Thursday, February 28, 2013
Isaiah's picture of Christ.
Last Night in our Bible Study at the church I pastor we were looking at Matt 12:15-21, where Matthew said that Jesus withdrew to a lonely place to refuel and revive. Matthew took the time to introduce Isaiah's concept of who Jesus is. We learn that Jesus was the beloved and chosen of God. Isaiah saw some 700 years before Jesus was born who He was and what He was about. Jesus when He was faced by His accusers was humble, wise and honest. Jesus is the personification of what a person of God should look like. This passage also revealed that Jesus would bring justice to the nations. It also states here that He is the hope of the nations. The message of Jesus Christ is universal. There is no tribe, nation, tongue or people's group that the message of Jesus cannot be applied too. Jesus came for the whosoever will. This last weekend I had the privilege to go to an event here in the city of Edmonton called Missions Fest. I met people from all over the globe and others who were going all over the globe. Each one had been impacted by the messgae of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the universal Savior. Isaiah also reveals that Jesus is the Mighty One. There has never been and there will never be anyone like Jesus. I love the fact that I know personally the individual who was 100% God and 100% man. When He was walking on this earth, He was God with a face and the Lord incarnate. The wonderful thing as I close today is that you can know Him and love Him as I do. All you have to do is open your heart and life to Him.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Rose Coloured Glasses
Isaiah is a wonderful book because in this book you find over a hundred different Old Testament prophecies about Jesus Christ. Matthew reveals in Matt 12:18, that Jesus was chosen of the Father. He was beloved by the Father and the Father was well pleased with Him. These three characteristics should be the testimony of every follower of Jesus Christ. I believe that all people are called but you have to make yourself chosen. Let me explain, the call for salvation is universal. The whosoever will come but it is the person who responds makes themself chosen. You make a decision to follow Christ. It is an intellectual decision because you hear the message and through the filter of your mind you weigh all the pros and cons. It then goes into your heart and you make a volitional decision. You say yes to the Lord. That is how you become chosen. That is how you become His beloved. God loves all people but when you chose to give your life to Christ you become part of His family. You become a son or daughter with all the rights and privileges of family. Lastly, the Lord is pleased with your decision and from then on He looks at you through rose coloured glasses. He looks at you through the blood of Jesus. It is so wonderful to allow the full effect of salvation to become part of you and have these views of you in the sight of God.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Jesus as the Intercessor
One of the most powerful times of prayer that Jesus had is the time He was in the Garden of Gethsame. Here He prayed that the will of God would be done in His life. This phrase, "Not my will but thine, rings through out the ages. It should be the prayer of every disciple of Jesus Christ. For a moment I want to bring the difference between a believer and a disciple of Christ. A believer is someone who believes in Christ but does not necessarily gives every area of their lives to Christ. They believe in the tenets of the faith. They acknowledge that Jesus is Saviour and He has a great plan for life. A disciple is one who follows Jesus with everything they have. They know that Jesus is Savior but He is also Lord. Whenever you find the word Savior in the Bible and it is talking about Jesus, He is known first as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus cannot be Savior without being Lord first. A disciple knows this and they want that Lordship. A disciple is also one who prays the prayer that Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsame. "Not my will but thy be done." Whatever you want, wherever you want me to go and want me to be, that is who I will be. It is loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbour as ourselves. Today you face a challenge and an opportunity. Will you just be a believer or a disciple? I love how Joshua put it in Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Will you serve the Lord?
