Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Feb 28 – All is yours – 1 Cor 3:22-23
Feb 28 – All is yours – 1 Cor 3:22-23
22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 23 and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.
Paul closes this chapter with serval thoughts. It does matter about himself, Apollos, Peter r human leader in the church all are gifts and are for the benefit of all. Whether it is the world, life, or death, the present or the future all beyond to us. Anything that comes our way we must embrace in the Lord. The Lord is the source of blessing and also the one who helps us in any situation we find ourselves in. Paul said in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good. That does not mean all things we face are good but if bad things happen, they have a purpose and to trust God to work things out for our betterment.
Paul then reminds them that they are of Christ and in Christ. Christ is the avenue and conduit in which all blessings flow. Jesus Christ is the source, author, and finisher of our faith. As Christ is in and of God so we are the same. We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. All the blessing, blessing and inheritance we have come from and through Christ. Don’t get caught on the small things when you can all the good things instead.
Monday, February 27, 2023
Feb 27 – No more boasting – 1 Cor 3:21
Feb 27 – No more boasting – 1 Cor 3:21
21 So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours.
Paul tells them to stop boasting of their leaders or favorite preachers. They are human leaders. Their calling has been by God. They must give an account of what they taught. When we break up into camps on preachers, doctrines, and traditions we are walking in envy and selfish ambition. When people boast of their ministers or churches it is a self-centered spirit they are catering to.
Paul then reminds them that every pastor, evangelist, teacher, apostle, and prophet are theirs. Each has a ministry and gift to bring to the whole body. No one minister or ministry is greater or better than another. They have all been raised up by God for a purpose. Elevation of one over another is selfish ambition and envy and must be avoided at all costs or this distorted view of ministry will divide the church does not strengthen or help it.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Feb 24 – The Temple is sacred – 1 Cor 3:17
Feb 24 – The Temple is sacred – 1 Cor 3:17
17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.
Paul issues a warning to any opponent of the church. If you try to destroy the temple of God whenever the corporate body or an individual God will himself destroy that person. This is a stern reality which has been repeated many times over the centuries. Every enemy of the church has been destroyed and defeated. The church is the most resilient organism and organization. Whenever you try to stamp it out the church grows and thrives. Gamaliel had a warning to the leaders of San Hedrin council. He told them if they tried to destroy the church, they would find themselves fighting God.
Paul states that the temple of God whether the corporate entity or the person was sacred. Jesus purchased us with His broken body and shed blood. We are the beloved and redeemed of the Lord. We belong to God. All together we are that temple. That is also the reason why we must keep the unity of the faith. A house divided will fall. Working together shows that we are of God and honor God.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Feb 23 – You are a temple – 1 Cor 3:16
Feb 23 – You are a temple – 1 Cor 3:16
16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
Paul then reveals a powerful truth both about us and the church. The believer and the church are both the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in us and we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We have resurrection power, fruit, gifts, authority, enablement, wisdom, clarity, and boldness. As temples of the Holy Spirit, we have duty, responsibility, and obligations. Our first priority, as the temple is glorify God and be careful how we lived.
As the church we are to make sure that no false teachers, false religion, or false ways infiltrate us. The church is an entity like no other. We are God’s own possession. When we meet the Lord is in our midst. When we pray together nothing, or anyone will be able to stop us. The church is the most powerful force in the world. We are His ambassadors and representatives in this world.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Feb 22 – Rewarded Accordingly – 1 Cor 3:14-15
Feb 22 – Rewarded Accordingly – 1 Cor 3:14-15
14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
In the ancient world as today, fire is the element that reveals the true beauty and character of something. I used to live in a community that contained a smelter. They heated up the smelter to thousands of degrees and through the process of smelting they were able to extract minerals and by products. When the fire is applied that which is built right will survive. Gold, silver, and costly stones become more refined and valuable when fire is applied. Wood, hay, and stubble get burned up.
