Wednesday, July 31, 2024
July 31 – Cyrus Part Two - Isaiah 55:1-8
July 31 – Cyrus Part Two - Isaiah 55:1-8
One has to remember that when Isaiah wrote his manuscript it was broken up into chapters or verses
That would come later. In fact, several hundred years later. So, these first few verses are a continuation
Of the previous chapter. Cyrus is anointed to take nations and strip kings of their power. He will open
Shut doors. The Lord will go before him and level mountains. He will break down gates of bronze and
cut threw bars of iron. He will get treasure from secret places, and he will come to know that the Lord is
summoning him.
It is for the sake of the Jews he will be summoned, anointed, and raised up. He will be given a title of
Honor though he does not acknowledge the Lord. He will be strengthened by the Lord. People from all
Paces and walks of life will know it is the Lord who has done this. The Lord creates light out of darkness.
He can bring prosperity or disaster for He is the Lord who can do all things. He commands the elements
So that righteousness and salvation may flow because these are His qualities.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
July 30 – Cyrus - Isaiah 44:21-28
July 30 – Cyrus - Isaiah 44:21-28
The Lord reminds Jacob as Israel He is the servant of the Lord. As the Lord’s servant He will not be
Forgotten. Their offenses have been swept away like a cloud. Their sins like the morning mist. He asks
Them to return to Him because they have been redeemed or bought back. Creation has been
Instructed to sing and burst into song about what the Lord has done. Through Israel the Lord has shown
His glory.
The Lord reminds His people that they were formed by Him in the womb. He is the Lord who made all
Things both in heaven and on earth. He foils the signs of the false prophets and makes the wisdom of
this world appears foolish. He carries out the words of His prophets and makes the predictions of His
messengers come to pass. The Lord is about to rebuild the ruins of Judah.
The Lord can make the watery places and streams dry up. Then Isaiah introduces a future helper of
The Jews. He tells about the Medo Persian king called Cyrus who is a shepherd who will accomplish
What the Lord pleases. He commands Jerusalem to be built, its temple and foundation to be laid. Get
This 200 years before it happens Isaiah reveals how a Persian king will command a temple to be rebuilt.
When Isaiah wrote this the temple would not be destroyed for over a hundred years. The Bible is more
Accurate than tomorrow’s newspaper.
Monday, July 29, 2024
July 29 – Delusion - Isaiah 44:12-20
July 29 – Delusion - Isaiah 44:12-20
Isaiah then points out the obvious. The blacksmith goes to his forge. He makes the coals hot and
then begins his work. He gets hungry and needs water to keep him working. He takes his tools and then
begins to make a human form to create a shrine. He cuts down a tree. He creates a fire for his food and
uses the same tree or form an idol. When the idol is made, he bows down to it and prays to it and asks
it to save or bless him. Both know nothing.
The idol worshipper eyes are plastered with sin, and they cannot see. Their minds are closed so they
Understand. No one thinks, has knowledge, or understands. They take a block of wood and create a fire
And in the same time period create and idol and worship it. Their heart is deluded and mislead. They
Are living a lie and cannot be saved because of their delusion.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25 – a New Thing - Isaiah 43:16-21
July 25 – a New Thing - Isaiah 43:16-21
The Lord reminds His people that He was the one who led them through the Red Sea and defeated
The Egyptian army. He then tells them to forget the past and the former things. Do not make the past
Part of your present or future. He is now doing a new thing that they cannot perceive it. He is going
To make a way in the wilderness and create springs of life in the desert. The animals will honor Him
And He will provide water in the wasteland and deserts for His chosen people to drink. Like he did for
Moses when he struck the rock with his staff.
The Lord has created and formed a people for Himself. He has made them so they can proclaim and
Declared His name. Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed and praise is an attitude of gratitude
Shown. Life in the Lord has purpose and fulfillment.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24 – Redeemer - Isaiah 43:11-15
July 24 – Redeemer - Isaiah 43:11-15
The Lord reminds them through Isaiah that apart from Hin there is no savior and that is not some
foreign God. They are His witnesses that He is the Lord. From ancient times no one can take them out
of His hand and no one can reverse when he acts. Even though Israel has been unfaithful God is
merciful. He is the redeemer of Israel.
Isaiah then looks into the future and tells Judah that they shall be taken to Baylon as fugitives for
Their pride and sin. He then reveals four things about God. He is their Lord, Sovereign, and Master.
He is their Holy One. This is character nature and essence. He is Israel’s creator for he called Abraham
Out of the Babylon. He is their king and ruler.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
July 23 – I am God - Isaiah 43:5-10
July 23 – I am God - Isaiah 43:5-10
Larry Lea back in the eighties used this scripture as a launching pad to call people to his church.
