Friday, May 31, 2013
Second Rejection at Nazareth
In Matt 13:53-58, Jesus had finished speaking to the crowd and He went back to His home tiwn. While He was there He went into the local meeting place and began to teach the people. Like the first time the people listened for a while but when He told them about His mission they began to remember that this was their home town boy name Jesus and they knew His family. They were amazed at His power but they still did not faith because of this familiarity to Jesus. Jesus came to teach the people about the things of God and He wishes to do the same for you. People in Jesus' home town did not believe because they only saw things in the natural. Jesus dealt in the supernatural. They saw Him as a man, not as the Son of God coming with power and wisdom. Jesus taught that a prophet is without honor in their home town. The power of God cannot work where unbelief is present. There must be faith present for God to work. Miracles happen when people have faith. People are going to take offence when you tell them about Christ because even when Jesus was walking on the face of the earth people were offended by Him. Even Jesus is amazed when people lack faith because He knows how important it is to the Christian life. Do you?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
A Man who cannot speak is healed.
In Matt 9:32-34, Jesus was working and ministering when a demon possessed man was brought to Him. This man could not speak. Jesus spoke and the demon was driven out and then the man could speak. The people were amazed and said, "Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel." Th Pharisees said that it was through the power of satan that Jesus did this. Jesus showed us here that there are demon spirits that cause afflictions and this is how you can tell their activity. Nothing like this has ever happened like this before. Jesus was the first to drive out demons just by His name. There is no power in heaven or earth that is greater than Jesus' name. When something is done, those who are unbelievers will try to refute it or attribute it to something else. In the case of the Pharisees they were walking on thin ice. Your promises today are: Deut 31:8, Ps 23:4, 34:4, 56:11, Prov 18:10, Isaiah 41:10, Rom 8:15, 2 Thess 3:3 and 2 Tim 1:7. Your Insightful Sayings today are: What is amazing is you will defend your music preference with such zeal and yet not your faith. It is said that Jesus spoke more about resources than He did about heaven and yet most of His children know nothing about the proper use of them.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Jesus sends out the twelve
In Matt 10, Jesus sends ou the twelve with His authority. They are able to cast out demons in Jesus' name. He sent them out two by two so they would always have each other's back. They were told to take no provisions with them, their needs would be met by those who would house them. They went from town to town proclaiming the good news. They were to preach in the town and if the people of the town rejected their message they were to shake the dust off their feet and go to the next town. This act of shaking the dust off their feet was a sign of God's judgment. They went and preached the gospel and many people believed. Demons were cast out. This was of course an assault on the kingdom of satan. The laying on of hands and anointing with oil was part of the ceremony for healing of the sick even when Jesus was alive. Jesus gives authority to His disciples over demonic spirits. Jesus healed the sick as a sign of victory for the gospel message. The disciples were sent to the lost sheep of Israel and their message was the Kingdom of God is near. They were to cast out demons and as they received so they were to give. The worker is worthy of his hire. We bring peace when we come into a house. To a person who rejects a Christian they will be judged because of this rejection. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We will be persecuted for Jesus but the Holy Spirit will help us to know what to say. People and families are fighting among themselves right until Jesus comes. All mankind will hate us because of Jesus. Never think the world will be your friend because they will not. All who stand firm to the end will be saved.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Letters to David Ephaphras
Dear David
It has been over three weeks since we last communicated and I am sorry for such a long delay. It has been a busy season and I should not let things get in the way. One thing I have been busy with of course is prayer. David, I came across something the other day that I just have to share with you.
In Col 4:12, I came across a fellow worker of Paul's whose name was Epaphras. Now I have read this verse many many times but on Sunday morning in my extended prayer time this verse came alive and I will explain why.
It says that Epaphras was a man who wrestled for the Colossians day and night in prayer. This was a man who understood the power and reality of intercessory prayer. He knew that this type of prayer was hard and diligent work. It is a ministry that demands effort and consistency. It takes months sometimes years to see a break through. It is like the long distance runner who paces themselves because they know it is not how you start that matters but how you finish. Many times in fact this type of wrestling in prayer also needs fasting to help it break through. Certain demonic, worldly or human strongholds cannot be broken without the combination of prayer and fasting.
Now what I find fascinating is the three things, Epaphras was praying for them. First, he prayed that they would stand firm in the will of God. It is as if he knew that many times we hear the will of God and then struggle with the carrying out of that will. Or it is also when you know the will of God to be able to stand in that will and stay in that will until it is completed. He is praying for staying power. To not give up to soon or maybe also not staying to long. I believe Moses said, "Lord if your presence does not go before us, I will not go up." I love the phrase, "God's will, will never take you where God's grace cannot keep you.
