Friday, January 31, 2014
All Have Sinned
In Rom 3:21-23, Is one of the most pointed scriptures in the Bible, Paul now begins his expose or essay on righteousness and faith. There is a righteousness that comes through faith. It does not come through the law. This was something both the law and the prophets would testify of. The foundation of the Jewish faith testified of righteousness apart from the law. This righteousness comes from God. It comes through faith in Jesus Christ to those who believe and put their trust in His finished work on the cross. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile. Sin is universal. All have sinned. All have fallen short of the glory of God. The character and essence of God has been missed by all. What we have to do today is come to God through Jesus Christ alone. Today tell those in your world that they have missed it but that they can come to God through Christ. Share this good news and give hope to all you meet. Be His ambassador of truth and hope. In your own life, keep a close watch on your soul and stay right with God.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Universal Accountability
In Rom 3:19-21, Paul again points of that the law says that those who are under the law are going to have two things happen to them. First, every mouth will be silenced. Secondly, the whole world is accountable to God. There is universal accountability. Paul says that no one can be declared righteous by the law. The law was designed to help us become conscious of sin. The law was God's method to bring us to Christ and the light. Moses brought the law and Christ fulfilled it. No one will be able to stand before the Lord and list their accomplishments, success stories or special circumstances. God will look at only one thing, did we give our lives to Christ or not? All our righteousness is as filthy rags. Remember God keeps the books make sure yours are up to date.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Life with Christ
In Rom 16-18, Paul says the sinners life is mark by two things. Ruin and misery. Only the Lord can reverse this downward trend. The way of peace they do not know. How can you know the way of peace when you reject the author and finisher of peace? Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. There is no fear of God before their eyes. When a person is a sinner they have neither respect or reverence for God. "They do not know they are sinners in the hands of an angry God," as Jonathan Edwards puts it. What a way to live, without peace and heading to a lost eternity. Ruin and misery is no way to live but the wonderful thing is that they can come to Christ. Today tell those in your world the good news of salvation and redemption and see a life restored. True peace and life come through Jesus Christ. He alone is the way, the truth and the life. Life with Christ is so much better than life without Him.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Lifestyle without God.
In Rom 3:13-15, Paul points out three results of a lifestyle without God. The Tongue becomes an open grave. It is used to lie and deceive. Their speech is useless. No real value comes from it. Their mouth and speech is full of cursing and bitterness, A condition of the heart expressed. Their feet are swift to shed innocent blood. They not only speak of what they will do but they follow it with action. So sad when a person follows what is in the heart through action especially when it is evil and selfish. Our mouths should be used to glorify God. Solomon reminded us in the book of Proverbs that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silvers. Let it be your aim today to speak words of encouragement to others for the glory of God. Follow your words with acts of love.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Universal Guilt
In Rom 3:8-9, Paul reports here that some have slandered him and his party by accusing Paul of saying. "Let us do evil that good may result." Paul denies this and says those who have said this will be condemned and their condemnation is well deserved. Paul points out in Vs 9, that both Jew and Gentile are alike under sin. All men are sinners and are universally guilty. God does not want any one to go to a lost eternity and He has done everything possible to help mankind to avoid this. The choice is ours however. Free will is both a privilege and responsibility. If someone ends us in hell as Mike Warnke says, "They paddled their own canoe to get there." Make sure you tell everyone you can and stay close to the Lord.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Believe in Christ
Jesus was asked a question in John 6:28-29 and this question was, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" In the minds of Jesus' audience their faith was about works. Jesus told them that they were to believe in the one whom God sent. Jesus said the greatest work we can do for God is to believe in Him. Jesus equated work for faith. Faith is the beginning of work. Faith is the foundation to which we start. You have to believe in God first, then go from there. Religion is telling us that through works of charity, kindness and love we will earn our way to God. Jesus said, it was in simple belief in Him that righteousness and right standing with God comes. When you believe and love God first, then good works will follow. You do service for the Lord because you love Him. James said that our works is an out growth of our faith. Jesus' audience wanted to work out their salvation without Christ. Jesus put everything into perspective when He said that we are to believe in Him first, then the works will follow. In Matt 6:33, we are to seek the Kingdom of God first and then all these things will be added unto us. So today make this you starting point of faith and then as you love Him you will want to do the things that please Him.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Let Your Light
