Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What creates great victory

Today I was reading from Acts 2:42-47, where we see the early church in a state of victory and so I thought I would talk about those principles and encourage you to apply them to your life and world today.  First, the early church devoted themselves to apostolic teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer.  Next, everyone was filled with awe at the miracles that God was doing hrough the apostles.  We need signs, wonders and miracles again to draw people to Christ.  The believers thirdly were together in one accord and sharing with each other what they need.  This was love in action.  Fourthly, they met for corporate worship and in cell groups meeting with glad and sincere hearts.  Lastly, they were prasing God and were favored among the people of Jerusalem and many were added to the church.  These principles are not for that day but for today.  My encouragement is to try and apply them to your life and world for the glory of God.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Notes on Prayer

Recently I have been spending time reading the writings of Em Bounds on prayer.  This man has given me so many insights on prayer.  Prayer is the highest calling because it is what Jesus is doing right now.  Prayer is the most powerful force in the universe because God is the person backing it up.  Prayer is the time where we get to know God`s plans, purpose and will for our lives.  Nothing is sweeter than praying.  It is the desire of every believer and the will of God.  In prayer we get to know the God of the universe.  There is no greater privilege in our daily life than prayer.  When a person fails to pray they fail in their spiritual life.  Prayer is the power behind every successful endeavor with God.  It is life and fuel for the soul.  It makes the will of God clear.  When we do not not pray we are weak in spiritual life.  Prayer is the avenue in which spiritual power flows.  When one does not pray for seven days, we become weak.  I cannot exhort you enough to pray.  Prayer is where I get all I need to become the Christian God wants me to be. Prayer is the desire of every believer the secret is to turn the desire into discipline and then into delight.  All great men of God have been men of God.  Their success depended on prayer.  Only in payer does the will of God become clear.  Prayer with the word is life giving.  You might call them the dynamic duo in defeating the devil.  So today spent time with God and hear His sweet voice telling you His plans for you this day and see His will accomplished in your life today for His glory.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Learn from our mistakes

There is an old adage that states that if we do not learn our lesson the first time we are doomed to repeat it.  This is so true.  Wisdom knows that if we do not follow the plans and purposes of God that we will make the same mistake over and over again.  The nation of Israel made many of the same mistakes.  In the wilderness they grumbled many times and were punished by God over and over again.  I have always had a motto, "learn the first time and you will not have to go through this again."  When it comes to unpleasant or bad things, I only want to go through them once.  So the first thing I always ask is, "Lord what are you trying to teach me through this?"  The second question is, "Lord, How can I learn from this so I will not make the same mistake twice?"  The word of God has been my source of counsel and quidance through all the storms of life.  If you find yourself going through a hard time then ask these questions and learn what you need to learn during this time and remember this time period will be of shorter duration if you learn your lessons well.  Your attitude during these times is also very important, keep positive and remember, "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose."  God is in your corner.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Household salvation

Today I was thinking about Joshua 24:15 where Joshua is near the end of life and he has called the nation of Israel to himself and he is giving them some final instructions.  He tells the that they have a choice to make.  They can choose the ways and gods of the nations or they can choose the ways of God.  He then states, "Às for himself and his house they will choose the Lord."  The power of choice is such a responsibility.  It carries with it life and death.  We can choose the things of the world which leads to death and destruction or we can serve the Lord which leads to life and salvation.  This choice also affects those around us.  Household salvation does not just happens it is choice.  Everyday we pray, role model and mentor our faith to our family.  When I first came to know the Lord, I made a choice to find a godly wife and raise a godly family.  Everyday, I have prayed and tried to be a consistent Christian by thought, word and deed.  I have tried to show through my faith by a lifestyle of love, acceptance and forgiveness.  The results thus far is all my children are serving the Lord and my oldest grandson is currently serving the Lord.  My belief that when my two other grand children reach the right age of accountability they to will give their hearts to Christ.  Household salvation happens by day to day living and serving the Lord.  Today my exhortation to you is daily give your life to God and over time you will see the promise of Joshua 24:15, you will see you and your house serving the Lord.    

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God`s great Gifts.

