Friday, July 31, 2015
The Raising of Lazarus
The Raising of Lazarus – John 11:1-44
Over the next five days we will look at this powerful and wonderful story and the life lessons we can learn from it. This is one of Jesus’ most heart felt accounts. Jesus was out ministering when a note from Martha the sister of Lazarus came to Him. It informed Him that Lazarus was very sick. Jesus told His disciples that this sickness would not end in death and at God’s glory would come through the Son.
He loved this family but chose to stay where He was for two more days. God’s timing is not always understood but it always perfect. Jesus went back Judea even though He knew the Jews there were trying to kill Him. The will of God always has courage to face whatever challenge if presented too it.
Jesus on the way told His disciples that a person must walk while there is still light or they will stumble. Jesus knew His time was limited. Jesus is the Light of the world and so He must do work while there is still time and light and we must do the same.
Jesus told His disciples that Lazarus had died after they misinterpreted what Jesus said. Jesus had told them that Lazarus had fallen asleep and Jesus was going to wake him up. Jesus it the resurrection and the life Jesus told them that He was going to raise Lazarus up from the dead so that would know He is the resurrection and the life and that through this miracle they would believe.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Sin, faith and duty
Sin, faith and duty – Luke 17:1-10
Jesus in these verses teaches us four truths which we will look at for a moment. People who cause sin especially little ones shall be judged harshly. If your brother sins rebuke him. This however must be done with the motives of love, acceptance, forgiveness and restoration. If he repents forgive him no matter how many times he has sinned.
If a person has the faith the size of a mustard seed they can say to a tree or as Mark points out a mountain and these objects will move. Faith moved objects and the hand of God. We must be willing to do our duty because we are servants of the Most High God. A soldier does not question the orders of their superior in turn we are to serve our master with faith and trust.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
The Raising of Lazarus
The Raising of Lazarus – John 11:1-44
This is the second day of our lesson. Jesus is travelling back to Judea to raise Lazarus back from the dead. It is interesting that on the way Thomas told the other disciples they must be willing to die with Jesus. Thomas and the disciples were away of the political climate Jesus was in.
Jesus comes into Bethany where Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived. Many people had arribed and were trying their nest to comfort and console the family.
Martha heard that Jesus had arrived and when she saw Him she said, “Jesus if you would have been here my brother would still be alive.” Many times we question God about His timing and will when things do not appear to be going our way.
Even though Lazarus had died Martha knew that the Father would give Jesus anything He asked. True faith does not give up but believes for the impossible and known that if we ask anything in Jesus name it shall be given to us.
Jesus told Mary that her brother would rise from the dead and she responded that he would rise in the resurrection on the last days. She gave Jesus a theological response but many times we need to forgot our theology and just truth Jesus.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The Rich Man and Lazarus
The Rich Man and Lazarus – Luke 16:19-31
Jesus told a powerful parable and yet it is not a parable because it actually names the participants. He tells of rich man and Lazarus. The rich man lived in luxury while the poor man lived in poverty. They both died and the rich man went to hell and Lazarus went to paradise. This story by the way gives a clear picture of what hell looks like and who better to know than Jesus. In hell the rich man who had had the best saw Lazarus. Lazarus who during his life time could not even get crumbs from the rich man’s table was with Abraham. The rich man called out to Abraham to send Lazarus to have him wet his tongue so he could get relief from his torment. Abraham said, “There is a wide gulf between us.” The he went on to explain to the rich man that in life he had the best while Lazarus lived in agony. It was now Lazarus turn to enjoy life. Jesus was saying there is a day judgment coming where all things will be put right.
The rich man asked Abraham to send someone to warn his brothers. Abraham said, that even if someone came back from the dead many will not believe. This was of course a direct statement to Jesus’ rising from the dead. Jesus then closes off this story by reminding His audience that even the prophets and Moses had warned them about the coming judgment but they still did not believe.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Jesus reveals the hearts of the Pharisees.
Jesus reveals the hearts of the Pharisees. – Luke 16:14-18
The Pharisees who loved money sneered at Jesus. He replied, “You know that you try to justify yourself to men but God knows your heart. He told them that the things that ate highly esteemed among men are an abomination to God.
Jesus then taught that the law and prophets were waiting for Jesus. He stated that right now the Kingdom of God is being preached and every man is being pressed by it. The Lord is looking for decisions right now. The day you hear about Jesus Christ is your day of decision. You become responsible the very moment you hear about Jesus Christ. You are in the valley of decision. Jesus also said that when the Kingdom of God is being preach many will try to for force their way but they will not succeed.
