Friday, August 31, 2012

Jesus is Lord.

In Rom 14:11, we learn that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  People today think they can have nothing to do with Christ.  This portion points out that one day all creation will have to stand before Christ and confess that He is Lord.  Even the devil will have to do this act of servanthood.  What a day that will be.  Christ defeated the devil on the cross.  Christ broke the devil's power and one day the devil will be in complete subjection and the ultimate blow is when he will have to confess that Jesus is Lord.  One time when I was younger and in my first church we had a powerful service.  The Spirit was moving powerfully.  I met a young man after the service who saw souls saved and people filled with the Holy Spirit.  I testified to him and when I asked him if he was willing to surrender his life to Christ.  To my amazement he said, "no"  He said he was an athiest and had come to the service as a personal favor to a friend.  I began to pray for him.  I do not know if  he is serving the Lord today or is even alive but he has no excuse.  One day that man will stand before Christ and will have to confess that Jesus is Lord.  I am looking forward to that day, because I have already confessed that He is Lord.  I hope you have as well.  Your promises for today are:  Acts 13:18, Rom 3:25, 5:9, Col 1:13 and 1 John 1:9.  You Insightful Sayings are:  Avoid the way of the drunkard, it leads to poverty, loneliness and destruction.  A man who loves his wife will have a home where grace and love flourishes.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Be careful of passing judgment

In Romans 14:1, Paul warns us about passing judgement on each other.  Passing judgment on another is so easy to do.  I have seen more people get into fights over what is called disputable matters than anything else.  Paul says that we should accept a man whose faith is weak.  In this age of controversy we should be more lenient with brothers in the Lord.  It is so easy to be judgmental.  That does not mean we should compromise our convictins, by no means.  What it does mean is that we are to be more supportive, strengthen and help those who are weaker in tthe Lord.  I remember a brother in the Lord and I got into a major argument on whether or not a Christian should dance or not.  I was accused of compromise when I defended those who committed the unpardonable sin of dancing.  I wanted to simply point out that people of the faith have different convictions.  It may be because they have weaker faith or maybe because of some other reasons.  Paul says let us not pass judgment on someone in a disputable matter.  Let us be supportive and help them walk through these matters.  Think about that today.  Your promises are:  Prov 3:5-6, Psalm 25:9, 32:8, 37:23-24, 73:23, 121:8 Isaiah 30:21.  Your Insighful Saying is:  Be careful to watch your words they have a habit of returning to haunt you. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

One Day Closer

In Rom 13:11-12, Paul reveals that the last days are closer than you think.  How true this statement is.  One can truly say that we are living in the last days and each day we live is one day closer.  No time in history has the whole world been in such a state as it is at this time.  Th systems for the rise of the anti-christ are in place.  We should be ready for the coming of the Lord.  The day of the Lord will come like a thief.  Yet we who believe and are ready for the coming of the Lord will not be surprised.  Jesus said, "that no man knows the day or the hour but He warns us to be ready.  I remember a story about a preacher who every morning would look out his window and say, "Lord you may come this day, I pray that I will be ready."  Then every night he would look out the window and say, "Lord if you come tonight, let me be ready."  I hope this is your prayer and also that you would be like the children of Israel, in the land of the Exodus.  Moses told them to be ready to leave at a moment's notice.  It trust you will be ready.  Like the old saying when we played hide and seek.  "Ready or not here, I come."  Your promises are:  Matt 11:24, 21:22, Mark 9:23, 16:16, John 1:12, 6:15.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Communication is the key to strong friendships and marriages.  So keep your messages clear and simple.  Words have the power to heal or destroy so choose your words well. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Gospel in a Nutshell

In Rom 10:9-10, is the verses in which the gospel is given in a nutshell on how to be saved.  If we confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts, we will be saved.  I have a friend who has a real problem with this concept.  He thinks that there must be more to it than that.  Yet the gospel isn't.  People are willing to accept all kinds of false things because they cannot perceive this truth.  Paul said that he only preached Christ crucified.  All a person has to do is confess with their mouth and believe in their hearts.  This of cours has to be a sincere confession and belief.  Let us pray that mankind will see this truth before it is too late.  Your promises today are:  2 Cor 5:17, John 3:16-17, Rom 12:11, Prov 3:5-6 and Phil 4:8-9.  Your Insightful Sayings are: Battles are won or lost before we get into them when we walk defeated or believe we will lose.  Actions speak louder than words, so make sure your actions are saying the right things. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Disturbing Habit.

