Song of Solomon –
Love Letter of Solomon – 2:1
Intro: The Song of
Solomon is a romantic series of speeches and addresses between Solomon and a
country girl. As oriental poetry it is
structured differently than Western poetry.
A.G. Ward the Father of C.M. Ward of revival time fame and one of the
great Pioneers of our movement, loved to preach from this book. In fact people told him they preferred to
hear him preach from it more than anything he preached.
1. This book depicts
the beauty
of love between a man and woman which ripens into
Undying devotion. It depicts the sacredness and purity of
In world of false
hopes and expectations this book is needed today.
a. It has been
written that those who love deeply never grow old, they may die of old
Age, but they die
young. Rabbi Julius Gordon wrote, “Love
is not blind, it sees more,
Not less, but
because it sees more, it willing to see less.
b.. This book
actually given us a physical description of Solomon we know he had a
Ruddy complexion
like his dad, black wavy hair and was quite muscular. (5:10-16)
We know the
country girl was dark from the sun and very beautiful. (1:5-7)
c. Solomon wrote this
book around 1000 B.C. Now even though
this book primarily and
Account of
romantic love there is also a second message about the love between
Christ and His
church. The Theme is the marriage joy of
the Bride and the
2. In our passage
today. We find the beloved describing herself as
the Rose of Sharon
A Lily of the Valley. She looks at herself as a country
girl being wooed to move to the
City. She says literally, I and out of place. I enjoy where I am but I love this man. So
I will go
wherever he wants me to go. Ruth made a
similar declaration in
Ruth 1:16-18
declaration you know what I wish is
that more people would honor
The vows they
made when they were married. Pure love
makes a conscious decision
To put the needs
of others before their own. Paul
describes pure true agape love as
Patient, kind, not
envious, boastful or proud, rude, self seeking, or easily angered. It
Doesn’t keep records
of wrongs, delight in evil but rejoices in truth, it always protects,
trusts, hope, perseveres
and never fails.
a. The young man is
viewed here as a spring flower. Spring
in Israel
is the mist beautiful
Time of the
year. Wild roses and lilies are
abundant. Roses always depict beauty and
Lilies humility
and purity Solomon says his beloved his
beautiful, humble and pure.
As a spiritual
allegory this book depicts the holy affection existing between God and
His people. Christ views us as His church in the same
manner. We are in his view,
Beautiful, pure
and humble.
b. Jesus
has also because of his beauty, love, compassion humility and purity has been
depicted as the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of
the Valley. Paul use this book
as a
premise as he
states how Christ loved his church and gave his life for it. Eph 5:25-32
is a great
analogy for human love and how men need to view their relationship with
their wives.
c. The message of
this book is clearly understood by the mature spiritual mind.
3. The language of
this book and its description of the love between the two loves are
Quite graphic and
passionate but love is passionate, graphic and deep. The description
Of each
participant and the way they express their love was powerful for that day but
Today would be
considered silly or irrelevant.
a. Let us however not
miss the meaning of this book. It is the account of pure passionate
Love between two
people. It us also an allegory for a
love between Christ and his
Church. The Key Thought: My lover, the believer’s title for Christ.
b. The Song of
Solomon Emphasizes three things.
1. The love of God who gave His
Son to redeem sinners.
2. The love of the Son of God
who gave His life for His bride and His church.
3. It a parable of divine love
which s the background and source of all human love.
4. What saddens me is
how love has been corrupted polluted, misunderstood and taken
To the basest of
urges. Man views it as either, physical,
mental and emotional. Love
Is the essence
of God. It is who He is. 1 John 4:8
a. Love is God’s
nature, character and His being. He has
communicated it to us. We
Have the
experience love it in its fullest expression and measure. It is more than
Passion and physical. It is friendship, family, emotion, intellect
and will all combined.
It is attribute
that we can share with the God of the Universe and fully experienced in
b. You will never
true understand it until you, love God with all your heart, soul, mind
And strength and
love your neighbour as yourself. Love
like worship is an attitude of
The heart
express. There is a world out there
looking for love and we have it here
Right now. I have heard people say the church in Hay River lacks love.
I say poppy
Cock, I believe
God is just looking to express his love through us.
c. Read two final
quote about love.
d. Solomon in this
book expresses his love, delight and admiration for his lover. The
Bride speaks of
her dream, admiration, delight, torment of separation and union of
Love. This 22nd book of the bible with
its 8 chapters. 117 verses, 2661 words. 13
Questions, 14
commands, gives us glimpse into love and its fullest expression.
As we close today
he this little exhortation
e. Today
for us to let us come to him and be healed.
To receive His Love and
Acceptance in this
moment. There is a fresh stream of
forgiveness, flowing
Right now. It is pure, strong and cleansing. Nothing will pollute it. Wade in and
Feel the coolness, freshness
and refreshing it brings. It will take
away all pain,
Hurt, bitterness. All stain of sin in any form will be
removed. God is pouring out in
This moment His Spirit in a
new measure. The old can pass away in
this moment.,
You can be new. Look
to the Lord this day and receive your complete healing and
Touch that will change you
from this moment forever.