Friday, November 27, 2015

World's Best Guitar Player Unbelievable

The Mistery of Babylon

The fall of Babylon

Nations follow Babylon

Lament over Babylon

Come out from them

Babylon is Punished

Babylon is destroyed

Wise Saying

Learn from the example of King Saul, he had everything a man could want and he lost it all when he allow jealousy and envy fill his heart.

Blind man healed and the disciples rebuked

Blind man healed and the disciples rebuked – Matt 6:5-12 & Mark 8:14-26

Jesus warned His disciples to be careful of the yeast of the Pharisees.  They thought He was rebuking them because they had forgotten to bring bread.  Jesus was again correcting them because they had the wrong ideas.  Jesus was telling them to be careful of the teachings of the Pharisees.  
    Jesus called the disciples men of little faith because they did not know what he meant by the teaching of the Saduccees and the Pharisees.  They missed the point.  Jesus used every day stories to bring about a spiritual truth.  They went to Bethsaida and a blind man was brought to Jesus.  He took him outside the village and spit on the man’s eyes and he saw men as trees walking.  Jesus then spit on his eyes once more and he saw all things clearly.

     Jesus took him out of the village so all the confusion and unbelief would be done away with.  Outside the village Jesus could concentrate on the man’s healing. Jesus had to touch this man twice probably because this man’s faith was not strong but as he saw things his faith increased.  Sometimes healing is also progressive.  Jesus when He heals wants all to see and give glory to God.

Verse Today

John 15:16New International Version (NIV)

16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday Thought

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought for today. A wise man was asked once, "what is the greatest treasure?" He answered, "Knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ." Man's treasures are temporary, God's treasures are eternal. so seek God's treasure and allow it to guide your heart today.

The Wise men

The Wise men – Matt 2:1-12

    We will spend two days on this portion for it is too rich to cover in one day.  Some wise man were shown by God that a king was to be born in the nation of Israel.  They saw a star and this star was a sign that would lead them to this King.  They travelled west until they came to Jerusalem and visited Herod.  An inquiry was made from the scripture of Micah 5:2, it was made known that the king would be born in Bethlehem.  They went to Bethlehem and found the baby Jesus who was now about two years old.  They gave Him presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  They then were told in a dream to go home another way and Mary and Joseph were told to flee to Egypt.  
     God revealed to non Jews, His secret to confirm that Jesus was the Christ.  They came to worship Him and to show that Jesus was the Son of God.  Jesus came to disturbs hearts as He did that day in the city of Jerusalem.
    God always confirms His word through prophecy, found in the word and confirmed by the word.  Jesus from the very beginning faced opposition and as His followers we must realize that the world hates us and will try to kill us if they have a chance.

Verse Today

2 Timothy 2:24New International Version (NIV)

24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hercules - The Gospel Truth

Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid - Kiss de Girl - Lyrics

The Little Mermaid - Under The Sea [remastered]

The Little Mermaid - Under The Sea [remastered]

Jungle Book - I wanna be like you


Silly time

Silly Songs

I love you

The Lion King - Hakuna Matata (HD)

Bare Necessities

Simeon’s Prophecy:

Simeon’s Prophecy:

    The Holy Spirit was working in the lives of the Old Testament saints.  The Holy Spirit moved him to find the Christ who God had promised to let him see before he died. God always keeps His promises.  The Lord always completes His task before he dismisses His servants.

    The Lord prepares and gives salvation to His people.  Jesus is the light and revelation to the gentiles and the glory of God to the people of Israel.  Jesus is the rising and falling of the nation of Israel.  Jesus will reveal the thoughts of many hearts even His family.  Anna said that Jesus is the redemption of all the people.  He is the grace and wisdom of God.

Verse Today

Galatians 6:8New International Version (NIV)

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and the week is moving along and here is today's thought.  Actions always follow a mind and heart that has made a decision whether good or bad.  So today make the decision to allow the Lord to order your steps.  He is the one who can give you the desires of your heart.  Seek His will and righteousness first and all things will be added until you.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Wise Saying

Matthew 11:29New International Version (NIV)

29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Verse Today

Matthew 11:29New International Version (NIV)

29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Be busy for right reaons.

