Tuesday, December 31, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Austria

To the Church and Nation of Austria

     I heart is sorrowful to what you have become.  I once put my Spirit in your midst.  You were once hot but now you have become lukewarm to cold.  You have a form of godliness but you deny the power thereof.  You have all the beauty of a religious nation but you are dead inside.  Your churches are filled by people who love the ritual and form of me but do not know me.  If you do not repent I will pull my candlestick from your nation.  You have produce some of the greatest accomplishments of man and your pride as made you stink in my nostrils.  You have allowed the concepts of the world to pollute you and you are dead inside.  Yet there is still hope.  I counsel you to repent.  To seek my face before I pour out my judgment on you.  
     To the remnant in Austria.  I have seen your patience and persistence.  You have struggled against the religious deadness of your land and I will give you a reformation.  There are many in your nation who have not bowed their knee to the gods of this world.  Satan is not completely in charge of your nation even though sometimes it feels that way.  I will come to your meetings and prayer times.  I will meet with those who will seek my face.  It is not the end of your struggle.  I warn you ahead of time that you must persist and in due season you will my glory.  Do not grow weary in well doing for in season you will my harvest.  
     I am not finished with your nation but this is the time of decision.  If those who seek my kingdom will call unto me with your whole heart I will again not only spare your nation but will bring a reformation and revival like you have not seen in a very long time.  Your nation can be what it once was.  You can see once again my mighty hand.  You can be an influence in the continent again.  It is your moment of decision.  Choose you this day whom you will serve. 

Praise the Lord

Dec 31 -  Praise the Lord – Psalm 150

     I cannot believe it here we are at the end of the year closing off the Year in Psalm with a fitting ending.  The Psalmist writes Praise the Lord.  Praise Him in the sanctuary, in the heavens, for his acts of power and his surpassing greatness.
      Praise him with the trumpet, lyre and harp.  Praise him the tambourine and dancing.  Praise him with the flute and strings.  With the clash of cymbals.  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  So as the chorus says today.  “Lets just praise the Lord, praise the Lord, lets just lift our hands towards and praise the Lord.”  As we close off this year I just want to thank you for being with me in this devotional.  Thank you for spending time with me.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life.  Thank you for praising the Lord with me.  My prayer for you is that you become like David a person after God’s own heart.  God Bless.    

Verse Today

Divine Help

In John 6:37 Jesus said, All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. This is so wonderful. You are connected with the Lord. You have confidence that He is with you always. So no matter what you face today divine help is there. You also have the assurance of his continued help moment by moment to rest in this today.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Takes Delight

Dec 30 – Takes Delight – Psalm 149:4

     We are now down to the last two days of the year.  In Psalm 149, the psalmist invites the people of God to praise the Lord.  Very fitting for the major themes of the Psalms have to do with worship, praise and having a wonderful relationship with God.  Today we learn that the Lord delights in His people.  The Lord takes great delight in you today.  You are the apple of His eye.  He loves you.  You responded to His love.  He crowns all those who humble themselves with salvation.  I could write about all the benefits of salvation but we would be here for hours.
     God today looks at your through the eyes of love.  His love is complete.  Throughout this year one of our themes has been that the Lord is good.  Another has been that He is unfailing love.  Another has been He is faithful.  Each theme was brought forward as a reason to praise the Lord.  The essence of the Psalms is a guideline to worship.  Jesus said if we do not worship the Lord, the rocks and stones will cry out.  So today praise the Lord and let the stones be silent.

Verse Today

Heal our land

In 2 Chron 7:14, it states, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. God wants to heal our land and He will do it through us. So today follow these instructions and you will see healing and victory in your world, family and land. Lets remember it is up to us to make it happen.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Exiles

Dec 23 – The Exiles – Psalm 147:1-2

     The psalmist begins by telling his audience that it is good to praise the Lord and how fitting to do it.  He states that it is pleasant to do so.  There is something wonderful when you worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness.  It is freeing, cleansing and powerful.  Then he states that the Lord builds up Jerusalem.  He gathers the exiles of Israel.  The Lord will build up His people and where they dwell.  Where ever you are today the Lord is with you.  He will take you from a place of bondage and He will set you in a pleasant place. 
     The Lord heals the broken hearted.  We live in a world where hearts are broken on a regular basis.  Offense and hurt are a daily occurance and in those moment you turn the matter over to the Lord and He will heal you.  He binds up their wounds.  He pour His balm of Gilead.  His healing touch and through
His touch you will be made whole and stronger than before.  The Lord can heal faster than amount of time when you ask him to help you.  Do that today.

