Monday, July 28, 2014

The spiritual man

 The Spiritual Man –  1 Cor 2:15-16

Vs 15 – This is an interesting statement.  The Spiritual man makes judgments about all things but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgment.  Paul says that a person possessing the Spirit can evaluate and apply all things of the Spirit.  He makes his moral decisions and judgments based on the truth of God’s word and what the Holy Spirit has shown them.  They will be judged by God.  Their consciences are led by God.  They know they will have to one day give an account of their lives to God so they do not let the moral, social and philosophical vales of man influence them.  They do not allow the judgment of man to sway or influence them.
Vs 16 – Here is a reality check.  Who knows the mind of the Lord and who may instruct Him?  Only the person who knows Christ has the mind of the Lord.  We however cannot instruct Him but be willing to learn and become students of Him.  He is the creator of the universe and foundation of all truth and reality.  Those who have the mind of Christ are those who are obedient to His revelation and will for their lives.  Paul desired the Corinthians be these people as the Lord wishes us to be today.           

Friday, July 25, 2014

Michael Jr. on Oversaved

Those who love Him

Those Who Love Him – 1 Cor 2:9-10

Vs 9 – Paul then quotes a Jewish proverb. “No eye has seen or ear heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.”  No sense or thought pattern can see the providence of God.  Mankind is limited by time and space and matter and motion.  We only see what our limited vision allows us.  Demons can only be one place at a time and see what is revealed through their filter of evil.  God being sovereign and omniscience knows the beginning from the end and His will and providence was to redeem mankind through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Vs 10 – Paul says that the people of God have had these deep secrets revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit searches all things even the deep things of God.  The Holy Spirit is slowly teaching us as we can receive the deep things of God.  We will spend a life time learning about God.  He is so vast and so wonderful a lifetime is not enough to know Him.  The Holy Spirit is our teacher and He wants us to know every thing we can about God.  Deep truths, great gems, mind boggling realities about God.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wisdom of God

Wisdom of God – 1 Cor 2:7-8

Vs 7 – Paul stated that he and his party spoke of the secret wisdom that God had been hidden until this age.  This wisdom was designed to bring glory to God and delivered men from their sin before the world began.  The secret wisdom is that Jesus Christ came to redeem all mankind and through Him all may be saved.  The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.  
Vs 8 – None of the rulers of this age could understand it because if they did they would not have put Christ to death or crucified Him.  Satan did not see that the cross would be the end of His realm or power.  The Jewish and Roman leaders did not know they were pawns in a cosmic battle.  The Jewish leaders saw Jesus as a threat to their power or position and someone to be eliminated and Pilate just wanted a quiet city.  The ruler of that age did not see that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, the world and the flesh.     

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Start and stand

tart and Stand – 1 Cor 5-6

Vs 5 – Paul wanted to make sure the Corinthians faith did not stand in the wisdom of men.  James tells us the wisdom of men is envy, strife, earthly, sensual, devilish, confusion and every evil work.  God’s wisdom is peaceable, pure, gentle, easy to entreat, mercy, good works, without partiality or hypocrisy.  Their faith would stand on the power of God.  A great place to start and stand.
Vs 6 – Paul brings a message design for mature people.  People who are not foolish or easily fooled.  Maturity brings stability, accountability and transparency.  Paul’s message had nothing to do with the wisdom of this age or the rulers of it.  His wisdom is not worldly or demonic in any form.  Corinth was famous for its schools of philosophy.  The teachings of Plato and Socrates with abundant here.  These philosophies were based on man being the measure of all things or the natural world being the playground of the gods and man being their pawns.  They also taught that the only things that were real were those things revealed by the five senses.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weakness and Trembling

Weakness and Trembling – 1 Cor 2:3-4

Vs 3 – Paul explains that his condition among the Corinthians when he first arrived was one of fear. Weakness and much trembling.  They saw a broken man but one who was ready to be used of God.  Some of our greatest times of influence happen when we are broken and when we do not have our own strength.  That is the time we need the Lord’s strength.  As the little children song says, “I am weak but He strong.”

