Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Edmonton Motorcycle Show

The Question

The Question – Romans 7:13-15

Vs 13 – Paul then answers another question his critics presented.  Was that which is good become death to me?   Sin needs to be recognized as sin.  It cannot be excused, ignored or pandered with.  It will kill, rob and destroy.  It takes what is good and produces death.  The commandment showed what sin was and proved that is was utterly sinful.
Vs 14 – Paul then begins what is known as the great internal debate.  The law is spiritual.  Mankind is however unspiritual and a slave to sin.  We are dead in our trespasses and sin until we come to Christ.

Vs 15 – Paul says, we do not understand what we do.  What we want to do we cannot, will not or do not do.  We do what we hate.

Proverb of Steel

The fool thinks about nothing and tries to do it.  The wise think about everything and know they cannot do it all.

Verse Today

Ephesians 6:14New International Version (NIV)

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  The fool thinks about nothing and tries to do it.  The wise think about everything and know they cannot do it all.  So today pace yourself and ask the Lord to lead your life.  Do what He wants and you will always feel fulfilled.

Monday, February 27, 2017


Paradox – Romans 7:10-12

Vs 10 – The paradox of the law was that even though is was intended to bring life because of human weakness and sin, it actually brought death.
Vs 11 – Sin seized the moment afforded to it by the commandments. It deceived Paul and through the commandments put him to death.  Sin blinds us to our real soul condition and robs us of a clear vision of our true condition.  Sin deceives, blind and leads us to death.
Vs 12 – Paul then reveals three things about the law.  First, it is holy.  Next, the commandments themselves are holy.  They were given by a holy God to His holy people.

The commandments are righteous and are designed to bring righteous living.  Lastly, the law is good.  The law was given by a good God to create a good and godly people.

Proverb of Steel

If you change your thinking patterns from self to others.  You will understand what is of true value and will change your lifestyle accordingly.

Verse Today

Ephesians 6:13New International Version (NIV)

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.


It is the beginning of the New week and here is your thought. If you change your thinking patterns from self to others.  You will understand what is of true value and will change your lifestyle accordingly.  It is about being a influence to others that matters.  It is not about us.  True love is shown by what we do for others. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Proverb of Steel 10

Do not covet

Do not covet – Romans 7:7-9

Vs 7 – Paul then answers his critics and detractors by answering a question they had.  Is the law sin?  Paul says of course not.  The law revealed what sin was.  We would not have known about coveting if not for the law when it said, do not say do not covet. 
Vs 8 – But sin like any living force seized upon an opportunity and produced in Paul every kind of covetous desire.  When you know what is wrong, it produces a desire to do it, to prove you are not a prude.  Paul says, “For apart from the law sin dead.”

Vs 9 – Paul says that once he was alive apart from the law but when the commandments came sin became alive.  Mankind then knew what was wrong and sin sprang to life and mankind died.  Some would then argue then, why did God bring the law?  Sin was always present but it needed to be revealed for the sinister thing is was, so it could be dealt with once and for all.

Proverb of Steel

The wise value the important things of life such as God, family, friends and the community at large.  They see they have a sense of destiny and know they can make a difference and do.

Verse Today

Ephesians 6:12New International Version (NIV)

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  The wise value the important things of life such as God, family, friends and the community at large.  They see they have a sense of destiny and know they can make a difference and do.  Today make it your aim to be a person of destiny for the Lord.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jesus has Power

Jesus has Power – Rom 7:4-6

Vs 4 – When a person comes to Christ they die to the law and they belong to Him who was raised from the dead.  Jesus put the power and effects of the law to death on the Christ and He rose to bring a new life and era based on grace and love.  The results of this new life are fruitfulness to God.
Vv 5 – When we were controlled by sin and the passions it creates.  The law which was at work in our bodies brought only one thing and that was sinful death.
Vs 6 – By becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ we died to that which once bound us and now we are free or released from the law of sin and death.  We can serve in a new way God through the Holy Spirit.  The way of the Spirit is not of any written code.

Proverb of Steel

The fool thinks about change and never does.  The wise know change and action must follow the thought to change.

Verse Today

Ephesians 6:11New International Version (NIV)

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is your thought for today.  The fool thinks about change and never does.  The wise know change and action must follow the thought to change.  Actions always speak louder than thoughts or would.  Be a person of action who actions follow the Lord's ways and change your world for the best.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Precious Moments

Daily Thoughts 2

Daily Thoughts

Proverb of Steel

Children need our help not hurt, so chose your words with care.  They will have a lifetime effect good or bad.