   Today in my musing and thoughts, I was thinking about the book of James and how he talks about God`s wonderful gifts.  James writes that every perfect gift comes from the Father above.  James then gives us examples.  God gives us gifts of wisdom, love acceptance and forgiveness.  Wisdom is given so we will have wisdom in our lives to be able to discern and know the perfect will of God as Paul`s says.   Love is given so we will be able to flow in our interpersonal relationship without hindrances and bias.  We can learn to love God, ourselves and others.  Love also allows us to love in such a way that our world is change for the good..  Acceptance is a gift given so we can look at people the way God does.  God is no respecter of persons.  He knows the heart and looks at that instead of the exterior.  Forgiveness a given so we can learn to walk in freedom.  We are forgiven and so in turn we are then able through the Lord forgive those who hurt and offend us.  These are wonderful gifts and through them we can demonstrate the mercy and grace of God.  Gifts like this are given so we can communicate the character and essence of God in our world.  My exhortation to you today is to do this and be a light for Jesus.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The greatest day in History

This morning I was reading in Luke 24:1-8, which describes the greatest day in history.  It was the day that Jesus rose from the dead.  The women had gone to the tomb where Jesus laid and they found it empty.  Two angels appeared and told them that Jesus had risen and to go and see the place where He laid.  Jesus rising from the dead was the ending of a saga for mankind.  Just three days before the earth was dark and it seemed that God had turned his back on the scene but now on the Sunday morning all mankind had a new beginning.  The message of Christianity is one of salvation and redemption for mankind.  The central truth to this message is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Without the resurrection there is no forgiveness of sin.  Jesus' broken body and shed blood secured our salvation and with it with we have new life.  I love being saved and knowing that I have eternal and abundant life.  With that thought in mind, I encourage all of us to serve the Lord in such a manner that reflects these realities.  Like a life pleasing to God and you will have favour with Him and with man.  Be the Lord's ambassador and representative.  Be the bible that people read and reflect Him in every aspect of your life.

Monday, July 23, 2012

One day at a time.

Each day on the Morning Show I pray a prayer about dedicating each day to the Lord.  With this thought in mind, I want to encourage each one of us to live this day as it is our last day on this planet because in reality it could be.  No person has a lease on life.  I remember when I lived in the city of Salmon Arm a story about a man who went up on his roof to shovel the snow off of it.  A task that is ordinary for people who live in the mountains and in areas where large amounts of snow fall.  He went up on the roof as he had down many times before and was doing something he had done before however this time one thing was different.  He fell off the roof and broke his neck and died instantly.  Many were effected by this and one of my neighbors came to me and ask the Lord in their lives because of it.  This person realize how fragile life was and wanted to make sure they were right for eternity.  My question or you this morning is, "Are you ready for eternity?"  I know I am.  With this thought in mind, I encourage you to treat this day and ever day you live as if it was your last day and live in such a way to impact as many people as you can.  As Christians we believe that Jesus could come back anytime.  So act and work as if He will.  We only have one life so I exhort you to live so well that the preacher does not have to lie at your funeral.    

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Lord's prayer.

   In my devotion's today I was looking at Luke 11:1-4 which is the Lord's prayer.  Jesus was asked by His disciples to teach them to pray.  He gave them this wonderful little prayer which you can say in less than 30 seconds, yet this prayer is a model for prayer.  First, hallow His name.  This is a time of praise and worship.  When you hallow the name of the Lord you are acknowledging Him for what He has done and who He is.  Secondly, Thy Kingdom come and thy will be done.  God wishes to establish the Kingdom of God in our hearts.  A kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy.  Thirdly, Give us our daily bread.  God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.  Forgive us as we forgive others.  Forgiveness is so essential in the Christian walk.  This fact can either release or hinder the power of prayer.  Help us to avoid hard testing is the last principle here.  You can avoid temptation by refusing to give into it.  My last thought today is not that you know every principle of prayer but that you pray.  Prayer is the thing that releases God into your heart and His Kingdom.  So get busy and begin praying. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Family of God