Verse Today

God's Promises

Paul writes in 2 Cor 1:20, For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. God has some great promises for you and I today and you can say yes and Amen to them. So today whatever you need claim that promise and receive from Him. This is your day of victory.

Friday, December 20, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Australia

To the Church and Nation of Australia

You are an ancient land with a long history of people living there. For generations you gave yourself to ancient deities of creation but when I brought the European settlers everything changed. I brought them so that you would hear my word. You have responded and I have done great things among you. Yes, part of you started out as a place of bondage but out of that captivity came freedom.
I have blessed your land with abundance. Yet some of you believe it is because of what you have done. How foolish. It is time to turn back to me and I will bless you. Some of you have forgotten your first love especially my people but now it is time to turn to me.
If you draw near to me I will draw close to you. I am calling you back to myself. I want to release an anointing in your midst that will set any person in captivity free. I want you to know there is no one I cannot reach. I showed that to you in the early days of your nation. You saw me turn around convicts and murderers. I will turn the hardest heart to me. Claim the toughest sinner in your world and I will reach them on your behalf.
I will do a new thing among you and will restore all that you have lost. You have seen great things in the last generation. I have given you an international reputation but you will do even greater things in me. So rise and be what I have intended you to me. Seek me and you will see my glory.. I will give you great victories and make you an abundant church. Go and get your destiny I am with you.

He watches

Dec 20 – He watches – Psalm 145:19-20

     It is hard to believe we are closing on the end of the year.  Today David reveals four things in these two verses.  First, the Lord will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him.  When you have a healthy respect for God you will seek Him first in all matters of life.  You will want to do His will and thus line up with His desire and it will be fulfilled.  Next, the Lord hears our cry and saves us.  Whatever you are facing today, you have divine help and intervention.  He will save you or take you through it so you can be stronger in Him.
     Thirdly, the Lord watches over those who love Him.  He loved us first and then we in turn reciprocated that love.  We have His promise that He is protecting and keeping us.  Like Noah He will provide a place of safety.  Lastly, He will destroy the wicked.  The plans of the enemy will fail and the Lord will deal harshly and swiftly with our enemies.  The Lord judged the wicked harshly especially when they go after God’s people.  All these four are directed to you today.  So throughout the day know the Lord has your back and is watching over every move you make.

Verse Today

Loving Kindness

David writes, in Ps 48:9, We have thought of thy lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple.” Here we must remember that God will always show us loving kindness. He will always deal with us in the best manner. In turn we should help and love all who come into our lives. So today be loving and kind to all you come into contact with today. This will help others and glorify God.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Message to the Church and nation of Argentina

Message to the Church and nation of Argentina

Yours had been a long and interesting past. You have had criminals and saints in your midst. You have persecutors and the persecuted. You have been proud and you have been humbled. You have been in bondage and at times friend. I have moved in your midst and others times you have been dead. You have given me your all and you have forgotten about me. You are a nation of paradox. You have won wars and lost them. You have good and righteous leaders and.dictators with wicked agendas. I have blessed you and cursed you. My message though today is one of encouragement.
A generation ago I gave you a revival that shook your nation to its foundation. I did things in the churches and the streets that astounded the world. I gave you millions of souls and you were the amazement of the world. Yet over time you lost your zeal and power. You once again settled for tradition and ritual. You allow the hollow to become more than the substance. You now have a form of godliness but you deny the power there of. I am in sorrow over you. I have seen your potential and look at you now. You are lukewarm but you can become hot again.
My word for you is this. Come unto me again. Draw near to me and I will draw near to you. The remnant who has remained has been praying hard and through. They have tarried and now they will see my power. I am so grateful for the remnant who never gave up. You stayed the course. You fasted and prayed. You fought for your fellow believers and for the soul of your nation. I am pleased with your efforts. I have seen and heard. My Spirit is about to be poured out upon your land. A new generation will see my glory, presence and power. There will once again be life in the churches and in the street. You will again lead the nations of the south back to righteousness. The stadiums will again be filled with my people praising and giving glory to me. The men who preached my word with power will again rise. The young will again flood the churches. A new day is dawning on you my people. Rejoice and be glad for your redemption is coming. Your light will rise again. I have heard your cry and I will answer. Rejoice and praise the Lord