The second thing is that he prayed that the Colossians would become mature. I find it interesting that maturity has nothing to do with age but mentality. You can have a young person who is mature and an old person who is immature. You can have Christians acting like babies when they have been saved for decades and young Christians who show maturity after only a short period of time. Epaphras wrestled on behalf of the Colossians with God because he knew maturity is the only quality that allows you to stand firm and look at things in the long term. It helps you not to panic or to lose your head when everyone around you is.
The last thing is that the Colossians would live in the full assurance of their faith. I have heard that 90% of Christians struggle with assurance. Momentary doubt is one thing but continual doubt is devastating to the Christian walk. Ephaphras knew that this was a constant pressure for Christians to face and so He pray and wrestled long and hard for His fellow Christians. I believe that God is looking for the Epaphras' of today. I pray that in some way I can learn how to do this like he did.
Your Friend
It has been over three weeks since we last communicated and I am sorry for such a long delay. It has been a busy season and I should not let things get in the way. One thing I have been busy with of course is prayer. David, I came across something the other day that I just have to share with you.
In Col 4:12, I came across a fellow worker of Paul's whose name was Epaphras. Now I have read this verse many many times but on Sunday morning in my extended prayer time this verse came alive and I will explain why.
It says that Epaphras was a man who wrestled for the Colossians day and night in prayer. This was a man who understood the power and reality of intercessory prayer. He knew that this type of prayer was hard and diligent work. It is a ministry that demands effort and consistency. It takes months sometimes years to see a break through. It is like the long distance runner who paces themselves because they know it is not how you start that matters but how you finish. Many times in fact this type of wrestling in prayer also needs fasting to help it break through. Certain demonic, worldly or human strongholds cannot be broken without the combination of prayer and fasting.
Now what I find fascinating is the three things, Epaphras was praying for them. First, he prayed that they would stand firm in the will of God. It is as if he knew that many times we hear the will of God and then struggle with the carrying out of that will. Or it is also when you know the will of God to be able to stand in that will and stay in that will until it is completed. He is praying for staying power. To not give up to soon or maybe also not staying to long. I believe Moses said, "Lord if your presence does not go before us, I will not go up." I love the phrase, "God's will, will never take you where God's grace cannot keep you.
The second thing is that he prayed that the Colossians would become mature. I find it interesting that maturity has nothing to do with age but mentality. You can have a young person who is mature and an old person who is immature. You can have Christians acting like babies when they have been saved for decades and young Christians who show maturity after only a short period of time. Epaphras wrestled on behalf of the Colossians with God because he knew maturity is the only quality that allows you to stand firm and look at things in the long term. It helps you not to panic or to lose your head when everyone around you is.
The last thing is that the Colossians would live in the full assurance of their faith. I have heard that 90% of Christians struggle with assurance. Momentary doubt is one thing but continual doubt is devastating to the Christian walk. Ephaphras knew that this was a constant pressure for Christians to face and so He pray and wrestled long and hard for His fellow Christians. I believe that God is looking for the Epaphras' of today. I pray that in some way I can learn how to do this like he did.
