Friday, April 29, 2016


Judging – Matt 7:1-5

                Jesus has some harsh words and feelings towards those guilty of judging others.  He states emphatically do not judge or you will be judged.  Jesus exposes a reality and law of nature.  Whatever you sow you shall reap.  There are consequences to our actions.  Jesus says how you judge you will be judged and with the same way in which you measure or look at others is how others will measure and look at you.  Harshness brings harshness and love brings love.  Jesus is stating the obvious about how to deal with others.  There are no special people or occasions.  Whatever you do to others you will have done to you. 
                Jesus then deals with how hypocrisy blinds us to our own faults and makes us look at others with a critical view.  Jesus uses the illustration of a small block of wood verses a beam; a perfect analogy for a carpenter.  Jesus calls the person who sees the bad in others and yet overlooks it in themselves is a hypocrite.  It is apparent that some of His audience were Pharisees and temple officials.  He was speaking directly to them but He was also condemning hypocrisy in whomever and whatever form it takes. 
                Self examination is the hallmark of a Christian.  Allow the Holy Spirit to show you your heart today and take every precaution to make sure you are right with God.  Do not judge others and remember the law of sowing and reaping.  Love, forgive, be gracious and that will all come back to you.

Proverb of Steel

The natural man wages warfare with bombs, bullets and flesh and blood.  The Christian wages warfare, in the place of prayer, with the Word, claiming eternal promises, patience, endurance and knowing that our enemies are not carnal but spiritual.

Verse Today

2 Corinthians 10:5New International Version (NIV)

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Warrior for God

Here is your thought for today as we head into the weekend.  The natural man wages warfare with bombs, bullets and flesh and blood.  The Christian wages warfare, in the place of prayer, with the Word, claiming eternal promises, patience, endurance and knowing that our enemies are not carnal but spiritual.  Today commit yourself to fight for the Lord in your family and for your friends.  They are worthy of your prayers and encouragement.  Be a fighter and winner for God.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Work hard and be honest

Seek Ye first

 Seek Ye first – Matt 6:33-34

                This is such a great verse.  Jesus sets the key for receiving and getting everything you need or want.  It begins simply by seeking first the Kingdom of God.  Put God first in everything.  He is the one you need to be seeking.  Go after the Kingdom of God and the righteousness that it provides.  This is the starting point.  This is the door that opens all the blessings of heaven.  It is the answer to your anxieties and worries about food, clothing, shelter and transportation.  Every fear, worry, care or mountain is removed when you seek first the Kingdom of God.  Jesus all add here, His righteousness.  Seek God’s righteousness, let go of your own or someone else’s.  Righteousness come from salvation and receiving God’s provision. 
                When one seeks God’s Kingdom first than all other things will be added unto you.  Whatever you need you will receive.  I love knowing that all things will be added unto you.  This is such a powerful and wonderful promise. 
                Jesus close off chapter six with some very practical some would even say common sense advice.  Don’t worry about tomorrow for there will be enough to concern yourself over tomorrow.  Each day has enough worries in themselves.  In the Dakes Bible there are twenty physical diseases that are associated with worry and stress.  These two can kill both physically and spiritually.  So let God take care of your today’s and tomorrow.

Proverb of Steel

Materialism is nothing but idolatry in a new package. 

Verse Today

Isaiah 55:8-9New International Version (NIV)

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Beware of stuff

There is one reality.  Materialism is nothing but idolatry in a new package.   So today reject the things of this world and follow Jesus' advice.  Lay up treasures in heaven.  Do things that last in the lives of people.  People will remember you for kindness and love.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sun stand still

Proverb of Steel

Garbage is still garbage no matter what kind of container you put it in.

