Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Seeking God first,.
I love the scripture, Matt 6:33 which talks about seeking God first and then all things being added to us. seeking God is such a privilege. Having God as part of your life is so fulfilling. Jesus when He quoted these words was putting everything into perspective. You want things to work out, seek the Kingdom first. You want to be set free from something in your life, seek the Kingdom first. The Kingdom of God according to Rom 14:7, is righteosuness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Who would not want these attributes. So if you want righteousness, peace and joy, seek God first. These are qualtities that will bring you though any difficult time or situation. Seeking God first bring victory and power in your life. Paul reminds us in Romans 8:1 that we are more than conquerors. Seeking God first brings that about. So today instead of being a victim, be a victor and be an overcomer not overcomed. It is your choice.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Promises and principles.
Gis has some wonderful promises and principles that we can live by. In Joshua 1:9, we see God giving Joshua and us some great promises and principles. No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. Be strong and courageous for the Lord has given you the land and the people as a possession. The Lord will not forsake or leave you. Do not let the word of God depart from your heart, mind and lips. Do not turn to the left or right but keep your eyes on the Lord. Meditate on the word of God night and day and be careful to do all it requires. If a person does these things they will be successful in all they do. The not be afraid at anytime the Lord will be wiith you wherever you go. I love these promises. Claim them as your own.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Choose Life.
This morning in my devotions I was looking at Deut 30:15-20. This is where Moses was exhorting the people to choose life. Moses made it clear that if the people were to obey the Lord, they would live, prosper and multiply. If they did not, the opposite would happen. Seems pretty clear to me what a person needs to do. I remember back in the late eighties when the singer Geroge Michaels was getting his start. He belong to a group called Wham, they had a big hit called, "wake me up before you go girl." In the video they were dancing around on on their shirts was the phrase, "Choose life." I thought what a cool phrase and when I saw this phrase in scriputre, I said to myself. "I am going to choose life. I am going to follow the Lord will every fibre of my being. I have never had much use for half way discipleship for my own life. I cannot make anyone or wish that anyone would be like me. I however do desire that every believer would follow the Lord with every fibre of their being and never settle for second best. So today give your all to Jesus and choose life. It is great to be a Christian, it is never boring and you have all of heaven behind you.
Friday, February 24, 2012
God is our Champion.
God has always been the champion of the homeless, the poor, widow and orphan. He is profoundly aware of man's tendency towards evil and prejudice. C.S. Lewis said, "with free will comes great goodness and evil." The Christian is called to be God's hand extended to a world that is not alway fair or just. Jesus stated in Matthew 25 that each one of us will be judged and rewarded on how we deal with the sick, naked, the prisoner, widow, orphan and under privileged. Mother Theresa was asked one time how she could minister to the leper in India. She replied, "I look at each face as Jesus in His distressing disguise." It is our responsbility to once again fulfill the mandate of social justice. A realm that has been left to government, left leaning politicians who leave God out of the equation and social reformers who have their own agenda. This was our realm at one time. Now there are still great organizations such as the Salvation army who are deeply involved in this area. I give them all the credit they deserve. Their founder, William Booth when he was looking for a word to described what he was doing came up with phrase, "Others."
I believe it is time the evangelical church return to the area of social justice, helping out the less fortunate and spend our money more wisely. We build bigger buildings, run bigger outreach programs and spend more money on promotion of our agenda at the expense of fulfilling the great commandment, "loving others." Can you imagination the difference it would make if the church as a whole got back to social justice. It would revolutionize our world.
I believe it is time the evangelical church return to the area of social justice, helping out the less fortunate and spend our money more wisely. We build bigger buildings, run bigger outreach programs and spend more money on promotion of our agenda at the expense of fulfilling the great commandment, "loving others." Can you imagination the difference it would make if the church as a whole got back to social justice. It would revolutionize our world.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Early morning thought.