This morning in my devotions I was reading from Luke 18:19-21, where Jesus' family came to get Him because He had been acccused of madness.  When they tried to get into the house where He was staying they could not because of the crowd.  They then sent a message inside telling Him His family was outside and they wanted to see Him.  Jesus remarked to His family and the crowd, that His family was those that hear His word and put it into practice.  This pssage has three applications I wish to relate to you this morning.  First, being part of this family is a privilege.  When a person gives their life to Jesus Christ they become part of a greater family call the Body of Christ or the family of God.  We may go to different churches and have different taditions and views but we belong to a large family.  One old preacher put it this way, "We may be travelling in different buses but we are going to the same place."  The second truth or application of this scripture is that we need to hear the word.  The Word of God is our spiritual food.  We need to eat from it everyday.  It is our life.  The third application of this truth is simple.  Those who hear His word must also put it into practice.  Jesus made it clear that those who are in His family are those that put into practice what they hear.  James calls it being doers of the word.  You can read the word all day but if you do not put into practice you are not a member of His family.  Lifestyle must follow the confession.  We must walk the walk.  Talk is cheap, the walk we show tells others that what we have in Christ is real.  So today.  Walk the walk and show you are truly a member of His family. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

God calls His own.

In my devotions today I was reading in Luke 5:27-31 on the calling of Matthew.  I love this story because it speaks so much to the heart of God.  It speaks of how God looks at the heart and not the exterior of man.  Today people are so focus on appearance, and the exterior they forget the real beauty of a person is what is one the inside.  The latest fads, diets, makeup and appearance issues is what is being pushed at people everyday.  The Bible teaches that what is in the heart is the real issues of life.  God sees our heart and what we can become not what we are right now.  God when He called Gideon saw what Gideon was going to become not what he was at the time.  The Lord called him a mighty man of valour long before he had even picked up a sword or fought a battle.  God saw Matthew that day on the seashore not as a tax collector but one day as the writer of one of the books of the Bible.  He saw Matthw the apostle, not Matthew the sinner.  What do you see when you look at people.  Do you see their good and the potential for God or do you just see the exterior.  I encourage you to always look at the heart first.  Some of the most so called beautiful people are the ugliest creatures because of their hearts.  Beauty is not measure by skin, weight or clothing, it is measured by what comes out in the pressures of life.  Be beautiful for God by working on your heart.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Jesus - God with a Face

Today I was reading Luke 3:21-22, which is the story of Jesus baptism by John.  John had been baptising people down at the river Jordan for repentnace.  Jesus came to John to be baptised but John at first refuse until Jesus told John that His baptism would fulfill all things.  When Jesus came up out of the water the Holy Spirit, came upon Him in the form of a dove and a voice spoke out of heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."  This incident is the perfect sign of trinity and unity.  This also was Jesus coming out party.  He was no longer the carpenter from Nazareth.  He was the preacher of truth and righteousness.  God's representative here on earth.  Jesus would show the world what the Father was really like.  Jesus showed Himself for whom He is, God with a face.  Jesus is the perfect blending of the human and the divine.  He is 100% God and 100% man.  The God man.  I love to know that we have a perfect saviour.  Today when you come to the Father through Jesus Christ know that all this was purchase through His death, burial and resurrection.  Jesus' body was broken and He shed His bloood so you and I can have a relationship with God.  This fact must never be overlooked or forgotten.  Your salvation is free but it was expensive for Jesus.  Live and work for Him today.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Great Commission

  I have been away for a couple of weeks working on my house in B.C. so this is my first blog in a while.  In my devotions this morning I was reading about the great commission found in Mark 16:17-18.  This is such a great piece of news.  Jesus said, these signs will follow them who believe.  In his name we will be able to cast out demons.  It is so great to know that no force of hell can stand in our way.  We will speak with new tongues and have the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.  We will be able to pick up serpents and over come any posionous things that come against us.  We will be protected by the Lord.  No matter what we face we will overcome in the name of the Lord.  We will lays hands on the sick and they will recover.  The Lord who is the healer will do the work. As I start again back in the work of the Lord.  I know these promises will be my source and help.  They can be yours as well.