Verse Today

Psalm 139:23-24New International Version (NIV)

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

Proper view of treasures

Proper view of treasures – Matt 6:19-20

                In these two verses are most likely the most important verses on God’s view of material possessions.  Jesus says that we should not lay up treasures here on earth.  Ever since man has fallen he has been trying to right the wrong in his relationship with God.  Man has been trying to fill the void or gap between himself and God.  One of the common ways he does this is through possessions.  To most possessions mean security.  The more you possess the more secure and significant you feel.  Through out the centuries certain possessions are viewed as a status symbol of arriving to a certain standard.  Today it is cars, watches, gold, diamonds, silver and homes. 
                The problem with treasures on earth Jesus says they are subject to three things, moths, rust and thieves.
What moths cannot eat, rust will corrupt and what rust cannot corrupt a thief will steal.  Possessions cannot fill the void and the eternal separation man has with God.  It is the love of money and possession that is the root of all evil.
                Jesus counsels His audience to lay up treasures in heaven where thieves, moth and rust cannot touch.  Jesus states that it is the intangibles that will matter the most in eternity.  Love, mercy, grace, faith, peace, joy and righteousness.  When a person loses their health the last thing they are thinking about is their stock portfolio, they want to well and whole again.  When a parent loses a child they are not worried about getting a new car they just wanted their child back.
                Jesus closes with a statement of reality.  Where your treasure that is where you heart will be.  Your heart always follows your treasure.  Here is a truth.  Who ever has your wallet has your heart.  Wherever you spend your money is where your heart is. 

Right Thoughts

It is the middle of the week and here is a thought.  Garbage is still garbage no matter what kind of container you put it in.  Your mind can be a place where thoughts occur and if they are dwelled on for a period of time will become lifestyle.  The Bible teaches that what we put in will come out.  So today think on pure, holy, righteous and positive thoughts.  That way your life will follow these thoughts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Fasting -  Matt 6:16-18

                Jesus reveals God’s view of fasting.  Fasting was one of the three pillars of Jewish religious life, the others were prayer and alms.   Jesus says that when a person fasts do not but like those religious people who put on a long face and draw attention to themselves when they fast.  This was a false show of piety.  Those who do this have already been given their reward.  Jesus states that rewards come for those who perform their works of religious service in secret. 
                Jesus says that when you fast you should wash your face, comb your hair and do not even look like you are fasting.  In Jesus’ day fasting had become a spectacle.  Jesus makes is clear that when you fast and you do it for an audience of one which is the father, He will reward you openly for what you do in secret. 
                God is concerned about the matters of the heart.  Jesus is speaking against the practice of self promotion which men can easily fall into.  Pride is at the heart of this issue.  Man loves to exalt themselves.  Personal self worth is important but not at the price of pure motives and attitudes.

Verse Today

Psalm 139:7-10New International Version (NIV)

Where can I go from your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.

Proverb f Steel

The Bible is a compass for anyone who wants to stay on course or find their way in a desert environment.

Compass for life

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  The Bible is a compass for anyone who wants to stay on course or find their way in a desert environment.  So let it guide you and you will have green pastures to rest in.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Integrate you people

Proverb of Steel

The paradox of spiritual maturity is being willing to give up childish things but still having childlike faith.

Thought today

Here is your thought for today. The paradox of spiritual maturity is being willing to give up childish things but still having childlike faith. Today approach the Lord with child like faith and trust Him for your life today and live your life to please Him and touch others for Him. 

Verse Today

Psalm 48:9New International Version (NIV)

Within your temple, O God,
    we meditate on your unfailing love.


Forgive – Matt 6:14-15

                Since we already touched on the process of forgiveness we do not have to cover the full subject again.  Jesus finishes the Lord’s prayer with a warning and statement of fact.  If you forgive others your heavenly father will forgive you.  If you do not forgive others your heavenly Father will not forgive you.  Forgiveness is the element that brings God’s favour and blessing.  Un-forgiveness is the dam that stops prayer, praise and your relationship with God.   Never let un-forgiveness dwell in your heart too long.  It is a poison that will kill any truth, righteousness and victory in your life.  Jesus makes it clear that forgiveness brings blessing, refusing to forgive stops all blessings from God.   A good thing to remember in your personal preparation every day.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Elton John-Crocodile Rock

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up

Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

Barry Manilow - Copacabana (At the Copa)

The Midnight Special 1975 - 12 - Barry Manilow - Could It Be Magic

Barry Manilow - I write the songs (Live Graham Norton) HD

Boney M ~ Rivers of Babylon

Boney M - Rasputin

Billy Joel - Uptown Girl

Billy Joel - Piano Man

Barry Manilow Mandy HD

Robin Williams as the American Flag

VERY Favorite Whose Line Moments - Robin Williams

Robin Williams Crazy First Appearance on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show

Jonathan Winters & Robin Williams in Funniest Moments on Johnny Carson's...

