Monday, December 26, 2016

World At Large

The North

The North

Family Times

Grass Roots - Where Were You When I Needed You (Original audio, 1966)

The Grass Roots "Heaven Knows" 1969

Grass Roots - Two Divided By Love (Live, 1972)

The Grass Roots - Sooner or Later

Grass Roots - Temptation Eyes

Grass Roots - Let's Live For Today (color)

The Grass Roots - Midnight Confessions

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive (1977)

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

Starship - We Built This City

The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian

Toto - Rosanna

Toto - Africa

Lionel Richie - Hello

MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up

George Michael - Careless Whisper (Official Video)

My Edited Video

The Christmas Celebration

The Christmas Celebration

"Glory To God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will, toward men."

(Luke 2:14)

Many weeks before the day finally arrives, people begin to celebrate Christmas. There are lights blinking at night in windows, on trees, and on the outside of buildings. There are lots springing up to sell Christmas trees. There is Christmas music in the stores and on the radio. There are thoughts of what to buy, and sales to draw our attention. We are having a time of celebration. But, are we celebrating the right way, or the wrong way?


Many people will make Christmas a time of sinful partying. They will make It a time to drink and Indulge In sinful activity that may end in tragedy. Fleshly indulgence Is not the right way to celebrate the Lord s birthday. Certainly, the person who drinks and drives may end up killing someone or killing himself. Don t drink strong drink to celebrate Christmas. Let the Holy Spirit lift your spirit in true and lasting happiness this Christmas by realizing the true meaning of Christmas.

Here are the lyrics from a song sang  in 1928 by Leroy Carr

“On the twenty-fifth of December, 1928 it’s a national issue of heaven to the world that it’s Jesus’s birthday.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day.
Some people who work every day and draws good money every pay and here is what the same people said I wanna spend my money and have my way.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day.
While the church is praying on Christmas Day other people are roaming the streets and drinking their soul away.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day. ”


Christmas is a time to promote peace on earth. May we pray that the weapons of war will be laid down, and the billions of dollars being used to kill people and to destroy homes may be used to feed the hungry, to put clothes on the poor homeless and starving millions, and to furnish housing that will bring them In out of the cold and rain and snow. This is the "good will" that honors and pleases Jesus. Remember, It Is the Lord 's birthday we are celebrating.

1.        Spread cheer. When you hear Christmas songs, instead of being grumpy smile and whistle along. Being cheerful during the Christmas season really will help in spreading Christmas spirit to those around you, plus it helps you enjoy it more too.  Remember it is about peace on earth and good will to all men.
2.       Enjoy your country’s Christmas traditions. Let yourself be a kid again and enjoy Christmas.  We all have our traditions let us embrace and enjoy them.

3.       Decorate your house for Christmas. The possibilities for decorating are nearly endless.
Buy and decorate a Christmas tree. Go with your family to your local Christmas tree farm to cut your own or head to a lot selling pre-cut Christmas trees. Pick out a Christmas tree that fits your house. After you’ve gotten your tree situated, wrap it in lights and begin hanging the ornaments. Don’t forget to water it occasionally and safeguard it from pets!
You can decorate your tree with family heirloom ornaments .  It’s really up to you--be as creative or traditional as you like.
4.        Join up with friends and family. For many people, Christmas is about gathering with friends and   family to enjoy each others company and celebrate the holiday. Take advantage of this time to reconnect with friends and family. Create your own traditions or celebrate with the traditions that have been passed down in your family.  Invite your friends or family over for Christmas dinner. Make it a potluck if you want to keep expenses (and the workload) manageable. The important thing is just to get together with people you love and make the winter a little warmer by sharing the warmth of caring with them. Consider making a traditional Christmas dinner complete with roast turkey, or create your own traditions by branching out and making whatever you want!
5.       Go Christmas Caroling, watch Christmas movies, do a generous act, make gifts yourself, so something outdoor as a family.