If you have not figured it out. I write most of my blogs at 4:30 in the morning. Ever since I became the morning man at Am 930 the Light I have been waking up at 4 and getting down to the station at 4:30 and shortly after I do the news prep, I write my blog. It is in these early morning times that I receive inspiration from the Lord. The one thing I have come to realize is that everyday I live I am one day closer to the coming of the Lord. This means that I have only have a short time to touch as many people as I can for the Lord. Now I am blessed because I have the largest church audience in Alberta as far as a pastor is concerned. My church is not one that attends a building but one that listens to me on the airwaves. Thousands of people listen to the program everyday so I know that I have a huge responsibility. This means making sure my thought life, words, and actions are right before God. The difference between radio and a church pulpit is that I have no more than a few moments to impact a person's life. In the pulpit I can spend some time building a case for Jesus Christ. In radio I have that moment to complete my thought and present it before they either change the channel or get on with their day. It is the gospel in sound bites. This is often the case in life. Paul says we are to redeem the time. That means make the most of every opportunity given. When God opens the door walk in by faith, share your heart and leave the results to God. You may not do it right but perfection is not the key, it is God's ability. That is what I try to do. It is a thought.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
God sets us free
I love redemption. I stated that yesterday to the ministers I meet with every Tuesday for prayer in St. Albert. To think that whatever the sin or weigh that besets us we bring to God in prayer and ask for His forgiveness through the name and blood of Jesus Christ and that the sin is forgiven and forgotten is amazing. Praise God. Redemption is so wonderful. Jesus said, "who the Son sets free is free indeed." I do not know what you are facing or what is happening in your life but Jesus can set you free. His blood will cleanse whatever is in your life that is displeasing to God. Whatever habit, fear, pain, mountain or difficulty, you can be set free. All you have to do is bring it to Him, confess it, renounce it and receive His forgiveness. I am amazed that there are people with all this knowledge that still carry things. I have made it my desire to keep short accounts with God and man. I do not want anything to hinder my walk with God. There is so much to do and so little time, to carry unnecessary burdens. We are running a race here and the lighter we are the better we will run. So get rid of that burden and run your race to win. Just a thought.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Teaching our children.
Today I was reading from Deut 6:7, which talks about taking the opportunity whenever it comes to teach our children the things of the Lord. In my case now it is my grand children. When Gideon and I were together on Friday I took him with me when I was doing my afternoon bus run. At that time we had a chance to talk about the things of God and I encouraged him to live for the Lord and serve Christ. It was a moment of deju vue for me. I had the privilege of leading a couple of our children to Christ when they were around the ages of three. What a privilege it is to talk about the things of God with the next generation. The Steel family is blessed because all four of our children have strong relationships with God. This is a fact that I thank the Lord for every day. I also pray extensively for my family every day this is a key. Pray, role modeling, mentoring and being consistent in our own relationship with God is paramount to having our children follow in our footsteps as far as the things of God are concern. So today if the opportunity comes up. Talk to your family about the Lord.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Family Day Thought.
Family is such a great thing. I am always grateful for my family. My wife and I have been married for 32 years and our union has produced four great children and three grandchildren so far. When I think about how far I have come and what has happened I marvel at the grace of God. You see I did not grow up in a Christian home and our family situation was not the best. Now my parents did the best they could with what they knew. My mom has been married four times and my biological father and my step father did influence my life to a degree but the reality was because my mom had to earn her own way and my fathers had only a token influence so I grew up on my own. I got my own breakfast, lunch and many times dinners for myself. Imagine if you will a five year making their own breakfast and lunch. This independence was both a blessing and curse. I did learn how to fend for myself but it also allowed me time to get into trouble. My older brother and sister did what they could but they to were in the same situation. I am so grateful for the fact I came to know the Lord at 17 and when I met and fell in love I determine one thing I would not have the same lifestyle for my family that I had when I grew up. I would pray for and be involved in my kids life. I would not abdicate my responsibilities as a father. I would be there for my kids. Was I perfect, no, did I make mistakes, oh yes. My kids tell great stories about my attempts at fatherhood. But I was there and that is what they remark on the most. Truth is guys that is the most important thing you can do is just be there, you won`t be the perfect dad but you will be there and that means more to your children than anything else. So this family day do something with you loved ones and enjoy your many blessings.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Saturday Morning Thoughts.
