Thursday, June 28, 2012
A person with a message.
I was reading in the book of Amos today. It is one of my favorite books of the Old Tesament. I can see the common man in thi book. Amos was a farmer, shepherd and rancher. He was called to preach to the nation of Israel even though he was Tekoa a small town in Judah. He combined his preaching call with a business trip to Bethel, the religious captial of Israel. There he preached a message of judgment and hope. Judgment if the people of Israel did not repent and hope if they did. The duration of the message was no more than three weeks but it had a lasting and profound effect on the people. The lesson we can learn from Amos is that God can use anyone of any profession. It should be our desire to be ready to be used by God in every situation at anytime. Peter says we should be ready at anytime to give the hope that lies within us. We have a message of hope, health and healing for those around us. Jesus is our answer and theirs. We must be ready as an old preacher put it, to preach, pray and die on a moment's notice. Are you ready?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Getting ready for holidays.
As I sit and write this blog I realize that tomorrow I will be leaving for a working vacation. My home in B.C. needs some work and I will be going to do that. This means that my blogs will be a little scarce for the next couple of weeks. So with only a couple of days left. What would I like to leave with you? First, that during this summer season that you keep your devotional life strong. There is a tendency during the summer to not work as hard in this area. Bible reading and prayer are just as important because they strengthen you and keep you focus. Secondly, make sure you go to the house of the Lord. During the summer people give themselves the excuse to miss church because they have put in a long year and they need rest and relaxation. God's house is not a burden or a duty but a privilege and is an exciting opportunity to get together with God's people and celebrate our faith together. Thirdly, make sure before you go away to make sure your tithes and offerings have been given to your local church. Churches still have expenses and you need to make sure you have done your part to help them meet those expenses. Lastly, focus on rest. Make sure you get the rest and when you return you are ready to touch your world for Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Living example
I was reading lately in the minor prophets and one man I came accross that inspired me was Hosea. Here is a man called to be a living example of God's care and love. He was told by God to marry a harlot named Gomer. They had three children which were named after the three principle sins of Israel. Gomer later ran away and ended up on the slave block and Hosea was the one who bought here back and the only requirements he asked of her was that she would be his wife and end her wild ways. God asked the same things of His people. That we stay true to Him and stay away from the world. The first is usually not hard to do because most of us really love God. The second however is much more difficult. The world has a strong attraction for many of us. We loved the gadgets, gizmo's and luxuries presented to us. We like the nice cars, houses and recreation lifestyle. I have heard Christians say, "I deserve this because I have work so hard." During the summer churches turn into ghost towns because the Christians are out playing. Summer budgets for churches are slim because people who normally give are away. Most churches have a reserve just to deal with this. Sad but true. It is time for each of us to determine if we are going to be living sacrifices or dead wood. God is looking for people who will serve Him all year round and will be in this world, but not of it.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Working the angles
Eugene Peterson wrote a book a number of years ago called, "Working the angles." It was all about looking at everything and seeking God about all issues of life. Most of the time if we are honest we do not include God in every aspect of our lives. We leave the big issues or the emergencies to Him. The truth is that God wishes to be included in every part of ur lives. It is the small decisions that can have the profoundest effects on our lives. For example, you are driving down the road and become involved in a car acccident. You could become injured or injure someone else. Driving a car is something we do everyday and most times we do not even think about God when we do it. Yet in this every day task something could happen that could change our lives. The other day I was doing some lifting and I put my back out. This little everyday task became an issue and now I am seeking God's healing and resting my back. My exhortation today is to include God in every aspect of your life, the big and the small. Let Him guide you. Prov 3:5-6, reminds us to trust the Lord with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding but in all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. Let this psaage be your testimony today.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Friday all is well.
Here it is Friday and the weekend is upon us and for many of us the living will be easy. Friday for Jesus ws a significant day because it was the day in which He gave His life. It was on a Friday that He changed everything. It wa on Friday that salvation became a reality for all people of all generations. Jesus secured salvation and forgiveness for mankind. He gave us abundant life. As your prepare for this weekend and do whatever you do on weekends but remember this fact that it was a Friday much like this one where Jesus hung on a cross. He looked up to the sky as many of us will and called out to His Father, "Into your hands do I commit my Spirit." So this weekend do something for Him that shows you appreciate what He has done and make a difference in your world as He did in yours.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Future victory and present reality.
