Thursday, February 29, 2024
Feb 29 – Light to Darkness - Isaiah 8:19-22
Feb 29 – Light to Darkness - Isaiah 8:19-22
The prophet then points out the folly of the occult. When someone tells you to consult and talk to mediums and spiritists who mutter and whisper about not consulting or talking to God. Do not listen to them. They are aligned with the enemy. There are speaking deception and lies. Why speak to the dead about the living. The dead are dead. The occultist is getting their information from demons who agenda is rob, kill, and destroy.
Isaiah tells his audience to consult God’s word for instruction, information, and guidance. This is a testimony and warning. He also makes it clear that anyone who does speak according to the word does not have light or dawn in them. They have darkness and evil.
The prophet then outlines these individuals will be distressed, hungry, vagabonds, enraged, angry, cursing both the government and rulers. The result of their deception is that they will look for other answers in climate change, social activities, and environmentalism. They will only see the negative as darkness and gloom which will only make them more negative.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Feb 28 – The Messiah - Isaiah 9:6-7
Feb 28 – The Messiah - Isaiah 9:6-7
This is a powerful portrait of the Messiah and of Jesus Christ.
1. Unto us a child is born and unto a son is given. He is the universal Messiah and Christ.
2. The reign, rule and authority will be given unto him. His government will be one of justice, truth, love, mercy, and compassion.
3. He shall be called wonderful. This is who he is and what he is.
4. Counselor. He is the one who advises, guides, directs on all areas of life.
6. Mighty God. This is essence, nature, and characteristics. He is God with face.
7. Everlasting Father. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, and forever. There is a consistency and constancy with God.
8. The Prince of Peace. He is giver, sustainer, and essence of peace.
9. The greatness, splendor, and majesty of his government with it main emphasis of peace will have no end.
10. He will reign and fulfill the promise of David to rule on his throne.
11. The two characteristics of this reign will be justice and righteousness. These will not end.
12. The zeal, energy and power of God will accomplish and sustain it.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Feb 27 – Honor Galilee - Isaiah 9:1-5
Feb 27 – Honor Galilee - Isaiah 9:1-5
Isaiah has a positive message here. He tells the inhabitant of Israel that there will no more doom and gloom for those who has distressed, oppressed, or possessed. In the past they were humbled and judged but, in the future, he will honor Galilee. It was the way to the coast. Jesus would live, work and minister in that part of the work. In fact, most of the work he did was in this location.
People who have been walking and living in darkness have seen a great light and this light is a new dawn. Jesus is that light and new dawn. The Lord has enlarged the nation and it is a great time of rejoicing. Isaiah uses to illustrations. Like people after a harvest has been collected or warrior dividing up the spoil. It will like the day that Gideon defeated the Midianites and broke their oppression. The garments of the enemy became fuel for the fire that warmed the victors. This is a direct prophecy about Jesus.
Monday, February 26, 2024
Feb 26 – Light to Darkness –
Feb 26 – Light to Darkness –
Isaiah 8:19-22
The prophet then points out the folly of the occult. When someone tells you to consult and talk to mediums and spiritists who mutter and whisper about not consulting or talking to God. Do not listen to them. They are aligned with the enemy. There are speaking deception and lies. Why speak to the dead about the living. The dead are dead. The occultist is getting their information from demons who agenda is rob, kill, and destroy.
Isaiah tells his audience to consult God’s word for instruction, information, and guidance. This is a testimony and warning. He also makes it clear that anyone who does speak according to the word does not have light or dawn in them. They have darkness and evil.
The prophet then outlines these individuals will be distressed, hungry, vagabonds, enraged, angry, cursing both the government and rulers. The result of their deception is that they will look for other answers in climate change, social activities, and environmentalism. They will only see the negative as darkness and gloom which will only make them more negative.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Friday, February 23, 2024
Feb 23 – Hammer of Judgment – Isaiah 8:5-10
Feb 23 – Hammer of Judgment – Isaiah 8:5-10
The spoke to Isaiah again and told him that the people had rejected the gentle hand of the Lord and rejoiced in their alliance with Syria. This Alliance will bring about the wrath and anger of the Assyrians. They will come with great pomp and ceremony. Isaiah uses the picture of a drowning person where they are swirling in the water. They are being drowned and overwhelmed by the might of this invader. They will invade all the land.
Now it is interesting that amid this prophecy he uses the word Immanuel. This is a direct reference to the Messiah in human form. This infers that the Messiah will be part of the consequences of what happens. He is the judge, jury, and executioner in this matter.