Law of God

Law of God – Romans 7:1-3

Vs 1 - Paul knows that his audience were men who knew the law of God.  They grew up with it.  They knew the priesthood, sacrifices and rituals that go with it.  They also knew that the law had authority over a person as long as they live.
Vs 2 – Paul uses the example of marriage.  In Paul’s day, a couple were bound together in marriage until one of the two died. 

Vs 3 - Then after that they were free to marry another otherwise it was considered adultery.  In Paul’s day a person who married another when their original spouse was alive was considered an adulterer.  Adultery is so devastating because it is more than sexual it is an issue of trust.  Trust has been broken.  Death is the only bond that breaks a marriage vow.

Verse Today

Ephesians 6:10New International Version (NIV)

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Good or Bad

It is the middle of the week and her is your thought for today.  Children need our help not hurt, so chose your words with care.  They will have a lifetime effect good or bad.  Words can hurt or heal.  That is why we must engage our brain before we speak.  James says in James 1:19, that we are to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.  You can encourage or hurt by your words.  Let the Lord control your speech and be a blessing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Precious Quotes

Moment Thoughts


Lifestyle – Romans 6:21-23

Vs 21 – He then asks them what benefits did they reap from their former lifestyle?  The former things they did lead them to death.  Death just begets more death.
Vs 22 – Being a slave of righteousness means you are free from death, hell and the grave.  As a slave of righteousness your benefits are as follows:  First, you live a life of holiness which pleases God.  The result of this lifestyle is eternal life. 

Vs 23 – Paul closes off this chapter which this statement.  It is the exclamation point of the chapter.  The wages of sin is death, physically, spiritually and eternally.  The gift of God is one we can neither earn or deserve.  It is eternal life.  This life came through and in Jesus Christ.  What a wonderful blessing.      

Proverb of Steel

The wise person knows the mental image of we have of ourselves and the real image we present to others can be quite different.

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:21King James Version (KJV)

21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and the Family Day weekend is over and I trust that you spent some time with your family.  Here is your thought for today.  The wise person knows the mental image of we have of ourselves and the real image we present to others can be quite different.  The real picture should be the one the Lord presents in our lives.  If we live for Him, He will take care of our life and how it is presented to others.  Just reflect Him and everything else will be added unto you.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

God is Love – 1 John 4:12-16

Intro:  Today we are going to look again at John’s exhortation about love.  As Burt Backarack said in 1969.  “What the world needs now, is Love sweet love.”  We know that is what all need right now.

(Slide 1)We know that we live in Him and He in us because He has given us of His Spirit.

1.  John states that the assurance of God is living in us.  This assurance is manifested
     By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  He is the third person of the Godhead.  He is
     The comforter that Jesus talked about.  Do you remember how in early message I
     Spoke about John had the clearest understanding of the all the apostles of the makeup
     And ministry of the Holy Spirit.?
2.  (Slide 2)  As the Holy Spirit works in us we begin to develop His thoughts, attitudes,
     Deeds and speech.    We begin to exhibit His fruit and gifts.  We walk with, love joy,
     Peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faith, patience and self control.  Use Moody’s
     Illustration of getting air out of the class.  Brother’s ands Sisters in Christ we need
     More filling of the Holy Spirit than air.

(Slide 3)  And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world.

1.  In and through God’s Holy Spirit we see Him working through us.  Some of the
     Changes are subtle and longer in process others are dramatic and shorter in duration.
2.  This helps us to testify that God has sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world. John
      May have been thinking about his own transformation from an ambitious, fiery, quick
      Temper and zealous man to the apostle of love.  He may have been thinking how
      Peter was transformed from a boastful, fearful impetuous man to the fearless, humble
      And patient man of the book of acts.  He may of though of Simon the Zealot to went
      On to preach and die not for an impossible dream but for a Kingdom with no end.
3.   Jesus is our saviour, healer, baptizer and soon coming king.  Jesus as our Saviour
      Came as Luke said in Luke 19:10, to seek and save the lost.

a.  In John 3:17, John states that Jesus came not to condemn but the world through Him
     Might be saved.
b.  In Acts 5:31, Peter stated that Jesus is the Saviour and Prince to give repentance and
     Forgiveness of sin to Israel.
c.  Paul writes in 1 Tim 1:5 that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners which
     Paul called himself the chief.
d.  The writer of Hebrews tells us through Christ salvation we are made complete and
     Jesus right now is making intercession for us.