Your Friend
The Two Blind Men
In Matt 9:27-31, Jesus was walking and two blind followed Him, asking Him to have mercy on them. Inside a house nearby Jesus asked them if they believed that He could heal them. They said, "Yes," and He said, "According to your faith it shall be done." Their faith healed them. Jesus was recognized by these men as the Messiah for they called Him the Son of David. It is mercy that moves the hand of God and these men were asking for this mercy. Jesus asked them if they believed that He could heal them and they said, "Yes." Jesus in this instant move through the avenue of their faith. Jesus touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith this thing shall be done. Their sight was restored by the power of God. It can be our faith or through the avenue of another's faith that healing can come. Faith is the title deed for victory in the spiritual realm. Jesus wants men to give glory to God. He is the one who brings this victory. So today possess your victory. Your promises today are James 4:7, 1 Pet 2:22, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Pet 2:24, Matt 6:33 and Rom 12:1-2. Your Insightful Sayings are: Today many people think being holy is something you find in cheese. Love is the one quality we want given to us but we struggle to give it to others.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Jairus daughter
In Matt 9:18-25, there are two wonderful stories connected by location and opportunity. Jairus was the leader of the local synacogue. He asked Jesus to come and heal his daughter. Jesus went to the house and on the way a woman who had an issue of blood for some twelve years who had spent all her money on doctors saw Him. She felt that if she could just touch the hem of His garment she would be healed. When she touched Jesus she was healed by Him. Jesus felt the power go out of Him. He turned around and asked who touched Him. The woman came forward and Jesus told her that her faith had made her well. The woman who had an issue of blood had tried all kinds of manmade cures and now she needed Jesus the great physician. She knew by faith that Jesus could heal her and all she had do was touch the hem of His garment. Faith is the catalyst to knowledge. You know your heart that Jesus the healer and just one touch from Him can make you whole. It is the power of God coming from God into your life that makes you well. Jesus felt the power of God out of Him so when He asked the question who touch Him, He knew what had happen. When this woman came forward she was giving a testimony of God's goodness. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. So tell others what Jesus has done for you. Your promises today are. Isaiah 53:5, 1 Pete 2:24 and James 4:7. Your Insightful Sayings are: You can be aware of time and places by you can still not know where you are in life. You are aware that we are not to judge but that is alright to be fruit inspectors.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Gadarene Healed
May 25 -
Gadarene Healed – Matt 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20 & Luke 8:26-39
Over the next two days we will look
at the Gadarene demoniac. Jesus arrived
by boat in the area of Gadara. Two demon
possessed men came and met Him. They had
spent most of their time among the tombs.
They shouted and wanted to know if Jesus had come to torture them. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into a
herd of pigs nearby. He allowed them to
go into the pigs and the animals ran into the sea and drowned. Jesus then clothed the men and they
healed. When the people saw that the men
were clothed and in their right mind instead of rejoicing they asked Jesus to
leave the area. He did and the men who
were healed went through the area telling what Jesus had did.
the most powerful, evil and violent demons are afraid of Jesus,
person must be careful or else a demon can enter their life.
demons know that they are going to be judged and they are afraid of Jesus for
that and the fact that He was and is God’s Son.
are subject to the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have to answer when the power of God is
Jesus did something the news about it spread through the country.
people in that area had the Savior of their souls and the Son of God in their
midst and they sent Him away. The people
were more concerned about their money and property than the fact that two men
had been healed.
we do not see Jesus working in our
midst. It is easy to not see Jesus when
we are pursuing wealth, land and things.
Prosperity is the greatest danger to faith.
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Power of Choice in Love
In Matt 7:7, Jesus said ask and shall be given to you. One thing that I have been fascinated by has been the power of choice. We have the power to ask God for things. C.S. Lewis in his book the Screwtape Letters talks about the power of free will. He tells us that it was a loving God who gaves us the power of choice because when some one loves you out of choice that relationship has at its core the sweetness and power of love. They love you for who you are. They love you not for what you can give them or do for them but for those special qualities that you and you alone possess. We know that God is love for John tells us that in 1 John 4:8. He loves us and with the power of free will and choice we can respond to that love and together we can fully develop this relationship to its fullest. Through the power of choice you will see His goodness, grace, forgiveness, mercy, patience, kindness, gentleness and peace. There is nothing more cruel and unkind than forced love or obedience. It is only the selfish heart that would wish this kind of obedience. It is the fearful, unsure and evil heart that would wish another to fearfully love them. Love can take us to the highest depths of joy and contentment. There is nothing in the universe like someone who really loves you. They make you feel you can do anything, be anything and produce anything. Paul said that without love you will not produce, receive or be of any value. The power of choice gives us this potential. So today love God, others and yourself and in this you will be living in the power of free will.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
What do you want the Lord to do today?
In Luke 18:41, Jesus asked a blind man what it is he wanted Jesus to do for Him? This is a question that God is asking us today. This question demands thought and then a response. For some today they want God to give them riches, fame power and status. For others it is health wholeness and purpose. For the blind man that day on the road to Jerusalem from Jericho, he wanted His sight. For myself it is to be used of God. This week in our Bible Study we were studying the prayer of Jesus in the upper room. Jesus revealed the whole purpose of life. Jesus said it was to glorify God. Our lives are to project the character and essence of God. When Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted the man knew what was the pressing obstacle for wholeness in his life. He could not see. He knew that once he could see things would be different. When you know what the biggest obstacle in life is, asked the Lord to remove it and get on with living a life worthy of Him. In Luke 18:42, Jesus said that the blind man's faith had saved him. It is faith in God that helps you see God's plans and purpose for your life. When you know that God has provided for you life and with it more abundance you see things differently. You knew that every thought, word and action is an opportunity to make a difference. You see every moment as a way to redeem the time. So today, let your life glorify God, to have abundance and see the Lord remove every obstacle to help you live your life to the fullest.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Temple of God.