When we celebrate Christmas in the right way, we bring glory and honor to God. The angels said, "Glory to God in the highest," and our greatest ambition should be to glorify God in all our activities at Christmas. Then, we should be sure to keep Jesus Christ at the center in our celebrations. Many times, too much attention Is given to Santa Claus and decorations. Christmas is all about Jesus, our only Savior.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Robert Dean Steel Christmas

A Christmas Moment

Christmas Moments

Christmas Moments

No Knowledge of God.

No Knowledge of God. – Romans 1:27-29

Vs 27 – Men left their natural affection for women gave into the sodomite spirit and burned in lust for each other.  Their conduct is vile, evil and will lead to destruction and death.
Vs 28 – They did not retain their knowledge of God.  God gave them over to their reprobate mind where they do things that will lead to separation from God and eternal punishment.
Vs 29 -  As a result of their apostasy Paul lists 23 sins that damn the soul.  Unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity and whisperers.

Proverb of Steel

Those who believe in luck, chance, destiny, fate and good fortune have not comprehended that it could be God working in the shadows.

Verse Today

Luke 1:38New International Version (NIV)

38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

Weekend Thought

It is the Christmas Weekend and here is your thought. Those who believe in luck, chance, destiny, fate and good fortune have not comprehended that it could be God working in the shadows.  As we head into Christmas weekend.  remember God made it obvious.  Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ.  He is the reason for the reason.  It was not luck, destiny or fate that brought Him to earth.  He came to die for the sins of mankind.  Today make Jesus you Lord and Saviour.  Live each day for Him and change your life and others.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Moments

Christmas 2016

Proverbs of Steel - Part 2

Proverb of Steel

The stars have three known functions.  The give light and warmth to the planetary bodies around them.  They have for centuries guided the traveler .  They are witnesses of the creative power and majesty of God. 

Verse Today

Proverbs 1:7New International Version (NIV)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
    but fools[a] despise wisdom and instruction.

We can dishonor

We can dishonor – Roman 1:24-26

Vs 24 -  God then gave them over to uncleanness.  This was caused by the lust in mankind’s heart which led them to dishonor their bodies by doing evil acts among themselves.
Vs 25 – There are two sins God gave man up to defile their souls.  They changed the truth of God into a lie.
They worshipped and serve creatures of stone, wood and metal instead of the creator is to be blessed forever.  Amen.

Vs 26 – God gave them up.  He did not want to give them up but they did what was unnatural.  He burned in lust for each other.  In nature male and female procreation is the norm.  

The Star

This is your thought for today.  The stars have three known functions.  The give light and warmth to the planetary bodies around them.  They have for centuries guided the traveler .  They are witnesses of the creative power and majesty of God.   One star lead the wise men to the greatest person who ever lived.  Let the star lead you to Jesus today.  The reason for the season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Proverb of Steel

Gossip and slander are juicy morsels until they are about you.

Verse Today

Psalm 136:1New International Version (NIV)

Psalm 136

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.

One time

One time – Romans 1:21-24

Vs 21 -  There was a time mankind knew God.  This is called the time of conscience.  They however did not glorify Him as God. Neither were thankful.  The result was that they became vain in their thinking and this led to a darkening of their foolish hearts.
Vs 22 – They claimed to be wise but in truth were fools.

Vs 23 – The changed to glory of the incorruptible God to the images of corruptible man and creatures.  They became idol worshippers.

Juicy Morsels

It is the middle of the week and here is a simple thought.  Gossip and slander are juicy morsels until they are about you.  So the best way to avoid becoming a juicy morsel is to not let gossip been spoken by you.  A rule of thumb for gossip is never spread it.  When you hear some refuse to listen or be used by it.  Simple but profound truth.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Proverb of Steel

Gossip is a poisionous cup, once drunk it will destroy the whole person.

Verse Today

James 1:19New International Version (NIV)

Listening and Doing

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Not Ashamed

Not Ashamed – Romans 1:16-18

Vs 16 – Paul is proud of the gospel.  He is never ashamed of this glorious gospel.  It is good news.  It is the power of God working salvation in every one who believes.  The Jews had the first opportunity to receive the gospel but now it is being offered to all. 
Vs 17 -  The gospel is the righteousness of God through the avenue of faith and it will continue to grow through faith.  Paul then quotes Hab 2:4, “the just will by faith.”  You are justified in God’s sight by faith.