I was reading in my devotions the book of Ezekiel. Today I have been reading in chapter 38-39 which is a large amount of reading but so rewarding. This talks about how the enemies of Israel will be defeated supernaturally. This has happened over and over again in the past. It will also happen in the future. The Jews have survived attack and purge after purge. There was the Assyrians, Persians, Rome, Islam, and Germany. God has protected His people. This is a promise for us today. Many times we go through difficult times and almost seem to loose heart, yet God comes through. Paul reminds us in 1 Cor 10:13, that whenever we are tempted beyond what we can endure God will provide a means of escape. God will help you today in whatever you are facing and will give you divine help just ask and believe.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
True Strength
In my devotions I was reading in Ezekiel 31, which talks abut the cedars of Lebanon. These trees have been called the envy of the trees. They are known for their beauty and strength. Like all large trees they are impressive to the sight. What make the cedars of Lebanon unique is that there are some varieties of the trees that actually hum or sound like they are singing when the wind blows through them. This is a wonderful analogy for the Christian life. Like the cedar of Lebanon our lives are to reflect the beauty, majesty and strength of the Lord. We are like them called to be impressive examples of the creative power of God. When the movement of the Holy Spirit is upon us we should sing and praise the Lord. We should be the visible representatives of the Lord in our world's. The temple was nothing more than a wooden house with gold lining. The inside of the temple was made up of panelling from the cedars of Lebanon. Interesting that the presence of God is associated with this tree. You contain the presence of God and as His temple are to glorify Him though our bodies. I trust that is your wish today. To be a showcase and example for all around of God's beauty, majesty, presence and power.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Restoration and Hope
This morning in my morning devotion I was reading from Ezekiel 20:45-49, which talks about God dealing judgment on the people of the south and restoration, Israel would be restored back to the land of Canaan. This portion brings out that God in the midst of judgment tempers it with mercy. Mercy is a wonderful quality. The defintion of mercy is, "You have the right and authority to executive judgment but instead you temper it with compassion." God does this with us everyday. He deals with our failures, mistakes and sins with mercy. God is also the God of the second chance. In the book of Revelation we have God pouring out judgment and yet in the middle of this judgment He offers forgiveness and repentance. He is the God of the second chance. I have had times in my life where God has confronted me with my sin and has dealt with me harshly or at the time it seemed harsh. After the seaon of testing was over I discovered it was the best thing for me. It was not pleasant or easy, but when you learn you lessons you are a better person. I do not know what season of life you are in but remember God loves you to much to leave you the way you are. My exhortation for you is the following, "Learn the lesson you need to learn so you will not have to have them repeated." God loves you and wants only your best.
Monday, June 18, 2012
The glory of God.
Today I was reading in my morning devotions about the glory of God as described in Ezekiel 10. Ezekiel had the privilege of seeing the visible presence of God and that was a beautiful sight. The bible calls it the glory of God. John had the same type of experience when he saw the visible glory of Jesus in the book of Revelation. I have never seen the visible presence of God but I have seen from time to time angelic beings. They are something to behold. The view many have today of the glory of God is that this is the visible presence of God. The glory of God is so much more. Charles Price says that the glory of God is the character and essence of God. This brings a whole new perspective to this subject. This means that God wishes to share His character and essence in our lives. The Bible says that we go from glory to glory. This means that we go from one experience to another where the character and essence of God is communicated and displayed in our lives. We are a showcase of God's character. Each experience whether good or bad is designed to create the character of God in our lives. My counsel for myself and you is let us be determined to walk by faith and make the best of everything God is trying to develop in us. Let us display his glory for the betterment of others.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Steps of a good man.