Saturdays are such great days if you use then wisely. For many is the day for the honey do list. We spend time getting things done around the house. For me it is the time to rethink and refocus. My world is simple, six days a week I am presenting the gospel in one form or another. Either I am preaching or I am doing the radio program. Saturday is my time to pray and get reflect on what happened in the last week and get ready for the next. This past week was Valentines, a celebration about the concept and character of love. Love is something that a Christian should grasp better than anyone else because this is something that God has abundantly lavished on us. God is the beginning and ending of love. It is the essence of who He is and what He is about. For God so loved is the most powerful phrase ever written. Love is something that we can produce and participate in. It is to be expressed and participated in. We are called to love God, ourselves and others. Nothing is greater than that. You get to love nothing is sweeter or bitter. Love takes you to the highest heights and the deepest depths. It can heal or destroy you. I have one belief that motivates me more than anything else. I believe that we are called to love people and to let that motivate us to change our world's for the better. I hate selfishness in any form. Love that has strings attached or has expression of selfish motives is not love. I hate selfishness because I been that way. It has produced nothing but heart ache and sorrow. Recently I came to a conclusion. Most of what I have seen in life has been made from selfish motives. I have met a few generous and loving people but they are the exception and not the norm. What hurts the most is that many were not Christians who are suppose to flow with love. Christianity is about giving, serving and loving. Not selfishness, back biting and fighting over silly none eternal things. Who cares if we are theologically right, if our view of revelation or prophecy is correct, or we are eternally secure or not. Does it matter if a person has a certain view of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or not. We major so many times on the minors and forget what is really important. Loving God, ourselves and others. Being unselfish enough to tell others about Jesus Christ and give them an opportunity to hear. So here are some thoughts from my Saturday. I would love to hear yours.
Friday, February 17, 2012
We can learn from the animals.
In my devotions this morning I was reading about Balaam and his donkey. What an amazing story. You have this so called man of God asked by the enemies of God to curse the nation of Israel. He at first refuses but the money is too much a lure for him. His real heart is revealed and in the end he blesses Israel four times. Through Balaam we learn the following lessons. First, never allow your talents to be exploited for money. Whitney Houston will be buried tomorrow in her home church in New Jersey. She was a rare talent in the music world, a perfect voice. Yet the lure of popularity, fame, fortune and glory destroyed her gift and talent. Secondly, never chase after the riches and things of this world because your will lose like Balaam. This world has nothing to offer accept eventual pain. I have conducted to many funerals where after the loved oned was buried the family fought over the inheritance. Leading to greater pain and sorrow. Thirdly, Balaam counsel the Moabites to corrupt Israel through mixing the two people. Mixing with the world is trouble with a capital T. The world is total corruption, it destroys everything it touches. The Bible says we are to come out from among them and be seprate. We are to live in this world and not be of it. Let us learn these and others lessons from the live of the people of the Bible. These examples can save us a lot of heart ache and trouble. With a capital T.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Do it God's way.
This morning in my devotion, I was reading Numbers 20:8-13. Here we have Moses choosing to do the commands of God his way instead of God's. A simple thing but in Moses' case he was barred from going into the promise land. Some would say the punishment of God in this case was a bit severe but I believe was fair. Moses had great light and he knew better. It has been said, that with great power comes great responsibility. (Spiderman One). No I am not quoting or following comic book philosophy. But it is important to remember that when you have more truth you are responsible to that truth. Moses knew better. That is the case for many of us. We know better and yet we seem to try to help God out. Most times with disastrious results. So my exhortation is do this the bible way. Follow the prescribed ways of God as outlined in the pages of the Bible. They are tried and true methods of life. You do not have to be the Frank Sinatra of your world and do it your way. Follow God's way and live in His will.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Day after Valentines
Valentines is such a hype and it almost feels like a let down after it is over. Yet I do love the love theme. Forgive my run on. The subject of love is such a powerful concept. Knowing that God loves us. He has given us the capacity and ability to do this is beyond comprehension. To be able to love Him, love ourselves and others is so wonderful. To be an instrument in His hands and do His will just turns my crank. To know that we can have His peace, love, mercy and grace makes my day every day. When I was in my time of prayer, I was struggling with some things in my heart. I had one of those long talks with God because I needed it. It was one of those times where you want to get things right and have nothing between you and God. Then after all things have been resolved and the blood of Jesus has covered each one. You leave that place of prayer with a new resolve. Yes, I am going to be a conqueror, overcome and instrument of righteousness. I am going to touch my world and change it, one person at a time. That is so cool to have that resolve. Hey, I do not know what is going on in your world but go to God today and get His perpective. It makes all the difference.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine Thoughts!