Jesus then stated that heaven and earth will passed away before one letter of the law will pass away. Jesus never came to do away with the law but to fulfill it and then institute a new covenant created in and through His blood. As one the writer of Hebrews puts it, “He gave us a new and living way.” Today in your time of decision make sure you chose Jesus and not the law. Life and not death.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Lost Sheep and Coin
Lost Sheep and Coin – Luke 15:1-10
This whole chapter is about something that is lost being found. Jesus was with some sinners and tax collectors when the Pharisees accused of being with sinners. To this Jesus replied, “The Father is like the shepherd with 100 sheep. If He loses one He will leave the 99 and go search for the lost one. When He finds it, He places it upon His shoulder and rejoices.” This is what the Father in heaven does when one sinner comes back.
Jesus then told a parable about a woman who lost one of her ten silver coins. She cleaned the house until she found it, When she found it she invited all her friends over that they might rejoice with her. In the same way there is rejoicing by the angels in heaven when one sinner comes to God.
Jesus used these two parables to point out that a sinner salvation is s celebration in heaven. God is looking for a sinner. He looking for the lost and He is looking for those who need salvation. Let us pray that we can be instruments in His hands to see a sinner come back so the party in heaven can continue.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
The cost of being a disciple
July 23 – The cost of being a disciple – Luke 14:25-35
Jesus turned to the crowds and talked to them about the cost of being a disciple. A person must be willing to give up all for Christ. They must be willing to deny themselves and carry their cross and follow Christ.
We cannot be like the foolish man who built a tower or the king who went to war. They did not fore see the cost. We must be willing to give all to Jesus Christ. We are also called to be salty for the Lord or we will be thrown out. Let us Hear with our ears.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Teaching return to Jerusalem
Teaching return to Jerusalem – Luke 13:22-35
Jesus began teaching back in Jerusalem. One person asked Him on the question of how many people will be saved. Jesus said that the door is narrow and how that many will not make it. Once an owner of the door closes it He will not open it up no matter what. The Old Testament saints saw this and many will come to the feast.
Jesus taught the last shall be first and the first shall be last. People came to warn Jesus at this time about Herod who wanted to kill Jesus. Jesus was not afraid and told the people there to tell Herod about the miracles and the casting out of demons that Jesus had been doing. Jesus then reveals that He was in Jerusalem for He knew that prophet was to die outside of Jerusalem.
Jesus then wept over Jerusalem and tells it that He wanted to take the city in His arms and keep it safe but they were not willing. Now they would have to suffer until they were willing to say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. I trust we will not be blind and miss the day of the Lord’s visitation in our lives.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Feast of Dedication
Feast of Dedication - John 10:22-39
Jesus was by the temple in Jerusalem when a few people came and asked Him to tell them plainly if He was the Christ. Jesus told them that they didn’t believe when He told them and even His miracles did not help. He then went on to say that His sheep will hear His voice and no one can snatch away those that belong to Him. The Father is the one who has given these ones to the Son. He then tells them that He and the Father are one.
The Jews who were there were offended and they picked up stones to which Jesus replied, “which one of my miracles are you going to stone me for?” They replied, “None, you claim to be God.” Jesus then told them that it was God who had sent His very own Son into the world. They did not believe Him when He told them about te Father. They had not learned that the Father and Son were one. They then tried to stone Jesus but He got away because His hour had not come up yet. You are bullet proof like Jesus until your hour is up.
Jesus then left Jerusalem and went back to where John had baptized people. Many people came to see Jesus because of John’s testimony and in turn they believed in Jesus. This is called the TransJordan withdrawal.
Monday, July 20, 2015
The Mustard Seed – Luke 13:18-21
The Mustard Seed – Luke 13:18-21
Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed tree. It is the smallest of seeds but grows into a large plant or tree. Jesus said that faith is like that. It starts out small but when allowed to mature it becomes a great factor in spiritual life. Jesus also address here about yeast. Yeast in bread grows and works through the bread. Both good and bad things happen when these things are present. When faith is present the glory of God is exhibited. When the yeast of the Pharisees is allowed to make it way through the heart it can spoil or destroy the things God wants to do in our hearts.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Repent or Perish Luke
Repent or Perish Luke 13:1-5
Jesus was told about the Galileans that Pilate had killed. They asked Him if the Galileans were sinners or not. Jesus pointed out that these men perish because they were no better or worse than any person in Jerusalem. All must repent. Jesus was saying that we need to live ready because we never when we could be ushered into the presence of the Lord. All mankind must come through the same person the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you ready for His return?