Vs 4 – Paul relates that his speech and delivery was not with the enticing words of men’s wisdom.  He could not bring a message like Apollos.  His message would come with the demonstration of the Spirit and God’s power.  Paul had decided to avail himself of the Holy Spirit and rely on the resurrection power that was available.  This method of course is the most successful because you become a conduit of God’s blessing and you are relying on the Lord and not yourself.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Paul was different

Paul was different  -21Cor 2:1-2

VS 1 - It is evident that when Paul Arrived in Corinth he was a different man.  Now it could have been the reaction of the people of Athens.  It could have been that he was worn out and tired.  It was evident from this verses and first section that Paul was not at this time the apostolic super hero or God’s man of faith and power in this great hour.  He did not come with excellency of speech.  He was not at this time a great orator.  He did not speak with wisdom of men.  It is evident that he had made a decision about what kind of message he was going to bring.  It would not contain the words or phrases and attitudes of man’s wisdom.  His message would be opposite to what was being offered at the time in Corinth.  He had come to declare to them the testimony of God.  Who was Jesus Christ and Paul’s involved in it.
Vs 2 – Paul had made his decision while he was among them that he was only going to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  Paul had decided to keep the message simple.  Jesus Christ died, buried and rose again.  Jesus Christ who allowed His body to be broken and His blood shed for the forgiveness of sins.  No flowery speeches or poetry.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Differences Revealed

Differences Revealed  - 1 Cor 1:22-24

Vs 22 – Paul reveals the difference between how to reach Jews and Greeks.  The Jews seek for a sign.  They want tangible proof.  The Greeks are looking for wisdom.  What is the moral, philosophical lesson or truth?   What can you teach me to help me be a better me?  
Vs 23 – Paul says that he and those who serve with Him preach Christ crucified.  Jesus died, was buried and rose again.  He shed His blood and allowed His body to be broken.  This is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks.

Vs 24 – This message of Christ crucified to whom God has called whether Jew or Greek is Christ the power and wisdom of God.  Jesus is the embodiment of power and wisdom and when you receive this by faith you make yourself called and saved.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

True Contrast

True Contrast – 1 Cor 20-21

Vs 20 – Paul points to three so called sages of the world.  The scholar who seeks knowledge.  The wise man who wants to understand and promote wisdom.  The Philosopher who tries to explain what life is all about.  Who are and where are these men?  Has not God made the wisdom of this world foolish?  That which is flesh is flesh and that which Spirit is Spirit.  The two cannot mix and the wise of this world will never understand the things of God.
Vs 21 – The world cannot know the wisdom of God because man’s wisdom is based in flesh and blood thoughts.  The wisdom of this world is controlled and promoted by the devil who is the father of all lies.  Corruption only reaps corruption.  God has chosen to reveal true wisdom through what the world calls the foolishness of preaching that people can be saved.  The wisdom of this world comes in many forms abut it leads to one place away from God   James says that the wisdom of this world is satanic, divisive and fearful.  Seem the choice is clear and simple.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Christ is the wisdom and power of God

Christ is the Wisdom and Power of God – 1 Cor 1:18-19.

Vs 18 – Paul begins to now expound on the theme of Christ being the wisdom and power of God.  The gospel and the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.  They do not even know they are perishing.  The god of this world has blinded them.  Paul saw this in his last city of Athens.  He was literally laughed off Mars Hill.  To those who are being saved it is the power of God unto salvation.  The Holy Spirit has to open your mind and you have to let Him open your mind.

Vs 19 – Paul then quotes and ancient Hebrew proverb, “The Lord will destroy the wisdom of the so called wise and the intelligent of the intelligent He will frustrate.  In simple terms God looks at the wisdom and intelligence of man as something to be frustrated and destroyed.  Wisdom in this world points to man and not God.  Man is not the measure of all things.  John the Baptist put it simply, clearly and precisely.  I must decrease and He must increase.  Let that be your theme for today and in life in general.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Preach without words

Preach the gospel without words – 1 Cor 16-17

Vs 16 – The Paul has a second thought.  Remember this letter is being dictated so Paul then adds to his list of people baptized, the household of Stephanas.  He then added the thought that as far as he can remember he did not baptize any other person.  

