist started out with relaying the authority, power might and dominion of God and He close the Psalm with the same thought. God is the creator and sustainer of all things. In Genesis we see God breathing life into the nostrils of a man and he becomes a little soul. Life and breath are a gift of God. Next time you breathe reflect on who give you this breath. Think about His sovereignty. God is all powerful and the amazing thing is that astronomers are telling us that the universe is still expanding and growing. God is still creating. Every day a child is born and that is a miracle. Another of God`s creation has come into being.
Yet the greatest creative work is the work of redemption. When the Lord takes a sinner and through the act of salvation makes them a new creature. The old passes away and all things become brand new. The majesty and glory of God are seen in the salvation, restoration and renewal of a sinner. In that moment of salvation a sinner becomes saint. They address changes. They go from death until life. When that happens, Oh Lord how majestic is your name among the earth.