Vs 18 -  The whole world is guilty before God.  The wrath of God will be against the ungodly and unrighteous.  They are individuals who hold to truth but it leads them to unrighteous.     

Tuesday Thought

Today is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  Gossip is a poisionous cup, once drunk it will destroy the whole person.  So stop gossip in its track and keep your life right.  refuse to have anything to do with it.  Don't listen and don't spread.  

Monday, December 19, 2016

Proverbs of Steel

Proverb of Steel

Never tell something about yourself unless you are willing to have it published every where.

Spiritual Fruit

Spiritual Fruit – Romans 1:13-15

Vs 13  -  He wants them to know He has wanted to come to them but has been prevented thus far.  Paul wants to have spiritual fruit among them as he has seen in other places.
Vs 14 – Paul establishes the fact and thought he is debtor to God and to all mankind.  He must repay that debt of salvation by telling all men about Jesus Christ.

Vs 15 – His resolve is that he wants to preach the gospel in Rome as soon as possible.

Verse Today

John 3:16New International Version (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Published Everywhere

It is the beginning of a new week and here is a thought.  Never tell something about yourself unless you are willing to have it published every where.  It has been said, good news travels fast and bad news travels faster.  So make sure you only tell something about your self with trustworthy people.  Live your life so well that the town gossip will vouch for you.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Proverbs of Steel

Verse Today

Psalm 15:5New International Version (NIV)

who lends money to the poor without interest;
    who does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
Whoever does these things
    will never be shaken.

Proverb of Steel

Lies are like water, they will seek the path of least resistance.

Beloved of God

Beloved of God – Romans 1:7-9

Vs 7 – This letter was written to the Christians of Rome.  They are the beloved of God and His saints (Called out ones).  Grace and peace has been extended to them by God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Lord Jesus Christ is a title used to establish Jesus’ Lordship and authority.

Vs 8 -  This is Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving for the Romans.  Their faith has been spoken or broadcast throughout the Christian world.

Vs 9 – Paul wants them to know through this oath that He is praying for them unceasingly.  This is through the Spirit and His love for the gospel.

Weekend Thought

Here is your thought for the weekend.  Lies are like water, they will seek the path of least resistance.  So today resist a lie and tell the truth by your words and deeds.  Be a person of honesty and the world will know there is one person who will tell the truth and you are that person.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Great Sayings for Family and friends

Tell the truth

To stop a lie.  Tell the truth.

Verse Today

Psalm 15:4New King James Version (NKJV)

In whose eyes a vile person is despised,
    But he honors those who fear the Lord;
He who swears to his own hurt and does not change;

Son of God

Romans 1:4-6 – Son of God

Vs 4 -  He was declared the Son of God with power.  The Spirit of holiness has declared Him this through His resurrection of the dead.
Vs 5 – Through Christ, Paul has received grace and apostleship.  He is to be obedient to the faith ,to proclaim the gospel to all nations for His name sake.

Vs 6 -  The Romans have been called by and through Jesus Christ.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is your thought.  To stop a lie.  Tell the truth.  This is a simple thought but as people of God we are called to tell the truth even if it hurts others.  Always tell the truth in love and walk in integrity and this will make you a light in this dark world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Great Sayings for Family and Friends

Life Sayings and Family

Great Sayings for life Part 3

Family and Wise Sayings

Great Sayings for LIfe

Phoenix by Night

Servant of Christ

Servant of Christ – Romans 1:1-3

Vs 1 – Paul is a servant of Jesus Christ.  He was called to be an apostle.  To live a separated life for the Gospel or Good News of God.

Vs 2 – This was a promise written about by the prophets in the Holy Scriptures.

