Thursday, May 31, 2018
Verse Today
Psalm 107:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
The place to dwell in
May 31 – The place to dwell in – Psalm 61:3-4
Once again David relates how the Lord is a refuge. That place of security, rest and safety. David stated that the Lord had been his strong tower and refuge. David then uses two illustrations to make his point. First, that he wanted to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He did ever want to leave the presence of God. Moses felt the same way when he said, “If you presence does not go before us we will not go.” The presence of God brings life, peace, joy and love. Next, he will find shelter in the shadow of God’s wings. As a hen guards her chick and as an eagle protects its chick from the elements so God will protect and keep us.
There once was a missionary sent to a remote spot. When ask if he would feel alone his response was, “Jesus said He would never leave us or forsake us.” That was all the assurance he needed to minister in that remote place. Wherever you find yourself today remember the Lord is with you
No Fear
It is Thursday and here is your thought to ponder. When you fear God, there is nothing left to fear. God has not given you a spirit of fear but love, power and a sound mind. So use what God gives you wisely and touch your world for Him.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Proverb of Steel
. It is amusing to see someone saying they are
fighting the good fight of faith and they leave their armor and weapons in the
Verse Today
Psalm 119:24 New International Version (NIV)
24 Your statutes are my delight;
they are my counselors.
they are my counselors.
Hear my Cry
May 30 – Hear my Cry – Psalm 61:1-2
This is an amazing psalm. It is one that is best on stringed instruments. It has also been given a modern version released in present day. David says, “Hear my cry Oh Lord and listen to my prayer.” Prayer is the means in which we communicate with God. The amazing thing is God wants us to pray, He loves us to pray and He invites us to pray. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. You do not have because you do not ask.
In vs 2, David reveals that we can call from the ends of the earth of the Lord will hear us. It is not the place, position or path that makes prayer happen. It is faith. We are to call unto God even when our heart feels faint. It is in that time that He will lift us up on the solid rock. EM. Bounds wrote that prayer is powerful because the God of the universe backs it up. So today tell the Lord what is on your heart and as the old song says, “His line is never busy.”
Fight the faith
It is the middle of the week and here is your though to ponder. . It is amusing to see someone saying they are fighting the good fight of faith and they leave their armor and weapons in the closet. So today get out your weapons and win the right of faith because others need your help.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Verse Today
Psalm 89:14 New International Version (NIV)
14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
love and faithfulness go before you
love and faithfulness go before you
God`s Victory
May 29 – God`s Victory – Psalm 60:12
This psalm is from the account of David defeating the combine forces of all the nations around him. It is from the writing of the Lily of the Covenant. When faced with overwhelming odds and enemies David reminds his readers that with God we will gain the victory. With God for us who can be against us. We have armor, weapons, strength and power in the Lord. Jesus has already defeated the enemy. So David is simply reminding us today that God has and will continue to give us the victory. We will still face foes, battle and problems but the Lord allows these to happen so we will become victors, overcomers and conquerors. Remember that in your battles of today should they come.
Tuesday Thought
It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. Experience is a wonderful thing unless it blocks faith. Those who know the Lord walk by faith and not by sight. So trust the Lord and see what great things He will do
Monday, May 28, 2018
Verse Today
Numbers 23:19 New International Version (NIV)
19 God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?
Sing of your strength
May 28 – Sing of your strength – Psalm 59:16-17
David is famous for his singing and musical ability. He states that when he gets up in the morning he will sing of four truths. The Lord is his fortress, place of safety, security, rest and protection. Next, he will praise the Lord for God’s love. This love protects in times of trouble and also keeps him secure in times of confusion. The Lord is David refuge. He can go to the Lord and bask in the love, peace, grace and joy of the Lord. It is his secret place and hideaway to refresh and reform.
Lastly, the Lord is David’s place strength. When you are weak the Lord will become your strength. We talked about this yesterday. All this is based on the love of God which is the foundation for faith and hope. So today put your faith in God’s love and you will have a hope for today and tomorrow.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Verse Today
Psalm 84:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Great is your love
May 25 – Great is your love – Psalm 57:10
This verse has become a modern day song but it has such powerful meaning. The love is God is so great it reaches to the heavens. It is beyond our understanding. Paul wanted the church in Ephesus to try and comprehend it length, breath, height and depth. You cannot comprehend it all you can do is enjoy its benefits and release it to others.
Next, God’s faithfulness reaches to skies. David reveals in this verse that two things are beyond understanding and that is God’s love and faithfulness yet they are constant. You can trust in God’s love and faithfulness. No matter where you find yourself they will be there. So trust and receive them.