Joshua stills the Sun

Joshua stills the Sun – Joshua 10
Lessons we can learn here.

1.       When you make a promise sometimes it can be a bit tricky.  Be you must keep your word.  God expects you and so do the people who you made it too

2.       Sometimes doing the will of God`s gets messy and you have to do things that make you uncomfortable. 

3.        When you go into any battle or situation you do not need to be afraid.  This phrase is mentioned in one form or another 365 times in the Bible

4.       The Lord had given Joshua`s enemies into his hand.  The Lord has given your world into your hand.  No one stand against Joshua or us.  We will win remember as it says in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5New King James Version (NKJV) 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

5.       This just one of several example throughout the Bible of God helping either to win the battle or coming to the rescue of someone

6.       What is remarkable is God answered a prayer or a man by doing a miracle.  A miracle is the suspension of a natural occurance or event by a supernatural intervention of God.  Jesus stopped the wind and waves.  Hezekiah shadow went backwards this suspending time for about 20 minutes.  This happened and the Israelites won the battle.  The book of Jashar is an apochrypal Book.  It is called the book of the just man.  It is mentioned here and 2 Sam 1:18.   

7.       The Lord does fight for Israel.  We see that today as well.  Since its beginning the modern state of Israel has never lost a war.  Matt 8:18 says whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.  Believe for a miracle and victory in your life and world today,

Friday, April 22, 2016

Proverb of Steel

In Christian ministry we often measure success by the size of the budget, attendance, and number of ministries instead of how those under us are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deliver us from Evil

Deliver us from Evil – Matt 6:13

`               Jesus has been outlining in the Lord’s prayer a model of prayer.  Today we are looking at the statement.  Deliver us from evil.  Evil has three main participants, demons, a worldly system and people.  God has promised that He will never forsake us or leave us.  In Revelation 2-3, in the messages to the church the Lord Jesus talks about the over comer.  In Rev 12:11, it says there are three ways to overcome evil.  First, by the blood of the lamb.  Jesus’ blood has purchased our victory.   Secondly, by the word of our testimony.  When we testify of God’s protection, provision and participation in our lives we defeat our enemies.  Lastly, we do not love our lives until death.  We know that our lives are designed to bring glory and praise to God so we choose to follow Paul’s advice, “to live for Christ and understand that dying is gain.  Death has no power over us. 
                We also understand that demons have been defeated by Jesus.  The worldly system with its pride, possessions and pleasure are just trappings for defeat so we choose not to listen to them.  Lastly, people have the capacity to hurt or help you.  Expect the best but never be surprised by the worst.  Jesus knew this and that is why he did rely on the praise of men.  Paul puts it beautifully in Galatians, be a God pleaser and you will not be a man pleaser.    Tommy Tenney puts it another way, “Be a God chaser.”

Verse Today

Revelation 15:3New International Version (NIV)

and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb:
“Great and marvelous are your deeds,
    Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are your ways,
    King of the nations.[a]

Grow in grace

Here is your thought for today and the weekend.  In Christian ministry we often measure success by the size of the budget, attendance, and number of ministries instead of how those under us are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  So this weekend when you go to church remember why you are there.  To grow in Christ.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Proverb of Steel

The one who touches their world for Christ is the one who multiplies their life through others.

Lead us not into Temptation

Lead us not into Temptation – Matt 6:13

                Jesus is including this part because temptation is an everyday occurrence.  Temptation is normal but we should not be lead by temptation.  The secret of not being lead by temptation is to avoid it and when it comes to resist it.  The secret of overcoming temptation is praying that God will help you to recognize when it comes. You decide to resist it and defeat it in the future.  Temptation works this way, you see it, it beckons your participation but you see it for what it is, as vehicle for failure.  You resist it until it goes away.  You use the word of God and prayer to overcome it and then you rejoice over its defeat in your life.  This is where having the armour and the hedge of protection around you comes in.  You have the means, power and weapons to defeat any temptation.  Also remember 1 Cor 10:13, it says that temptation is common to man but if you cannot resist it, God will provide a means of escape.  Today be an over comer in the Lord.

Verse Today

Isaiah 43:21King James Version (KJV)

21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.