In Matt 5:16, Jesus was teaching the Sermon on the Mount and here He tells his audience and us to let our light shine among all men so that they would see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven. In ancient Israel light was the symbol for God and darkness was a symbol for the devil. Jesus wanted those who knew the Lord to be a light in this dark world. As a light we show the love, grace, power and love. Years ago I was in Israel and one night while on the Sea of Galilee it was late and it was dark. Walking by the sea I saw all the communities around the area brightly lit and it reminded me of this scripture. Jesus said the outgrowth of this relationship with God is that we would do good works and in turn these works would glorify our Father. Good works show that we love God because God is good. James wrote that many people say they have faith but faith must be shown not just talked about. He said that people would see His faith by what he did. Today let your light shine for Jesus, do good works and acts of kindness and in this way people will see you have a genuine faith. This in turn will glorify God.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Great Benefits
David begins Psalm 103:1-2, with a heart of thanksgiving and praise. He says, "Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me Praise the Lord." David was a true worshipper. He knew that worship was an attitude of the heart expressed. He knew that he could not keep his love for the Lord quiet. When he brought back the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, the bible says he danced before the Lord. When he was rebuke by his wife, he told her that he would even become more undignified. David knew that praise and worship was one way to release the blessings of God. David then said, "Praise the Lord, oh my soul and do not forget all the Lord's benefits." David was speaking to his inner man and telling it and him to praise the Lord. David would praise the Lord with his thoughts, emotions and will. Every thought, word and deed would be God's. David was also thinking about some of the benefits of serving the Lord. Eternal and abundant life are two benefits. Being called a Son of God. Having healing and victory in your life. Walking in love, acceptance and forgiveness. Growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Having peace that passes all understanding. Knowing where you are going when you die. The promise of household salvation are just a few. So today be like David and praise the Lord with you whole being and do not forget all the benefits of serving the Lord.
Monday, January 20, 2014
A word fitly spoken
In Prov 25:11, the King James version says a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Solomon is bringing out that word said at the right time, for the right reason, to the right person with the right motive has a great impact. God has called us to be encouragers and love people with our words. That is why it is so important to engage our minds before we speak. We should always be thinking about what we are saying, to whom we are saying this and how we view them. Jesus when He spoke to people was always concerned about how the Father would be glorified by what He said and did. You should be as well. Think about how what you say and whether it will glorify God or not. If it is questionable you should not say it. James writes in his letter to the church about how the tongue can be a flame of fire that can cause all kinds of hurt. He says that we are the only part of creation that has the ability to speak blessing and curses in the same conversation. He equates this ability to a tree that can produce good and bad fruit. Which we know is impossible. A good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit. What he is saying is when we bless God in part of conversation and then curse man who is created in His image what we are doing is unnatural. So today determine to follow Solomon's advice and give a word fitly spoken. Ask the Lord to help you and He will. God wants to use you today to bless someone in your world.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
Learn of me
In Matt 11:29, Jesus leaves us with four thoughts today. First, He encourages us to take that special fitted yoke that He gives. Each one of us are servants and we have been given a task and a burden to carry. If you find yourself today being burdened down by things then that is a yoke or task you gave yourself. The yoke Jesus gives is easy and His burden is light. Jesus secondly said, "learn of me." What Jesus was saying is that He will be our role model and mentor. He will show us how to do things. If you want a good example of how to live a Christian life just look at Jesus. No better example has ever been given. Let us try to be more like Jesus everyday as the old hymn says. Jesus said, that He was gentle. The word gentle means to be compassionate, loving and kind. You put the needs of others before your own. Jesus said a true friend is one who is willing to lay down their life for a friend. Jesus did that for us. He said He was lovely or has a humble heart. Jesus came in humility. What a wonderful thought. Jesus who is the God of the universe came and humbled Himself and became like us. He served and showed us what true humility was. I love that scripture that says when you humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, He will live you up. Remember if you want to be great in God's Kingdom you have to be the servant of all. Jesus said lastly, that when you come to Him, you will find rest for your soul. Are you weary, then come to Jesus. Come to Him today and you will find everything you need.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Lend to the Poor
