Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Verse Today

1 John 3:8 New International Version (NIV)

The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.

True Blessing

March 19 – Psalm 32:1-2 - True Blessing

     This is such a great psalm and wonderful way to start off this writing.  You are truly blessed when you transgressions and sins are forgiven.  There is such peace, joy and victory.   You have eternal and abundant life.  You are right with God and will be with Him in eternity.  You sins are not only forgiven but have been covered.  They will not be brought up again.  Jesus’ blood cleansed us from all sins and unrighteousness.  David says you are truly blessed because this has happened.  Before you were an enemy of God but now you are His friend, son and daughter.
     Blessed is the person that God does not count their sin against them.  You are blessed because unless the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed your sin it will be held in judgment against you.  That is why it is so wonderful to be forgiven and walking in the grace of God.  Also as a result of this grace you will have a lifestyle and spirit that has no lies or deceit.  You whole desire is to serve the Lord and live His truth.  John Newton writer of Amazing Grace once said.  “True grace is to have been forgiven and healed.”  Be healed today and rejoice in forgiven sin.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Love the Lord

March 18 – Psalm 31:23 – Love the Lord

     David gives his audience something to really think about.  He tells them to love the Lord.  Love is a choice.  You love someone because they have qualities you admire and adore.  Loving the Lord is a choice.  When we do it shows that we have received the love of the Lord and in turn we give it to others.  He calls the people of his time saints.  So being a saint is not just a New Testament concept but also an Old Testament.  Then David tells them the Lord will preserve the faithful.  When we are faithful and obedient the Lord keeps and preserves.  No matter what we are going through the Lord will be there.  When Daniel was in the lion`s den the Lord was faithful.  When Elijah was talking the prophets of baal  the Lord was faithful.  He will be faithful to you.
     He then reminds them that the proud will be paid back in full of the consequences of their pride.  Pride is the beginning of all evil.  Satan became proud and became totally corrupt.  That is what will happen to any proud person, eventually pride takes over and corrupts them. 
     David closes off with a threefold thought.  Be strong.  You have the strength of the Lord.  Take heart.  Place your heart in the Lord and you will be protected and helped.  Lastly, put your hope, future, plans and destiny in the Lord.  He who knows all will lead you into His perfect plan.  What a great thought today.


It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought. Our lives are called to glorify the Lord. This means that every thought, word, deed, attitude and motive should be tuned into this view. God has a great plan and purpose for your life. The marvelous thing is that you can found out what that will is by reading the Bible. The Bible is God's compass for your life. Read it today and get direction for your life

Verse Today

3 John 14 New International Version (NIV)

14 I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.
Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Verse Today

3 John 13 New International Version (NIV)

13 I have much to write you, but I do not want to do so with pen and ink.

Watch for Traps

March 15 – Psalm 31:3-5 – Watch for Traps

     This is such a great psalm.  Here David writes several things to consider today.  First he states that the Lord is his rock and fortress.  This is a recurring theme because in the time when David lived citadels, fortresses and castles were places of safety and protection.  This is what he says the Lord is for his life.  He then prays for the sake of the Lord.  For his reputation and fame David asks that the Lord would lead and guide him.  In David`s day camel, mule and horse trains were common.  One rider would lead the way while the rest were tethered together forming a line.  This is what David was getting at.  Lord you know the way.  Tether me to your guidance and I will follow David is saying.
     David then asks the Lord to free Him the trap that is set before him.  Traps were used to capture animals and people.  David wanted to Lord to save him from a trap if he was caught or help him to see it before he fall prey to it.  David then again states the Lord is his refuge, a place of safety.
     Now verse five is David`s cry but also Jesus when he hung on the cross.  Into your hands do I commit or commend my spirit.  The is a prophetic statement carried out by Jesus some 1000 years later.  Lord every part of my life is yours.  From the beginning to the end I am yours.  David then asks the Lord to redeem him.  The Lord bought us back from sin by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is one truth God gives us.  Then David closes off this verse by reminding his readers that God is a God of truth.  You can trust what He says.

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  As you start today remember the steps of a good person are order by the Lord.  So make the decision today to allow the Lord to lead you.  You have a purpose,and destiny in Him.  each moment can make such a difference.  So look for opportunities and act upon them when they come.  You never know hose life you could change yours and someone else.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Proverb of Steel

.  To be a true wise person you need to keep the Lord central in all you do.1070A

Verse Today

3 John 12 New International Version (NIV)

12 Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone—and even by the truth itself. We also speak well of him, and you know that our testimony is true.

Wailing into dancing

March 14 – Psalm 30:11-12 - Wailing into dancing

     This psalm is a psalm written for the dedication of the temple.  It is psalm to be sung among the people.  David states here that the Lord will turn our sorrow and wailing into dancing because we will see His goodness, favour and love.  There are times of sorrow and death but then after the Lord’s comfort, strength and love flow in we throw off the sackcloth and He clothes us with joy.  The promise is that the Lord will give us the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Isaiah may have been thinking about this psalm when he wrote those words in his book. 
     David exhorts the readers to from their inner most being and heart sing songs of joy.  Worship with your mouth.  Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed.  You express worship and praise.  They are active expressions of our love for God.  You cannot serve God with a silent voice.  David then says he will give thanks to the Lord forever.  David knew the value of expressed worship.  It sets a life free.  You develop in all aspects of your life an attitude of gratitude.    Today show some enthusiasm for the Lord.  Express your love for Him and let your world you love Jesus and do not care who knows about it. 

The goal

It is Thursday and here is your thought to ponder. To be a true wise person you need to keep the Lord central in all you do. The Bible says that we should seek the Kingdom of God and His righteous and all will be added unto us. Seek God and make Him you goal today.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Proverb of Steel

When life seems disconnected plug into the true power of God through prayer.