It is Monday and as the work week gets started remember this.  Being busy does not mean you are doing anything of real value.  Do the things of the Lord is what you should be doing.  Ask the Lord and He will tell you what to do and why.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday - May 6 - Communion

Sunday - May 6 - Communion

Intro:  I am so excited to be back again after a three week lay off to be sharing the Word of God with you this morning.  Today we will be looking at three truths revealed in our passage of scripture this morning. 

1.   In vs 15, John gives a command or statement of truth.  Do not love the world or
      anything in the world. As a Christian you have three enemies. 
     The world which we will talk about in a moment. 

a.  The devil, who works through accusation, temptation and deception. 
b.  The flesh which is the sinful nature within us.  This is the living force within our
      DNA that makes us sin.  It is influenced by what we see, taste, touch, smell and
c.  John says do not love the world.  This is an act of the will.  Before you were a
     Christian loving the world was as natural as breathing.  As a Christian choosing not
     to love the world is an act of the will.  Christ redeemed us and gave us freedom from
     the power of the world.
d..  Someone may ask this morning what is this world you are talking about?  First,
     when we as believerS talk about the world we are not talking about our physical
     planet.  We are talking about the standards, morals, ideas, teachings,
     influences of society.  This society is ruled by satan.  Which we gave him when
     Adam fell. 
e.   Paul calls, satan the God of this world, who has blinded people from the knowledge
      of the truth.  (2Cor 4:4)
f.  The world is an advesary of the Christian.  John makes it clear that if a person
    loves the world, the love of the Father is not in them.  Jesus says in Mt 6:24, you
     cannot serve two masters.   Church we cannot love and serve Christ and love or
     serve the world.  It is impossible.  You cannot have divided loyalties and truly
     serve God.
g.  The Bible contains these warnings about being friends of the world.

I.  Jesus said in Matt 16, that a person may gain the whole world, yet will forfeit his soul.
II. Jesus stated in Lk 21:34, that the anxieties of life will close on you unexpectedly.
III. Paul exhorts the believer to set their hearts on the things above and not earthly
    things in Col 3:2
IV. Paul again says that we must say no to ungodly passions and worldly passions and
     live self controlled, upright and godly lives.  Tit 2:12
V. James is more blunt in James 4:4 when he states that friendship with the world is
    hatred towards God.  Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an
    enemy of God.  It is time the church look more like Christ than anyone else. 

2.  John in vs 16, then reveals the three ways the world attacks or influences people.

a.  First, Lust of flesh or as the NIV puts it.  The cravings of sinful man.  Lust of the
     Flesh is the pursuit of pleasure and self centreness.  It is all about what you
     want, need, or desire.  You will do anything, pay any price or give anything to be
     loved, accepted, understood.  You want significance and security.  The world
     provides this in a warp and perverted way. 
b.  The world system tries to channel these basic human needs in different ways.  John
      states that world does it  through, Lust of the Eyes.  This is materialism.  Thinking
      that money, which 1 Tim 6:10 says the love of it, is the root of all evil or 
      Thinking possessions or things will bring security.  Our whole society operates on
       trying to get things.  Yet it is foolish to pursue this because it does nothing to extend
       life, create true happiness and secure everlasting life.So many in our society
       believe that if I get enough money I will be happy.  Just look at Britney Spears or
       Howard Hughes.
c.    Lastly the world attacks by the Pride of Life.  This is man measuring his self
       worth by religious pursuits, self discipline, social, economic or ecological activism.
       They try to prove to God, others or themselves that they are worth something.  This
       is where religion, activism, intellectism, satanism, new age, withcraft, false beliefs,
       self help and so many other things fall under.  Man wants self worth, signficance
       and security.  Where they fail is they begin with the premise that it starts with them
       when in reality it starts with God.  John statess that pride of life is boasting in
      what a person has or does comes from the world.  It does not come from God or
       the Father.

3.   John then closes this paragraph with a statement of fact.  The world and its
      desires are passing away.  They will not last.  Your will never be fulfilled with
      pleasure, possessions or things you have or do.  They never last.  Houses crumble,
      cars rust, people leave, things change.  All that is not of God will pass away.

a.  The second statement of fact John says.  The person who does the will of the
     God lives forever.  God is our security, self worth and signficance.  When we
     put our trust in the Lord we will never suffer shame. 
b.  John at age 90, writing this letter had saw the folly of pleasure, possesions and pride.
     These three leave a hollowness to life.  
c.  Paul in 1 Cor 13:1-2, states that without Godly love, we produce, receive and are of
     no real value.  This morning let us as we prepare for communion choose to do the
     will of God and live forever.  Jesus did and because He did we can live forever. 



Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Power of Trust

Psalm 84 – The Power of Trust – Nov 2, 2008

Intro:  Good morning.  Today our message is from Ps 84.  This Psalm is found in the Third Book division of the Psalms.  From Psalm 73-89, three themes emerge.  Trust, praise and love for God.  This Psalm focuses on when we come face to face with the loving, living God, we will trust, praise and respond to His love.

1.  This Psalm was written by the Sons of Korah the great grandsons to Levi.  Their
      Father was the leader of the three main families of Levi that rebelled against Moses
      In the desert.  Talk about this.

a.  They however did not all agree or rebel.  So the remnant were later given the divine
     responsibility and privilege of composing songs, leading worship and praise in the
     Tabernacle and later the Temple
b.  The Sons of Korah are a story of redemption and restoration.  Just like Peter was in
      the New Testament.

2.  Now in Vs 1-2,  Three Truths are highlighted.  First, A love for God’s house.  “How
     Lovely is your dwelling place.”  David said the same thing in Ps 122:1.  Oh how I
     wish more today would have this view.  Did you know that between 35 -40% of
     people who say that go to church on a regular basis will miss Sunday morning
     worship at least 1-2 Sundays a month.  In 2004 a study was done and found that
     It will take the average Christian 29 years to invite a friend to church.  In 1981, the
     BGEA did a study that found out that 95% of the N.A. Christian church will never
     lead a soul to Christ or invite someone to church.

a.  Secondly, The writers encourage spiritual desire. “My soul yearns and even faints
     for God’s house.”  Jesus said in Mt 5:6, “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst
     after righteousness, they shall be filled.
b.  Thirdly, The Psalmists write, “My heart and flesh cry our for the living God.”  They
     wanted a relationship with the Living God.   My question is myself and us.  Is that
     our desire.

3.  The Psalmists in vs 3-4, use the analogy of a sparrow finding a home near the altar.
     Talk about this.  He then says, “As they have a place near your altar,”  So I wish to
     Be.  “O Lord God, Almighty, My King and my God.”  This is a statement of truth
     And acknowledgement.

a.  You are blessed when dwell in His house.  This love for God’s house and Him leads
     to a life praise and worship. 
b.  The writers want you think about this a moment because they use the word Selah,
      which simply means, “think about this for a moment          

4.   The Psalmists write, “Blessed are those who strength is in you.”    God needs to be
      Our strength today.  Paul says in Phil 4:13, that we can do all things through Christ
      Who strengthens us.  Like the children’s song.  Jesus Loves Me,  “We are weak but
       But He strong. 

a.  Micah talk about a strength and courage to help men rebuke sin.  Micah 3:8
b.  Zechariah reminded, Zerubbabel and  us in Zech 4:6,  that it is not by might, or by
     by power but by the Spirit of the Lord, that mountains in our way shall be removed.
c.  The Jesus reminded the disciples in Acts 1:8, that we shall have power when the Holy
     Spirit come upon us. 
d.  Paul remind in Rom 8:11, that we have resurrection in us.  God the Lord is our
e.  The Psalmists then talk about our hearts are on a pilgrimage.  The picture they talk
     about is the Valley of Baca.  A valley close to Jerusalem, know for its streams,
     poplar trees and restful beauty.  It being in this restful place so God will renew
     our hearts.   This valley was a resting place for the people coming from the north
     the last stop before coming into Jerusalem about a days walk away.
f.  The Lord is our strength from place to place in this pilgrimage until we get heaven.
     The Psalmist’s are saying in Dean Steel vernacular.  “Keep focused, rely on God,
     Don’t lose sight of goal, we are just passing through this life till we see Jesus.” 
Intro:  Good morning.  Today our message is from Ps 84.  This Psalm is found in the Third Book division of the Psalms.  From Psalm 73-89, three themes emerge.  Trust, praise and love for God.  This Psalm focuses on when we come face to face with the loving, living God, we will trust, praise and respond to His love.