In Prov 19:17, Solomon brings out a great truth, those who are kind to the poor lend to the Lord and He will reward them for what they have done. This is a great way to create a desire to help others. Now I know that most of us when we help others are not looking for any reward or benefit, we are just happy to do it. It makes us feel good and we know we have done the right thing. Yet here we learn that the Lord is pleased when we do this. He is keeping the books and He is going to reward all who give to the poor. Helping the less fortunate is in the DNA of the Child of God. One time Mother Theresa was asked how she could minister to the lepers of Calcutta, she said that she looked at them as Jesus is His distressing disguise. Jesus said in Matt 25, that when we do our gifts of love and charity to others we are doing it to Him. Think about this, when you are kind to others you are literally doing it to Jesus. That in it self should be enough motivation. Solomon stated the obvious. When you l give to the poor you are lending to the Lord and He will reward you for what you have done. So today go and minister to others out of love and don't be surprised when that is given back to you by the Lord. It is His promise.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Wait upon the Lord
Isaiah gives a powerful and wonderful scripture to ponder about today. He says, in Isaiah 40:31, "They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings upon eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. What a wonderful promise, when you wait upon the Lord certain things will happen. When you wait in expectation, watching, keeping busy in the Lord and ready to move when God says go is such a great place to be. You know God is going to do something and you want to be part of it. When the Allies were getting ready for D Day they knew it was coming and they were just waiting for the word. Every one knew it would change the face of the war. When the word was given half a million allied soldiers left England and headed for France to take back what had been stolen from them. That is what we need to do. The devil has stolen so much from the Children of God. We know God is going to help us take it back and the promise is that we are going to win our war with the devil. We are just waiting for our orders. God wants you to take your world for Him. You may be waiting so this word is for you. As you wait the Lord will help you to mount up on wings like an eagle. He will give you strength so you will not grow weary. So today if you are waiting take this promise and apply the strength and help you need. If you are getting weary than take a moment to wait and be renewed in this promise.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Headline that changed it all
One headline has changed everything for me. It went like this. "Soon credit cards will be a thing of the past. Chip technology the way of the future." Now I have always been aware of the mark and number of the beast as described in the book of revelation and I knew it was coming but this headline woke me up. I suddenly realize that this was not a long away thing it is now upon us. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, "what are you going to do about this. I began... to think of all the ramifications this meant. First it means that the church better wake up and take its mandate of evangelism seriously. Now this means me and you. Secondly, it means we need to stop majoring on the minors and get back to the basics. For example, which pet doctrine, tradition or even Bible we like. We need to be about loving God with all our heart soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Love is the mark of disciple not which church or denomination we belong. Next, we need to able going into all the world preaching the gospel, making disciples of all men. The great commission. Let us stop debating the methods and get about the business of reaching the lost. Not long ago I read a book that we should not call the lost, the lost, but the displaced or not quite found. Enough of the semantics. A person who does know Jesus Christ is going to hell and the bible says is lost. My heart breaks over the things we break fellowship. Thinks such as whether or not a person is backslidden or not. Some don't believe person can back slide and are eternally secure others believe their can backslide or lose their salvation. If we spent our time getting people saved, discipling them, loving them and working with them this would be not such a debate. Enough of the diatribe. Jesus is coming back soon all the signs are being fulfilled the technology to introduce the anti-christ and control society is in place. It does not matter if you are pre-trib, mid-trib or post trib or pan trib, (It will pan out.) Jesus is coming soon and our time is almost going. I feel I have woken up from a long sleep and have missed so much. I am going to get very busy I trust this article have motivated you as well.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Is Christianity and Yoga Compatible?
| Note: A question asked and answered on The Divine Life Society [Sivananda Ashram Rishikesh, India] ...