Weekend Thought
It is the weekend and here is your thought to ponder. Faith sees the impossible but obedience makes it happen. Obedience is the secret of moving forward in God. It is better than anything we can give. So obey the Lord and see his blessing flow through you to others. Be the blessing God wants you to be today.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Verse Today
John 15:7 New International Version (NIV)
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
A steadfast heart
May 24 – A steadfast heart – Psalm 57:7-8
David tells that his heart is steadfast. It will not be moved by what it sees or what is going on around it. David says his mind, will and emotions are stable they will not fall to the crisis of the day. His heart will also sing and make music. It will tells of what the Lord has done. When a heart is stable in the Lord it know the storms of life come and go but the rock of salvation makes it secures. That heart is more than willing to testify in many forms what God has done.
David then tells His soul to awake and both the harp and lyre to come to life. At the dawn he will sing and praise the Lord. From here we glean that part of David’s early morning routine was to sing, play and praise the Lord. A good example to follow.
Thursday Thought
It is Thursday and here is your thought. Never let discouragement keep you from doing what faith has made known. Faith is the ammo that destroy every attack of the enemy. So today never give up and remember you have victory in the Lord. He will break discouragement as you trust in Him.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Obedience is the decision to that which is right
when everything and everyone around says you do not have too.
Verse Today
1 John 3:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.
My Refuge
May 23 – My Refuge – Psalm 57:1-3
My refuge is a continuing theme through Psalms. For the next three days we will look at Psalm 57. This psalm was written when David was fleeing Saul. David recorded and sang about his struggles during that time as both a testimony and as an outlet for his plight. David asks the Lord for mercy then asks the Lord to provide for him a refuge. He uses the metaphor of the Lord being an eagle and in his wings He will provide refuge until the disaster has passed.
Next, David cried out to the Lord. He calls Him the Lord Most High. There is no one greater or stronger than the Lord. David knows that God has a purpose for his life and he wanted it fulfilled. Is that you cry and heart’s desire?
The Lord will send help from heaven and save us. The Lord will rebuke those that are pursuing His people. The Lord will send his love and faithfulness. Great promises today. One time during the Mau Mau rebellion in Africa. A group of men decided to attack a mission school but were thwarted by a large group of men surrounding the school. It was discovered later that this group of men were angels sent from God to protect that school. God promises to protect His people he might even use angels to make that happen. So trust in the Lord He is your efuge.
It is the middle of the week and here is your thought to ponder.Obedience is the decision to that which is right when everything and everyone around says you do not have too. Obedience to God is better than any thing. when you obey God you are following the best advice. God knows what He is doing. Trust Him.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Knowledge is only truly helpful when applied to
life and used for the good of others.
Verse Today
Psalm 25:17 New International Version (NIV)
17 Relieve the troubles of my heart
and free me from my anguish.
and free me from my anguish.
Cast your cares
May 21 – Cast your cares – Psalm 55:22
This is such a great verse. David tells his readers to cast their cares on the Lord. Don`t keep them to yourself. You cannot handle them but in the Lord you can be an over comer, a victor and a conqueror.
This is the same thought Peter tells his readers. When we cast our cares on the Lord there are two promises. First, the Lord will sustain you. You do not have to fight your battles alone. Now God does not always rescue you but He will sustain us. Real growth happens through struggle. Real lessons are learned in the midst of the battle. I love the thought. God does not always rescues from the waters of affliction because He knows your enemies cannot swim.
Next, the Lord will not let the righteous fail. What a great promise. He will give you the ultimate victory. The Lord is on your side and with the Lord for you, who can be against you? So today take the Lord at His word and walk in his victory. Also remember the promises of God are yes and amen, to those who believe. So believe.
Tuesday Thought
It is Tuesday and here is a thought to ponder. Knowledge is only truly helpful when applied to life and used for the good of others. So use the knowledge the Lord gives through the Bible and apply it your life and help others to see the grace and beauty of the Bible.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Friday, May 18, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Some of the greatest minds of the age has
proposed some of the most foolish ideas ever thought.
I will trust you
May 17 – Psalm 52:8-9 – I will trust you
This psalm is from an early part of David`s life. It was written when he was on the run from Saul. David would spend time talking of the folly of riches and manmade ideas. He then talks about how he felt that he was a flourishing olive tree. God in spite of what happening around him was blessing him. Could you say the same thing in the troubled times of your life. A true worshipper can and will David did. David then states he will trust in the Lord`s unfailing love. The love of God never fails. He is faithful. A friend of mine recently went through a difficult time yet God brought him through and today he is stronger than he was ever before. He learned God`s unfailing love. You can too.