1.  This Psalm was written by the Sons of Korah the great grandsons to Levi.  Their
      Father was the leader of the three main families of Levi that rebelled against Moses
      In the desert.  Talk about this.

a.  They however did not all agree or rebel.  So the remnant were later given the divine
     responsibility and privilege of composing songs, leading worship and praise in the
     Tabernacle and later the Temple
b.  The Sons of Korah are a story of redemption and restoration.  Just like Peter was in
      the New Testament.

2.  Now in Vs 1-2,  Three Truths are highlighted.  First, A love for God’s house.  “How
     Lovely is your dwelling place.”  David said the same thing in Ps 122:1.  Oh how I
     wish more today would have this view.  Did you know that between 35 -40% of
     people who say that go to church on a regular basis will miss Sunday morning
     worship at least 1-2 Sundays a month.  In 2004 a study was done and found that
     It will take the average Christian 29 years to invite a friend to church.  In 1981, the
     BGEA did a study that found out that 95% of the N.A. Christian church will never
     lead a soul to Christ or invite someone to church.

a.  Secondly, The writers encourage spiritual desire. “My soul yearns and even faints
     for God’s house.”  Jesus said in Mt 5:6, “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst
     after righteousness, they shall be filled.
b.  Thirdly, The Psalmists write, “My heart and flesh cry our for the living God.”  They
     wanted a relationship with the Living God.   My question is myself and us.  Is that
     our desire.

3.  The Psalmists in vs 3-4, use the analogy of a sparrow finding a home near the altar.
     Talk about this.  He then says, “As they have a place near your altar,”  So I wish to
     Be.  “O Lord God, Almighty, My King and my God.”  This is a statement of truth
     And acknowledgement.

a.  You are blessed when dwell in His house.  This love for God’s house and Him leads
     to a life praise and worship. 
b.  The writers want you think about this a moment because they use the word Selah,
      which simply means, “think about this for a moment          

4.   The Psalmists write, “Blessed are those who strength is in you.”    God needs to be
      Our strength today.  Paul says in Phil 4:13, that we can do all things through Christ
      Who strengthens us.  Like the children’s song.  Jesus Loves Me,  “We are weak but
       But He strong. 

a.  Micah talk about a strength and courage to help men rebuke sin.  Micah 3:8
b.  Zechariah reminded, Zerubbabel and  us in Zech 4:6,  that it is not by might, or by
     by power but by the Spirit of the Lord, that mountains in our way shall be removed.
c.  The Jesus reminded the disciples in Acts 1:8, that we shall have power when the Holy
     Spirit come upon us. 
d.  Paul remind in Rom 8:11, that we have resurrection in us.  God the Lord is our
e.  The Psalmists then talk about our hearts are on a pilgrimage.  The picture they talk
     about is the Valley of Baca.  A valley close to Jerusalem, know for its streams,
     poplar trees and restful beauty.  It being in this restful place so God will renew
     our hearts.   This valley was a resting place for the people coming from the north
     the last stop before coming into Jerusalem about a days walk away.
f.  The Lord is our strength from place to place in this pilgrimage until we get heaven.
     The Psalmist’s are saying in Dean Steel vernacular.  “Keep focused, rely on God,

     Don’t lose sight of goal, we are just passing through this life till we see Jesus.”

I love you

Let it go


Dashing through the snow

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Andrews Sisters - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B

Fred Astaire & Barrie Chase - 1966

Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers (Tap Dance)

Fred Astaire. Put it on the Ritz.

Fred Astaire Cuts Loose: 1970 Oscars

Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth - Amazing dance scene

The Band Wagon - Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse

Michael Jackson/Fred Astaire/Cyd Charisse: The Master & His Teacher

Fred Astaire e Gene Kelly - The Babbitt and the Bromide.flv

Singing in the Rain - Good Morning !!