4.  (Slide 4)  The greatest witness of Christ’s Saviour hood  are those that allow the
     Holy Spirit to transform their lives into the image of Jesus Christ.  We are walking
     Billboards for Jesus.  What does your billboard say? 
(Slide 15)  If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in Him and he in God.

1.  This is that heart confession that John saw as essential.  This meant you believe that
     Jesus is God.  Remember John believed that Jesus was God.  That was validated by
     Jesus’ transfiguration when John heard the Father’s voice telling him, Peter and James
     That this was His Son in whom He was well pleased.  He was there at Jesus’ water
     Baptism when the dove landed on Jesus’ shoulder.  He was there when the voice in
     The temple again stated that Jesus was God’s Son and was well pleasing to Father.
2.  This statement was also to refute the Gnostic theories of outlooks about Jesus.  Jesus
     Is not just a prophet, moral teacher, great religious leader, social reformer or example.
     He is the Son of God.  The perfect union of the divine and human.  He is God with a
     Face 100% God and 100% man.  Jesus is God, John taught.
3.  John saw this abiding together with God as essential proof of God’s work.  (Slide
     16)  Only God dwelling in us can bring this full revelation of God.  Talk about the
     time I was studying with the different United Church ministers.
4.  John taught in John 15 the principle of the vine and branches.  The vine is Christ and
    We are the branches.  We can do nothing spiritually with out Him.

(Slide 17)  And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love.  Whoever
Lives in love lives in God and God in Him.

1.  John says we must know and rely on the love God has for us.  This is the motivation
    Behind mercy and grace.  This is spiritual revelation.  The writers of the Bible grasped
    This truth and wrote about it. 

a.  Moses in Deut 7:8 stated that God’s love redeemed Israel from slavery.
b.  Jeremiah says in Jer 31:3, that the love of God is everlasting and long suffering. 
c.  Jesus called this love universal and rescuing in John 3:16
d.  Paul in Rom 5:8, says that love of God  possesses action and was demonstrated
     Through Christ.  He further states in Eph 2:4-5, that the love of God is rich in mercy
     And makes us alive.
e.  John says it has been lavished on us and grace us the privilege to be called the Sons
     Of God.

2.  John closes our passage this morning with the statement, “God is love.”  This is who
     God is.  Everything flows out from this virtue.  Paul states in 1 Cor 13:13, it is the
     Greatest virtue.  It is the axis of everything God does.  It is the hub of God’s
     Character. Every action, decision, thought or attitude He does begins with love. 
3.  Even His wrath is motivated by love.  Love does not allow self destruction to
4.  John closes with, “Whoever lives in His love, lives in God and God in Him.” 
     This is the abiding Jesus talked about.  Those in abide or live in love will be

a.  Impartial.  Deut 10:19
b.  Unselfish.  Matt 22:39
c.  Will show their proof of discipleship through love.  Jn 13:35
d.  See that Christ’s example and standard is what we must follow.  Jn 15:12
e.  Our love must be sincere.  Rom 12:9
f.  Abounding and abundant.  1 Thess 3:12
g.  Fervent and deep from the heart.  1 Pet 1:22

5.  John was asked once why he spoke so much about love.  He responded, “If Christ

     Said we are to do it.  That is enough.” 

Poor Man fitness

Poor Man fitness

Poor Man fitness

Poor Man fitness

Poor Man fitness

Poor Man fitness

Poor Man fitness

Edmonton Car Show

Edmonton Car Show


Car Expo

Friday, February 17, 2017

Simple Logic

Simple Logic – Rom 6:16-18

Vs 16 – Paul then employs simple logic.  When you offer yourself to some one as a slave you will obey their wishes, desires and demands.  If you offer yourself to sin this will lead to death.  If you offer yourself to Christ your obedience will lead to life and righteousness.  The choice is clear.  Slavery was a well known practice among the Romans.  It has also been reported that many early Christians were in reality slaves.  So this concept presented here was totally applicable.
Vs 17 – Paul then begins a statement and a declaration of faith.  He gives thanks to God that the Roman Christians though at one time were slaves to sin now have embraced or wholehearted entrusted to themselves to the new teaching they have received in Christ.

Vs 18 – They have been set free from sin and now are slaves to righteousness.  Here is a reality you will have a master.  It will be sin, the devil, yourself or God.  Whoever you choose will determine your eternal destiny.

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:19New International Version (NIV)

19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Proverb of Steel

A fool thinks they can do the job of the Holy Spirit and change others.  The wise know they are not and leave it to the Holy Spirit to change others.