Here is your thought for today.  The one who touches their world for Christ is the one who multiplies their life through others.  So go and touch others for Christ.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Lead us not into Temptation

Lead us not into Temptation – Matt 6:13

                Jesus is including this part because temptation is an everyday occurrence.  Temptation is normal but we should not be lead by temptation.  The secret of not being lead by temptation is to avoid it and when it comes to resist it.  The secret of overcoming temptation is praying that God will help you to recognize when it comes. You decide to resist it and defeat it in the future.  Temptation works this way, you see it, it beckons your participation but you see it for what it is, as vehicle for failure.  You resist it until it goes away.  You use the word of God and prayer to overcome it and then you rejoice over its defeat in your life.  This is where having the armour and the hedge of protection around you comes in.  You have the means, power and weapons to defeat any temptation.  Also remember 1 Cor 10:13, it says that temptation is common to man but if you cannot resist it, God will provide a means of escape.  Today be an over comer in the Lord.

Verse Today

Psalm 100

A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.

Proverb of Steel

Living by faith requires, claiming your promise, standing in obedience to that promise, waiting for that promise to come to pass and living the promise out when it happens.

Living by Faith

It is Wednesday and here is something to remember.  Living by faith requires, claiming your promise, standing in obedience to that promise, waiting for that promise to come to pass and living the promise out when it happens.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Proverb of Steel

The difference between optimism and faith is this:  Optimism hopes things will work out, Faith knows things will work out.

Forgive us as we forgive our debtors

 Forgive us as we forgive our debtors -  Matt 6:12

                This next subject of prayer is priority number one.  Jesus closes off the Lord’s prayer with an addendum about what happens when you do not forgive.  So for the next couple days I want to focus on the importance of forgiveness.  First, forgiveness is not an option it is a command.  There is a reality however and that it is a real struggle when you have been hurt.  The cycle of hurt works this way.  You get offended or hurt.  It begins with thinking about the offence.  This leads to a strong thought where you think more and more about the hurt.  This leads to taking the offence into the imagination where you may the offence bigger than it is and justify your course of action.  When fully thought through it becomes a stronghold where friendships and relationship become broken.  The conversation goes like this.  Why did they hurt me?  They must have done it on purpose.  I am so hurt. I hate them and I will have nothing to do with them.   The cycle of hurt works this way.  Your get hurt, your nurse the hurt and then you curse the person who did it.  This creates a wall between you and then and forgiveness becomes harder unless one of you deals with it. 
                The problem with your hurt is the offender most times does not even know they did it.  In fact most cases they would be shock to know that they did it.  The Bible says that once we find out a hurt had been committed either to us or was done by us we should go and make it right.  Keeping short accounts with God and people is healthy and allows the devil no room to exploit the unforgiveness for his own means.

Verse Today

Psalm 50:23New International Version (NIV)

23 Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,
    and to the blameless[a] I will show my salvation.


Faith works

It is Tuesday and here is your thought.  The difference between optimism and faith is this:  Optimism hopes things will work out, Faith knows things will work out.  Walk in faith and see God work.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Blended families

Avoid unnecessary programs

Proverb of Steel

The wise  know that long range vision is able to level out the hills and valleys of life to finish well.

Give us this day our daily bread

 Give us this day our daily bread – Matt 6:11

                Yesterday we talked about how to pray in your daily provision.  I wish to make one thing clear daily provision is not just for us.  It is something that we should pray for our entire family.  Household salvation and provision is something we should make a priority.  This takes the form of praying for your immediate family, spouses, children, parents, siblings, in laws, uncles, aunts and cousins.  Pray that those who are saved will be hungry, thirsty and desperate for God.  Remember those that hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled.  For the unsaved member of your family claim Acts 16:31.  Pray that God will send someone who can minister God’s love into their lives and also to take what you have shared with them to heart.  When you are praying for daily provision asked the Lord to use your life as an example to win your family to the Lord.  Pray that all their needs would be met for the glory of God.

Verse Today

Psalm 34[a][b]

Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek, who drove him away, and he left.

I will extol the Lord at all times;
    his praise will always be on my lips.