Vs 17 – Paul then finishes this paragraph by saying that Christ did not called him to baptize people but to preach the gospel.  The gospel Paul preached would not be with words of human wisdom because if he did the gospel would be void of its power.  Wisdom and knowledge in ancient Greece was prominent.  Corinth was a city of several major universities and school.  The writings of Socrates and Plot were well presented.  Paul wanted his message to one focused on Christ and Christ alone.  Remember this is where he refocused his call and ministry.  He determined to preach Christ and Christ crucified alone.  One time a man wrote that the best message you can give for Christ is one without words but deeds.  Let your life speak before you open your mouth.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Paul avoids bias

Paul avoids bias – 1 Cor 1:14-15

Vs 14 – Paul was so thankful that he did not baptize anyone except except Gaius and Crispus.  Interesting thought here.  There are some people who believe that you are not saved unless you are baptized in water.  Paul did not do this so it is obvious that baptism is a public declaration of your faith and not a requirement.

Vs 15 – Paul was grateful that no one could be baptized in His name.  Paul wanted all Christians to know that the emphasis was not the messenger but the message.  We must decrease and Christ must increase.  Man has a tendency for hero worship.  Paul wanted to make sure Christ was the hero, not Paul.  Jesus is all about relationship and self sacrifice.  If you want to be great in God`s kingdom you must learn to be the servant of all.

Friday, July 11, 2014

God will keep us strong

God will keep us strong – 1 Cor 1:8-9

Vs 8 – Paul then emphasizes a promise.  God will keep the Christian strong to the end.  God will do His part and we must do our part.  The goal is to be blameless on the day of Christ’s appearing.  If we avail ourselves to the resources available we will be strong and blameless when Christ appears.  
Vs 9 – Paul then reveals another important promise.  God who has called us into fellowship with Him through Jesus Christ will be faithful.  There are two realities here.  God has called us friends through Jesus Christ and He is faithful.  Every man may be a liar but the word of God is true.  God will be faithful.   God has been faithful in the past, He will be faithful today and tomorrow.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Christ is our Theme

Christ is our Theme – 1 Cor 1:5-7

Vs 5 – Paul begins a theme of in Christ here.  In Christ the Corinthians had been enriched.  The riches of heaven had been bestowed upon them.  They have been enriched in two ways, in their speech and knowledge,  Knowledge was highly prized by the Greeks and in Christ they had all the knowledge of heaven at their disposal,
Vs 6 – Paul was so happy that in the Corinthians his testimony of Jesus Christ had been confirmed.  Not only did they believe but they were living Christ’s reality out in their lives.
Vs 7 – Therefore they do not lack any spiritual gift as they wait for the coming of the Lord with eagerness.  Paul would elaborate on these spiritual gifts later.  There is no lack with the Lord.  He has spiritual gifts and fruit waiting to be developed in our lives.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Two Virtues

Two Virtues – 1 Cor 1:3-4

Vs 3 – Paul then wishes them two virtues.  First, he wishes that they would have grace which is undeserved mercy and a complete life.  Secondly, peace which is absence of personal strife or warfare.  These virtues come from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Quick note, Jesus is called the Lord Jesus Christ because first and foremost, He is Lord.

Vs 4 – Paul begins this letter with a paragraph of thanksgiving.  He thanks the Lord for the Corinthians.  They are a crowning glory in his work for the Lord.  It is because of God’s grace that Paul had the privilege to be able to work in Corinth.  This grace came from his obedient to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ gave Paul and us a mandate to go into our world and preach the gospel.  The crowning achievement for us is when we win someone to Christ.  This fulfills our mandate and call.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Paul Opening Statements

Opening Statements - 1 Cor 1:1-2

Vs 1 – Paul begins this letter by introducing himself as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This call was given to him by the will of God.  He had intention of becoming an apostle to the Gentiles but on the Damascus road he had a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ.  Sosthenes was also writing this letter as well.  We do not know fully who he was but he was obviously known by the church in Corinth.
Vs 2 -  Paul sent this letter to the church in Corinth.  Paul called them the sanctified or set apart for God ones.  They were called to be holy as everyone everywhere has been called to this same position.  All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ are to be holy.  This is both a positional and progressive work.  Jesus Christ is their Lord and Paul’s.  It is a unique place to be in the family of God.  

Monday, July 7, 2014

"Turning 40" Comedy By Mark Lowry

"Physciatric Help" Comedy By Mark Lowry

Mark Lowry His Mouth, Time Outs, In The Womb

Mark Lowry Comedy Video!!