Vs 3 -   God’s Son is Jesus Christ our Lord.  He is the Seed of David.  God’s promise to David, come in the flesh.  He is God with a face.  God walking among us.

Proverb of Steel

A lie is like a barren fruit tree.  They have no purpose.

Verse Today

Psalm 15:3King James Version (KJV)

He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.

Truth about a lie

It is the middle of the week and here is a truth about a lie.  A lie is like a barren fruit tree.  They have no purpose.  So today tell the truth and live a fruitful life.  Honor the Lord and others.  Make sure your words and life line up to truth and be the blessing God intended for you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

We Are Free

We Are Free – Romans 6:22-23

Vs 22 – Being a slave of righteousness means you are free from death, hell and the grave.  As a slave of righteousness your benefits are as follows:  First, you live a life of holiness which pleases God.  The result of this lifestyle is eternal life. 

Vs 23 – Paul closes off this chapter which this statement.  It is the exclamation point of the chapter.  The wages of sin is death, physically, spiritually and eternally.  The gift of God is one we can neither earn or deserve.  It is eternal life.  This life came through and in Jesus Christ.  What a wonderful blessing.      

Verse Today

Psalm 15:1-2King James Version (KJV)

15 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.

Proverb of Steel

The paradox and folly of age is this.  You have children wanting to be a grown up and grown ups who wants to be children.

Paradox of the Age

Here is your thought for today.  The paradox and folly of age is this.  You have children wanting to be a grown up and grown ups who wants to be children.  Today make your choice.  Paul tells us in Cor 13 that when we are children we will think and act as a children but now that we are grown up we should put away childish things.  I guess we are to act our age.  Remember maturity is both an age and choice decision.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Proverb of Steel

Only a fool thinks when they drink there will be no consequences.

Simple Logic

Romans 6:16-18 – Simple Logic

Vs 16 – Paul then employs simple logic.  When you offer yourself to some one as a slave you will obey their wishes, desires and demands.  If you offer yourself to sin this will lead to death.  If you offer yourself to Christ your obedience will lead to life and righteousness.  The choice is clear.  Slavery was a well known practice among the Romans.  It has also been reported that many early Christians were in reality slaves.  So this concept presented here was totally applicable.
Vs 17 – Paul then begins a statement and a declaration of faith.  He gives thanks to God that the Roman Christians though at one time were slaves to sin now have embraced or wholehearted entrusted to themselves to the new teaching they have received in Christ.

Vs 18 – They have been set free from sin and now are slaves to righteousness.  Here is a reality you will have a master.  It will be sin, the devil, yourself or God.  Whoever you choose will determine your eternal destiny.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:16King James Version (KJV)

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Monday Thought

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought.  Only a fool thinks when they drink there will be no consequences.  As we head into the holiday season.  Let us follow a simple rule.  Do not drink or drive.  If you are with someone who is thinking of it.  Tell them not too.  Plan to take a taxi or have a designated driver.  Let us arrive at home alive.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Proverb of Steel

Never gossip or slander a friend unless you are prepared to lose them.

An instrument for God

Romans 6:13-15 – An instrument for God

Vs 13 – Paul then tells His audience to no longer offer parts of their bodies as instruments of unrighteousness but offer them as instruments of righteousness.  You are a person that has pass from death unto life.  What a beautiful statement and reality.
Vs 14 – Sin must no longer be your master for you are not under law but grace.  Grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense.  Grace is a complete and total life based on a new life in Christ.

Vs 15 – Paul begins a new thought and section.  is theme His theme in this final part of this chapter is about being slaves of righteousness.  He begins again with another question.  This is a question his opponents were asking.  Will we still sin because we are no longer under the law but grace?  Paul says by no means.  When we live in Christ we will no longer wish to sin

Verse Today

Psalm 91:15King James Version (KJV)

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

No Gossip

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  Never gossip or slander a friend unless you are prepared to lose them.  Another rule is this.  If you gossip others will gossip about you.  So always stop gossip in its tracks by choosing not to pass it on.  Gossip dies when it has no place to go.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Verse Today

Psalm 91:12New International Version (NIV)

12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

Proverb of Steel

Never be surprised by the folly of a child.  Weep when it is found in an adult.