Sadhaka : Will you please explain the meaning, nature and purpose of Yoga?
Gurudev : The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root 'yuj' which means 'to join'. Yoga is the science that teaches us the method of uniting the individual soul with the Supreme Soul, of merging the individual will in the Cosmic Will. To live in God, to commune with God is Yoga. Yoga is life in God, life in perfection, peace, lasting happiness and eternal Bliss. Life in God brings eternal Bliss. Yoga shows you the way, unites you with God, and makes you perfect and Immortal. [§ion_id=356]
The same site also says “Kundalini can be awakened by attaining perfection of certain hatha yoga postures called asanas...” [Dhyanivision. Shaktipat Initiation... Awakening The Kundalini. Click on tab Shaktipat Initiation Awakening The Kundalini
Yoga and New Trends in Christianity And Hindu Council Attacks ‘Illegal’ Church Ban on Yoga
(Both Below)
What is Yoga?What is yoga? For many in the West, yoga is simply a system of physical exercise, a means of strengthening the body, improving flexibility, and even healing or preventing a variety of bodily ailments. But if we inquire into the history and philosophy of yoga we discover that "much more than a system of physical exercise for health, Yoga is . . . [an] ancient path to spiritual growth." It is a path enshrined in much of the sacred literature of India.(1) Thus, if we truly want a better understanding of yoga, we must dig beneath the surface and examine the historical roots of the subject.
Before we begin digging, however, we must first understand what the term "yoga" actually means. "According to tradition, 'yoga' means 'union,' the union...of the finite 'jiva' (transitory self) with the infinite'...Brahman' (eternal Self)."(2) "Brahman" is a term often used for the Hindu concept of "God," or Ultimate Reality. It is an impersonal, divine substance that "pervades, envelops, and underlies everything."(3) With this in mind, let's briefly look at three key texts that will help us chart the origin and development of yoga within India.
It appears that one can trace both the practice and goal of yoga all the way back to the Upanishads, probably written between 1000-500 B.C.(4) One Upanishad tells us: "Unite the light within you with the light of Brahman."(5) Clearly, then, the goal of yoga (i.e. union with Brahman) is at least as old as the Upanishads.
In addition, the word "yoga" often appears in the Bhagavad Gita, a classic Hindu text possibly written as early as the fifth century B.C.{6} In chapter 6, Krishna declares: "Thus joy supreme comes to the Yogi . . . who is one with Brahman, with God."{7}
Finally, in about A.D. 150, the yogi Patanjali systematized yoga into eight distinct "limbs" in his Yoga Sutras. These eight limbs are like a staircase, supposedly leading the yogi from ignorance to enlightenment. In order, the eight limbs are: yama (self-control), niyama (religious observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), pratyahara (sense control), dharana (concentration), dhyana (deep contemplation), and samadhi (enlightenment).{8} It's interesting to note that postures and breathing exercises, often considered to be the whole of yoga in the West, are steps three and four along Patanjali's "royal" road to union with Brahman.
We see that yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline deeply rooted in the religion of Hinduism. This being so, we may honestly wonder whether it's really wise for a Christian to be involved in yoga practice. Next, we'll continue our discussion by examining some of the important doctrinal differences between yoga and Christianity.
Yoga and Christianity: What are the Differences?