Monday, February 25, 2013
A word of Thank You
This morning before I start this devotion I wanted to give a word of thank you to all the wonderful friends I met this weekend at Missions Fest. It is always a privilege to meet the wonderful friends who listen to me on Am 930 the light. It is such a privilege to serve in this capacity. God has opened many doors and I wish to thank Him for His kindness and goodness. Your many compliments and kind words are so appreciated. I wish to also thank the leadership and staff of Touch Canada Broadcasting for allowing me to do what I do and for being part of this wonderful family. I spent time with some of our staff from Calgary and heard some wonderful testimonies of how God brought them into the field of broadcasting. There is no doubt that what we do is a God thing. One story, I share this morning is about a young lady who was in grade eight when she came on a field trip to Shine FM studios. From then on all she wanted to do was become a broadcaster for Shine FM. Her dream was recently fulfilled and she is now part of the staff at one of our Shine FM stations. God is so good. My devotion is from the words of Jesus this morning. It is simple and direct. Matt 6:33, says that if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness all things will be added unto us. If you want to really fulfill your dreams and destiny, Seek God first. If you want to make an impact on your world then seek God first. If you want to live a free and fulfilling life, seek God first. If you want to have eternal and an abundant life, seek God first. I think you get the point. God is first and then all things will be added unto you. My last thought is this. When I was 13, I knew that I wanted to be involved in Broadcasting. I have had the privilege of being both a pastor and broadcaster. Today I sit in the studios of Am 930 the Light writing this blog and I am living the dream. How did it all start? By seeking God first.
Friday, February 22, 2013
How to be a Disciple.
In Matt 8:18-22, Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee and He met Peter and Andrew. They were fishing and He called them over and said that He wanted to make them Fishers of Men. They immediately left their nets. He came along and did the same with James and John and they did the same as the others. We learn that Jesus was a well known prophet and teacher, His message was that the Kingdom of God was near. He told the people to repent and believe with all their hearts the Good News. Jesus called His disciples to be Fishers of Men. It is beautiful to see how these men were willing to give up all to follow Jesus Christ. Peter put it this way, "Where can we go, only you have the words of eternal life." There is some irresistible about Jesus that when we first meet him, the first thing we want to do is follow Him. It was an act of faith and obedience on the part of the disciples to leave all and follow Jesus. We must be willing to do the same. Jesus taught the word from Peter's boat. Jesus was with them and Peter was reminded of His sin. He was and so we will be as well. When we come into the presence of Jesus we must be willing to get rid of all our sins and follow Him.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Move to Capernaum
In Matt 4:13-16, Jesus moved to Galilee's main fishing centre which was the town of Capernaum. Peter, Andrew, James and John were from this community. Jesus made this community the base for His ministry in the Galilee. Jesus was fulfilling a prophecy found in the book of Isaiah. Out of Zebulun and Naphtali the people would see a great light. Jesus came to give light to those living in the shadow of death. Jesus was aware of the Old Tesatment prophecy and He would fulfill it. Jesus by the time He had finished his ministry fulfilled some 200-300 prophecies. I love the Book of Matthew because Matthew started off as a tax collector but He improved Himself and became a formal Jewish scholar and powerful teacher of the Lord. You can as well, study the word and rightly divide it for the glory of God. Your promises today are: Prov 3:5-6, Isaiah 40:31, 1 Cor 10:13 and James 4:7. Your Insightful Saying is: Never get in a rut because it is a grave with both ends kicked out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Jesus has a Message
Jesus had a message for the people of His day and a message for the people of today. The Kingdom of God is near. When Jesus preached His message here on earth He was talking about how soon He would usher in salvation with all its benefits. Through His death, burial and resurrection mankind would be able to have forgiveness of their sins and fellowship with God. Through His broken body we could have healing in every area of our lives. Through His shed blood we can be cleansed of every sin we have ever committed in our past, present and future. I love redemption because if we sin all we have to do is confess it, renounce it and receive God forgiveness. John made this concept clear in 1 John 1:9. Today more than any other time man needs to draw close to God. We need to have the Kingdom of God within us. Paul tells us what the Kingdom of God is composed of in Rom 14:17. He said it was composed of righteousness, peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit. Let these qualities flow out of your heart to others. The Kingdom is not to be just enjoyed personally but to be shared with others. It must never be about us but others. That was the motto of William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army. It must also be our motto. Go change your world for Jesus Christ today
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Jesus the Revolutionary
Jesus was a man that changed the way we look at God. First of all He claimed to be God with a face. He was 100% man and 100% God. He was the God incarnate. He said things such, "You see me, you see the Father." "I only do what the Father does," Jesus also introduced the concept of a loving Father who instead of condemning people to a lost eternity provided for them a way of escape. Jesus of course would become that way through his death, burial and resurrection. He would produce salvation through His broken body and shed blood. Jesus was truly a revoutionary. He changed everything. When Jesus talked about love it was not just a concept it was a lifestyle. Jesus dealt with all who came to Him for help with love. People knew that Jesus loved and cared for them. Even how he dealt with Judas the traitor was in love. Hanging on the cross He made a powerful statement about mankind. He said, "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." I absolutely love this man. He has changed my life from the first moment I really met Him. He can do the same for you. Let Him create a revolution in your life.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The Words that Changed the World.