In Luke 19:45-48, Luke relays one of the most familiar stories of the gospels. He tells us about Jesus cleansing the temple. In other gospels it tells how He came to the temple and found moneychangers and sellers of animals conducting business. I might add a very profitable business. In anger and zeal He chases them out with a whip. When asked why He did it, "He replied that they had taken the temple of God and turned it into a den of thieves." The temple of God has always been meant to be a house of prayer and a place to meet with God. Today the temple of God is you and me. We are a place of prayer. Paul writes in 1 Cor 6:19-20, that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We have been bought with a price and so we must glorify God with our body. How we use our body is very important. Our thoughts, words, deeds, attitudes and motives reflect who is in control of our temple. The only way to assure control of this temple is to completely submit ourselves to God. Let Him have control of every aspect of our lives. Paul when He went to the city of Corinth decided that he would know nothing except Christ crucified. Paul wanted the Lord Jesus to have every aspect of His life. Jesus was to be supreme. James, the brother of Jesus wrote in James 4:7, that if we submit to God when we resist the devil, he will have to flee from us. All these quotes and scriptures have one common thought. Turn your body over to the Lord today and live your life with the express purpose of glorifying God with your body. You are His temple. Make it a house of prayer and not a den of thieves. The choice is yours.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
What Advantage
In Luke 9:25, Jesus asked a question or makes a statement. What advantage is it to a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? This is a very powerful question. There are so many people these days trying to gain the whole world. They are running after the things of this world with everything they have. The Apostle John says the world is all about pride, possessions and pleasure. The crazy thing these days at least in North America. It seems that the church does not look much different than the world. We seem to be chasing the same things. We may be a little more subtle about it but we are looking a lot like the world. We have prosperity preaching to help us get stuff. We tell ourselves that it is our right to miss church because we are tired or busy, have sports activities or want to go to the cabin or beach. We pursue the same degrees as the world and hide it under the guise of education. I am not against having a nice home, car or possessions. I believe in education and people needing time off but not at the expense of the kingdom of God. Jesus says following the world and the things of this world have no advantage to your soul. Jesus says whoever loses his life for Jesus' sake will gain the kingdom of God. You will have righteousness, peace and joy in your life. You will be able to save your family, friends and people in your world. It is time for the people of God to think things through and look at life not in the present but for the future. We are pilgrims passing through. This world is not our home. We are like Abraham we are looking for a city whose maker and builder is God. This is not as good as it gets. I have performed in my lifetime over 400 funerals and I can tell you by experience not one person in a coffin cared a thing about the things of this world. So it is time for us to get our priorities straight and look to the future. Funny thing about eternity it is only seconds away. I trust you are ready for it.
Friday, May 17, 2013
He Bore Our Diseases
In Matt 8:17, we find these powerful words, "Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness." Jesus would carry on His body all the infirmities and sickness and mankind when He died on the cross. It is through the broken body of Jesus Christ that our healing comes. Infirmities and sickness come in many forms. It could be physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. It could be a family or financial problems. Jesus came to deal with these decisively. We do not have to carry these diseases any longer. Jesus came to set us free. Remember he who the Son sets free is free indeed. What a wonderful promise and reality. Recently I received an email from a listener asking why I spoke so powerful and highly about the healing virtue of Christ. I replied by stating that I believe that God did not want us sick and that based on this scripture and others I believe that sickness and disease had been dealt with on the cross. Now I know there are others who do not share my view and that is perfectly fine but in my life and situation I want to see God heal. Recently in the church that I pastor we saw a woman ask for prayer that God would heal her ear. She was losing her hearing so we gather around her and prayed for her. She came back a week later after seeing the doctor and reported that she not only had her hearing back but God had repaired her eardrum. Your see the doctor had told her that her ear drum was broken and that is why she could not hear anymore out of that ear. When she went back to him he saw a new ear drum. He could not explain what had happen but he did say he had never seen anything like this. God is good. So today if you are sick, ask the Lord to heal you and this scripture and others will be your foundation for healing.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Speak the words of God