Weekend thought

The weekend is upon us and here is your thought.  A fool thinks they can do the job of the Holy Spirit and change others.  The wise know they are not and leave it to the Holy Spirit to change others.  True change is a work of God.  So today let the Lord change your heart and make you into the person you are suppose to be.  With this change will come influence in the lives of others.  Together you will have the Lord's destiny and purpose.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Proverb of Steel

It only takes a day to do a wedding.  It takes a lifetime to make a marriage.

Instruments of righteousness

Instruments of righteousness – Romans 6:13-15

Vs 13 – Paul then tells His audience to no longer offer parts of their bodies as instruments of unrighteousness but offer them as instruments of righteousness.  You are a person that has pass from death unto life.  What a beautiful statement and reality.
Vs 14 – Sin must no longer be your master for you are not under law but grace.  Grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense.  Grace is a complete and total life based on a new life in Christ.

Vs 15 – Paul begins a new thought and section.  is theme His theme in this final part of this chapter is about being slaves of righteousness.  He begins again with another question.  This is a question his opponents were asking.  Will we still sin because we are no longer under the law but grace?  Paul says by no means.  When we live in Christ we will no longer wish to sin

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:18New International Version (NIV)

18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is your thought.  It only takes a day to do a wedding.  It takes a lifetime to make a marriage.  The three keys to a lifetime together are, commitment, communication and love.  Each by themselves is not enough but together they will keep your marriage strong.  Let the Lord help you in each.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Quotes for the Moment

A moment

Daily Thoughts

Wednesday Thoughts

Monday Quotes

Proverb of Steel

The threefold cord of marriage is you, your spouse and God.  When all three of you work together  nothing can destroy your home.

Alive in God

Alive in God – Romans 6:10-12

Vs 10 – When Jesus died He died once and for all.  Jesus’ death was a one time sacrifice
for sin.  He died that we may live.  The life that Jesus now lives, He lives for God.  
So we must do the same.
Vs 11 – In the same way that Jesus was dead to sin and alive in God we must count ourselves to dead to sin and alive in Christ.  You cannot have two realities.  You are either dead to alive.

Vs 12 – Paul then says we have to make a decision.  We must not allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies any longer.  You must reckon it dead and in this way you will not longer obey its desires and ways.

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:17New International Version (NIV)

17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,

3 fold cord

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought.  The threefold cord of marriage is you, your spouse and God.  When all three of you work together  nothing can destroy your home.  Today make it  your effort to include the Lord in every aspect of your home.  Be a family that prays.  Trust Him to keep you home strong and healthy and put in the effort yourself as well.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Proverb of Steel

Your view of your home is based on how happy you make it or how you can break it.

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:15New International Version (NIV)

15 from whom every family[a] in heaven and on earth derives its name.

Powerful Reality

Powerful Reality – Rom 6:7-9

Vs 7 – Paul then points out a powerful reality that when someone has died they are free from sin.  That which is dead is dead and that which is alive is alive.  Only Jesus Christ can set us free from sin and only allowing the crucified life reign in us will we stay free from sin.
Vs 8 – The result of this belief is that we have died with Him and that we will live with Him.  Jesus said in the book of John that He would go and prepare a place for us.  He has gone ahead but even now we are living with Him.

Vs 9 – Jesus has risen from the dead and He cannot die again.  Death and sin no longer has mastery over Him or us.  

Stay Together

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  Your view of your home is based on how happy you make it or how you can break it.  Include the Lord in  your home and you will have a home that is stable and joyful.  Pry for your family everyday and remember the family that prays together stays together.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Proverb of Steel

The fool is known for being a great starter.  The wise are known for being a great finisher.  The question of the hour is which are you?

Glory of God

Glory of God – Romans 6:4-6

Vs 4 – As baptism is a sign of burial so when we come out of the water it is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is for glory of God.  God gets all the credit so the results of this reality is that you live a new life in Christ.  A life that is pleasing to God.
Vs 5 – As we have been united with Christ in death so shall we be united with Him in His resurrection.  A wonderful metaphor about how on one hand before we knew Christ we were dead in trespasses and sin but now we are alive in our new life because of His resurrection.

Vs 6 – Our old self has to be crucified so the power of the body of sin would be render powerless.  Sin ruled our lives from the day we were born until we give our lives to Jesus Christ.  The goal here is that we would no longer be slaves to sin but to Christ.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Verse Today

Ephesians 3:14New International Version (NIV)

A Prayer for the Ephesians

14 For this reason I kneel before the Father,

Which are you?