In Romans 9:19-21, Paul reveals man's very disturbing habit of questioning everything.  This can be good but in most cases when it comes to God it is not the smartest thing to do.  My son when he was four years old would ask the same question, over and over again.  I would give him an answer and then he would question my answer.  It came to the point when he had to learn to be satisfied with the answer I gave him.  It is the same with God.  We must be satisfied with the answer He gives to our questions.  For example, God in a way that He uses is something that we should not question.  We all have been called into ministry.  My ministry as a communicator may be have a little more recognition than someone who makes coffee on Sunday morning but mine is not more important than theirs.  I once knew two people.  One was an evangelist and the other an usher in the church.  The evangelist was great at preaching and getting people saved, yet as a man of hospitality he was quite lacking.  The other man who was an usher shone at making people feel right home in the church.  He would invite newcomers home after church for dinner.  Both ministries are important.  So do not get uptight if you do not have an up front ministry.  Remember God has given us all a ministry that only we can do whether great or small.  Your promises are:  Psalm 33:1, 50:23, 148:14, 149:1, Isaiah 25:1, 43:21, Phil 4:6, 1 Thess 5:18 and Heb 13:15.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  When a person denies the existence of God they are denying the very one who gives them breath.  Gen 2:7, God made man and then breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.  Listen to the nudging within your heart, it is the voice that will save you from a multitude of problems.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

All things will work out.

In Roman 8:28-29, Paul reminds us that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord.  Paul never said that all things were good but he did say that all things would work out.  That is a comfort in times of trouble.  The Bible talks about a lady in Judea that had an issue of blood.  She had spent all her money on doctors and none of them had been able to help.  She had heard about a man from Galilee whose name was Jesus, who could through the power of God could heal.  She said to herself, "If I can only touch the hem of His garment I can be healed."  She did manage to touch the hem of His garment and she was made well.  The lesson of this account is that though sometimes situation that we are is difficult, but if we go to Jesus He can turn it around.  All things work together for good.  With this and many other things applying to our lives we can be more than conquerors.  Your promises today are, Isaiah 41:10, 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, Rev 12:11 and James 4:7.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  The person who does not believe in God has failed to see the evidence of His existence all around them.  A man once told me that if he ever doubted the exisitence of God all he did was look around and that doubt disappeared.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Freedom in Christ

Romans is such a wonderful book.  It tells of the freedom that we have in Christ.  Romans along with Galatians are the two books that explain so powerfully the freedom given to the Christian in Christ.  Paul says that because of Christ there is now no condemnstion in Rom 8:1.  The sentence of death that had been hovering over the sinner so long is now gone.  We can stand because of Christ as people forgiven by God with all condemnation and guilt gone.  The Old Testament saints were looking for such a day.  But praise the Lord it has finally come.  There once was a judge whose son was to appear before him for a crime committed.  The father had no choice but to sentence the boy to a large fine.  Then something happened.  The judge then took off his robes of justice and went to the clerk and paid the fine.  He then said to the courtroom.  "When I was the judge, I had no choice but to sentence my son, for the law demanded it, now because the sentence has been passed, I can now can be a father and pay the fine for my son."  This is a picture of the Father in heaven.  He knew mankind who was created in His image had to be sentenced.  So He sent Jesus Christ to pay the fine.  Now because of that act we stand in freedom with no condemnation.  Your promises today are:  Roman 8:1, John 3:16, 1 Cor 5:17 and Gal 6:1.  Your insighfful sayings are:  Atheist's are a funny group.  They spend so much time trying to disprove something they do not believe in.  Atheism is like going on a trip where you do not know where you are going and when you will arrive.   

Monday, August 20, 2012

Love Slaves for Christ.

In Rom 6:15-23, the theme of this paragraph is "Slaves of Righteousness."  Paul looks at the Christian life as one of service.  We are to serve our fellow man.  Paul however even oes further by calling the Christian life as one of service.  He also calls it a life of being a love slave to Jesus Christ.  As love slaves to Christ we are to live in the Holy Spirit.  Before we knew Christ we were slaves to sin.  But the Lord Jesus Christ broken the chains of sin and gave us freedom in Christ.  In return for this freedom we become love slaves to Christ.  This means we serve Him because we love Him.  Paul was asked in Roman 1&2, how would people serve the Lord now that there is no law?  Paul says that the law of love would help people to serve the Lord.  As servants of Christ, let us determine today to give a love offering to the Lord.  Let us tell someone about the Lord.  Also let us  make a more determined effort to serve Him.  Your promises are:  Psalm 37:3, 46:10, Prov 3:5-6, 14:26, Phil 1:6, Heb 3:14 and 1 Pet 5:7.  Your Insighful Sayings are:  Never be satisfied with a happy meal when you can have salmon or steak, unless you are vegetarian.  A child who is spoiled is like a dripping tap, annoying and a waster of valuable resources.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A changed life