In John 12:50, Jesus said that He only spoke the words that the Father gave Him. What a wonderful place to be. To only think, speak and do what the Father wants us to do. Jesus was able to that and I believe we can as well. Jesus was the perfect role model of what the Christian life can be. One of the mysteries of Jesus' life is how He chose to leave behind His godly attributes and become a man like us and be subject to all the human frailties and yet not sin. The Book of Hebrews states that he became like us and yet did not sin. Jesus as a human, dealt with discourage, fear, isolation, loneliness, rejection and being misunderstood. He overcame because He was full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus showed us what life in the Spirit could be. The secret of Him doing the will of the Father was His prayer life. He spent many hours in prayer and His primary focus of life was knowing the Father and doing what the Father wanted Him to do. Jesus understood that this life is a dress rehearsal for eternity. The early apostles understood this but they learned this from Jesus. I want to state that this earth is not our home. This is not as good as it gets. What we do here does matter for eternity. The writer of Hebrews said that Abraham allowed himself to live in tents because He was looking for a city whose maker and builder was God. The true giants of the Bible have been those individuals who understood that their lives on this planet had purpose. They knew they only had a certain amount of time here so they used it wisely for God and then when it was time for their promotion through death they went into the presence of God in victory and anticipation. Jesus knew this and so when He offered Himself on the cross for mankind sins He knew He had fulfilled His Father's wish. As you go about this day I want to leave you with two thoughts. First, make the will of God your top priority and remember this earth is not your home the best is yet to come.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
What is Truth
In John 18:38, Pilate asked a very important question that would resonate throughout the ages, what is truth? That is a question that mankind has been asking since the dawn of time. Budda came along and said what he presented was truth. The Hindu's comes along and tell you that if you meditate and clear your mind you will gain and become truth. The Moslems come along and say if you follow the teaching of the Koran, pray five time a days, visit Mecca you will have truth. There are many other religions that claim to give truth or know truth. When Pilate asked this question, he had truth standing right in front of Him. Jesus was the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) The difference between Jesus and all the other so called founders of truth is that you know where their graves or final resting places are. Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrection is the proof of Jesus being who He said He was. We are approaching the Day of Pentecost. This was the Day that the church received the power of the Holy Spirit. When Luke was recording this event he made one little but very powerful comment. He said Jesus showed Himself alive with many infallible truths for 40 days and nights. He even appeared before 500 people at one time. There were literally hundreds of witnesses who saw Him alive after he had rose from the dead. Jesus proved He was the truth. So today as you consider the words of Jesus and the facts about Jesus. He is the only one who has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that He is the truth. Don't be like Pilate and miss the truth when it is standing right in front of you.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Love one another.
In John 16:12, Jesus says that He gives us a new commandment. We are to love one another. He then says in the next verse that there is no greater love than laying down your life for a friend. Jesus demonstrated this when He died on the cross for our sins. Jesus became our sacrifice and substitute. This was love demonstrated in a practical sense. Jesus showed us the way and now expects us to do the same. I am always amazed when I see love with no strings attached. I am also fascinated by redemption and salvation. One moment you have a person who has all their life only thought of themselves and what is best for them. In a moment of time changed from the inside out and their thoughts are no longer inward and selfish but outward and unselfish. I remember a man named Tom who gave His life to Christ in or church in Yellowknife. When we first met him he was telling us all about himself and what a wonderful person He was. After he came to know Christ his conversation and lifestyle was not focused on himself but on Christ and others. Tom became one of most effective people for Christ I have ever met. He loved others and did what ever he could to help and minister to the needs of others. Tom was a man who knew he was forgiven much and in return he loved much. Jesus said, people will know we are His disciples by the way we love one another. Make it you goal today to love others and in this way you are loving God.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Psalm 96 - Psalm of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 96 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Lord it is with a heart of sorrow,
That I look at myself today and I have been ignorant.
This ignorance has mislead and deceived me.
It has also done this to my entire generation.
Our sin has led us away from you.
Our consciences are seared and we have been unaware of you.
Our morals and values have become rotten. Forgive us Lord.
This deception has led to self confidence, self reliance and self absorption.
We think of only of ourselves and pleasure.
We spend all our talents, treasures and time on us.
Lord save us from ourselves before it is too late.
These lies have kept sin in our hearts.
It rules us, instead of us ruling it.
Lord rescue us from the perils of self.
Lord we cannot stand in your righteousness.
But in the self righteousness of man which destroys.
We think we are righteous but our righteousness is as filthy rags.
This deception has separated us from you.
We are blind, naked, lame and poor. Lord help us.
You alone can save. In your mercy open our eyes.
Help us to see the folly of this deception.
There is still hope, a choice of faith.
Let your love rescue us from this peril.
Our ignorance has been both intentional and ignorant.