David says that He will praise the Lord for three things. For what God has done, in his name we can have hope and the Lord is good. Three great reasons to praise the Lord. You can rest on this qualities of God and like David see God`s goodness over and over in the midst of trials.
It is Thursday and here us your thought for today. Some of the greatest minds of the age has proposed some of the most foolish ideas ever thought. God uses the foolish to confound the wise. Turn your mind over to the Lord and He will help you to see and know the truth and this truth will set you free.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Education and knowledge are often wasted on the
fool. Only a fool does not believe in God.
Verse Today
Psalm 104:24 New International Version (NIV)
24 How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Right Sacrifices
May 16 – Right Sacrifices – Psalm 51:16-17
David bring sup today a very interesting thought. He states that if he could repair this situation through a sacrifice he would. Often mankind tries to appease God by making oaths, promises or saying what we will do in deeds of love to render judgment less severe. David learned that God does take pleasure in this kind of thing. Jesus taught this in the Sermon on the Mount when he said to let you Yes be yes and your no be no. You cannot appease or butter up God.
David learned that what God accepts is a broken and contrite heart. A heart that is truly sorry for what they have done. He will never turn away those who are truly sorry. Jesus tells of s story where two men are praying. One is telling God how great he is and the other beats his chest in sorrow repenting. Jesus says the one who repents will get God`s attention. Isaiah tells us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. Salvation comes through grace and Jesus Christ. You cannot add to it so keep a broken and contrite heart and you will be accepted.
Wednesday Thought
It is the middle of the week and here is your thought to ponder. Education and knowledge are often wasted on the fool. Only a fool does not believe in God. So not only believe but follow the Lord. The wise fear and serve the Lord. Be wise and not a fool.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Proverb of Steel
The reason most of us do not like the Bible is
because it exposes the real condition of our hearts.
Verse Today
Psalm 48:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 Within your temple, O God,
we meditate on your unfailing love.
we meditate on your unfailing love.
Open my Lips
May 15 – Open my lips – Psalm 51:14-15
David now repents of the life that he took. Even though David did not give a direct order for the destruction of Urriah. He told Joab to put him in the midst of the battle. He was killed by lack of protection. David knew that he was guilty of killing this man. He asked the Lord to forgive him of his sin and because of this salvation and freedom he would tell others of God`s righteousness. David as a musician would sing of the Lord`s salvation.
Lord open my lips. David was asking the Lord to help him not to conceal what he had done but to tell others so they can see the forgiveness and kindness of the Lord. David knew he would face the consequences for his sin but out of it he learned God`s mercy. We make a choice to praise the Lord. Choose to share your story with others so they in turn can see God`s kindness.
The Bible
It is Tuesday and here is your thought. The reason most of us do not like the Bible is because it exposes the real condition of our hearts. So today open your heart to the Lord and let Him change it and then your heart and life will agree with the Bible.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Faith without action is like an automobile
without a motor. Looks good but does not go anywhere.
Verse Today
2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version (NIV)
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
I will teach
May 14 – I will teach – Psalm 51:13
Now David pointed out that each lesson in life has a reason. What we need to do is learn from the experience and help others not to have to learn the way we did. David wanted to teach those who transgressed like he did, the Lord`s way. David saw God bring Him through and he wanted to share that truth with others. David had a desire to see the fallen return. That is why the story of the prodigal is such a great story. When the son comes to himself and returns home the Father restores him. What a wonderful picture of God.
David wants his experience to benefit others. It is a waste of an experience if we do not learn from it and help others to not repeat our mistakes. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church that all lessons in the Bible were written for our exhortation and so we would not have to make the mistakes of the Bible characters. Let us learn from them so we can e wise as serpents and as harmless as doves in this crazy mixed up world.
It is the beginning of the week and here is a thought to ponder. Faith without action is like an automobile without a motor. Looks good but does not go anywhere. So let your faith in God take you places and do things you never dreamed of. God has a great destiny for you. So get busy.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Proverb of Steel
The reason most of us do not like the Bible is
because it exposes the real condition of our hearts.
Verse Today
Proverbs 12:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
Perfect Heart
May 11 – Perfect Heart – Psalm 51:10
David was now coming to the part where he was asking the Lord to create in him a new heart. He had been to the depths of sin and now he was looking for restoration. One time a pastor fell into deep sin and found himself, sitting in a homeless shelter months later. As he sat there he reflected how he got there. In that moment he came to himself and determined to do whatever was necessary to be restored. A couple years later he was again preaching on the streets telling others about how God restored him.