Each builder will get a reward for what they have done. If what they have done is burned up than they will suffer loss, but they will be saved. They have gone through the fire and have been purified but there is nothing less except their lives and what Jesus did for them. The judgment Paul is talking about is the judgment of the believer. What we build our lives on does matter. Christ is the foundation but the life we live and how we live it will be tested and rewarded accordingly.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Feb 21 – Tested and true – 1 Cor 3:13
Feb 21 – Tested and true – 1 Cor 3:13
13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.
There are four things that Paul brings to light in this verse. First, all work will be shown for what it is. What we do will be tested. Who and what we are will be brought into the arena of judgment and God will reveal what we have done and who we really are. Next, Jesus stated that all that is done in secret will be shouted from the housetops. That is why we need to realize that we always have an audience of one and what we do and who we really are matters.
Thirdly, the process of this accountability will be by fire. Fire, burns, purifies, and reveals the true nature of something. The fire of God is hotter than anything in the universe and he will test who we are and what we have done. Our motives and attitudes will be revealed on that day. Lastly each person’s work will be tested. There is a day of accountability that is coming. All that is true and real about us will be revealed. So, it behooves us to make sure that we are living every moment for the Lord and make sure that our motives, attitudes, and deeds are of the highest quality.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Friday, February 17, 2023
Feb 17 – Building and field – 1 Cor 3:8-9
Feb 17 – Building and field – 1 Cor 3:8-9
8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
The one who plants and the one who waters have their one purpose. Each person has a role to play. The part that we must play will be rewarded by the Lord. No single role is greater or less than the other. The one who has a public ministry is no more important than the one who works behind the scenes. Both are important in the work of the Lord. The pastor of a church needs everyone working together to accomplish all the Lord wishes to do through that local church. Each one must do their own labor or there is no reward. The farmer or gardener who plants and water will have the delight of enjoying the harvest, but they must do the work.
Paul states that everyone who has been mentioned are co workers in God’s service. Each has a role and responsibility. He then states that they are God’s field and building. They are working on the behalf of the Corinthians. Each person does their job to perfect and equip the church. No one is better or less than another. All working together make the field and the building productive and strong.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Feb 16 – Growth – 1 Cor 3:6-7
Feb 16 – Growth – 1 Cor 3:6-7
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
Paul continues with the thought that each had their function and role. Paul planted the seed and then Apollos came along and watered it. God made it grow. That is why Peter said to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Using and agricultural lesson was an easy picture for the Corinthians to grasp.
The farmer is not the one who makes the plant grow. They are simply the vessels in which the produce comes. It is God who makes things grow. God has put a natural progression in place and if followed there will be a harvest of 30, 60 and 100-fold. If we allow God to do His work, there will be fruitfulness and good work done. Our role is to do the will of the Father whatever that looks like and whatever it is. Jesus said the Lord wants to give us fruit and that the fruit will remain.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Feb 15 – Immature – 1 Cor 3:4-5
Feb 15 – Immature – 1 Cor 3:4-5
4 For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?
5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task.
Paul points out that when we are breaking up into camps of our favorite preachers, we are acting just like everyone else. That is why we have so many denominations and churches. We are following our own subscription of what the gospel looks to us. We have pet doctrines and ideas that may or may not be biblical. God is bigger than our view and to make him fit into our small view is so immature and worldly.
So, who are Paul and Apollos? They are three things. First and foremost, they are servants of the Lord. Secondly, they were the instruments and people that God sent to bring the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. They were His ambassadors just doing what they were told and assigned to do. Each person has been given as task. It is only something that they can do. Each part of the body doing its part no greater or less than the other. Paul would later use the picture of the body to illustrate this.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
FEB 14, 2023
3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?
Paul shares how they are still worldly. They are jealous of each other and the outgrowth of that is that they are quarrelling. In Chapter one we learned that they were quarreling about who the best preacher and teacher was. We have learned that where there is envy and selfish ambition every evil persists. These are the root of what Paul was seeing and writing about.
He then asks them two questions. First when you demonstrate and show jealousy and quarreling are you not being worldly? Remember the world attacks through, pride, pleasure, and possessions. Envy and selfishness are rooted in this. Secondly are you acting like mere humans? Christians are in this world but not of this world. We have passed from death unto life. We have the Holy Spirit and so what the Corinthians are showing is that they are still very worldly.