In John 3, Jesus was sought out by a man Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a great teacher and leader in Israel. He came to Jesus by night and in that conversation, Jesus made a statement that changed everything. What was that statement? It was, you must be born again. Jesus revealed that before a person can know God their heart has to be more than changed, it has to be removed and given a new heart. This concept of heart transplant was foreign to people's thinking until 1969, then Christian Bernard a heart specialist in Capetown, South Africa, performed the first successful heart transplant. His patient's old heart was removed and given a new heart. That is what God does. He takes our old heart of sin and shame and gives us a new heart full of grace and truth. One moment we are walking away from God and the next we are walking towards God. We have been born again. Salvation has had its full and complete work. As I have stated before, I am fascinated by salvation and redemption. God in a moment takes a sinner and makes them a saint. This transformation can be subtle and gradual or dramatic and quick. The wonderful thing is that God changes lives. Today let these words, "you must be born again," sink into your heart and let Jesus change you from the inside out.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Persistent Faith
The Bible is full of great accounts of Jesus ministering to the ordinary person. One time there was a woman who lived around the area of Sidon in modern day Lebanon. She heard that Jesus could heal and so she came down to where Jesus was and asked him to heal her child. At first Jesus ignored her. This seemed out of character for Jesus but from the story we learn He was seeing how bad she wanted her child's healing. She refused to be ignored or not to get her answer. She was persistent and Jesus eventually told her to go home and her child would be made well. It was her persistence that Jesus was impressed with. When she did not get her answer the first time or even the second she did not give up. She kept asking. Persistent faith is the type that never gives up. You do not give up until the Lord blesses. Jacob when he was wrestling with the Angel of the Lord, He put a head lock on the angel and would not let Him go until the angel blessed Jacob. You have to do the same. You never give up. You stay with something until God answers one way or another and you know it. The Lord says, "Test me and see if I do not open the windows of heaven." What do you want from God? What do you need from God? Do not give up until you have your answer. The woman from Sidon didn't and she got her child healed. You must do the same.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Jesus is Still the Answer!
Jesus has all the answers. He is the reason for salvation. One time a man ask me a question. "Is Jesus the only answer God gives for salvation?" I said, "If Jesus is not the answer for salvation than you are asking the wrong question." Mankind would love to tell you there are many ways to God but Jesus is God's only answer. Jesus came that mankind could have eternal and abundant life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. All the other religious figures and founders are dead and gone. Jesus is the only one who is still alive. He is the only person who ever rose from the dead and is still alive. Jesus even now is sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. When Jesus was on this earth He made it very clear that His mission was to save mankind from our sns. Sin is disobedience to the laws and statutes of God. All of us have done it and because of that Jesus Christ came so that all of us would have an opportunity for forgiveness of sin and to become the sons and daughters of God. You are probably saying to yourself. Robert Dean, you have been talking a lot about salvation and Jesus Christ lately. That of course is because, I have been studying the Life of Christ and Jesus came for one reason and that was to save us from our sins. I love redemption because one moment you have a sinner who is away from God and after they give their lives to Christ they have been made righteous. That is so wonderful. I know when it happened to me, I was so grateful. So today, live in the full salvation Christ brings and if you have not given your life to Christ, please do. He offers a great salvation one that will give you eternal and abundant life.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Jesis must be Lord
This year I have been studying the Life of Christ more than any time in my Christian history. I wanted to once again come to know this wonderful man and Savior. It is interesting that whenever scripture introduces Jesus Christ it always introduces Him as Lord and then Savior. Before He can be your Savior He has to be first be your Lord. That word, Lord means that He has to be your master. You have to bow your knee and heart to Him. He is not first Savior, He is Lord. In fact recently I heard a man of God say that you cannot be a Christian or servant of God unless first Jesus is Lord. Jesus came not just to be a Savior but He came to establish a Kingdom in the hearts of those who would bow and say Yes, to His Lordship. The problem today is many people want Him to be Savior first and then when they get around to it they will make Him Lord. When you accept someone as master or Lord you are willing to give your time, talents and treasures to Him. You say, "Whatever you want Lord I will do." In our "me", and "I", driven society this is becoming more and more uncommon. Most people want Jesus on their terms and not His. I am afraid it does not work that way. If Jesus is not first Lord, He is not your Savior. So what have a choice. Let Him be Lord because without His Lordship He is not Savior.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Jesus the Only Savior