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Hypocrisy and worry.
– Hypocrisy and worry. Luke 12
Jesus has more teaching on avoiding hypocrisy and worry. Don’t worry about food clothing or shelter God will meet the need and He will take care of all things. Seek His Kingdom and all things will be given to you. The Father has given us the Kingdom. He has a treasure waiting for us that won’t rust and cannot be stolen.
Be watchful for Christ’s return. He will come when you least expect. Be faithful until He comes so He will not have to punish you. Jesus came to bring division not peace. Family will against family because of Him. Many do not know how to interpret the times when Jesus was there. We must judge right and try to reconcile all things before ending up in court. This is lesson in walking in forgiveness.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Hypocrisy and Worry
Luke 12 - Hypocrisy and Worry
Over the next two days we will look at what Jesus taught the people first to His disciples and then to people. He told them to be on their guard against the yeast of the Pharisees for nothing shall be hidden and all that had been spoken in private will be shouted from the housetops. A good rule of thumb is think before your speak.
Do not fear those who can kill the body but be afraid of God who puts the soul and body into hell. God will take care of you as well. Acknowledge Jesus before men and He will acknowledge you before the Father. Do not speak against the Holy Spirit or you will not be forgiven. When in trouble do not worry about what you are going to say because the Holy Spirit will give you the words. Be on guard against greed and don’t be like the rich fool who died in sin.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
– Lawyers and Pharisees
Luke 11:37-54 – Lawyers and Pharisees
Here Jesus gives six woes to the scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees were more worried about what was on the outside and traditions than what was going on in the heart. The Lord made the inside and outside. Pharisees were wicked on the inside. They should have given to the poor and that would make them clean.
The Pharisees paid tithes but they did it for men not God. They love prestige and the greeting they got more than God. They were unmarked graves which men walk over with out knowing it. The lawyers put burdens on people they couldn’t bear under and they did nothing to help carry these burdens.
They build tomb to the prophets that their ancestors killed. These tombs testify of the scribes approval of killing of the prophets. God told them and this generation will be held accountable for their blood.’ They had the key to knowledge and kept it from the people. They did not enter in themselves and kept others from entering into God’s rest. They scribes and Pharisees hated Jesus and were looking for ways to trap Him.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Jesus is accused of being of the devil
Jesus is accused of being of the devil - Luke 11:14-36
Jesus had just driven out a demon of a man that was mute. Some there had said that Jesus drove out the demon by the power of the devil. Others said it was a sign from heaven. Jesus knew their thoughts and that that any kingdom that was divided would fall. Those who said Jesus did this by the power of the devil were proven wrong by their own followers. Jesus drove out the demon by the power of God so the Kingdom had come. Jesus taught that the strong man had to be defeated before his possession could be taken. Jesus said that those that were with Him gathered and those against him scattered.
Jesus then taught that when an evil spirit goes out of a man and travels around. When it find that it cannot find a home it will come back to his original host and if that host has not filled His temple with something. That demon will go and find seven other demons worst that it and they will come and live in that person and that person will be worse off than before.
Jesus then said that it is great to be blessed when we hear the word of God and obey it. Jesus when asked to give a sign He gave then nothing but the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was a sign to Ninevah so Christ will be a sign ro the people of that day. The Queen of Sheba will accuse them, the people of Ninevah will stand and accuse them. On the day of judgment because they repented and the people of Jesus’ day did not.
No one puts a light away. It is put on a lamp stand so that all may see. Our eyes Jesus said is the lamp of the body. It tells what is on the inside, when good is there the eyes show it. Jesus is the light of the world and we need Him to get rid of all the darkness in our lives, so we can shine as light to this world.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Friday, July 10, 2015
The Service of the Seventy
The Service of the Seventy – Luke 10:1-24
Jesus after this appoints 70 disciples. They go out two by two. There task was to go ahead of Him and into villages and prepare things for His arrival. He told them about the harvest and how the workers are few. He told them He was sending them in the wolves. They were to carry no provisions. They were to go into a house and stay they until they left and when they left they were to leave a blessing upon that house. He told them not to move from house to house. They were to heal the sick and preach the Kingdom. If a community did not receive them they were to shake the dust off their feet and judgment would come to that community.