David wanted to be restored. He wanted a pure heart again. His relationship with God had been damaged. David wanted God to renew a stable and faithful heart in him again. We can be renewed and restored but we have to make the choice and then the effort. God will do his part when we do ours. It is our choice in responding to His Holy Spirit.
World Changers
It is the weekend and here a thought to ponder. The reason most of us do not like the Bible is because it exposes the real condition of our hearts. Let your heart be expose so that God can change it and make it and you into the person He intended you to be a world changer.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Proverb of Steel
The Bible is a book reformation but it starts
with the individual who becomes God`s instrument to reform society.
Verse Today
Genesis 2:24 New International Version (NIV)
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Right Attitude
May 10 – Right Attitude – Psalm 51:9
David was so ashamed of his present condition he wanted God to hide his face from his sins. David saw the ugliness of sin and the consequences they cause. True repentance is not ever wanting to do it again. Sin is ugly and it destroys everything it touches. When we are truly repulsed by sin then we are willing to do anything to not have it in our lives. When we see that sin only robs, kills and destroys then we have truly seen it for what it is.
David wanted the Lord to blot out his sin. Today that is done through the blood of Jesus Christ the most powerful element in the universe. John reminds us in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins that the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. What a great promise. You will have your sin forgiven and cleanse. Today rejoice in what Jesus Christ has done. Who the son sets free is free indeed.
The Bible
It is Thursday and here is a great thought to ponder. The Bible is a book reformation but it starts with the individual who becomes God`s instrument to reform society. So today let God reform you and you in turn reform your world for the Lord.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Proverb of Steel
The Bible can be burned, outlawed from society
and spoken against but it cannot be burned from the heart, outlawed from the
mind and silenced from the conscience.
Verse Today
Lamentations 2:19 New King James Version (NKJV)
19 “Arise, cry out in the night,
At the beginning of the watches;
Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him
For the life of your young children,
Who faint from hunger at the head of every street.
At the beginning of the watches;
Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him
For the life of your young children,
Who faint from hunger at the head of every street.
May 9 – Recovery – Psalm 51:8
David was looking forward to his recovery. David had been exposed as a sinner. He had just gone through seeing his child died because of his sin. It was a devastating and surreal time for David. His bones and life has been crushed by his own sin. David knew it and he was devastated. There is nothing worse than being overwhelmed by the consequences of our actions and sins.
David asked the Lord to once again hear joy and gladness. When forgiveness comes true joy returns and our hearts are glad. The psalmist said, “sorrow is for the night but joy comes in the morning.” It is amazing how everything looks just a bit brighter in the morning. A woman had been crying al night for her children and in the morning she went into their room and knelt beside their beds and prayed. God whispered in her heart, “They will be ok.” Joy and gladness came into her heart and it will happen to you if you trust the Lord.
The Bible
It is the middle of the week and here is your thought to ponder. The Bible can be burned, outlawed from society and spoken against but it cannot be burned from the heart, outlawed from the mind and silenced from the conscience. Usually this is Bible Study night for many churches. Make sure you attends yours and learn from the greatest book ever written.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Proverb of Steel
Wisdom knows that idols are not made only of
stone and wood but in the heart and mind.
Verse Today
Wise Instruction – “All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children’s peace.” Isaiah 54:13
Inward Parts
May 7 – Inward Parts - Psalm 51:6
David then talks about what should be going on in the heart. You see our heart is where the issues of life take place. First, we should have truth in the inward parts. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is the only truth we need. His life is what we should be striving to replicate. The irony of truth is that Pilate asked Jesus what was truth and the truth was standing in front of him in the person of Jesus Christ.
Next, David says that wisdom is something that should be sought in the inward parts. We should ask the Lord for wisdom to be present in our life. It will come when we seek God. In James 1:5 we learn that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who will give to us in abundance. Both these can be received and cultivated in our hearts or inwards parts. Seek them daily and see how God changes your life.
Tuesday Thought
It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. Wisdom knows that idols are not made only of stone and wood but in the heart and mind. Do not let the idols of today keep from the Lord. He is everything and will give you everything when you make him your first priority so do that today.
Monday, May 7, 2018
Victory in Christ
1 Corinthians 2:9New International Version (NIV)
9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”
the things God has prepared for those who love him.
Intro: Good
morning I want to present you with a thought.