I am totally fascinated with redemption as I have stated before. To know that I can be saved from my sins and have forgiveness of sins and be a friend of God is a wonderful thing. Jesus stated in John 14:6, that He was the way, the truth and the life. I remember one time I was buying some glasses in the city of Yellowknife and I was talking to the owner of the store who happened to belong to a group of universalists. They are the people who believe there are many ways to God. They say that Jesus is a Savior but just one of many. He stated to me, "You know what I don't like about you Christians, you say that your way is the only way to heaven." I replied, "it is not us that said it but Jesus." I then quoted John 14:6 and said that Jesus who said, He was the only way not me. His response was, "I now see." Now I did not lead him to Christ but I planted a seed in his life. He now knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus was the way. Today there is a tension going on in the church where more and more Christians are falling into the trap of believing that Jesus is a Savior not the Savior. If Jesus was not the Savior but a Savior the universality of the message is not applicable. Budda, Krisha, Confucius, Aristotle or some other historical figure could be classified as a Savior. Jesus however made it very clear. He is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by Him. It is through Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone that men can be saved. Hs salvation is full and complete. I experience it in Oct 1974 and you can receive Him today. Just asked Jesus into your heart by faith and experience redemption that comes through jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Jesus My Redeemer
The whole concept of redemption absolutely thrills me. Here one moment you have a sinner who is away from God and the next they are a Sons and Daughters of God. Salvation is so beautiful because one moment you have a person who is doing things that are not right and the next moment they want to follow God. In that moment of salvation their minds get changed. In my case my conversion was so dramatic that my friends knew I was different. I remember the Monday after I had gotten saved. I returned from the young people's convention and entered the house and my mother looked at me and said, "What happened to you?" Without hesitation I replied, "I have become a Christian?" I could have lied, I could have made up some excuse but instead I told the truth. In fact before that moment I would have probably made up some story but now that I was a Christian I had to tell the truth. You see when salvation came into my life I was a new creature all things had become brand new. How could I deny the very thing that transformed my life. I knew I was different. I had never felt this way before and I did not want it to go away. When I told my mother about this she looked at me coldly and said, "Well I do not want any of that nut house religion, I have my own religion." I did not press the issue but 12 years later I had the privilege of leading her to Christ. You see over those 12 years she saw my life change and what I had was real. That reality has been going on for 38 years and I am so grateful. Even now as I write this blog I feel God's Spirit and that feeling has never left. I can honestly say that there has never been a day in my life where I was not aware of this wonderful salvation. Jesus did all of that on the cross for me. He can do the same for you. Open you heart and let the full salvation He brings into your life today.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
A Time of Rest
This is a short weekend thought. Each weekend we have the opportunity to relax if we have a job that goes Monday through Friday. If we work shift work or have a job where we work on the weekend we have to take time during the week to relax. The essence of what I am saying is relax. Today for example my family is forcing me to relax. This morning I am going to the R.V. show and this afternoon my wife is taking me to see the movie, "the hobbit." They obviously have looked and seen me as a person that is focused on preaching the gospel in one form or another seven days a week. Here I am sitting at home and writing a blog for CJCA. I love what I do but I like everyone else need to learn to relax. So today whether you name is Robert Dean Steel or someone else. Learn to relax. The Lord promised us rest when we need it. Today let the Lord help you to find rest. There is a place of rest for all of us. Use it to regenerate, be restored and if necessary get healed. Meet the Lord there and let Him be your strength. Today I get to hang with family. That could be rest or stress, But is it not interesting that it you change just remove two s's in stress you get rest. So get the S' out of your life and rest.