Jesus then spoke judgment over Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum for their unbelief. They had many miracles performed in them and the people did not believe. Who listens to a disciple listens to Christ and whoever rejects us rejects Christ.
The seventy returned and marvelled how the demons were subject to them. Jesus told them how through them satan’s kingdom was falling. He had given them authority over snakes and scorpions so they could overcome any enemies. They were not to rejoiced because evil spirits were subject to them but that their names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Verse Today
2 Corinthians 6:18English Standard Version (ESV)
18 and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Parable of the Good Shepherd
Parable of the Good Shepherd – John 10:1-21
Jesus after this account then teaches about the Great Shepherd. Anyone who comes into the sheep pen dishonestly is a robber. The one who comes by the gate is the Shepherd. The shepherd has the keys to the gate. The watchman and the sheep know His voice.
He calls the sheep out by name and then leads them out. Jesus is the shepherd and all who came before Him were thieves and robbers. All who do not hear is voice will not be saved. The sheep will run from a false shepherd. Jesus is the gate and all who will enter through Him will be saved. He will give us pasture. The thief come to rob, kill and destroy. Jesus came to give us life abundantly.
As the good shepherd Jesus said He would lay down His life for the sheep. He knows the Father and the Father knows Him. The sheep will hear His voice and will not follow another. Jesus will lay down His life but when He rises from the dead it will be given back to Him. No one can take His life, He gives it willingly.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
The man born blind
The man born blind – John 9
This is our final day looking at John 9 and the wonderful truths it contains. Jesus is the Son of Man and only those who God reveals Him too will not stay spiritually blind like the Pharisees. Jesus is Lord and we are to worship Him.
Jesus has come for judgment so that those who are blind may see and those that who see will become blind. This is a paradox of faith.
People may claim to see but they don’t know Christ. They are blind and they will show by their sin and guilt in their lives. The challenge we face is that with all the secularization of society that we lose sight of Jesus. We must keep our eyes on Him for He is the author and finisher of our faith.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The man born blind
The man born blind – John 9
This is our third day discovering the wealth of truth contained in it. Today we will learn six more life lessons from this chapter. The man started put believing that Jesus was a prophet. Even when he told the story a second time he was not believed until his parents confirmed it.
His parents refuse to verify that Jesus healed their son. Like so many they were afraid of peer pressure. Never allow the opinions of others determine your faith. The world has its own rules and disciples which the Pharisees were. The world had no idea who Jesus was and is. Even when a man born blind is healed they do not believe it.
We earn that God listen to the godly and does what they ask. Jesus can do nothing and neither can we if we are not followers of God. The world reacts violently to a person that follows God. There is a price to pay to follow Christ but any price we pay is nothing compare to the riches we shall receive in Christ.
Monday, July 6, 2015
The man born blind
The man born blind - John 9
Yesterday we outlined the events of what Jesus did with the blind man. Here are five powerful truths we glean from this account. Sin is not the cause of all sickness but sometimes it is allowed to show the power of God. We must work while there is day and Jesus who is the light of the world is working. You are maximize your effort in the minimum amount of time.
Jesus made the man put feet to his faith when he sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. This story show that some people will not believe in a miracle even when it happens. Unbelief is a powerful tool of the devil. When a miracle happens it is good to have it verified.
The Pharisees were angry with Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath. Not that He cured someone. Never allow a narrow view of God keep you from believing and faith. Some people did believe in Jesus because of this miracle.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Friday, July 3, 2015
Attempt to kill Jesus
Attempt to kill Jesus – John 8:21-59
This is our second day on this event of Jesus teaching on the Mount of Olives. Jesus had set down some powerful truths which cannot be ignored. The people there tried to kill Jesus because there was no room in their hearts for Him. This was a result of Jesus saying what the Father wanted Him to say. These truths He received right from the Father’s presence and mouth.
People who really God’s children will always do what pleases the Father. The people there claimed to Abraham’s children but they wanted to put Jesus to death so reality they were not really Abraham’s children. Jesus then told them their Father was the devil and they were doing what he wanted them to do. The devil hates Jesus and all He represents.
The Father loved Jesus and this is what the people could not understand. They were not able to hear what was being said. They belong to the devil and they were carrying out his desires. An example was Peter who in one breath was declaring that Jesus was the Christ and then in the next being a tool of the devil. Man is a times a paradox. We find out that the devil is the father of all lies. He is a murderer and there is no truth in him. His native language lies. Satan is a liar and he is the father of all lies. So remember whose place you want to camp.
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