Gene Kelly with Tom and Jerry

Singing In The Rain - Singing In The Rain (Gene Kelly) [HD Widescreen]

Away in a manger

Darkness on the land

River Euphrates dried up

Atmospheric Judgment

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule – Matt 7:12

    I have quoted this verse almost everyday of my Christian life.   How you want others to treat you, this is how you treat them.  Another way of looking at it is as follows, “No matter what you do to me, I will not do the same to you.”  Do unto others as you would have them do until you is basically the law of sowing and reaping.  How you treat others will be how you are treated.  Kindness begets kindness, hatred brings about hatred.  This rule has very much to do with forgiveness and the breaking of selfishness.  It you are trying to minister love, forgiveness and tolerance in others this is what shall be given back to you.  This is the same principle in the negative as well.  Paul puts it in simple terms in Gal 6:8, “God is not mocked, whatever you sow you will reap.  Jesus is giving here a promise and warning.  It is evident that Matthew believed very strongly in forgiveness, love and acceptance.  He was forgiven of His sins by Jesus.  Those that are forgiven much, love much.  Today let this golden rule be the rule of your everyday life.

Verse Today

Philippians 4:7New International Version (NIV)

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Friday Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought it the weekend.  A foolish person is one who is busy doing what they want to do. A wise person is one that is busy doing what God wants them to do.  Be wise and do what God wants you to do.  Your life will more full and abundant if you so.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

8 Minute Belly-Fat Eliminating Ab Assault Workout

Wise Saying

Replacement theology is when man study's his ideas about God and not what the bible and what it says about God.


Forgive – Matt 6:14-15

    Since we already touched on the process of forgiveness we do not have to cover the full subject again.  Jesus finishes the Lord’s prayer with a warning and statement of fact.  If you forgive others your heavenly father will forgive you.  If you do not forgive others your heavenly Father will not forgive you.  Forgiveness is the element that brings God’s favour and blessing.  Un-forgiveness is the dam that stops prayer, praise and your relationship with God.   
    Never let un-forgiveness dwell in your heart too long.  It is a poison that will kill any truth, righteousness and victory in your life.  Jesus makes it clear that forgiveness brings blessing, refusing to forgive stops all blessings from God.   A good thing to remember in your personal preparation every day.

Verse Today

Romans 8:33-34New International Version (NIV)

33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Verse Today

Matthew 22:37New International Version (NIV)

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a]


Forgive – Matt 6:14-15

    Since we already touched on the process of forgiveness we do not have to cover the full subject again.  Jesus finishes the Lord’s prayer with a warning and statement of fact.  If you forgive others your heavenly father will forgive you.  If you do not forgive others your heavenly Father will not forgive you.  Forgiveness is the element that brings God’s favour and blessing.  Un-forgiveness is the dam that stops prayer, praise and your relationship with God.   

    Never let un-forgiveness dwell in your heart too long.  It is a poison that will kill any truth, righteousness and victory in your life.  Jesus makes it clear that forgiveness brings blessing, refusing to forgive stops all blessings from God.   A good thing to remember in your personal preparation every day.

Tuesday Muse

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  Today more people read books about God than reading the book God gave about Himself.  So read your Bible and like the little Sunday School song says, "You will grow, grow and grow."

Monday, November 16, 2015

Rudoplh the Red Nose Reindeer

The sea turns to blood

Verse Today

Isaiah 26:3English Standard Version (ESV)

You keep him in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on you,
    because he trusts in you.

Thy is the Kingdom

Thy is the Kingdom – Matt 6:13

    Jesus closes off this prayer with not just a benediction but a declaration.  He is saying this prayer model is an outline for God wants us to pray.  It includes all aspects of prayer.  There is adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.  Nothing needs to be added to this prayer.   There are four things in this final verse.
    For Thine is the Kingdom.  The Kingdom of God is His Kingdom but we have the privilege to exercise the authority we had been given in prayer.  So God, let your Kingdom come and let your will be done in our lives today.       
    And the power.  It is the power of God that will accomplish Kingdom work.  We need His power to finish the race that we start.  It s the power that overcomes and eliminates all enemies of the Kingdom.
    And the glory.  The word glory is not just the visible presence of God.  It is not just recognition for a job well done or getting the credit.  It has to do with the character and essence of God.  You want through prayer to bring forth His character and nature in your life.  
    This is a forever process.  It starts at conception, your new birth and ends when you enter glory and are made complete.  Then Amen is the exclamation point.  Yes, let the will of God be established and done.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Song of Moses and the Lamb

Seven angels

I Surrender - Hillsong Live (Cornerstone 2012 DVD Album) Lyrics/Subtitle...