Can you make a big impact in a minimum of time? The answer is yes, when you know that God has
called you not to be common or ordinary but extraordinary. Listen to what Paul says, “no eye has seen,
no ear has heard and what no human mind can conceived. The things God has in store you for.” Do you believe God has something better in
store for you? If you do then let 2017
but your year. I am believing God for
big things this year.
1. John
Bevere wrote: God has called us to live
our potential and to do extra-ordinary things.
Did you know the 35 of the top 50 movies of all time were about people
doing things that were not common?
Remember Spiderman. “With great
power comes great responsibility. “ Common
and ordinary is not what we are called to be or do. John 10:10, Jesus said, “I have come to give
your life and more abundantly.” Eph 3:20
says, “that God can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we are able to asked
or imagine.”
2. So
what happened? This reality and truth
has been suppressed by five things. Sin,
Society, Satan, self and false humility.
a. The
reality of Gen 1:26-17 is that we were created in the image of God. The social, spiritual and moral image of
God. Our original destiny was to be
fruitful, multiply, subdue and rule.
What Adam and eve did was give this dominion and authority to satan but
we can get it back. 1 John 3:8 reminds
us that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. I don’t know about you but I am tired of
getting my butt kick around by satan.
b. God
has an extraordinary blessing for you based on your heart. Do you know that satan`s grand scheme is to
thwart God`s Dream for you and the church.
To keep you ordinary and common.
To keep the church from its destiny.
c. Did
you know the early church had trouble convincing people they were not super
human or gods. When Cornelius met Peter
in Acts 10, Peter told him that he was just an ordinary man. In Acts 14:8-13 when Paul and Barnabus healed
people in Lystra the people wanted to offer sacrifices to them. They had to strip from their clothes to prove
to them they were ordinary men. Peter`s
shadow healed. Paul healed through
cloths and aprons.
d. Listen to Mark 16: 15 And He said to them,
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who
believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be
condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they
will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up
serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them;
they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." This was normal so what happened. Preachers, seminaries, have believed a
lie. Then we have self- appointed people
who make it their mission to bring down the extraordinary.
3. It is not God`s will for you live a common
life but actually an abundant life. In
fact it pleases Him when you do. Listen
to 2 Cor 5:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:9-10New Living Translation (NLT) 9 So whether we are here in this body or away
from this body, our goal is to please him. 10 For we must all stand before
Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or
evil we have done in this earthly body.
a. Paul
says it our goal to please the Lord because one day you will stand before Him
an account. There will be reward and
loss here. The greatest ever phrase
is. `Well done good and faithful servant
enter into my rest.` Love that
b. In
2 John 8 it states it is God`s passion to reward you. David wrote in Psalm 139:16, that God has a
book that has my life recorded from the foundations of life. It is our responsibility to find out what
God`s will is and do it. Do not listen
to the voices that will try to destroy you from doing it.
Satan is the accuser of the brethren.
The world with his messages of passion, pride
and possessions.
Hollywood, society, culture shifts and no moral
People around us trying to bring us down because
they fail to see their own destinies.
The voice in our head that says you cannot do
Grasshopper mentality seeing only giants,
mountains and obstacles instead of what God sees.
Laziness and lack of ambition.
Peer pressure and the design to fit in. I love the line from a movie I saw once. `Why would you want to be like everyone else
when you called to stand out.”
I warn you that when you decided to lead or stand out you
will become a target. Better to burn
brightly then rust out into oblivion.
4. Eph
2:10 says that we are God`s handiwork.
We are called to go into our world`s and be extraordinary. That is a choice.
a. Every one of our stories are being written
each day we are living. I am now at an
age where I can live or die and it doesn`t matter. Satan tried to kill me 5 times last
summer. Cal Bombay says we are
bulletproof until God says otherwise.
Write your own story today.
Gary Skinner is the visionary and passionate Team Leader
of Watoto Ministries including the dynamic
Watoto Church which he founded together with his wife
Marilyn in 1983 in the heart of Uganda’s war torn capital, Kampala. Watoto
Church is a cell based, community church with over 20,000 people gathering each
Sunday morning to celebrate Christ. Gary passionately believes it is the
responsibility of the local church to solve community problems. Watoto Church
cares for community holistically through 2100 cell groups that meet in homes
each week. In 1994 Gary and Marilyn
founded Watoto Child Care Ministries, an International Organization as a
compassionate response to the cry of Africa’s millions of children orphaned as
a result of HIV/AIDS. Currently they are caring for over 2,500 Ugandan children
in children’s villages where every child is raised in a family setting rather
than an institution. Their vision is that these children will be raised to
become future leaders of Uganda and Africa.
He is a friend and fellow PAOC minister.
That is being extraordinary.
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