Wednesday, June 30, 2021
June 30 - Vignettes on Prayer
June 30 - Vignettes on Prayer
We have been looking at the prayer life of Jesus as our example on how to pray. Jesus always prayed in times of great testing. Jesus faced two times of great testing that we are going to look at. The first was when he spent 40 days and nights fasting and praying. This happened before the temptation in the wilderness where Satan tested Him. Jesus defeated the devil by using the word of God. The second time of testing was in the garden of Gethesame in Matt 26:39-44. His first priority in both cases was that God’s will should be done and to this end He prayed in the times of great testing and difficulty in his life. There will be times of testing in our lives and prayer is the lifeline that will hold us steady, strong and stable.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
June 29 - Vignettes on Prayer
June 29 - Vignettes on Prayer
Jesus was a true example of prayer and through His life we can learn so much about prayer. Jesus sought the Lord before all major decisions. In one case He spent all night in prayer before choosing the twelve disciples to be His apostles. Jesus wanted to make sure the right men were in place because He would be building His church on these men. So do you pray earnestly before an major decision. On this occasion Jesus spent the entire night in prayer in Luke 6:12. A simple exhortation today is follow the example of Jesus. I might add why don’t you pray before minor decisions. It is often a minor decision that can lead to an opportunity or even a change of life. Jesus is our example in all things.
Monday, June 28, 2021
June 28 - Vignettes on Prayer
June 28 - Vignettes on Prayer
In all other areas of life, so in prayer, Jesus proves to be our greatest example. Through His life and example of prayer, he shows, guides and encourages us. So in this snap shot we are going to examine the life of Jesus in prayer. First, he prayed frequently. Throughout the gospels we see this. Now if God’s only begotten Son felt the need of spending much time with His Father in prayer how much more should we. It is through prayer that Jesus knew the will of the Father, Luke 5:15 shows us this. It is the same with us. Secondly, Jesus often went out to pray by Himself. In Mark 1:35 and Luke 9:18, we see this. Solitude and freedom from interruption are essential to meaningful prayer. Jesus told us to go into our closet close the door and spend time in prayer. Simple but direct examples from the life of Jesus.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
June 25 - Vignettes on Prayer
June 25 - Vignettes on Prayer
This is the second snapshots on 1 Thess 5:16-18,. Paul gives a simple thought. He says pray without ceasing. Pray continuously. This means be in an attitude of prayer always. Never forget the Lord is always with you. Jesus gave this thought in Matt 28:20, when He said He would be with us even to the end of the age. Being in an attitude of prayer means that any moment God can lay someone on your heart and you instantly pray for them. It means at any moment you can shoot a prayer of to heaven on behalf o yourself or others. Frank Lambaugh in his book Atomic prayers calls this praying in a new age. Praying with ceasing is not an old thing or a new thing it is a thing for all the ages. Today make it your aim and goal to be aware of the Lord and be willing to pray in a moment’s notice whatever God lays on your heart. Someone could be in need of it today.