Once for All

Romans 6:10-12 – Once for All

Vs 10 – When Jesus died He died once and for all.  Jesus’ death was a one time sacrifice
for sin.  He died that we may live.  The life that Jesus now lives, He lives for God.  
So we must do the same.
Vs 11 – In the same way that Jesus was dead to sin and alive in God we must count ourselves to dead to sin and alive in Christ.  You cannot have two realities.  You are either dead to alive.

Vs 12 – Paul then says we have to make a decision.  We must not allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies any longer.  You must reckon it dead and in this way you will not longer obey its desires and ways.

Wednesday Thought

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought for today.  Never be surprised by the folly of a child.  Weep when it is found in an adult.  Children are children but when adults act like children then we should be very concerned.  Yet today many act like kids.  This is because they never learned the boundaries of good behaviour or limits when children.  Today leave childish things and grow up and be the person God intended you to be.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Rock in August

Sunset Point

Verse Today

Psalm 91:11New International Version (NIV)

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;

We live

Romans 6:7-9  We live

Vs 7 – Paul then points out a powerful reality that when someone has died they are free from sin.  That which is dead is dead and that which is alive is alive.  Only Jesus Christ can set us free from sin and only allowing the crucified life reign in us will we stay free from sin.

Vs 8 – The result of this belief is that we have died with Him and that we will live with Him.  Jesus said in the book of John that He would go and prepare a place for us.  He has gone ahead but even now we are living with Him.
Vs 9 – Jesus has risen from the dead and He cannot die again.  Death and sin no longer has mastery over Him or us. 
The birds and animals are wiser than men.  Many mate for life.

Proverb of Steel

The birds and animals are wiser than men.  Many mate for life.

For life

It is the beginning  of the week and here is your thought,  The birds and animals are wiser than men.  Many mate for life.  So if you are married make sure you stay true to your spouse and show your family the meaning of true love.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Psalm 91:10New International Version (NIV)

10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:10New International Version (NIV)

10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.

Proverb of Steel

One phrase always precedes destruction.  "No one is going to tell me what to do."
Romans 6:7-9 – Only Jesus Christ

Vs 7 – Paul then points out a powerful reality that when someone has died they are free from sin.  That which is dead is dead and that which is alive is alive.  Only Jesus Christ can set us free from sin and only allowing the crucified life reign in us will we stay free from sin.
Vs 8 – The result of this belief is that we have died with Him and that we will live with Him.  Jesus said in the book of John that He would go and prepare a place for us.  He has gone ahead but even now we are living with Him.

Vs 9 – Jesus has risen from the dead and He cannot die again.  Death and sin no longer has mastery over Him or us.  

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought. One phrase always precedes destruction. "No one is going to tell me what to do." So here is a simple wise thought. Do the will of God and you will not be destroyed. Follow this phrase and you will.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Letter to Timothy

Verse Today

Psalm 91:8New International Version (NIV)

You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

United with Christ

Romans 6:4-6 – United with Christ

Vs 4 – As baptism is a sign of burial so when we come out of the water it is a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is for glory of God.  God gets all the credit so the results of this reality is that you live a new life in Christ.  A life that is pleasing to God.
Vs 5 – As we have been united with Christ in death so shall we be united with Him in His resurrection.  A wonderful metaphor about how on one hand before we knew Christ we were dead in trespasses and sin but now we are alive in our new life because of His resurrection.

Vs 6 – Our old self has to be crucified so the power of the body of sin would be render powerless.  Sin ruled our lives from the day we were born until we give our lives to Jesus Christ.  The goal here is that we would no longer be slaves to sin but to Christ.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Proverb of Steel

Think it through before you do.

Simple Thought

My thought today is simple.  Think it through before you do.  This sounds is simple but it is very hard to do because often we are lead by impulse.  It only takes a moment but it could save you so much pain and sorrow.  So think it through before you do.