The Lord is near

Dec 19 – The Lord is near – Psalm 145:18

     This is such a great verse.  The Lord is near to all who call on Him.  There is a song hat says the Lord is as close as the mention of His name.  He is only a prayer away.  When you call on Him he is there.  I love that old gospel song that says, “Get in touch with God.”  Just pray.  David makes this statement because he spent many a day with the Lord.  He love to worship, praise and talk to God. 
      He then gives a powerful truth.  To all who call on Him in truth.  When we come to God we should be honest with Him and ourselves.  Jesus said that one day all would come to the Lord in Spirit and in truth.  We are in that day.  We have known the truth and it has set us free.  Jesus is that truth and he comes to set us free from whatever would try to entangle or bind us.  What a great thought when you call on Him, He will answer.  When you walk in truth He is near.  So today as you go through out this day remember these little truths.

Verse Today


In James 1:19, James says, Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving. Communication is so important in relationships. When we follow the instructions given here we are going to have great talks with others. Today listen to others and you will be amazed what you can hear and learn. Also walk in love and it will be given back to you. Great thought.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

To the Church and nation of Angola

To the church and nation of Angola

The Lord has a good word for you today. I have seen the suffering and pain that your nation has been through. I know that satan has tried to destroy everything you have. I will however restore everything that you have lost. Out of you will not just come physical riches but spiritual riches. I will raise up my church to be the voice of revival. There is a new day dawning for you.
Satan will not be able to stop what I am going to do in you. You have suffered much at his hands and remember it was him that did this. Some have blamed me but that is not true. Satan did this because he knew I was going to do something but because he is limited he knew not what. I am about to release my Spirit into your country.
I made a promise in Joel 2:28 and you are about to see it happen in great measure in your midst. You will see people come into the Kingdom by the thousands. The church will become stronger than ever before. rejoice and be glad for what I will do in your midst. Also remember that there will also be wolves in sheep clothing. False teachers and prophets will try to steal away what I do so my exhortation is to watch and be wise. You will be able to recognize them and then deal with them decisively. I have great things in store for you and your country.

Open hand

Dec 18 – Open Hand – Psalm 145:16-17

     The Lord is there with an open hand and will satisfy every living thing.  The thing that is so amazing is that this planet has over 7 billion people but still has enough resources to meet every need.  Thirty years
Ago they told us we would be out of fossil fuels in 50 years.  Just recently they found a field of natural gas in Australia to last another 100 years.  They are finding new minerals all the time.  God is amazing in the way He knew what we needed and then created a planet that could not maintain mankind but have adequate resources to meet all our needs.  He will satisfy the needs of every living creature.
     The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward He has made.  God is fair and right toward all of us.  Sinner and saint alike are loved.  We are all given grace.  What we do with that grace will secure us heaven or hell.  His righteousness is extended to all.  Grace and mercy is given to all but we must accept these virtues to secure their full value.  Today accept all God has given and live that eternal and abundant life He has for you.

Verse Today


In 3 John 2, John says, Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. God wants you to be healthy and prosperous. This is a great way to live but it starts from the inside out. Let God has His way with you today and you will see these promises happen today.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Dec 17 – Faithful – Psalm 145:14-15

     The Lord is faithful and upholds all who stumble and fall.  It is so wonderful to know that when we fall the Lord is there to pick us up, dust us off and start with us again.  He lifts up those that are bowed down.  Life can be cruel and unfair.  The devil is in the business of robbing, killing and destroying.  He shows no mercy and gives no fair treatment.  Life can bowl us over or make us bow under its weight but the Lord is there to straighten us up and give us another chance.  I am so glad that He is the God of the second chances. 
     There are people looking to you.  In that moment you will be able to help them.  Our mandate is to use our time, talents and resources to help others.  This was the motivation behind William booth when he started the Salvation Army.  One time Booth was asked to give the mandate of the Army in one word and he said, “Others.”   There are those that need us.  When we help others we are doing to Jesus in his distressing disguise.  When we do it for the least of these we are doing it to Him.    Others need us today.  Do not be so selfish to not help others.  We will one day be judged on it.