First, yoga and Christianity have very different concepts of God. As previously stated, the goal of yoga is to experience union with "God." But what do yogis mean when they speak of "God," or Brahman? Exactly what are we being encouraged to "unite" with? Most yogis conceive of "God" as an impersonal, spiritual substance, coextensive with all of reality. This doctrine is called pantheism, the view that everything is "God." It differs markedly from the theism of biblical Christianity. In the Bible, God reveals Himself as the personal Creator of the universe. God is the Creator; the universe, His creation. The Bible maintains a careful distinction between the two.{9}
A second difference between yoga and Christianity concerns their views of man. Since yoga philosophy teaches that everything is "God," it necessarily follows that man, too, is "God." Christianity, however, makes a clear distinction between God and man. God is the Creator; man is one of His creatures. Of course man is certainly unique, for unlike the animals he was created in the image of God.{10} Nevertheless, Christianity clearly differs from yoga in its unqualified insistence that God and man are distinct.
Finally, let's briefly consider how yoga and Christianity differently conceive man's fundamental problem, as well as its solution. Yoga conceives man's problem primarily in terms of ignorance; man simply doesn't realize that he is "God." The solution is enlightenment, an experience of union with "God." This solution (which is the goal of yoga) can only be reached through much personal striving and effort. Christianity, however, sees man's primary problem as sin, a failure to conform to both the character and standards of a morally perfect God. Man is thus alienated from God and in need of reconciliation. The solution is Jesus Christ, "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."{11} Through Jesus' death on the cross, God reconciled the world to Himself.{12} He now calls men to freely receive all the benefits of His salvation through faith in Christ alone. Unlike yoga, Christianity views salvation as a free gift. It can only be received; it can never be earned.
Clearly, Christianity and yoga are mutually exclusive viewpoints. But is every kind of yoga the same? Isn't there at least one that's exclusively concerned with physical health and exercise? Next, we'll take a closer look at hatha yoga, the one most often believed to be purely physical in nature.
What Is Hatha Yoga?Here we've learned that yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline rooted in a belief system that is utterly incompatible with Christianity. But is this true of all yoga? Isn't hatha yoga simply concerned with physical development and good health?
Hatha yoga is primarily concerned with two things: asana (physical postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises). But it's important to realize that both asana and pranayama also play a significant role in Patanjali's raja (or "royal") yoga. In the traditional eight "limbs" of Patanjali's system, asana and pranayama are limbs three and four. What then is the relationship of hatha to raja yoga?
Former yoga practitioner Dave Fetcho states that yoga postures "evolved as an integral part of Raja . . . Yoga."{13} He points out that the author of the famous handbook, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, "presents Hatha . . . solely and exclusively for the attainment of Raja Yoga."{14} He also cites a French yoga scholar who claims, "the sole purpose of . . . Hatha Yoga is to suppress physical obstacles on the . . . Royal path of Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga is therefore called 'the ladder to Raja Yoga.'"{15} Fetcho concurs, noting that the physical postures are "specifically designed to manipulate consciousness...into Raja Yoga's consummate experience of samadhi: undifferentiated union with the primal essence of consciousness."{16} These statements should make it quite clear that hatha, or physical, yoga has historically been viewed simply as a means of aiding the yogi in attaining enlightenment, the final limb of raja yoga.
This is further confirmed by looking at Iyengar yoga, possibly the most popular form of hatha yoga in the U.S. The Web site for the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco states: "BKS Iyengar studies and teaches yoga as unfolded in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjaili [sic] and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika among other classical texts. Thus Asana, or postures, are taught as one of the eight limbs . . . of yoga defined by Patanjali."{17} In fact, the ultimate goal of Iyengar hatha yoga is precisely the same as that of Patanjali's raja yoga.{18} Both aim to experience union with "God," Brahman, or universal consciousness.
If all these things are so, it seems increasingly apparent that hatha yoga may ultimately involve its practitioners in much more than physical exercise. Although it may not be obvious at first, the ultimate goal of hatha is the same as every other form of yoga: union of the self with an impersonal, universal consciousness. We must remember that the Bible never exhorts Christians to seek such an experience. If anything, it warns us of the potential dangers in doing so. Next, we'll consider whether yoga practice might, in fact, be dangerous--and why.