Recently I have been hit with a couple of reality checks. These checks have not been pleasant or easy. Everything, I thought I was doing was right, but the reality was that it just wasn't working. This made me re-evaluate everything. Not easy to do when you been heading down a path for a while. It has caused me to rethink everything which in itself is not a bad thing. After the evaluation process, comes the prayer and seeking of God's face for the next step. The promise is that if we choose to follow God and do His will that He will direct our path. The Bible makes it clear that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. This is my promise and yours. When reality bites, you bite back. When you are knock down , you get back up again. I remember a story of a young man who was called by the Lord to a city and church. When everyone abandoned him, he had a cry session for about three hours and then after the cry was over, he got up and got back to work. God blessed his determination and faith. After I had my pity party I decided to get back to work and get things right with God and trust Him for the future. If you find yourself in this place maybe this little exhortation will help you as well.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Stay out of the World.
This morning in my devotions I was reading from Jeremiah 41:16-18. This little passage talks about the nation of Egypt. Egypt has always represented the world. Now when we talk about the world we are not talking abut the physical earth. We are talking about the images and standards of society. The thinking and the philosophies that are behind the societies. Every country has its own way of looking at things. The world is lead by the devil and he is the driving force behind all the evil ideas that it represents. The primary way the world operates is through lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. In simple terms, materialism, pleasure and pride. Strong forces because they appeal to the most base nature of man. All of us want to be passionate about something. We all want to be rich and want be to significant in our eyes and others. The problem with these things is that each one can lead us away from God. Jeremiah warns of the folly of going into Egypt, it will destroy you. Jesus told us that we are to be in the world but not part of it. The Christian is called to live a separated life. We are to talk, think and lived different from the world. People need to see something different. We have been called ambassadors for Jesus Christ. We represent a different kingdom and country. We represent the Kingdom of God. A kingdom that has at is core, righteousness, peace and joy. The phrase, while in Rome do what the Romans do, does not apply to the Christian. We must be different, not in a bad or weird way but in a way that causes people to be attracted to what we have. I have had people come to me and say, "there is something different about you, you have a peace about you." This is a springboard for evangelism. Today be Christ's ambassador in your world.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Jesus sets people free.
This morning in my deovtions I was looking at the passages of scripture that talk about the Son setting people free. Jesus said in John 8:36, that when He sets you free you are free indeed. There is no real excuse to stay in any type of bondage. Thoughts, words, deeds and attitudes that are wrong and destructive can be broken. Your past and its power over your life can be broken. Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captive. I love the fact that Jesus has set me free. The responsibility after that is that we need to stay free. Freedom is such a precious thing and we have an enemy who will do everything to bring us back into bondage. Of course the greatest adversary we have is the one in the mirror. Yes, we can be our biggest problem. So watch your walk. Make sure you keep short accounts with God and people. Watch especially for neglect and signs of coldness in your relationship with God. The first indicators, is your devotional life. The second is your view and attendance at church. The third is your sharing of your faith. If you are struggling in any of these areas, you are heading for a fall. Remember Jesus will set you free but help Him with the work by remaining free.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Seek God first.
I decided today to leave the Old Testament and spend some time in the New Testament in particular in the book of Matthew. In Matt 6:33, we have this wonderful verse that talks about seeking God first. God must be first in our thinking, words, action and attitudes. He must be first in our time, talents and resources. He must be first in our past, present and future. When God is first all things fall into place. We do not have to worry, strive and fuss. We just need to let God have control. That is where most of our problems are. Letting God have control. I love the little phrase. "If God is your co-pilot, change seats." God has to be first or you will crash and burn. Mankind has been destroying their lives for many centuries. That is why Jesus came so that mankind could have a relationship with God and things could be set right. The Christian has the unigue opportunity to live in a right relationsip with God. so why would we want to keep taking comtrol and crashing on the side of the road. Matthew quotes the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. "Seek God Kingdom first and then all things will be added unto us." Great words to live by.
Monday, June 11, 2012
The Lord our Righteousness.