In Rom 5:1-2, Paul tells us that because of our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ we have been justified in the sight of God.  That means that God looks at us as if we had never sinned.  What a difference a moment in time can mean.  One moment you are an enemy and stranger from God.  The next moment you are His friend and a joint heir in His kingdom.  All this happens through the avenue of faith.  Christ came to make the unbeliever a believer.  He came to set men from from their penalty of sin.  Christ came to give mankind a second chance.  The book of Galatians teaches us that the Lord is the God of the second chance.  He is longsuffering and He wants people to come back into fellowship with Him.  Today make every effort to tell someone about the Lord Jesus Christ.  It only takes a moment of time and yet that is the most precious moment because it will last an eternity.  We have gained access to God through grace and a hope of glory.  His life was given free but it was the most expensive thing was ever done for man.  Live with this knowledge.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have ever lasting life.  Your promise today are;  John 3:16, 2 Cor 5:17, Rom 10:9-10 and Rev 12:11.  Your Insighful Sayings are:  Honor the marriage bed.  It is wider and more comfortable than the sofa.  Children are a blessing from the Lord.  Inlaw are still up for debate.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Father of the Faithful!

In Romans 4:12-15, we are presented with Abraham who has been called the Father of the Faithful.  Paul continues with the thought of faith by the example of Abraham.  It took much faith for this man to follow God.  Abraham was promised a land but he lived in tents all his life.  He was promised many offspring but he had only one son of promise.  He was promised a son when his wife was well passed child bearing age.  Yet through all this believed God.  Even though Abraham did not see God's promises in his lifetime, God was faithful in keeping the promises He made to Abraham.  One thing you can have confidence in, is the fact that God will keep His promises.  All you have to do is keep the faith.  When you pray you can have confidence that God will answer.  The angel Gabriel revealed to Daniel that even before the request was out his mouth, God's answer was already on the way.  It may take time but you will never be disappointed.  Your promises today are:  Deut 31:6, Psalm 16:11, 25:9, 32:8, Prov 11:3, Isaiah 45:2, John 16:13 and Rev 3:8.  Your insighful sayings are:  Avoid the way of the drunkard.  It leads to poverty, loneliness and destruction.  A man who loves his wife will have a home where grace and love flourishes.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

All have Sinned

In Rom 3:23 we learn that it does matter if you are the Queen of England or a tramp on 97th street in Edmonton.  All have sinned.  It doesn't matter if a person has three billion dollars or 3 dollars, both have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  When Adam fell in the garden, he laid a death sentence on every human being.  Rom 6:23 states, "That the wages of sin is death bu the gift of God is eternal life throught Jesus Christ our Lord."  This death sentence was repudiated when Jesus Christ died on the cross.  He broke the power of death over all men and all they have to do is believe and repent.  Sin is the one thing that keeps man from God.  God cannot stand to look upon sin.  Sin is something that all men are born with, yet acceptance of Christ can break its power over your life.  Today make the effort to tell someone about the provision of Christ for sin.  Yes, all mankid has sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.  Yet your information about the gospel can break sins power and bring God and that individual back together as friends.  Your promises today are:  Ps 17:4, 34:19, 91:3, 107:6, 20, 143:11, 144:7, Jer 15:21 and Joel 2:32.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Never be hasty in a major decision.  Seek the Lord, gather information, advice and counsel and then listen to your heart.  It is amazing that when we are young the first word we learn is no, and yet when we get older we cannot seem to say it, to many things.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

In Rom 1:16, Paul reminds us that in this day of apostacy there are those like Joshua of old who say, "As for me as and my house we will serve the Lord."  I remember a statement that Jerry Falwell, the pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church made.  He said, "You may see a lot of things but you will never see this preacher ashamed of the gospel, I will preach it till I die."  That is exactly what he did.  He died in his office just after completing a radio broadcast.  Paul was never going to be ashamed or back down on his preaching of the gospel.  This gospel has the power to set men free.  It has the power to change a drug addict in a child of God.  The gospel can change a wife beater into a wife lover and builder of the family.  John Bunyan the great writer of the classic, "Pilgrim's Progress," was a drunkard.  However this glorious gospel set him free to write this classic which next to the Bible is the most read book in the Christian world.  Today determine not to compromise on any of your convictions that have been built on the word of God.  Stand up for God and His principles.  Remember, the world has never been able to stand against a believer who walked in the power of the Spirit and preached the word of God.  Your promises are:  Rom 1:16, 2 Cor 5:17, James 4:7, 1 John 4:4 and Eph 6:10-18.  Your insightful sayings are:  When a person chooses a clean lifestyle it will influence all those around them.  Good intentions without proper planning end up in failure.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Greater Service