We are now in the hour of decision and the Holy Spirit has spoken.
Lord let us turn from our ignorance to enlightenment.
Lord give us light, life and the truth of the Lord.
Let it bring with it, righteousness, holiness and freedom.
Heal the Broken Hearted
In Luke 4:18, Jesus says that He was sent to heal the broken hearted. This is a condition that can be caused by many different things. You can can have a broken heart because of a bad relationship with another person. Everyone goes into relationships with others with the expectation that it will be a good thing. Yet many times the opposite happens. This can be caused by selfishness, unrealistic expectations or bad communication. Things go wrong and then people get hurt. Things are thought, said and done that create bad feelings and Barriers and then broken relationships. After that people get hurt and become cynical and hard. Jesus came to heal and restore trust, forgiveness and love. When you come into relationship with Jesus. He never leaves or forsakes you. He will never reject you no matter what you do to Him. He will always forgive you and love you unconditionally. He will always believe and expect the best from you. You will never disappoint Him and He will always love you. This in turn will give you confidence again and through His forgiveness and healing you will begin to trust others again and eventually reach out to others. Through Jesus Christ you will learn how to love and trust. You will go into relationships with unconditional, love acceptance and forgiveness. You will trust, believe and work with others. You will believe the best but not be surprised by the worst. What will happen is through Jesus Christ you will learn to love yourself. You will have a proper view of yourself and others. Jesus Christ is waiting to heal your broken heart. Come and let Him do that today in every area of your life.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
John's Doubt
May 12 – John’s Doubt – Matt 11:1-19 and Luke 7:18-35
a time in prison, John’s disciple came to Him and told him all the things that
Jesus was doing. John sent his disciples
back to ask Jesus if He was the Messiah.
It would seem that John had doubt.
Something we all face from time to time.
Jesus at the time was healing the sick and casting out demons. Jesus sent the disciples back to tell John
what they saw. They went back and then
Jesus gave a teaching about John.
was alone when this happened and He was teaching and preaching.
John had doubt. Doubt comes from time to
time and Jesus did not rebuke John He simply assured John by the things that He
did. God knows that doubt is a part of
faith. It is overcome by assurance.
wants us to see and hear, how He gave sight to the blind, heals the sick, makes
the lame walk, cures leprosy, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life and
the good news is preached to all mankind.
is the man who does not fail on account of Jesus.
wants every one to succeed and success is founded in belief in Jesus
Christ. Go and get your dream through
Jesus Christ..
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Jesus raises widow's son
May 11 – Jesus raises the widow’s son. Luke 7:11-17
we were introduced this wonderful story of how Jesus was in Nain and He raised
a widow’s son up from the dead. Today we
learn the following life lessons
has power over death and when death comes face to face with the resurrection
power of God death must flee.
We see
that Jesus who was God with a face has the power to give live and take it.
people were filled with awe and praised God for what they saw.
believed that Jesus was a great prophet and that God had come to help
them, When God does something wonderful
the new about it will spread everywhere.
Jesus is good news.
Psalm 95 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 95 - Psalms of Steel
Lord what a privilege it is to be a citizen of heaven.
It is a real joy to know your name is written there.
As joint heirs of Jesus Christ we have an inheritance.
There is a promise of future exaltation and glory in Him.
The Lord promised before He left this earth,
A mansion, home and a permanent dwelling for us.
What a wonderful truth to know to have faith and love,
He has furnished us with an undying hope.
You have been given a heavenly citizenship.
We wait eagerly and expectantly for your coming.
We have an inheritance, legacy and treasure,
Waiting for heaven which is imperishible and incorruptible.
No eye can see, no ear can hear and no mind can understand,
The riches of God's grace that wait in heaven for your children.
No thief can steal, no moth can eat and no rust can corrupt.
The treasures of heaven as they wait for your promotion.
There is a ledger and a book with a name, your name.
It is one only you and the Father know.
It will be given on the day of your accounting.
A new name to replace the corruptible one you have now.
Rejoice, give thanks and praise Him.
Your act of repentance has secured you your inheritance.
As a citizen of heaven, this earth is not your home.
Be a pilgrim passing through because your redemption draws near.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Do not be afraid.