Today I was thinking about Jeremiah 23:5-6, where Jeremiah gives a picture of the reign and rule of Jesus Christ here on the earth. Jesus is known here as the righteous branch and the seed. When Jesus comes back it will be a time of excellent judicial rule. The deicisons made in the court system will always be just and fair. So much different than today. Recently in the province where I live we had a woman who drown her children receive a prison sentence of six years. Her lawyer argued succesfully that she was insane at the time. With already time served she will be out in ten months. Is this right and fair? Two children are dead, a family has been destroyed and a father's heart has been broken. I am all about compassion but what about justice. Canada has a very broken system and needs to be fixed. It seems the criminals have more rights than the victims. Judges are little more than servants of the left and criminals walk the streets after only a short time in jail. All products of years of left leaning soft sell justice. The present government does not have the stomach to put teeth back into the justice system. One day Jesus will reign and the victim will have justice and the criminal will be dealt according to what is going on in the their hearts not on what appears on the exterior. God knows our hearts. He knows what is going on inside. He sees the real you and knows if you are sincere or not about repentance. That is why I believe we need to keep short accounts with God and people. We all want justice when it comes to others and compassion and mercy when it comes to us. We will get both in the reign of Jesus. He will give compassion to those who really mean it and justice to those who do not. Paul states in Gal 6:8, "God is not mocked what we sow we will reap. Make sure you are sowing good seed. You get what you sow.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Reality Checks.
In my devotions this morning, I was reading in Jeremiah, where Jeremiah was lamenting over what was happening to his beloved city of Jerusalem. The city at the time was under siege by the Babylonians. Jeremiah had warned the people numerous times about their sin and they refused to listen to him. Now they were facing the judgment of God and the Babylonians. I have discovered something about God, He will in time deal with our sin. This is the reason we should keep short accounts with God. Sin is the one thing that keeps us separated from God. It exacts a high price on the participant. Sin will take you places you never thought you would go, it will make you do things you never thought you would do and make you the type of person you never thought you would be. Sin is a cruel task master, it has only one intent and that is to destroy you. Many have discovered that sin is wonderful for a season but eventually it destroys from the inside out. A hollowness appears and so the participant has to go deeper to fulfill and try to quiet the hollowness they feel. There is only one true way to be free from sin. Repent and let God's forgiveness and grace deal with it once and for all. There is nothing like the effects of salvation. I love and am fascinated with salvation. I love how it takes a vile sinner and turns them into a glorious sant. I love the fact that it changes everything. One moment you are going to hell and the next moment you are going to heaven. One moment you are an enemy of God and the next a friend of God. Marvellous, wonderful and so precious. Today turn everything over to the Lord and let the full effect of salvation flow through your life and receive every precious promise and victory of God.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The first lesson of Canaan
Today my Biblical question for the Morning Show which I do every weekday on Am 930 the Light was, "Where was the first tabernacle in the promised land located?" The thing about this location was that it was abandoned of course later for various reasons. Some were because of political alignments yet the scripture is clear about one of the main reasons. The main reason was because the people had forgotten about God. Neglect and partial surrender are the most prevalent sins among Christians. The funny thing is that it can so easily happen. You forget to have your devotion one morning and then that turns in two or three. Before you know it a week has gone by. You neglect or skip church and before you know it a month has gone by. You forget to pray over your food once and before you know it, you never pray over your food. Little things but over time they can build into a life of neglect. Strong faith does not just happen it takes, discipline, faithfulness, obedience and hard work. When you meet someone who has a strong faith, behind that, is a hard consistent work effort. Paul writes that we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. He means to work hard at your faith. I would never advocate a works oriented faith but I do recommend a faith that you work at. You have the kind of relationship with God that you work at. If you want weak faith be lazy. If you want strong faith work hard. I am amazed how many people are lazy and inconsistent in the one thing they should be strong in. Faith is based on a strong love for God and a hope in the future He brings. Don't be lazy but be strong and you will possess your land.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Claims of Isaiah
Today in my devotions I was reading about the claims of Isaiah 61:1-4, where Jesus is displayed as the one who proclaims freedom to the captive. So many people today are in bondage and captivity, our thoughts, words, actions and attitudes trap us in so many webs of destruction. It is great to know that Jesus comes to set the captive free. He is here to proclaim the acceptable will of the Lord. He is your deliverer and healer. We never have to carry despair or be filled with mourning. The Lord has given us a garment of praise and a oil of joy. We can stand fast in victory. The Lord is with us and no one can be against us. We are the victors, conquererors and overcomers. I believe it is time the child of God to act like they have something to celebrate. This particular scripture makes me want to shout and proclaim the goodnews today. Jesus has given us the victory. We are not defeated and have overcome and are still overcoming. Everyday is a challenge and our lives are filled with ups and downs but one constant is the love and power of God. Use both today and walk in the victory we have today.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Imagination of God.