Can Yoga be Harmful?Despite its touted health benefits, there are numerous warnings in authoritative yoga literature which caution that yoga can be physically, mentally, and spiritually harmful if not practiced correctly.
For instance, Swami Prabhavananda warns of the potentially dangerous physical effects that might result from yoga breathing exercises: "Unless properly done, there is a good chance of injuring the brain. And those who practice such breathing without proper supervision can suffer a disease which no known science or doctor can cure."{19}
In addition, many yogis warn that yoga practice can endanger one's sanity. In describing the awakening of "kundalini" (coiled serpent power) Gopi Krishna records his own experience as follows: "It was variable for many years, painful, obsessive...I have passed through almost all the stages of...mediumistic, psychotic, and other types of mind; for some time I was hovering between sanity and insanity."{20}
Also See Slain In The Spirit and Related Manifestations
Compared to The Ancient and Occult Practice of A Kundalini Awakening in Hinduism]
Finally, however, from a Christian perspective it seems that yoga could also be spiritually harmful. To understand why, let's return to the experience of "kundalini." Yoga scholar Hans Rieker declares, "Kundalini [is] the mainstay of all yoga practices."{21} But what exactly is kundalini and why is it so central to yoga practice?
Swami Vivekananda summarizes the kundalini experience as follows: "When awakened through the practice
Reading such descriptions of the kundalini, or coiled serpent power, the Christian can almost hear the hiss of that "serpent of old...who deceives the whole world."{24}In Eden, he flattered our first parents by telling them: "You will be like God."{25} And though Christianity and yoga have very different conceptions of God, isn't this essentially what yoga promises?
Swami Ajaya once said, "The main teaching of Yoga is that man's true nature is divine."{26} Obviously this is not the Christian view of man. But if the goal of yoga is to realize one's essential divinity through union with "God," then shouldn't the Christian view the practice that leads to this realization as potentially spiritually harmful? Next, we'll conclude our discussion by asking whether it's really possible to separate yoga philosophy from yoga practice.
Can Philosophy and Practice be Separated?We've seen that yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline whose central doctrines are utterly incompatible with those of Christianity. Even hatha yoga, often considered to be exclusively concerned with physical development, is best understood as merely a means of helping the yogi reach the goal of samadhi, or union with "God." Furthermore, we've seen that all yoga, including hatha, has the potential to be physically, mentally, and spiritually harmful.
In light of such evidence, it may appear that this question--"Can yoga philosophy be separated from yoga practice?"--has already been answered in the negative. And this is certainly the view of many yoga scholars. Dave Fetcho, formerly of the Ananda Marga Yoga Society, has written, "Physical yoga, according to its classical definitions, is inheritably and functionally incapable of being separated from Eastern religious metaphysics."{27} What's more, yoga authorities Feuerstein and Miller, in discussing yoga postures (asana) and breathing exercises (pranayama), indicate that such practices are more than just another form of physical exercise; indeed, they "are psychosomatic exercises."{28} Does this mean that separating theory from practice is simply impossible with yoga?
If one carefully looks through an introductory text on hatha yoga,{29} one will see many different postures illustrated. A number of these may be similar, if not identical, to exercises and stretches one is already doing. Indeed, if one is engaged in a regular stretching program, this is quite probable. This raises an important question: Suppose that such beginning level yoga postures are done in a context completely free of yogic philosophy. In such a case as this, doesn't honesty compel us to acknowledge at least the possibility of separating theory from practice?