In Matt 24:6, Jesus tells his disciples to not be afraid just because they hear of wars and rumours of wars. Right now on this planet there are more than 40 years being fought. Most of these wars are civil in nature. In the past couple of years the Arab or Muslim world has been involved in civil wars where the so called common people are throwing off the yoke of oppression under some form of dictatorship. In the past couple of years more than 70,000 people have been killed in Syria. The government there is fighting for control against the Muslim Brotherhood. Jesus said, "do not be alarmed or afraid when these things happen." It is birth pains or a sign of His coming. Jesus is coming back and sooner than we think. Some Christians live as if they have all the time in the world. There are even preachers who say that the coming of Christ will not come until later or not even at all. Yet to me it is clear that the coming of the Lord is immanent. There is one reality all of us are going to meet the Lord. We are either going to meet Him through the portal of death or the rapture. We also know that each day that we live is a gift. My reality has been that now I have lived a few decades I have seen a few of my child hood or school friends pass away. When that begins to happen you realize that each day is a gift and you begin to live each day as it could be your last day on the planet. You become keenly aware that you have only one life to live and so you begin to live it for the Lord. I also have another dangerous habit. I ride a motorcycle and each time I go out I know I may not come back, not because I am a bad rider but everyone else is not a best drivers. So I live my life each day as it is my last and I try to make each moment count for eternity. I do not live afraid but purposeful. I trust you will as well.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
God of the Impossible.
In Luke 1:37, the angel Gabriel told Mary that with God nothing is impossible. Now I am not going to give a Christmas message today but I do want to focus on the fact that with God nothing is impossible. We saw this in action in the life and ministry with Jesus Christ. He did the impossible. He commanded the winds and the waves to stop and they did. He raised people from the dead, cured all kinds of sickness and diseases. Of course Jesus ultimate act of doing the impossible was when He rose from the dead. These realities demonstrate that God though Jesus Christ can do the impossible for you. Paul wrote in Eph 3:30, that the Lord can do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. So with these promises backing our prayers we can see the impossible. I love knowing that when I pray the impossible is possible. Recently a lady in our church had been unable to sell a piece of property. In fact this problem had been going on for a few years. Every time she would get close something would happen and the deal would fall through. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit I told her to go and anoint her house with oil and then release it to the Lord. Within two hours after doing what I told her to do, she had two offers to sell. It was marvelous. God does the impossible when we listen to Him and do His will. Remember He is the God of the impossible so whatever you are facing today turn it over to Him and see the impossible become possible
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The proper view
In Matt 7:5, Jesus gives us a short but powerful truth. Never take that which is holy and give it to dogs or cast your valuables before pigs as they will trample the pearl and attack you. This verse is a warning that there are others who do not view your faith as valuble as you do. So be careful who you share your faith with for they will use it against you. Jesus was specifically addressing the hypocrite. He says to His audience that hypocrites will not see the value of your faith and will use it to attack you. They will be your harshest critics because they had an opportunity and chose to reject it. One time I had a friend who had been my closest friend when we were young. I wanted him to know Christ. So one day I took it upon myself to share my faith with him. He did not want to hear and told me so in no uncertain terms. I keep pushing the issue and the discussion turned into an argument. We were driving in his truck and as I was aggressively sharing my faith we were going around a corner. He simply reached over and opened the door on my side of his truck did a quick serve and I fell out. He was going very slow so I just rolled onto the pavement. Unhurt except for my pride I stood up and he drove off. That was the last time I ever saw him. That day I had cast my pearls before swine. Now as I reflect on it, it was both tragic and funny. Be wise with whom you share your faith. You may be casting your pearl before swine or end up with road rash.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Two Paths
In Matt 7:13-14, Jesus illustrates the paths to God. He had in previous verses made it clear that righteousness is a product of an inner transformation. When a person asks Christ into their life they are regenerated from the inside out by the Holy Spirit. Jesus then points out that if you want eternal and abundant life you have to enter by the straight and narrow gate. Jesus then points out that the highway to hell or the road to destruction is wide. In John 14:6, we are presented with the reality that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father but through Him. Worldly philosophy states that there are many paths to God. Jesus debunks these lies by saying the road to destruction is wide and many people are travelling it. Having many people heading the same direction does not mean they know where they are going, it just means they have a large group to travel with. Jesus says the way to eternal, righteous and abundant life is narrow and few will find it. Jesus also compares His teaching with those of the religious leaders of the day. Their teaching will lead to destruction and His will lead to eternal life. Your promises today are John 3:16, 14:6, Rom 10:9-10 and James 4:7 Your Insightful Sayings are: It takes more faith to believe in evolution than God. To stop an argument stop talking.
Monday, May 6, 2013
More than just a profession of faith.