In Acts 28:30-31, Paul had come through many hardships and trials to have the privilege to come to Rome and meet Caesar.  God was so gracious in putting in the hearts of the Romans to allow Paul to live in his owwn rented lodging.  Here with the expectation of meeting Caesar and bringing the  message of Christ to the city of Rome Paul was truly thankful.  He was a prisoner in name only.  When John Bunyan was put into prison for preaching the gospel, he looked at prison as a time to write a book.  It was in prison that John Bunyan wrote Pilgrim's Progress.  Many of our brothers in Communist and Islamic lands have not looked at their time in prison as a waste.  They have looked at it as a time to prepare for greater service.  Paul boldly preached without hindrance the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He welcomed all who would listen to him.  Watchman Nee was put into prison for preaching the gospel.  The officials committed many atrocities upon this man but he still preached and even won many of the prison officals to the Lord.  A prison can be an opportunity or a dungeon with no hope.  It just depends on your outlook.  Your promises today are Deut 33:35, Psalm 27:14, 28:7, 29:11, 66:28, 118:14, Isaiah 40:29, 41:10, Phil 4:13 and Eph 6:11.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  True security is not found in what you have in the bank but what you have in your heart.  When a person chooses a clean lifestyle it will influence all those around them.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A comforting angel

No Christian need have a Gethsame without a comforting angel.  God would not need any furnaces if there was no gold to separate from the dross.  God is not only a present help when we are in trouble but also a present help to keep us out of trouble.  Much depends on the way we come into trouble.  Both Jonah and Paul were in storms but the circumstances were quite different.  All great souls have attended the school of hard knocks.  Some sentence sermons if you are going through trouble today.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Almost a Christian

In Acts 26:28, Agrippa after listening to Paul asked him if he thought in the short time Paul had been speaking if he would persuade him to be a Christian.  Paul response was whether it was a short time or long that Arripa would become a Christian like Paul.  We need to realize that it takes the Spirit of God to affect someone.  Let us pray that in this day of great upheaval and uncertainty that the Holy Spirit will do a quick work to bring salvation to our loved ones.  Our part is to tell them and live a consitent Christian life before them.  Your promises today are:  Psalm 28:7, 34:18, 147:3, Prov 4:23, 15:3, Isaiah 30:15 and Jer 31:13.  Your Insightful Saying for today  are:  Never make a promise unless you plan to keep it.  Never offer a friendship until you have learned to be a friend to yourself.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Good Conscience

In Acts 23:1, Paul made a statement in this portion that is very important.  He said that he had fulfilled his duty to God in good conscience.  Paul was stating that he had done to the best of his abilities the work of God.  This is a tremendous statement to be able to make.  I trust that at the end of our lives we can make that statement.  I remember after I had left my first church I asked myself that question.  Would I have done anything different?  I came to the conclusion that as far as I know I would not have done anything different at the time I face each situation.  It is very importanr that we do all things that God has ask us to do in good conscience.  We must be able to live with ourselves and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Many people unfortunately do not,and let us pray that all of us will do what God tells us to do and we may walk with a good conscience.  Your promises today are:  Phil 4:8-9, Rom 12:1-2 and Matt 6:33.  Your Insighful Sayings are:  It is not how well you live that is as important as the fact that you lived.  Wealth is a funny thing its real worth depends on a person's perspective.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Walk in character

There is a story of a man who had to make a decision about the direction he was going to go.  The man was getting ready for a long trip.  He was told that he could go through a swamp which was a short cut or he could stay to the main road which would take a little longer.  He decided to take the short cut.  He walked through the swamp but unfortunately he got lost and ended wandering around in the swamp for a long time.  The short cut cost him precious time and he ended taking longer doing the short cut than if he had stayed on the main road.  The lesson we learn from this man is that even though sometimes a way seems quicker does not mean it is.  The Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.  The path to peace and love begins with a relationship with God.  He has ways to keep that peace and peace strong.  It is through prayer, reading of the Bible, going to church and sharing your faith.  For some this path seems boring and safe, so they choose some short cut and end up losing their way and get off the path and lose the very thing they once had.  Solomon put it this way man determines his way but God weighs the heart.  God knows what is going on in your heart so let him determine your path.  He knows what is best and faith is learning to trust God in all areas.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I was reading in my devotions this morning about Paul and the man he raised up and healed in the city of Lystra.  The man was healed because he believed in Paul and the message that he brought.  The element that raised the man up was faith.  Faith is a very complex and simple thing at the same time.  There is natural faith that is based in man and then there is saving faith which is based in God and His word.  Saving faith restores, healed, delivers and saves.  Saving faith draws us close to God.  Saving faith changes everything.  We go from the natural to the supernatural.  Paul operated in the realm of saving faith and so must we.  We live in a world that believes that nothing is real unless it is receive through the five senses.  Saving faith does not rely on the natural but the belief that God can do all things.  Heb 11:1 gives us the Bible definiton of faith.  We are certain of things hope for and have evidence of things not seen.  We just know God is going to hear and answer our prayers and petitions.  Today take God at His word and believe for your world and situation.  Release yourself from doubt and get the very best from God.