While I hate to disagree with scholars who know far more about the subject than I do, this distinction does seem valid to me. However, let me quickly add that I see this distinction as legitimate only at the very beginning of such practices, and only with regard to the postures. The breathing exercises, for various reasons, remain problematic.{30} But this distinction raises yet another question, for how many people begin an exercise program intending never to move beyond the most basic level? And since by the very nature of yoga practice, such a distinction could only be valid at the very earliest of stages, why would a Christian ever want to begin this process? It seems to me that if someone wants an exercise program with physical benefits similar to yoga, but without all the negative spiritual baggage, they should consider low-impact aerobics, gymnastics, or ballet.{31} These programs can be just as beneficial for the body, without potentially endangering the soul. In my opinion, then, Christians would be better off to never begin yoga practice.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Watch your Mouth
In Psalm 141:3, David prays that God will help put a watchman over his mouth. David was concerned that he would not say the wrong thing. His prayer was that he would say the right thing at the right time for the right reason. Our speech can be such a blessing or curse it just depends on who is in control of it. We have all met people who talk before they think things through. Mark Lowry calls them a talk thinker. They are people that talk before they think or while they are talking they are formulating their opinion. The problem with this way of thinking is that while they are talking they are convincing themselves of other things. David looked at his mouth a portal of blessing or cursing. Out of our mouth can come great pearls of wisdom of foolish destruction. James calls the tongue an instrument that needs to be controlled. He also calls it a torch of destruction. What is amazing about this part of our body is that on one hand we can praise God and in the next moment we can curse man who is made in the image of God. One moment we are happy about life and the next we are complaining about our lot in life. The reality is that our mouth only talks about what is in our heart. So today let the Lord fill you too capacity with His love and grace and that is what will come out of your mouth. Be like David and ask the Lord to put a guard at the door of your mouth and when you talk make a conscience decision to be a person who blesses and encourages.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Fruit of the Spirit
In Gal 5:23-23, Paul talks about the fruit of the Spirit. These are the attributes of the Spirit that are exhibited in the life of a person who has allow the Holy Spirit to flow through them. We need to look at ourselves at the temple of the Holy Spirit. He wishes to exhibit His fruit through our lives. Think about this, The Holy Spirit wants to show through us, love, joy and peace. You can be gentle, kind, patient, self control and righteous. These are qualities that everyone wants to show and have working in their lives. These are qualities of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is design to bring changes to those around us. The Holy Spirit will help you to see these working in your life every day. You can show love with no strings attached. You can have peace in every situation and communicate this peace in the lives of those you come into contact with. You can have joy in every circumstance of life. That deep seated contentment, knowing that God has everything under control. You can be gentle and kind to people even those special sand paper people that from time to time rub you the wrong way. This is what the Holy Spirit wishes to give you. So today be open to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to make you a vessel in which this fruit is shown. This will bless you and others whom you come into contact with.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Make every effort
Paul says that we are to make every effort to walk in peace and unity. We are also to make every effort to work for mutual edification. This is such a great word for us today. Jesus called us to be His instruments of peace and love. Love what shows we are His disciples. Christians are called to be instruments of righteous, peace and joy. This is what the Kingdom is all about. Today you and I have the opportunity to be instruments of blessing to those in our world. I know I talk about influence in our world's because that is the heart and soul of what God has shown me. Today is the only day that we have. In fact the reality is that we may not even make it through this day. I know that kinds of morbid but it actually should be a motivator for each of us to make sure we are right with God and those in our world. So today be an ambassador for Jesus Christ and let your life line up with His and be an instrument for His praise and glory.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
He is Gracious
In Isaiah 30:18, we learn that the Lord is gracious. He wants to give you His grace and mercy. This comes through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was and is the personification of God's love. Jesus was God with a face. When you see Jesus you see the Father and when you see the Father you see Jesus. When Jesus ministered to people He always touched them with grace and mercy. Then Isaiah said, that the Lord is compassionate. The Lord loves each one of us. He will rise up and show us His compassion. Compassion is love with a hint of pity and mercy. You see a person for who they really are. The Lord knows that every one of us from time to time need mercy and pity. We are not as strong as we make out to be. Most of our strength is just a mask. We put up good fronts. We are all vulnerable and need help. The Lord will bring justice. That means He will always do what is right for us. Isaiah then closes off this verse by saying that those who wait on the Lord will have every promise God says He will do. If you wait for God's timing He will be faithful. Paul says in Romans that every man may be a liar but the word of God is true. So today. Receive the grace, mercy, compassion and justice of the Lord as you wait on Him. He will deliver all of these in His perfect timing.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Self examination
In Psalm 139:24-25, David is spending time in self examination, he wants to make sure there is no wicked way n His life. This process is very necessary from time to time. We need to see if there is anything between us and God. With the help of the Holy Spirit we will soon discover our sins and then with the Lord's help we will repent and keep our relationship with God strong and dynamic. David prayed that even his thought life would be clean. Paul writes in Phil 4:8-9 that whatever is true, right, pure, holy praise worthy or righteous we are to think on these things. Right thoughts lead to right actions. You are what you think. David knew that his relationship with God was from ever lasting to ever lasting. He knew that He would spend eternity with God. David also knew that this life is a dress rehearsal for eternity. What you do does matter. So today have a time of self examination. Spend some time with God and be honest with yourself and Him. This process will change your view of yourself and God. When you have repented of any sin or wicked way if there is. Then get on with building a strong relationship with God and reaching those in your world for His praise and glory.