Mark Lowry Denominations

Mark Lowry Recovering Fundamentalist

He is now Revealed

He is now Revealed – Rom 16:26-27

Vs 26 – He has now been revealed.  Jesus is God with a face.  He has been revealed to the world.  He was made known through prophetic writings.  More than 300 prophecies were written and fulfilled through Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Malachi Jesus was revealed.  His revelation and appearance were done by the command of the eternal God.  This name shows that Jesus like the Father have no beginning and no end.  Jesus was given so that all nations might believe and then in their belief will obey Him.  

Vs 27 – Paul closes off this letter by stating that God is the only wise one.  Glory, honor and praise belong to Him.  This wonderful salvation came through Jesus Christ.  He is the avenue of our salvation and the object of our worship.  This is end our devotion on Romans.  Amen.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Brothers in the Lord

– Brothers in the Lord – Rom 16:21-23

Vs 21 – Timothy Paul’s fellow worker send his greeting as does, Lucius, Jason and Sosipater who Paul describes as his relatives.  Again this term is used to describe his brothers in the Lord.  When one becomes a Christian they join a large family which is world wide and has many expressions.
Vs 22 – We learn that Paul had dictated this letter and Tertius was the scribe. One man wrote stated that Paul because of his encounter with Jesus suffered from poor eyesight for the rest of his life and thus one of the reasons he dictated his letters.   Paul sends his greetings to the Roman Christians.
Vs 23 – Gaius is described by Paul as a person of hospitality.  This gifting is enjoyed by the whole church where Paul was writing this letter from.  Gaius sent the Romans his greeting.  Through this chapter has been commending and describing the characteristics of different people.  To be a person of hospitality in Paul’s view was a person of the highest quality and character.  This would be a great place to start as you trust the Lord to change you into the person you know He wants you to be.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The God of Peace

The God of Peace – Rom 16:20

Vs 20 – This next verse is such a powerful verse and promise.  The God of Peace will soon crush satan under our feet.  The one who brings peace fulfills through us the promise of Gen 3:15.  Satan is defeated by peace, unity and love.  James says that we submit to God the devil will have to flee from us.  John says that Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil.  Satan is crushed under foot when we exercise peaceful ways to those in opposition to us.  Paul closes this small section off by wishes the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be with them and us.  It is grace and peace that give us the victory over satan.  It is this grace and mercy that also allows us to forgive when wrong and to use this forgiveness as a stepping stone to keeping right relationship with others.  One man wrote to stay right with others is to crush any satanic opportunity to work in your life and others.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Do not be deceived

July 3 – Do not be deceived – Rom  16:18-19

Vs 18 – These people are not serving Christ but their own appetites.  It is all about them and not Christ.  They use smooth talk and flattery to deceive the minds of naïve people.  Sincere people will put the work in to see if something is truthful or not.  Naïve people accept anything they hear without doing the work to find out if it is truthful.  Naïve people are spiritually lazy.  They will also be shipwrecked in their faith because they did not practice diligence to the Word of God.

Vs 19 – The Roman Christian have a reputation of being people of obedience.  Being in Christ’s School of Obedience is a tremendous blessing and testimony.  Paul says he is full of joy because of them.  Paul says that he wants them to be wise concerning what is good and innocent about what is evil.  This is not being ignorance of evil or denying it exists but to not be affected by it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Be Careful

Be Careful – Rom 16:16-17

Vs 16 – Greet each other with a holy kiss. This was a Middle Eastern custom.  Usually a kiss to cheek custom.  All the churches in Christ send greetings.  Paul would be carrying all the greetings from each church.  It was also a general greeting.  Today’s custom is often a handshake or a hug.  The issue is making those around you as comfortable as possible.  This is the mark of a Christian gentleman or lady.

Vs 17 – Paul warns his readers to watch out for three types of people.  Those who cause division.  Those who put obstacles in the way of the faith.  Lastly, those who bring teaching contrary to what they heard from Paul and other true apostles in the faith.  Paul tells his audience to avoid and keep away from such people.  What fellowship does light have with darkness?  This just shows that false teaching has been around since the beginning of the church.  It is imperative that the church remembers that there will be individual who through their smooth took and flattering ways will even deceit the elect of God if possible.