Verse Today

3 John 10 New International Version (NIV)

10 So when I come, I will call attention to what he is doing, spreading malicious nonsense about us. Not satisfied with that, he even refuses to welcome other believers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church.

His peace

March 12 – Psalm 29:11 - His peace

     David again focuses on the strength and peace of the Lord.  With David this is a recurring theme.  One of the reasons he focuses on it so much is because these are basic human needs.  There are times when our strength fails and that is when we need supernatural strength.  Like the children`s song says, “I am weak but He is strong.”  In that moment of weakness, pray and see how the Lord in that moment will make you strong.  His ability makes us able. 
     David then talks about how God’s peace comes to us in our moment of chaos, disorder, strife and war.  Peace is the absence of these.  It comes from a heart that trusts and opens itself to God.  He is the author of peace as the devil is the author of war.  The Lord is the one who brings love and the devil is the one who brings fear and hatred.  David says that peace is a blessing of the Lord.  It is something God wants to bring to your world today.  Open you heart to His peace today and enjoy the strength and peace of the Lord throughout this day.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday  and here is your thought for today.  When life seems disconnected plug into the true power of God through prayer.  Prayer will keep you going when all seems out of whack.  It is your lifeline in a world of storms and high water.  Make sure you pray today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Proverb of Steel

The victim you feel today can be the victory tomorrow it just depends on your reaction and attitude.

Verse Today

3 John 5 New International Version (NIV)

Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters,[a] even though they are strangers to you.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought to ponder.  The victim you feel today can be the victory tomorrow it just depends on your reaction and attitude.  A test can turn into a testimony.  Remember you are an overcomer and conqueror in the Lord when you trust Him and lean on Him.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Proverb of Steel

The way to succeed in a journey is proper planning and preparation.  Make sure your life is the same way.

Verse Today

3 John 4 New International Version (NIV)

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.


It is the beginning of the week and here is a thought to ponder.  The way to succeed in a journey is proper planning and preparation.  Make sure your life is the same way.  God has a plan for your life.  h has a purpose and will.  The Bible is your compass.  Prayer is your communication process.  Today use these tools to enable you to be all God intended you to be.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Azerbaijan

To the Church and Nation of Azerbaijan

     I know that you are an old nation.  You were on the silk road and have had many nations visit you.  Your old alliances have brought you both wealth and poverty.  You have riches and yet also have great lack.  I have seen how you have embraced me and forgotten about me.  I placed you in a strategic place but you also fell from where you have been placed.
     To my people I know you have struggled hard against the forces of hell.  You have fought for every victory you have been given.  Satan has fought you every step of the way because he knows what you can do and he is afraid of you.  You are few in number and feel you are alone but I remind you of the same word I gave to Elijah when he felt alone.  I have many people who have not bowed their knee to baal. 
     I know my people are fighting ancient foes and seemingly new ones but I have promised you that even though the enemy comes in like a flood I will raise a standard against him.  I will pour out my spirit upon your nation because I have seen your struggle and desire to glorify me.  I have heard your cries in the midnight hour.  I have seen your tears and your desire for me to move.  Though your nation has turned itself to the forces of Allah and to atheism you will prevail.  There is a generation of  young people who are tired of the old things and they want a new thing.  You have fought for them and you will have them stream into your churches, meetings and Bible Studies.  It will be a great day for you.  Stand strong and do not become discouraged, frustrated or disappointed.  I will come and do great things in your midst shortly.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Letter to David

Hello David

     I have decided to put my thoughts on prayer onto paper and share with you what I have learned about this wonderful exercise.  Prayer is something that all major religions in the world do.  The difference between other religions and their exercises of prayer and Christianity is the object of prayer.  Other religions are praying to ancient demons and satan himself.  Jews and Christians pray to the Lord.  The Christian prays through Jesus Christ and we are aided in this by the Holy Spirit. 
     In the Bible the first mention of prayer is in Gen 4:26.  It states that Seth had a son and his name was Enosh which means “human being”.  It says that after he was born that mankind started calling on the name of the Lord.  They began to pray and seek after God. 
     Prayer is communication with God.  Wikipedia says prayer is, an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship, typically a deity, through deliberate communication. Prayer for the Christian is a desire to build a relationship with God.  Jesus did this to perfection because He wanted to do the will of His Father.  Jesus was a master of prayer and in a later letter I will look at the prayer life of Jesus.  To me prayer is a time of communion and building our relationship with God. 
     Prayer in the ancient times of Genesis would lead to men who stood out in their generations.  Prayer does the same today.  When we become people of prayer we stand among those in our world.  In a world of prayerlessness when you pray you are doing that so many are not doing.  It has been said that the average Christian will 3-5 minutes and the average pastor will pray about 12 minutes.  This is one of reasons we do not see mighty moves of God, 
     In the ancient times we do not know how many or how long the ancient worshippers of Genesis prayed but the fact that they did was noted by the writer of Genesis.  If the men of Seth days called on the Lord.  We should be even more today.  They did not have the same access that we have.  We have the Holy Spirit to aid us.  We come in Jesus name and through Him we can change our world.  My prayer is that people of our generation will call on the name of the Lord.  That our prayer life will noteworthy and those around us we be impacted by it.   

Friday, March 1, 2019

Proverb of Steel

As you travel through life ask for wisdom from the Lord as He will give it to you.

Verse Today

3 John 3 New International Version (NIV)

It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it.

Life Journey

It is the weekend and here is a thought to ponder. As you travel through life ask for wisdom from the Lord as He will give it to you. Ask Him to lead you moment by moment. The promise is that He will direct your path. You don't have to be lost. The Lord can be your map, compass and guide.