Friday, February 8, 2013
The Reality of Revival
Today I want to focus on the realityof revival. Revival in its simpliest form is that you are different and your view of your role in life is different. Gypsy Smith the great revivalist was asked the secret of revival. He said, "Draw a circle around youself and don't come out until you are revive with God." It is so true. when you are revived you have a new outlook on everything. You see life as an opportunity to tell others about Jesus Christ. Yesterday I was delivering invitations for our church and also putting flyers in door handles. Someone thought I was trying door handles on cars so they called the police. All of a sudden I was stopped by three police cars and asked what I was doing. I showed them the flyer and my i.d. and then they laugh and told me that they would relate what I was doing to the complaint person. I realize in that moment I was revived. I was excited to know that I was causing s stir in the community and that I was revived. I wanted to share Christ with others. I was making an impact and three policeman got see see my material which had a clear presentation of the gospel. Last week I had the privilege of leading two people to Christ. This agained help revivve me. My exhortation for you is draw a circle around yourself and do not come out until you are revived. Those in your world need someone who is revived and full of the Holy Spirit to show them the way.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Power of Revival
There have been many biblical revivals. The first real revival for the church of Jesus Crist was some 10 days after the ascension of Jesus Christ. Luke who wrote the book of Acts tells how Jesus gave His followers a command to wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on High. For the next ten days they waited, prayed, gather together in one place, with one purpose and one goal. To receive the promise and get the power. On the Day of Pentecost the Spirit came with the manifestations of wind and tongues of fire. These tongues of fire landed on the people there and they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. They spoke in 15 recorded languages. That was a wonderful thing but the power they received changed their lives. Peter stood up and gave a message and three thousand men came to know Christ that day. We need that kind of power today. We need people who are like what Daniel describes in Dan 11:32, "people who know their God and do exploits." The secret that day for revival and a pattern for us to follow is as follows. First, receive the promise. The Lord wants to pour out His Spirit upon you, your family, church and community. Secondly, tarry or wait, stay in that place of prayer until the power comes upon your life. Thirdly, walk in unity with others. A house divided cannot stand. We need revival, it is the only thing that will turn our world around for Jesus Christ. It lies in your hands so do not fail or falter. Others need you.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
How to stay Revived!
This morning I want to give you the four ways in which you can be revived and stay revived. First, you need to have a powerful, consistent prayer life. Every day you need to get alone with God and pray from your heart. Do not let your prayer time become normal. Remember you are spending time with the God of the universe. He wants to hear from you and you need to hear from Him. Next you need to spend time in the Bible, the Word of God. This like prayer must be consistent. One day without the word can really hold you back. The Bible is food for the soul and like food you need it everyday. Thirdly, you need to go to church. Many today are opting out of church or do not not go consistently. So they have missed a very important part of spiritual growth. Also in this area make sure you go to a bible beleivng church. You need to hang around people who believe in the Word of God and prayer. Lastly, share your faith. You have the most exciting message. Mankind can be redeemed. Share what God has done for you. If you do these four things they will help you stay strong and revived.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Psalm 4 - Psalms of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel
Psalm 4 - Psalms of Steel
The Lord is the righteous judge.
He sees all we do and why we do it.
The motives and thoughts behind each action.
We can justify any action in our heart.
We can lie to ourselves and others.
We cannot lie to God, He knows us better than we know ourselves.
Oh man, when you are not truthful.
Each deed is more wicked than before.
Your lies have no legs, you must tell another,
To support the one you just told.