This is the second exhortation to not be afraid. Fear of course is a spirit and must be dealt with in a
Spiritual way. The Lord is with us so from the four directions the Lord will call people to help and be
With you. They will not be held back and in the spiritual realm you can call them to help you in prayer.
Those who call upon the Lord will realize that they have been called by His name and they have been
Created for a purpose. Life takes on meaning. Part of that is being to help those who are spiritual blind
And deaf to be free to hear and see the gospel.
The Lord reminds them no gods made of human hands could foretold this. They can say things are
true or right. The people of God are His witnesses. We know and believe in Him. We understand that
He is who says He is. There is no God who has been formed Him and there is none after Him. He is the
Eternal God. He alone is God.
Monday, July 22, 2024
July 22 – Do not Fear - Isaiah 43:1-4
July 22 – Do not Fear - Isaiah 43:1-4
Isaiah then exhorts the people about who the Lord is and what He does. He is the Lord who created
Jacob and then changed his name to Israel. The supplanter became a prince with God. The Lord has
Redeemed them and bought them back from sin. He has called them by name and so there is no fear.
When they pass through trouble waters they will not drown or be swept away. Israel went through
The Red Sea and Jordan river. When they pass the fire you will not be burned or set ablaze. The three
Hebrew boys saw that.
The Lord is the Holy one and the savior. He will give the nations for a ransom and stability. We are
Honored in his sight. The Lord loves us. People and nations have been given in exchanged for us. What
An honor, inheritance, and promise.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Friday, July 19, 2024
July 19 – All Things New - Isaiah 42:5-9
July 19 – All Things New - Isaiah 42:5-9
The describes himself as the creator of the heavens and the one who stretches them to infinity.
He created the earth and mankind whose very breath is a gift from Him. Lord calls His people to
Righteousness. He will uphold, be a covenant, and a light to the gentiles.
The Lord will open blind eyes, free captives, and release the dungeons of darkness. The Lord is
Mighty in his name. He will not yield his glory, essence, nature, and character to another. Former
Things have taken place, but the Lord is declaring new things. Before they happen, He will announce it
To His people. So beautiful how prophecy and promise work together.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
July 18 – The Messiah - Isaiah 42:1-4
July 18 – The Messiah - Isaiah 42:1-4
Isaiah gives a portrait and snapshot of the Messiah. He is the servant of the Lord and is upheld
By the Lord. He is the chosen one in whom the Lord delights. He will have the Holy Spirit on Him.
This was what happened in the Old Testament. He will bring justice to the nations. This means
Right now, that is not what is happening.
He will not cry out, shout, or raise His voice in the street. He will not be an activist. He will be gentle
In his approach and manner. He will be faithful in the practice of justice and fairness. He will not falter,
Backdown, backout or become discouraged. He will establish and bring justice and righteousness to the
earth. In his teachings even the nations located on Islands will put their hope in Him. A perfect portrait
of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
July 17 – One who Comes - Isaiah 41:25-29
July 17 – One who Comes - Isaiah 41:25-29
The Lord is going to rouse and bring someone from the north. This person will call on the name of
The Lord early in the morning. He will destroy mortar and clay. The Lord has declared this from the
Beginning and in former times. They will say the Lord is right. No one has declared, proclaimed, or
Said these words before. The Lord has said in Zion and has said a messenger will come with good news.
The Lord has looked and saw there is no counselor among the recipients. Anyone who rises among them will give a false answer and lie. Their works are worthless. Their molten images and idols are wind and emptiness. This is the folly of idolatry.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
July 16 – Warning to Idols - Isaiah 41:20-24
July 16 – Warning to Idols - Isaiah 41:20-24
The Lord invites the people to present their case. Tell us, this is a reference to the trinity. What
Is going on and what is going to take place. Present your case and your strong arguments. The Lord
Is not afraid of our concerns. The Lord will hear, determine the outcome, and announce what is coming.
This is a warning and announcement to the idols and gods. Declare what you know or if good, or
Evil will come. Should the people fear or look about? Idols are of not account, their works are nothing
And those who choose them are an abomination. Serious things to consider.
Monday, July 15, 2024
July 15 – Benefits - Isaiah 41:17-19
July 15 – Benefits - Isaiah 41:17-19
There will be needy and afflicted people seeking water to quench their thirst, but they will not find it.
The Lord will answer them and will not forsake them. He gives comfort to the needy, vulnerable, and
Afflicted. He will open rivers on bare heights, springs in the valley, and make the wilderness a pool of
Water. He will create lands that have been dry into fountains of water. He will put forest of acacia,
Juniper, box tree, myrtle, olive, and cypress.
People will see and recognize that the hand of the Lord has done this and that the Holy One of Israel
Has done exactly what He has promised. You can trust the Lord for His promises, blessings, and benefits.