Valentines is a day set aside for the promotion and execution of the concept of love. It is a time that you can show your loved ones and those around you some love and kindness. There are people that just excel at this and others like me kind of muddle through. Recently I read that 52% of Canadian adults are single. This Valentines for them could be a challenge because many do not have a significant other like myself. For them my advice is that they show acts of kindness and love for their co workers, family and friends. Not just cards but little acts of kindness. For those who have someone significant, shower them with love today. Give them tangible gifts and demonstrations of love. In this way we are fulfilling the great commandment of loving others as we love ourselves. Valentines is also a reminder that our first priority as Christians is to love God with every fibre of our being. So today however you do it, in whatever way, show love.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday Morning Muse
Here it is again, Monday morning and I am up early preparing for the day and for my radio show. Every morning, I do this blog before I do the show and it is my time to decide what kind of day I am going to have. I love the early morning because it allows me quiet time to think through what I wish to frame my day as. We live in a present reality as Christians. Every day is a gift and an opportunity to do something significant for eternity and others. This day is not for us. To me that is a very selfish way to live. To think that the world revolves around us and to waste time is a monumental foolish thing to do. The book of Hebrews remind us that we have one life to live and then judgment. To stand before God and tell him that most of our time was spent on things that were important to us and not Him seems rather foolish. My desire is to pray, promote and proclaim the gospel. A life dedicated to this I believe is not only pleasing to the Lord but also has an impact on those around us. I guess I am out of my selfish phase of life. I want to reach as many people as I can while I have the time, strength and health to do so. My prayer is that you will as well.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday Night Musing
You can tell that I do not have a date tonight. She is actually visiting in the hospital with the most beautiful little girl in the world, Gabriella. Our little grand daughter was sick but she is getting better. Thank you for all your prayer and support. As I think about life. I am amazed at the grace of God. Just three weeks ago, I fell on the ice and bang my head against a door and was unhurt. I also think about how God has given me an opportunity to make a difference in my world. Just think four months ago I was an ordinary pastor with a small but wonderful church. Now I am the radio pastor for thousands and heard around the world. I know that with this opportunity comes a great responsibility. I want to touch as many people as I can as quickly as I can. I have an urgency in my heart so that is probably why I writing my blog again. I want all to know that Jesus is the answer and that each one of us has to make a choice. I am fascinated by two things. The grace of God and free will. God's grace give us the chance to through our free will to choose Christ and have eternal life. Ezekiel explained it this way. Each person has a choice and with that choice certain consequences. My thought is simple choose Christ and live the life He always wanted you to live.
Move with God.
This morning I was doing my deovtion and in Exodus 40:34-38, I learned that the cloud that led Israel in the desert symbolized the presence of God. I also remembered that Jesus was led by the Spirit through out His entire life. I pondered that thought for just a moment and came to the conclusion that this is how I want to live my life. The scripture says that those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God. A child of God only wants to do the will of the Father. We want to say, do and think like the Father. We want to be obedient to the will of the Father. Our thought, speech, and work patterns are His. The way we conduct our daily affairs will reflect Him. We become mirrors for God. An example of this is how the moon reflects the sun. The moon is a dead piece of rock in the sky. It does not have a power core like the earth. The light we see at night is a reflection of the sun. As a Christian I want to reflect Jesus Christ in every way. I trust that will be your desire as well today.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Get rid of your golden calf.
In Exodus 33, we find the story of the golden calf. This was certainly one of the biggest mistakes and blots in Jewish history. God had done so much for the people of Israel up to this point and still they were capable of rebellion and idolatry. The tragedy for us is that each one of us are capable of the same thing. Rebellion is subtle and can creep in the heart so easily. It always begins with the desire to have something or the thought I have a right to this. Paul reminds in the Book of Romans that when we came to Christ we gave up our rights. We made a decision to follow the Lord with out any conditions attached. We are His and his alone. Israel had made that decision as well. Being a covenant people we gave up the right to self, sin, and death. We choose to be free, live connected to God and do his will. I guarantee you will receive so much more than you gave up. Yet we must be careful that we don't let sin, rebellion and self rise up again or we must find ourselves like the nation of Israel. They paid a heavy price for their sin. They lost Canaan eventually. We can lose so much if we play that game. So stay as close to the Lord as you can and win. The choice is always yours.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Bowl Sunday
I like watching the Super Bowl and I enjoy Super Bowl parties but every Sunday for me is Super Bowl. Sunday is the day that we get to go to church and enjoy the fellowship of the Saints. Not the New Orleans saints. It is the time that we come together to praise and praise the Lord. It is a time to hear the word and allow it to be applied into our hearts. I am always sadden by those who either by neglect or by disobedience stay away from the House of the Lord. I have met many people over the decades who allow past hurts or present hang ups keep them from the House of the Lord. They have not figured it out that it is in the House of the Lord they get healed, restored and renewed. I have heard all your arguments and I reject them. I have been hurt as much as you have and probably even more so because I have been a pastor and shepherd. I have had to go in and clean up two church splits and rebuild five churches and plant one. I have been there, and done that and have the tee shirt. I have felt your pain and have been where you are. The difference is that I learned that when you get hurt you get healed. When you are afraid, you meet that fear. When you are rejected you continue to love. When you are wronged you forgive. The Lord does that everyday with us and it is our duty to that as well. So please in the name of the Lord, come back and start again. Jesus loves his church. He died for His church. He wants you again to be part of it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
My Determination.