Today I was reading in Isaiah 55:8-9, where Isaiah tells us that God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours will ever be. Man has such a limited comprehension of God. I know I do. That is why I love, Eph 3:20 which states, "That God is able to do exceeding, abundantly, more than I could ask or imagine." One of my favorite insightful sayings talks about having the imagination of God and reaching our destinies through His imagination. Oral Roberts one time was talking with Larry Lea and was showing him the City of Faith. Oral stated, "This is beyond even my imagination." What Oral was saying is that God gave him something he did not even imagine. What is your dream? What do you want to see God do? I myself want to reach as many people as I can, well I can and long as I can. There are millions of people in Canada who have not heard about Jesus Christ. My dream is one day to be able to reach as many as God allows me to reach. Right now I have the privilege of being a radio personality and a pastor but one day I believe God will expand my borders to beyond even my wildest dreams. The thing that hinders us so many times is our lack of faith in God's promises. Recently a man came to me and said he did not agree with my dreams for our local church. I responded by saying, "The dream I have is one God gave me, it is immaterial if you agree with it or not, it is not your dream, it is mine and God's." Do not let anyone stop your dream. Live with no regrets and do God's will and live His dream.
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Suffering Servant.
I was reading in my devotions this morning one of most powerful passages in the Old Testament. Isaiah 53, is about the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah describes in detail what the suffering servant would face and how it would affect us and Him. Then Isaiah makes it clear what would be accomplished by His death. Jesus would face all the things described in this passage and more. He would die in our place and give us salvation and victory. He would secure us victory over death, hell and the grave. Sickness, sin and separation from God would be dealt with. Jesus did all this because He knew there was no other way for mankind to come back to God. Jesus knew what was at stake. I often ask myself the question, "Do I really know what is at stake." Has the reality of Jesus death really hit home? It is easy for us to get caught up in the daily affairs and grind of life. We often forget in the busyness of life that there are many more important things in life. We forget the greatest thing in life is the salvation of souls. Jesus did not die so we would sit on our salvation and enjoy it for ourselves. He died so that we would tell others. Here are of couple of statistics to think about. Only one in ten will ever tell someone about the Lord Jesus Christ. It will take the average Christian, 29 years to bring a friend to church, 100% of evangelism is done by 5% of the people in the church. Alarming when you think that in the greater Edmonton area there are 2 million people and only about 100,000 are Christians. We have a huge mission field and one day we will have to stand before the Lord and give an account of our evangelism efforts. Many will hang their heads in shame and try to tell the Lord, they were to busy with life to tell their neighbors. The other tragedy is that when our neighbors stand before the Lord, they will look at us and say, "If you knew about this and what I was facing, why did you not tell me?" To which we will hang our heads in shame and have no answer. Do not let this be your testimony. Tell someone today.
Friday, June 1, 2012
The King of Righteousness.
In my morning devotion I was looing at Isiaiah 32 where it talks about the King of Righteousness. Jesus is described in this chapter as a person who will always give us justice. He will be our anchor in the storms of life. He is our stream of water in the deserts of life and the strength we need when we are in those times of dryness. Our eyes will be opened and our minds will understand. Even our stammering tongues will become fluent and we will understand. Jesus as the King of Righteousness will help us to repent in the times we act like scoundrels. I love the fact that when Jesus reigns and rules in our hearts we can become more like Him. My prayer is that today in our ways we would act like Jesus, sound like Jesus and think like Jesus.
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