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought.  The fool is known for being a great starter.  The wise are known for being a great finisher.  The question of the hour is which are you?  Remember it is not how you begin that matters it is how you finish.  So today whatever you do finish well.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Price is Right- Proposing to a Model

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He Loved Her Since They Were 10. This Is How He Proposed (Matty Mac - T...

Simon Challenges Contestant To Sing Hallelujah, Then Singer Stuns All 4 ...

Simon Cuts Off Teen Singer Mid Performance, Then Challenges Her To Sing ...

Judges Thought She Is Too Young To Handle This Song,

Judges stopped her because they couldn't believe it's her real voice!

Judges stopped her because they couldn't believe it's her real voice!

Judges stopped her because they couldn't believe it's her real voice!

New Cars

If this doesn't give you chills nothing will

A Little Girl Gives Coins To A Street Musician And Gets The Best Surpris...

Passengers were shocked ...

Subway performer stuns crowd with Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide"- Chicago, ...

Kathryn Kuhlman

Friday, February 10, 2017

Proverb of Steel

Commitment is the cement in any relationship.  It allows restoration and healing when trust has been shattered or broken.  

Verse Today

Psalm 61:9Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

Trust in him, all ye congregation of people: pour out your hearts before him. God is our helper for ever


Grace – Romans 6:103

Vs 1 – Paul continues with his thought and he asks a question, “Shall we go on sinning that grace may increase?  Paul is dealing with the abuse of grace in this verse.  This was obviously a problem proposed by the Gnostics who believed all flesh was evil but the Spirit was good.  Also the greasy grace expounders in the audience.
Vs 2 – Paul says that we cannot continue to sin because we have died to it.  It no longer has control over us.  When something is dead it cannot live any longer.

Vs 3 – When a person is baptized into Christ.  This baptism is a physical and spiritual identification with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  Commitment is the cement in any relationship.  It allows restoration and healing when trust has been shattered or broken.  So today be committed to those who you love and worked hard for them and yourself and let the Lord help you in every situation.  Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Verse Today

Psalm 61:7New International Version (NIV)

May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever;
    appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.

Proverb of Steel

A real winner is someone who can lose gracefully and is a good sport about it.

The One Man

The One Man – Romans 5:19-21

Vs 19 – One man’s act of disobedience made all men sinners so through Jesus’ one act of obedience made many righteousness.  One man’s act made all unrighteous.  One man’s act gave mankind the opportunity to be righteous.  Salvation is a personal decision.

Vs 20 – When the law was added the view of sin increased.  Mankind now knew what sin was so they saw sin in creased because knowledge always leads to action negatively or positively.  Yet as sin increased so did the grace of God increase more.

Vs 21 – Sin reigned in death.  Grace however reigns through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Through this whole exposition Paul uses parallelism to prove his point.  Sin, death, unrighteousness on one side grace, life and righteousness on the other.  Adam brings death to mankind, Jesus brings life.  

Good loser

Today is Thursday and here is your thought.  A real winner is someone who can lose gracefully and is a good sport about it.  So in whatever you do be gracious and kind.  This show your real character.  Those who love will always be gracious in all situations.  This is a quality of following the Lord.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Proverbs of Steel 6

Proverb of Steel

Children do not want your money they want you.  So close up your wallet and open up your datebook.

Verse Today

Psalm 61:5New International Version (NIV)

For you, God, have heard my vows;
    you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

No Condemnation

No Condemnation – Romans 5:16-18

Vs 16 – Judgment and condemnation  followed Adam’s sin.  The gift of God followed trespasses and through this gift justification came to all mankind.  There is a wonderful comparison between Adam and Christ.  One man brought death the other man life.
Vs 17 – Through Adam’s sin death reigned over mankind.    Through Jesus Christ the following blessings and graces came.  First, God’s abundant provision of grace.  Next, the gift of righteousness.  Lastly, Reign in life.  All through the one man Jesus Christ.

Vs 18 – Adams’s trespass, sin and rebellion brought condemnation to all men.  Jesus’ one act of righteousness brought justification and life to all men.   Adam brought death, Jesus Christ brought life.    