Today I am going to give you a look in my personal world. I am normally a very private person and do not let people see my personal prayer time. Every Saturday is my day of recharging and refocus. I get up every morning very early. Even on days where I do not have to. Saturdays are spent with three personal times with God. In the morning I go to the church and pray for a couple of hours. I pray in my prayer language, pray through the declarations I have written for the occasion, pray for the Sunday service and lastly pray for Cornerstone. My second session is my personal church service which consists of praise and worship and then listening to the word. My third session is an evening time of prayer usually about one and half hours praying for revival. On Sept 25 2005, I was call by God to pray every Saturday for revival which I have been faithful in since. I have now determine to do this commitment everyday. We need revival and a move of God to counter act the apostasy I have seen in the church since coming to the city. I am so concerned about what I have seen. People acting like children. Consumer Christianity where people float from church to church trying to find the bigger better deal. No loyalty, commitment and appearing to have a form of godliness and denying the power there of. I see a small remnant following God but the majority does not and this is troubling. The answer is heart felt prayer. I will do my part and I believe God will do His. I know I have been given a gift and responsibility. I know I am a stranger in a strange land. I get to share the good news six days a week through the pulpit and the radio. Prayer is the background of which all this can happen. I will do my part. My prayer is that you will join me and do your part and pray with me.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Honour your Mother and Father.
I read this monring in my devotions the ten commandments. The one I would like to talk about today is the one that tells us we must honor our Father and Mother. Honour means to respect and hold in high esteem. This commandment is not just for children but for adults as well. It does not mean we obey and follow them blindly it means to love them, and honour them as our parents. The reason many today do not is because they have seen their own parents disrespect their parents. Children learn from their parents more than anyone else or any other means. So today set an example for all around and honor your parents. Give them a phone call or write them a note and tell them how much you love them. It will make their day. I wrote a proverb yesterday that I would like to share with you. "Live you life so well that the town gossip will vouch for you."
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Power of Counsel.
Getting good advice is always a step in the right direction in solving personal problems. The book of Proverbs teaches that in the counsel of many there is widsom. Wise people know they cannot solve every problem by themselves. Wisdom however knows that you must seek people who have a proven character of truth. Truthfulness, honesty and integrity are quailties essential for good advice. Moses one time was over burdened with the problems of the people and Jethro his father in law saw this and counseled him to get help. Moses saw this as sound advice and put a plan into action to accomplish this.
Listening is also a great skill to have because 80% of good communication is being able to listen to others and evaulate what the real situation is. Listening first allows you to hear the real story and know what the person you are talking to is really saying. Asking the right questions at the right time is also important. These help with knowing what to say and how to say it. Counsel and listening are two skills that can save you a lot of time and trouble.
Listening is also a great skill to have because 80% of good communication is being able to listen to others and evaulate what the real situation is. Listening first allows you to hear the real story and know what the person you are talking to is really saying. Asking the right questions at the right time is also important. These help with knowing what to say and how to say it. Counsel and listening are two skills that can save you a lot of time and trouble.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Reaching out to God.
I just love the story of Moses in Exodus 17:8-16. Moses was leading the people of Israel and their first test of battle was against a people call the Amalekites. They were a desert people who saw the Israelites as a threat. They attack Israel. With Joshua at the head of the army, the Israelites went out to battle. Moses stood on a high rock above the battle and lifted his hands up to heaven. As long as his hands were in the air the Israelites were winning. Whenever his hands fell tot he side they would begin to lose. Aaron and Hur saw this problem so they had Moses sit down on a rock and they then took his hands and held them high until the victory was won.
The lesson we learn is twofold. First, when we lift our hands up to heaven there is a divine connection between God and us. Jehovah Nissi, our banner connects with us and we get the victory. The second lesson is that we need people to come along side of us from time to time and help us through to victory. You cannot win every battle by yourself. Allow God to send people to help you. Together you will the Lord give you the victory.
The lesson we learn is twofold. First, when we lift our hands up to heaven there is a divine connection between God and us. Jehovah Nissi, our banner connects with us and we get the victory. The second lesson is that we need people to come along side of us from time to time and help us through to victory. You cannot win every battle by yourself. Allow God to send people to help you. Together you will the Lord give you the victory.
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