New Direction

Jeremiah 29:11 contains a precious promise held dear by Christians the world over. ... In this verse, Jeremiah affirms that God is in control, and moreover, He has good things in store: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God has a great promise for you today. Accept it and live in the abundant and eternal life He brings.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Church and nation of Andorra

To the Church and nation of Andorra

     You sit at the cross roads of Europe.  You have lived like the people of Mount Seir.  You have thought that the heights of your mountains will protect you.  You have also lived in a false perception that the church you serve will protect you.  You have allowed religious practices that are not of me come into your midst.  You are like the church that has forgotten its first love.  You are rich and increased with goods but in reality you a naked, lame and blind.  Turn back to me and I will heal and restore you.  I remind you that this is not the end of your story.  I only wish for you to repent and turn back to me.
     I will to bring you to greater heights of spirituality and victory than you have ever seen before.  I am a good God who is long suffering, kind and full of love.  You do not have to stay the way you are.  In fact I cannot allow you to stay the way that you are.  That is why I am giving you this warning.  You have had times of suffering and unrest in the past but they are nothing that will happen to you if you do not repent.  You destiny is in your hands.  You can have influence, prosperity and victory or hardship, pain and suffering.  What you do not depends on you.  You have been warned.  You have been given another opportunity/  Do not waste it.  Draw close to me and I will draw close to you.  Hear my voice and come unto me and I will give you rest and peace.

Everlasting Kingdom

Dec 16 – Everlasting Kingdom – Psalm 145:13

     David tells us today that the Kingdom of God is an everlasting Kingdom.  It will not end.  What a great promise.  When you come into God’s kingdom it is going to last forever.  John 3:16, says that whoever believes in Christ will have everlasting life.  A life that will have no end.  We will have an incorruptible and immortal body.  We will be the presence of a loving God forever.  As the old song says, “what a glorious day that will be when with Jesus Christ we will be.” 
     God’s dominion is from generation to generation.  From the first moment the Lord made the heavens and the earth.  He has had dominion.  His authority, power and might go from one generation to the next.  The Bible tells us the love of the Lord is for a 1000 generations.  His dominion is and will be forever.  There is no one like our God.  Today the same love the Lord showed you will be there tomorrow and forever.  His faithfulness, compassion and grace will be there and it has no end and is limitless.  What a great promise and truth.

Verse Today


In 1 Cor 13:13, Paul says, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. Faith and hope are based in love. As we love our faith and hope are increased. So today love and you will be a blessing in how you operate in faith and work in hope.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Algeria

To the Church and nation of Algeria

     I am calling you back to myself.  I know that you live in a land of ancient times.  One time you were the bread basket of Rome.  You today supply the world in rich resources.  It is your people that are the richest resources.  Out of you will come a great revival.  You will lead the nations of Africa with my Spirit. I know you are small in number and have face severe persecution and misunderstanding but I will make you mighty.  I have seen the cry of your heart and know that you have paid a great price.  Yet you have also stayed strong to my cause.  So I will reward you with household salvation and a great harvest of souls.
     To the nation of Algeria I say that you will suffer much for what you have done to my people.  You have bowed your knee to the ancient gods of the world.  You have given into lies of a false prophet.  You have hurt and persecuted my people.  As a nation I will judge you severely in the coming judgment.  You have become rich and think you are doing my will but you are not.  You have lived a lie and you will pay with your eternity.  You will be very surprized when you die.  You thought you had a relationship with me and you did not.  You have been deceived by the devil and his robber religion.  Each time you persecuted my people you heaped on yourself my judgment.  But I am giving you one more chance.  My people will come to you and speak to you about the truth,  If you repent you can avoid my judgment.  You have seen the extremes of this robber religion.  You have experienced civil war because of it.  You fight among yourselves because of it.  Turn to me and I will spare you.  This is your last warning.  I will pour my Spirit among you one last time.  Do not ignore my message or my messengers.  They carry with them the torch of truth.  I will spare you as a nation if you repent.  If you do not I will judge you harshly and you will receive full recompense for what you have done to my people.  This is you last warning.   