Let the Lord expose your heart so you can repent.
Confess your sin and wickedness and renounce your sins.
The Lord will forgive and give you righteousness.
The folly of the wicked is they will not change unless forced.
They will justify excuse and blame others for their sin.
They will claim to be the victim or play the martyr,
Instead of repenting and turning from their sin.
They cling to unrighteousness like it is their life.
Not knowing the very thing they hold onto will destroy them,
The Lord counsels all who come to Him.
Give up your wicked ways and chose righteousness and salvation.
Be wise and change your heart and ways.
The way of righteousness brings no bad fruit.
It heals the heart, cleanses the mind and restores the Spirit.
Come and be healed, serve the Lord and live.
4 Elements of Revival
Today, I want to focus on the four elements of people who want revival and they are based on 2 Chron 7:14. This scripture has been used over the centuries as a key verse on creating and bringing a revival. Revival means to bring back to life that which has been allowed to burn down or almost go out. The Canadian church has been relatively ineffective in the last 20 years to stem the tide of unrighteousness that has been running rampant in our land. The church is the key for this turn around and here are the four things we have to do. First, we need to humble ourselves. We must be willing to put away our selfishness, pride and stubborness and get serious with God. Next we need to pray. Prayer is the thing that moves the hand of God. I am not talking about pray that is meaningless or rote but prayer that cries out in desparation and says, "God we need a revival." Thirdly, seek His face. We must be persistent and make our requests known to God. Isaiah in Is 62, says that we are to remind God day and night of what we want. It is not that God is deaf but He wants to see if we really mean it or is it one of our momentary fads. Lastly, we are turn from our wicked ways. Unless the last is present we will never see a move of God. Purity brings power and nothing else will. God needs to see a serious and pure people. Then He will move. The promise of this verse is that God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. Today let us do this for the glory of God and for the salvation of others.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Need for Revival
This week I am going to going to leave my studies on Christ to talk about the need for Revival. Revival is something dreamed about people who are tired of formal religion and lack of spiritual progress. In Canada and in Alberta we are blessed because we have some of the largest Christian gatherings in Canada. In the city of Edmonton we have Breakforth the largest music and equipping conference of its kind in Canada. We also have YC which is the largest youth conference of its kind in Canada. Yet even here in this province we need revival. Recently I did a interview with James Penner a professor at University of Lethbride. He did a study on the youth and young adult demographic and why they were leaving the churc. He said his information showed that 2 out of every three young people who grow up in the church will leave by the age 20. Now there is hope because of Prov 22:6, which states that when you train a child in the way they should go when they are old they will not depart from it. But that does not keep them from years of heart ache. Here is a reality. Every day we do not have a revival our children get more bombarded by the power of the world. Everyday we do not have revival the worldly influence on the church gets stronger. It is time the people of God stand up and say no more. We need to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. The promise is that the Lord will hear from heaven and heal our land. The responsibility for our nation turning around is in then hand of the Christian. Let us not drop the ball again. I know I have determined that I will not. Will you join me this week in praying for a breakthrough?
Friday, February 1, 2013
Jesus My Friend!
When one talks about Jesus Christ many of us call Him Savior and Lord but do we call Him friend. Being a friend means that you can be trusted to stand behind and support another. Jesus is such an individual. You can trust Him with anything and in everything. Jesus promised in Matt 28:20 that He would never forsake or leave us. That means that when you need a friend to walk with through anything you are facing Jesus will be there. When You asked Him for His help He will give it instantly and every resource He has will be avaiable for you. That is why we can come to the throne of God with confidence knowing that in that prayer time we will be given grace and mercy. It is so exciting to be a servant of Christ. We have a friend that sticks closer than a brother. No matter what we are facing we are never alone. So today put your trust in Jesus and you will never be disappointed. Your promises today are: Psalm 5:12, 34:7, Ps 91, Prov 2:8, 30:5, John 8:36, Rom 8:37, 1 Thess 3:3, Rev 12:11, Ps 145:20. Your Insightful Saying is: A life in tune with the master will play the right song for His glory.
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