Friday, January 3, 2014
God's Thoughts
For the last couple of days I have been giving my thoughts about the New Year. Today David writes in Psalm 139:17-18 about God's thoughts. God has a view of you. He looks at you as His children. He looks at us through the eyes of love. If we know Jesus Christ than He looks at us through the blood of Jesus Christ. I am so glad for redemption and all it brings. There is nothing more wonderful to know that you are child of God. His thoughts toward us are one of peace, joy and love. He has given us a hope and a future. He brings in our lives His power and promises. All these wonderful benefits were brought to us because of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus allowed Himself to be be crucified, buried and to rise again so you and I could have this wonderful eternal and abundant life. Jesus came to set the captives free which all of us were once. Now we are children of God. Today as this day plays it self out, grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and serve Him will all your heart. Look for opportunities to do His will and follow His plans for your life.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
My Thought
Here it is the second day of 2014 and our scripture this morning is from Psalm 48:9, David says that we have thought about the steadfast love of the Lord. It is in the middle of your temple. Today the temple of the Holy Spirit is us. Paul reminds us in 1 Cor 6:19-20 that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We have been bought with a price and we are not our own. One of the promises that we have been given through this scripture is the promise of love. When we think of God our first thought is that He is love. John reminds us in 1 John 4:8, that God is love. It is who He is and what He is all about. He always looks at us with eyes of love. We are the apple of His eye and the object of His love. God cannot love us anymore than He currently does. He is not mad at us, He loves us. When we think of His love it helps us to focus on Him. It makes it easier to love Him with every fibre of our being. It also helps us to love others who are made in the image of God. When we look at ourselves as the temple of the Holy Spirit it allows us to remember that we are the objects of His love. If we continue to focus on that thought it also helps us to love ourselves and in turn love others. Today think about God's steadfast love. That love that never changes. Remember that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit and walk in love towards God and others.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
First Thoughts of 2014
I love New Year because of new beginning and fresh starts. This in a way reminds me of the daily provision of salvation that Jesus Christ brings. Let me explain. The bible says that the mercies of God are new every morning. When we sin and become aware of it all we have to do is what John instructs us to do in 1 John 1:9, we are to confess our sins, forsake them and receive God's forgiveness. This gives us an opportunity to stay in a right relationship with God. In reality it is eternal and abundant life every day. God gives us a wonderful second chance every time. That is what I love about redemption. When I sin which we all do, I bring it to God, follow 1 John 1:9 and start again. God takes my sin and throws it into His sea of forgetfulness. That means He will never bring it up again. Now this does not give me the license to sin, because I love Him I will never try to do that. But if I do sin, I know that I can come to Him and make it right. That is tremendous freedom. John 8:32, says, "Who the Son sets free is free indeed." What a wonderful promise. So today as we start 2014, let us live in the freedom given to us through Jesus Christ. Let us make this the year where we stay close to God and live in the reality of this wonderful
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