They can raise up armies for war, get prepared and devise strategy but their plans and strategies will fail because the Lord is not with them but is using the Assyrians as a hammer of judgment. Isaiah and Jeremiah propose an interesting thought. Does God use the heathen as his judgment? In this case. Yes.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Feb 22 – Living Example - Isaiah 8:1-4
Feb 22 – Living Example - Isaiah 8:1-4
Isaiah was to become like Hosea a living example. He was to take a large scroll make or either sheep skin or leather. He was to take an ordinary pen most likely a quill or flint pen. Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.” Means to quicken the plunder. The witnesses to be called to this event were Uriah who was a priest and Jeberekiah who were considered as reliable witnesses who would verify what was happening.
He was then to have a child with a fellow prophetess so in ancient Judah the office of a prophet could be male or female. Huldah was such a woman. They were to have a child named this. This would be a sign that this event was going to happen. Hosea had a similar experience with Gomer. This was a common practice in prophetic families. Before the child would be able to speak this event would happen where both the wealth of Syria and Isarel would be carried off by Assyria. This meant that the judgment of God was about to happen.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Feb 21 – Coming Days – Isaiah 7:17-25
Feb 21 – Coming Days – Isaiah 7:17-25
Isaiah prophesizes about what will happen to first Israel. They will be attacked on two fronts. The Egyptians will come like insects and devour the land first. Then the Assyrians will come and destroy the remaining people and carry them into exile to never return. There will not be a place where people can hide to get away from them.
In that day they will be desecrated and treated badly. Isaiah is quite graphic in his description of this event. This is designed to help the people to know the depth and extent of their sin. It will be a time of devastation but also in certain elements of society it will be in abundance. Most likely to those who cooperate. Jeremiah would tell the people of his time the same thing. The reality is that the land will be lain to waste and the people taken away because of their sin, rebellion, and disobedience. Over and over Isaiah tells his audience the consequences of sin and rebellion.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Feb 20 – Immanuel – Isaiah 7:14-16
Feb 20 – Immanuel – Isaiah 7:14-16
This is a direct prophecy about the Messiah. It is given to a rebellious and disobedient king. Ahaz is of the family of David and so the promise is given. The Lord himself will give a sign. This is a direct sign from the Lord. It will not be altered. Left unfulfilled or not completed. This is from the heart, mind, and voice of God.
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son. This is the seed of the woman from Gen 3:15. How the child will be born, and the gender of the child is being revealed. He will be called Immanuel which means God with us. He will be the Messiah. God with a face. The perfect union of God and man. This is predicted 700 years before Jesus shows up on the scene.
He will curd and honey. Something he will like in his diet. He will know how to reject the wrong and choose the right. This is a glimpse into the temptation in the wilderness. Before this boy knows how to reject the wrong and choose the right. Syria and Isarel will be laid waste which happens.
This is an amazing word. A rebellious descendent of David gets a word that the Messiah is coming. Yet in the meantime his enemies and their kingdoms will fall. The grace and mercy of God is amazing.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Feb 16 – How Long – Isaiah 6:11-13
Feb 16 – How Long – Isaiah 6:11-13
Isaiah then asks how long will he have to preach and how long will the assignment be? The Lord tells him that until the cities lie ruined and no longer habitable. The fields will be ruined. The Lord will send the people into exile. This is a prophecy of the exile for 70 years.
He also reveals there will be a remnant. About a tenth of the people will remain. This of course was Jeremiah and those that he was with until they chose to go to Egypt. Prophetically, the terebinth and oak trees are known for their strength and endurance when cut down they can grow back. This means like a stump still can grow so Israel will return one day. That has happened.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Feb 14 – Whom Shall I Send – Isaiah 6:5-10
Feb 14 – Whom Shall I Send – Isaiah 6:5-10
Isaiah then reacts he has seen the Lord and he realizes that his one fault and failure is that he is a man of unclean lips, and he lives among people with the same problem. He has seen the Lord and the holiness and truth of the Lord has exposed his sin, fault, and failure.
The Lord immediately remedies the situation by providing an answer. Redemption is always the answer. In this case an angel takes a live coal from off the altar and applies it to his lips and mouth. Three things happen. The point of contact has beautifully taken care of the problem. His guilt has been taken away and his sin has been forgiven. The Lord is Jehovah Jireh. He always meets us at our point of need.
The Lord asks the question, “whom shall l send and who will go for us. Isaiah immediately offers himself. Isaiah is sent with an understanding that his audience will hear but not understand. Seeing but not perceive. There hearts have become calloused, their ears dull and their eyes closed. This is because of two reasons. They have exchanged the creation for the creator, so the Lord gave them over and their sin has blinded them. This has given the inability to see, hear, and understand. If they did they could turn and be healed.