Finish Well

The wise  know that long range vision is able to level out the hills and valleys of life to finish well.  So today think about the long range with the Lord in mind.  The Lord will help you with every plan, purpose and will.  Let Him be the centre of your life and all true things will be added to you.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Verse Today

Psalm 126:3New International Version (NIV)

The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Give us this day our daily bread.  – Matt 6:11

                This is where we pray in our daily provision.  There are three things that every person needs security, self worth and significance.  These are essential for identity and health.   God has wired us this way because it allows us to look to Him for provision in these matters.  When you have the Lord He is your security, He will give you self worth and He will make your significant.   So how does one pray in the daily provision.
                It begins with you asking the Lord to meet your needs.  Your needs come in four forms, food, shelter, clothing and transportation.  When these needs are met you have material security.  So everyday ask the Lord to supply these.  Stand upon the scriptures that tell you that He is Jehovah Jireh your provider.  This is something you should do everyday because your need to know what you need and why.  Just a word of caution do not worry about this but simply pray and then believe for God’s daily provision.

Never Give up

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  To see God's future requires persistent now.  This simple phrase means you never give up.  Times can be tough and hard but keep going and you will see God's future.  Be faithful now and you will see your rewards later.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Proverb of the Day

Marriage will be successful when the altar of ego has been replaced by the monument of character.

Verse Today

Psalm 119:102New International Version (NIV)

102 I have not departed from your laws,
    for you yourself have taught me.

Thy Kingdom Come

 Thy Kingdom Come – Matt 6:10

                Today we will be learning how to build a hedge around ourselves, family, possessions, church and world.  Having a hedge built around keeps the enemy out and God in.  This is done by drawing a circle around yourself in the spiritual realm and then declaring the promises of Psalm 91 contain in the verses or promises that build this hedge.  Ps 91:9 says we are his dwelling place so no evil can overcome us.  Next, 91:14, tells us that the Lord has set His love on us.  The love of God is a wonderful protection.  Lastly Vs 14, again reminds us that the Lord has acknowledged our name.  In the Book of Revelation the Lord will give us a new name.  So building that hedge around yourself you are protected and ready for combat.  This is all done when you say, “Thy Kingdom come thy will be done.”

Marriage Glue

Here is your thought for today.  Marriage will be successful when the altar of ego has been replaced by the monument of character.  Marriage is two people working together for its success.  When one person sops working and take it easy the marriage will suffer.  Remember in a marriage it is not about me but us.  One more thought.  Involve the Lord in your marriage an you will have the glue that will help you stick together.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Proverb of Steel

Here is irony, God wants to make His people agents of change and many instead want to be secret agents.

Verse Today

Colossians 1:27New International Version (NIV)

27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Hallowed Be Your Name.

 Hallowed Be Your Name.  Matt 6:9

                What does it mean to hallow the name of the Lord?  It means to spend the first portion of your prayer time focusing on praising and worshipping the Lord.  Praise is thanking the Lord for what He has done and worship is thanking the Lord for who He is.  Judson Cornwall said that worship is an attitude of the heart expressed.  When you hallowing the name of the Lord you are praising Him, thanking Him and expressing what in your heart to Him.
                Larry Lea in his book called, “Could you not tarry,” taught that one way to worship or hallow the name of the Lord is to focus on two things.  One which we will cover today and the other tomorrow.  The first focus is on the Compound Name of God.  God in the revelation of Himself chose certain characteristics to be revealed to help us understand who He is.   
                He is Jehovah Jireh – The Lord is our provider.  He will supply all your needs.
                He is Jehovah Nissi – The Lord is our banner.  His banner over us is love and love never fails.
                He is Jehovah Raah – The Lord is our shepherd.  He will lead and guide us to good pasture.
                He is Jehovah Rophi – The Lord is our healer.  In every area and aspect of life the Lord can and will heal.
                As you focus on these four characteristics of His nature today remember He is everything you need.  You never face anything alone and He is there with you.

Secret Agent

Here is your thought for  the middle of the week.  Here is irony, God wants to make His people agents of change and many instead want to be secret agents.  Today let your light for the Lord shine and choose to serve in the open.  It will change you and your world.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Visit the people

Proverb of Steel

The folly of fame, materialism, pleasure and ego is that they turn to ashes when places in the fire of God.  True wisdom knows  that love, purity, grace, mercy, obedience and faithfulness are purified in the fire.