Hillsong - Mighty to Save - With Subtitles/Lyrics

Hillsong United - Hosanna (HD)

Hillsong United - "Oceans" (Live at RELEVANT)

Kari Jobe - Forever (Live)

Kari Jobe - Forever (Live)

Passion - My Heart Is Yours (Live) ft. Kristian Stanfill

Passion - My Heart Is Yours (Live) ft. Kristian Stanfill

Passion - Even So Come (Live) ft. Kristian Stanfill

Thine is the Kingdom

Thy is the Kingdom – Matt 6:13

    Jesus closes off this prayer with not just a benediction but a declaration.  He is saying this prayer model is an outline for God wants us to pray.  It includes all aspects of prayer.  There is adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.  Nothing needs to be added to this prayer.   There are four things in this final verse.
    For Thine is the Kingdom.  The Kingdom of God is His Kingdom but we have the privilege to exercise the authority we had been given in prayer.  So God, let your Kingdom come and let your will be done in our lives today.       
    And the power.  It is the power of God that will accomplish Kingdom work.  We need His power to finish the race that we start.  It s the power that overcomes and eliminates all enemies of the Kingdom.
    And the glory.  The word glory is not just the visible presence of God.  It is not just recognition for a job well done or getting the credit.  It has to do with the character and essence of God.  You want through prayer to bring forth His character and nature in your life.  
    This is a forever process.  It starts at conception, your new birth and ends when you enter glory and are made complete.  Then Amen is the exclamation point.  Yes, let the will of God be established and done.

Verse Today

Romans 5:3New International Version (NIV)

Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;

Monday, November 9, 2015

No Longer Slaves - Jenn Johnson(Bethel Church)

Overflow (Spontaneous Worship) - Jenn Johnson | Bethel Music

Blow Mighty Breath (Spontaneous Worship) - Sean Frizzell and William Mat...

Train of His Robe (Spontaneous Worship) - Austin Williamson and William ...

Then Sings My Soul (Spontaneous Worship) - Jenn Johnson | Bethel Music

Alleluia + Spontaneous Worship - Amanda Cook and Steffany Gretzinger

Bethel Music Moment: Great Are You Lord - Amanda Cook

Grace and judgment balanced

God`s grace

Babylon has fallen


Verse Today

Job 36:15English Standard Version (ESV)

15 He delivers the afflicted by their affliction
    and opens their ear by adversity.

How to beyond ordinary

How to beyond ordinary - Dan 11:32

    Today we are going to look at the last part of Daniel 11:32, where it says, “But they that know their God will do exploits.”  In the NIV, “they will firmly resist him.”  God is looking for people that know Him and this will give them ability to do extraordinary things.  
    John Wesley said, “Give me 100 people who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God and I will shake the world.”  D.L. Moody said, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a fully consecrated men and I want to be that man.”   Today we will look at his life and the example he was to his time and what we can learn from his life for our time.  

    Daniel was extraordinary because he lived close to God.  This is the way that you can change your world.  You can make a difference but only keeping your private life powerful can you become powerful in your public life.  True success in the public realm comes because you are successful in meeting with the Lord in private.  Today spend time in prayer, the world and private reflection and order your private world in turn you will change your public world for the glory of God.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Love Came Down At Christmas - Ali Matthews

Carry Me Home ~Ali Matthews

GMA Canada Top # 9 Facts

Success in prayer

Success in prayer - Daniel 9:23

Daniel’s life pleased God.  The background for our two scriptures is that Daniel was interceding for His nation.  He did this with, prayer, petition, fasting and sackcloth and ashes.  Gabriel came and told him in Dan 9:23, that as soon as you began to pray an answer was given.  
    Daniel was told he was highly esteem by God.  You meet the conditions prayer and you will always be successful.  Daniel was also aware of two other things.  First, that prayer could be delayed.  In our second scripture Dan 10:12.  That as soon as Daniel words were uttered they were heard by God.  Yet it took 3 weeks for the answer to come because of demonic hindrance.  The demonic prince of Persia had stopped Gabriel so Michael came to help.  
     Never be discouraged if prayer takes a while there are reasons.  Jesus taught about being persistent, to keep on asking and hold onto the word. Daniel was also aware of other hindrances.   So go and take your world today in prayer.