It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  Children do not want your money they want you.  So close up your wallet and open up your datebook.  Spending time with family should be one of your top priorities. There are many who do not have this privilege.  So take advantage of yours and blessed them.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The real world

The real world – Romans 5:13-15

Vs 13 – This next point is interesting.  Sin was in the world before the law came.  At that time sin was not taken into account because there was no law.  It was the age of conscience and innocence.
Vs 14 -  Even though it was an age of innocence death still reigned over mankind from Adam to Moses.  Adam was the pattern of things to come.  The sin nature was passed from Him to us.  A person may not have committed a sin like Adam but they still died and were subject to the sin nature.  Righteousness was still by faith.  Abraham was an example as portrayed in previous chapters.

Vs 15 – Paul then begins to talk about the gift of eternal life.  He explains that because of Adam’s sin many have died.  God however has given each person an opportunity to receive His grace.  Through Jesus Christ the gift of eternal life has been given.  The grace of God is now overflowing to all mankind.  

Verse Today

Psalm 61:4New International Version (NIV)

I long to dwell in your tent forever
    and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.[a]

Proverb of Steel

The parent who finds time for their children when they are young.will have their children's time when they are older.

Monday Muse

It is Monday and here is your thought.  The parent who finds time for their children when they are young.  Will have their children's time when they are older.  So today take time to spend time with your family and it will be the best investment you ever make.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Verse Today

Psalm 61:3New International Version (NIV)

For you have been my refuge,
    a strong tower against the foe.

Proverb of Steel

If you take time to be with others, they will take time to be with you.

Friends of God

Friends of God – Romans 5:10-12

Vs 10 – One time we were God’s enemy but now we have been reconciled to Him through the dead of His Son.  Jesus is the one who brought us back to God.  Through His death we were reconciled but now through His life we are saved and are being saved.  This work is not a once time event but any on going process.
Vs 11 – A powerful outgrowth of this truth is that we can rejoice in God through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus is Lord, Savior and the Christ.  We have through reconciliation become children of God and joint heirs of all the promises of heaven.

Vs 12-  Paul then explains the process of how sin entered the world.  Sin entered the world through one man.  Death was the result of sin.  Death came to all men because all men now sin.  Death came through Adam.  He was prototype of man and through His disobedience all mankind became sinners.

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is a simple thought.  If you take time to be with others, they will take time to be with you.  Simple but powerful thought.  You want friends be friendly.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Righteous Person

Righteous Person – Romans 5:7-9

Vs 7 – Paul points out that rarely would a man die for a righteous person.  Though some good men may think about it.  Paul is building the teaser for the next verse.
Vs 8 – God demonstrated or showed His love for us.  God’s love is always tangible.  While we were still sinners Jesus Christ died for us.  We did not know Him but the love of God compelled Him to die a universal death.  It was our sin that put Him on the Cross.  It was resurrection power that brought Him down from the cross and gave Him and us eternal blessings and favor.

Vs 9 – Once again Paul points out that we have been justified or declare blameless by God.  This came through the blood of Jesus which is the universe’ most powerful element.  Paul emphasizes how much more have we been saved from God’s wrath through Him.  Jesus not only rescued us from sin but God’s wrath.

Proverb of Steel

Through Jesus' resurrection we learn that death could not hold Him, corruption could not touch Him and hell could not defeat Him.

Verse Today

Psalm 61:2New King James Version (NKJV)

From the end of the earth I will cry to You,
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Thrusday Thought

It is Thursday and this is your thought for today.  Through Jesus' resurrection we learn that death could not hold Him, corruption could not touch Him and hell could not defeat Him.  Today follow the Lord and nothing will defeat you.  You are an overcomer, a conqueror and victor.  You may be knock down but you will rise and victorious in Him today.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Car Mania

Proverb of Steel

Never has so many owed so much to only one.


Endurance – Romans 5:4-6

Vs 4 – Perseverance produces character.  You become stronger and more vital as your work through problems and trials.  Character brings about hope.  You see God’s strength, love, peace and kindness through out the trial and this produces hope for a better future.
Vs 5 – Paul says that hope does not disappoint us.  We have confidence in God’s ability.  God has poured His love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit was given to us as a deposit of God’s grace and love.  He is the one who regenerates our hearts and helps us to walk through any situation or problem in victory.

Vs 6 – Paul then points our God’s timing which is always perfect and always right on time.  When we were powerless in sin, Christ died for the ungodly.  His sacrifice was  universal and it will be applied in us at the right time and for the right reason.  

Verse Today

Psalm 61:1-2King James Version (KJV)

61 Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.

Only One

It is the middle of the week and here is a simple but profound thought.  Never has so many owed so much to only one.  Jesus Christ is that one.  His death, burial and resurrection gives us eternal and abundant life.  We owe everything to Him.