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

One generation

Dec 11 – One generation – Psalm 145:4

     David tells one generation to tell the other generation about the Lord and His mighty works.  Moses told the people of his day that they were to speak about the Lord in every day life.  Whatever activity they were involved in it could become a life lesson about the Lord.  Children will easily catch the faith we possess when they see it active in our lives.  The secret is to pray for opportunities and then act on them when they come.  Everyday is a class and every opportunity a chance for education. 
     It is the responsibility of every believer to pass on what they have receive.  Paul said that 1 Cor 11:23, when he said, “that which I have I will pass unto you.”  So pass on what you have to the next generation.  The next leaders are waiting for you.  You never know if you will have a Billy Graham or Mother Theresa being influence by you.

Verse Today


In John 14:6, Jesus stated, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. So salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. All other claims are wrong. Today you have the chance to live and show Jesus Christ in your life. You have the message and the truth to proclaim to your world. Other need to hear and see what you have. So today proclaim Jesus Christ in your world and be His voice and example.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blessed are the people

Dec 10 – Blessed are the people – Psalm 144:15

     This has been a great psalm because it speaks of God’s provision and blessing.  When a nation follows God it has the blessing of God.  My own nation is a perfect example.  Our last Prime Minister was a godly man and we saw our dollar at par with the USA.  When the banking crisis happen in 2007, Canada stood strong as an example for the world.  In recent days because we elected an ungodly leader and our nation has become the laughing stock of the world.  Our dollar has been a downward spiral we have allowed doctor assisted suicide, drug legalization and many other ungodly things.   
     When the Lord is honored so is the nation.  David says that when we honor the Lord the people will find his blessing is true and they will be happy especially when they are people of the Lord.  The strongest nation in the middle east is Israel today.  It is far from perfect but it is the only stable democracy in the middle east.  It is prosperous, powerful and free.  Most of all it has the blessing of God on it.  Imagine 9 million people have over 200 million neighbors afraid to go to war with them.  Israel has defeated every foe they have faced and in the pursuit of peace given back territory they won with no guarantee of peace.  God will bless a people whose God is the Lord.

Verse Today


In James 4:7, James remind us, Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. What a great promise to know you have victory over the devil. It is all because you have submitted to the Lord. So today stay there and be victorious in all things. Moment by moment this day be a victor not a victim it is your choice.

Monday, December 9, 2019


Dec 9 – Security – Psalm 144:14

     David continues his thought on the provision and protection of the Lord.  He says that all our animals and things we are involved with will be able to bear any load they need to carry.  What a promise you will always be able to carry the load the Lord gives you.  If right now you are stumbling under a load than it was a load you took responsibility for but that does not mean it is from the Lord.  Jesus said, take my yoke for it is easy and light.
     Next, your walls will not be breached.  The enemy will not be able to rob, kill or destroy you.  The hedge of protection the Lord has around you will never be broken.  No one will go into captivity.  Who the Lord sets free is free indeed.  What a promise.  You never have to be in bondage again to anything.  There will be no dry of distress in the streets.  Pain, sorrow, sickness, etc, will not be found in the streets.  Solomon said that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.  David knew this and he wanted all he wrote to to know that things were possible when they put God first.  So put God first today.

Verse Today

God's love

Jesus said in John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. This is what is offered to all. What a great message that God loves us so much that He gives us eternal life. He also promises abundant life as well. So today live in these realities and be a blessing to others with them as well.