. In Matt 7:21-23, Jesus is talking about more than a simple profession of faith. Here there are people calling Him Lord who did not even know Him. Today there are certain cults that have Jesus in their presentations and they even say they serve Jesus but the Jesus they present is not the Jesus of the Bible. Some of these groups say that Jesus is the younger brother of satan or that He was a created being. Jesus not satan's younger brother or a created being. He is God with a face. The perfect union of the natural and the divine. John puts in John 1:1, Jesus was with God and is God. Calling Himself God was the core issue of why Jesus was crucified. When Jesus claimed to be the way, the truth, the life and the only way to God, He meant it. One of the central truths of the gospel is the fact that Jesus is God and through His death, burial, resurrection, broken body and shed blood we have salvation and forgiveness. What is very tragic is that these Christian cults and the people who follow them will one day find themselves before the Lord telling Him how great they served Him and then find out He did not know them and they were deceived. Can you imagine all your life believing a lie and going to a lost eternity. That is the deception of cults. Pray that they have their eyes opened before it is too late. I grew up in Southern Alberta and for two years I was in one of these cults as a teenager. I am so grateful the Lord saved me and pulled me out of that deception. Let us pray that God would do the same for others. Instead of mocking them or slamming our doors in their faces, let us pray and believe God to rescue them. Who knows God may use us to help in the process.
Friday, May 3, 2013
The Golden Rule
Matt 7:12, is a quote that I have used almost everyday in my Christian life.. How you want others to treat you, is how you treat them. Another way of looking at it is as follows, "No matter what you do to me, I will not do the same to you." Do unto others as you would have them do until you is basically the law of sowing and reaping. How you treat others will be how you are treated. Kindness begets kindness and hatred brings about hatred. This rule has very much to do with forgiveness and the breaking of selfishness. If you are trying to minister, love, forgiveness and tolerance in others this is what will be given back to you. This is the same principle in the negative as well. Paul puts it in simple terms in Gal 6:8, "God is not mocked whatever you sow you will reap. Jesus is giving here a promise and warning. It is evident that Matthew believed very strongly in forgiveness, love and acceptance. He was forgiven of his sins by Jesus. Those that are forgiven much, love much. Today let the golden rule be the rule of your everyday life. Your promises today are, Matt 6:33, 1 Cor 13:4-8, 1 John 4:7-8 and James 1:5. Your Insightful Thoughts for today are: A life is like a building with proper maintenance it will be kept sound and strong. Only a life in tune with the master will play the right song for His glory.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
The Goodness of the Father
In Matt 7:9-11, Jesus had just outlined how a person would get answered prayer in the previous verses. You have to ask, seek and knock. Now He illustrates these truths with the following example. Is there a man among you that if your son asks for bread, would you give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, would you give him a serpent? Jesus stated that even wicked and evil fathers will make sure their children are fed, clothed, sheltered, protected, happy and prosperous to the best of their ability. Jesus knew that in every true father there is a strong connection with their children. This connection motivates the father to give good gifts to their children. Their generosity is motivated by love and relationship. If they give gifts to their children, how much more will our heavenly Father who has no evil in Him give gifts to them who ask Him. Jesus reveals here the infinite fatherhood of God and the certainty of answered prayer. God is good and He loves to give good gifts to those who ask Him. The operative word is ask Him. Two thoughts here, asking secures God's attention and secondly, it brings focus to what we really want from God and our motivation behind asking. Your promises today are; James 4:2, Matt 6:33, 1 Pet 2:24 and Eph 3:20. Your Insightful Thoughts are: The person who encourages brings life to the bones, the one who criticizes brings death to the soul. Children are the best and worst of their parents which always comes out in the child's actions.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
You are His Friend
In John 16:14, Jesus says, "you are my friends if you do whatever I command you." To be called a friend of God is a wonderful privilege. Before we came to know Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior we were actually enemies of God. Our sin was the thing that was keeping us from God. We were born in sin and sin we will continue until it is dealt with through the blood of Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose again He dealt with our sin once and for all. His body was broken and His blood was shed so that each person could have eternal and abundant life. Jesus died that we might live as the writers of the Bible have stated. When we hear the gospel or goodnews and respond by giving our lives over to God through Jesus Christ we become friends of God. What happens after that is a desire to follow God with all our hearts. Jesus stated, "you are my friend if you do whatever I command you." The beautiful thing is that after you give your life to Jesus Christ you willingly want do what He commands you. That is because you realize what has been done for you and you are so thankful. When I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I was so grateful for what He did. This has translated in a life long love affair and friendship with God. Today make it your aim to be a friend of God and do what He commands.
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