Friday, December 6, 2019

He delivers

Dec 6 – He delivers – Psalm 144:10

     In the previous verse David stated that he would praise the Lord on the ten string lyre.  This gives us a picture of what type instruments David played.  In this verse he states that he would praise the Lord to the one who gives victory over kings.  There is no authority God cannot bring down.  We see that in the way that the Lord humbled Nebuchadnezzer.  God controls the authorities of this world.  Each has a purpose though many times we do not know.
     David stated that the Lord had and will continue delivering David.  The reason is clear because David put the Lord first in his life.  David was a man after God’s own heart.  David kept short accounts with God and we should as well.  Jesus said in Matt 6:33 that if we seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness first.  All things will be added unto us.  That means all things including divine protection.  The gift of faith has been described as a protection gift because we put on the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the wicked one.  So today praise the Lord and walk in the faith and protection of the Lord.

Verse Toda


It is the weekend and here is your thought to ponder. In 1 Cor 13;13, Paul says, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. Love is the basis of faith and hope. When you love faith and hope become your lifestyle and aim. So today make it your goal to love so that other in turn with have faith and hope. Touch your world with these three and you will be a blessing.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rescues Me

Dec 5 – Rescues me – Psalm 144:7

     David like us cries out to the Lord.  Lord reach down you hand.  Your hand of love, power and healing.
Reach down from where you are to where I am.  I need your help.  My enemies are winning.  I am over
Whelmed.  I do not know if I am going to make it.  Deliver us and rescue us.  Jesus that day in Nazareth
Read about how He came to set the captive free.  He will rescue and save you.  His strong and mighty
Hand will accomplish this. 
     He will rescue, heal and deliver us from the mighty waters.  When situations and circumstances flood
Us and drown us God will come through.  Isaiah said in Is 59:19, that the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Lord will raise up a standard against Him. The Lord will help us, deliver and rescue us.  So when you
Are overcome call to the Lord and He will come and save you

Verse Today

No fear

Paul says, in 2 Tim 1:7, For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. God has given us victory over fear by helping us to walk in, power, love and self control. Each one of these is so essential in our day to day walk. So today moment by moment walk in these and you will be victorious today over fear.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Rescues Me

Dec 5 – Rescues me – Psalm 144:7

     David like us cries out to the Lord.  Lord reach down you hand.  Your hand of love, power and healing.
Reach down from where you are to where I am.  I need your help.  My enemies are winning.  I am over
Whelmed.  I do not know if I am going to make it.  Deliver us and rescue us.  Jesus that day in Nazareth
Read about how He came to set the captive free.  He will rescue and save you.  His strong and mighty
Hand will accomplish this. 
     He will rescue, heal and deliver us from the mighty waters.  When situations and circumstances flood
Us and drown us God will come through.  Isaiah said in Is 59:19, that the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Lord will raise up a standard against Him. The Lord will help us, deliver and rescue us.  So when you
Are overcome call to the Lord and He will come and save you.

Verse Today


In Eph 3:19, Paul says, "And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." ..The love of God passes all our understanding but it does fill us. The fullness of God is love. This love is given to us so that we can give it to others. So today make it you aim to receive God's love and then in turn give it to others.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Who is God

Dec 3 – Who is God – Psalm 144:2

     David then reveals some terrific qualities about God that we are going to look at today.  First, He is a
loving God.  For God so loved.  It is who He is.  God is love.  His love has no strings attached.  The
beautiful thing is that God communicates this attribute to us and we in turn can love others like He
does.  Next He is our fortress.  He is our place of safety.  We will always be secure in Him.  Thirdly, He is
our stronghold.  We will never be afraid in Him.  If we abide in Him He will abide in us. 
     Next, He is our deliverer.  No matter what kind of attacked or trouble we find ourselves in God will
Deliver us if we ask.  Whoever the Son sets free is free indeed.  He is our shield and we can take refuge
in Him.  No weapon formed against us will prosper when we trust in the Lord.  He is our shield of faith.
Lastly, He will subdue people under us.  As children of God we are seated in heavenly places.  One day
We will rule and reign with Him.  Great truths and things to ponder as you go through out your day.

Verse Today

God love

It is Tuesday and here is your thought. In Eph 3:18, Paul states, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. The love of God is so deep and wonderful and we have it in abundance. He is beyond understanding and yet we have it and must share it. So today share God's love with those in your world and let it touch you and others.